
The Bai Clan's Rise

The story of a young man as he reascends back into the world of Martial Arts and cultivation, after coming back to the world of the living, he now has a new clan to call home. The book cover is not my artwork, if you'd like it taken down please message me on Discord WinslowsArt #5564

WinslowsArt · ตะวันออก
34 Chs

You think brother Hong

Cough, Cough!

"Pick him back up!" - Bai Gui

"I got him." - Bai Ru

"Augh, yuj fucs!" - He Huo Hong

"I can't hear him, wipe his mouth!" - Bai Gui

"I won't let this go, even if my father won't step in, my master will hear of this!"

"What did you say you little brat!" - He Hong

"You heard me, old man!" - He Huo Hong

"Your Grandfather is your master, he won't do anything for you!" - He Hong

... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...


"I got the last laugh, Bai Gui, and screw you father, you never cared but sided with an outsider. Even going to such lengths to teach me your ways, and follow in your steps. I don't believe in any of that shit. Only the strong should prevail, take what you want and kill what you hate." - He Huo Hong

"I got a bad feeling about this, cuz we should move back a little! - Bai Ru

"Okay, but do you feel that ominous and menacing feeling, It feels like ...

"Father get away from him!" - Bai Ru

Hahaha To late


"Wrath of the Baleful Black Ghosts!" - He Huo Hong


"There's no way!" - He Hong

"How could you have that, technique!" - Bai Gui

Hahahaha, didn't see that one coming, you old men!" - He Huo Hong

"Ghost's assemble!" - He Huo Hong






"You idiot, are you trying to destroy the Red Crowned Crane Sect and the He Clan with your actions, do understand your actions and what you are even doing!" - He Hong

"It's too late Senior Brother Hong, he activated that technique, he has a Grateful Gale Ghost in his possession."

"I serve a new master father, not like you and grandfather, you don't even know true power, I'll show you, true power father!" - He Huo Hong

"What new master, your grandfather is your master!"

"The Wail of a Black Ghost purge!" - He Huo Hong

"How is this possible, he's using the residual leftover aura and spirit Qi from his old Soul-Spirit Beast to summon and create a Baleful and menacing Ghost version of our Clan's Red Crowned Crane, but how could he do this to his own bloodline, he is forcibly cutting off his connection to his own He Clan and bloodline! - He Hong

"It's too late for him brother, stand back I don't want you to be responsible for this!" - Bai Gui

"No, I have too or my Ancestor won't forgive me, and for his my wife, I can't let her see him like this if she did there's no telling on what she'd do for her son." - He Hong

"Father what's going on, why did He Huo Hong's Aura change colors, and now he has another Soul-Spirit Beast again?" - Bai Ru

"He is now a part of the Black Way Faction!" - He Hong

"Stay vigilant son, those men in the black hidden robes are, Baleful Ghost's their people that died, and have been converted to living dead cultivators! - They use the souls of the dead then feed them to cultivators that practice Black magic and Death Spirit Qi to create those Baleful Ghost cultivators!" - Bai Gui

"What do we do then!" - Bai Ru

"Channel your Spirit Qi, on the edge of your body, and activate your [ Pure Spirit Clouds Technique ] to fight off the Black and Death Qi, they admit from their body's and then channel Light and Fire Qi into your weapons to do damage to their body's!" - Bai Gui

"Why did you do it son!" - He Hong


"I'm sick and tired of the rules and regulations, I have to follow the rules set by the people that control the continent, and I can't kill the bugs beneath me , when they piss me off. I have to pass my anger off or forgive people when I get into an argument. I should be able to kill and destroy anything I want if it pisses me off!" - He Huo Hong


( My son has clearly lost it, and I fear now that there is no return from this after this fight is all over and done with! )

( You think brother Hong, I fear that what's really going on is not just here, but there is something a play here as well and we're just seeing the tip of the sword that's in front of us and not the assassins within the ceiling waiting to strike at the right time! )


- Up on Acer Palmatum Mountain

"What the heck is going on outside!"

"Augh, if it is that stupid grandson of mine again causing me problems, I'm gonna force him into Closed-door practice this time. I don't give a fuck if my son says he's still young and immature."

( Supreme Elder Tian, there's another disturbance outside again! )

( Yea, Yea I know I was just gonna go outside to check on what was going on? )

( Will you two stop talking through your Spirit Sense, I'm trying to settle my cultivation, I just passed through to the next realm, with you two talking and those idiots outside making a disturbance I can't stay calm. I'm getting pissed off with all the yelling outside and that stupid grandson of yours, Tian has now caused a big problem that, we now have to all leave our retreats. An take care of this before the news of this escape's our Sect's control! ) - 2nd Supreme Elder Huo Hua

( "He's right Grandson, that idiot son of yours, failed to teach your grandson the correct ways of life and had now joined the Black Way Faction!" )

( "GrandFather is that you!!!" ) - 4th Supreme Elder He Tian

( "Cough, cough, yes, damn it's cold in my cave my Cheif Disciple in charge of my cave, isn't doing his job making sure the caregivers take care of my cave's temperature. Cough, cough! )

( I bow to the 3rd Protector of the Red Crowned Crane Sect! ) - 1st Supreme Elder He Kon

( I bow to the 3rd Protector of the Red Crowned Crane Sect! ) - 3rd Supreme Elder Dao

( I bow to the 3rd Protector of the Red Crowned Crane Sect! ) - 5th Supreme Elder Huo Ji

"let's go, there will be no more disturbances!" - 3rd Protector He Huo Lang








- Huo Continent, Silver River Provence

"Get some ice, and water and find a High-class Wizard or a Sorcerer that specializes in healing magic. An get my wife to tell one of the maids to go to the garden and find a Graceful Spirit Fruit on the Great Form tree in the gardens." - Yang Ming-Húa


"It still hurts a little, can you get me some water please!" - Yang Liang

"I still don't understand completely, Yang Ming-Húa if that thing was that strong why haven't I heard of this Bai Clan before?" - Tang Tuo

"I don't really have time for this, I must report what has happened to the Dynasty Head, then find out why there was an awakening, the Bai Clan does Bloodline awakening when their Clansmen turn 15, and that's probably not for another 5 or 10 years. - Yang Ming-Húa

"I don't think Tang Tuo understands the situation completely, and we need to make a report to our Tang Dynasty Head as well!" - Tang Huang

"What's the big deal, Tang Huang!" - Tang Tuo

"Tuo, if that beast just appeared then, that means that it was forcibly awakened or that the master to that Soul-Spirit Beast is in the middle of a fight and chanced upon a lucky break. An for a White Sky Tiger to be released, and possess that much strength means that the magnitude of the situation is bad, and I mean really bad." - Tang Liu

"What happened why is Elder Liang on the ground, Uncle Ming-Húa? - Yang Jiao

"I felt a huge pressure wash over my Manor, Uncle Huang!" - Tang Fēng

"There has been an Awakening, send a messenger Sky Hawk to the Yang Dynasty Head and to our Dynasty Head, there needs to be a Continent assembly! - Tang Huang


- Huo Continent, Jade Island - Yuan Province

"I can feel fighting still going on, and now I can feel the presence that there has been an awakening, what the heck is going on Diplomat Jing!" - Guan Tai

"I'm not sure prince, but we should get right into it and find out what is exactly is going on, but in the meantime, we need to send a messenger pigeon or Sky Hawk to his highness and the Sky Emperor and we should also send one to the Eastern Jade Protector Mansion, just so they can know that we have arrived in their territory so there are no mix-ups! - Diplomat Jing

"Prince we have set up a manor and a barracks within the small town of Tian Hua, in the Hua Vally ahead and have given each household 10 gold coins. Also, prince we found out that there is a mansion within the town belonging to the family of a Baron (男), so we gave them 1000 gold coins and 5 Spirit Jades and a Yellow Grade Spirit Elixir, to alert them of our temporary presence." - Sky Kingdom Liudentent

Your Excentcy Diplomat Jing, we also seem to have alerted the attention of a hidden Sect with the Hua Vally that we didn't know was here, they sent a messenger Sky Hawk to visit their sect before doing anymore actions within their Hua valley !"

"Thank you, Butler Shu!" - Diplomat Jing

"Interesting, I've never heard of a Sect being aloud to possess land within public view? - Guan Tai

"I have the same view, 3rd Prince, if a sect can possess public land here, Sects on the mainland will try to do the same thing, and we can't have people from the mortal and Jianghu society's, finding out about people that live within the Wulin Society." - Diplomat Jing

"An we can't have that now, can we Diplomat Jing!" - 3rd Prince Guan Tai of The Sky Kingdom


- Yuan Province, on the other side of the Hua Valley

"We seem to have guests, from the Mainland Hua Mei!"

"I can see that, Gu Wu!" - Hua Mei

"What do you think there here for?" - Gu Wu

"Don't Know, and I don't care, as long as they leave as quickly as they got here, there won't be any problems. But people from the mainland never understand the ways on Jade Island every time we are visited by them. But it has been almost 600 years since the Island had visitors besides, if there is a problem, will handle it like we always handle our problems!" - Hua Mei




- Huo Continent, Red Crowned Crane Sect

"Now He Huo Hong, we could have avoided all of this, I want you to think real hard! If you didn't do that shit you did over 250 years ago, but then I heard, you went into hiding, then you heard some information about me, then you got real scared and moved back here a little over 200 years ago from the Hubei Provence, in the Divine Wind Empire right!" - Bai Gui

"Shut up Old Man!" - He Huo Hong

"Thrust of the Baleful Gale Precision Strike!"

"Strike against, the clouds!" - He Hong & Bai Gui


After the collision between the three, He Huo Hong, flew straight back into the mountainside and split a couple of hills in half as he went through a couple, spitting up blood and some dirt in his mouth. A He Hong and Bai Gui got pushed back into the ground that they just jumped up from causing cracks and splits to happen on the ground.

At this point after being in a fight with his father and Bai Gui for over 10 minutes straight, after having his Dantian already broken and his veins and over half of his meridians being destroyed. His face started to get pale and purple veins started to spread across his face and body as his eyes were now bloodshot and his pupils were pitch black with purple smoke coming out of his eyes.

He Huo Hong started to growl, and the pressure and killing intent within him started to leak out more and more the further he pushed his new Baleful Ghost powers. The toll on his body was growing, and the constant pressure from his father and Bai Gui was starting to mount more and more causing him to make more and more mistakes in his fight with the two of them!

There were now visible black lines under his eyes looking like he aged 5 years instantly, from all the stress and constant pressure in the fight. The control he had was getting worse and worse as he kept fighting, his techniques were getting more and more sloppy but his strength and speed were steadily growing higher and higher as the fight went on!

He was now physically and mentally exhausted. Cracking sounds were getting louder and louder as the fighting went on, eventually, he found out it was coming from his good arm.

Crack, Crack!

"How is that possible, what the heck is going on!" - He Huo Hong

( I can see whatever technique your son started using, has started to pop up with the negative traits from cultivating that technique. ) - Bai Gui

( I can see that, be careful, his strength and speed keep on get higher, but now there's that baleful purple aura coming out of his arm ! ) - He Hong

"Master, don't worry I will help you!"

"Who the heck is that!" - Bai Ru

"Stop that man, son!"

"It doesn't matter if you stop me!"


"Where the heck do you think you're going!" - Bai Lang


Bai Lang surprised the man, and caught him off guard with his speed, throwing him off and getting distracted instead of trying to continue to help his master He Huo Hong!

"How did you do that!"

"Hey, Tai Lang remember me!"

"What, no way you're supposed to be dead!" - Tai Lang

"Just because we haven't seen each other in a long time, doesn't mean I'm dead Lang. Your gonna pay for what you did. It's great your mixed up in all of this, it helps me from trying to find you when you hide like a rat all of the time in your hideouts! - Bai Lang

"No!!! There's no way, I killed you with our Master!" - Tai Lang

"Oh really, then could I do this!" - Bai Lang

Bai lang grabbed Tai Lang from the back of his head and squeezed hard to grab his hair with his grasp and threw Tai Lang's face into a cliffside, immediately breaking his nose and causing blood to come flowing out of the man's face!

"Ghost 1 and Ghost 2 come over here and help me kill this guy!"


"Hahaha they missed!" - Bai Lang

Bai Lang dodged, and then did a roundhouse kick to Tai Lang's face, causing Tai Lang to go flying back hitting another cliffside and then falling to the ground screaming, and holding his nose.

Seven of the old men that were defeated earlier with the Red Crowned Crane Sect Main Hall had finally gotten up and were now slowly coming to terms that they had picked a fight with the wrong people.

While they were getting up they could hear the several fights going on.

"What's going on?"

"Why is the Sect Leader fighting his own son, with the enemy?"

"Wait a minute!"

"Hey! It's forbidden to take revenge on people after that event and if the ruler of the Huo Continent finds out about this you'll all have your cultivation abolished and your Dantian's destroyed!"

"You idiot! Can't you see the situation right now, it's clearly more serious than that. Shut up and go help the disciples of the Sect to meet up at the main gate, that don't serve under my son!"

"Yes, we hear you and listing to you Sect Leader!" - All of the Elders near the Main Hall