
The Bai Clan's Rise

The story of a young man as he reascends back into the world of Martial Arts and cultivation, after coming back to the world of the living, he now has a new clan to call home. The book cover is not my artwork, if you'd like it taken down please message me on Discord WinslowsArt #5564

WinslowsArt · ตะวันออก
34 Chs

is that a problem?

Once again the Huo continent is rocked by another cultivator, causing problems to arise once again, causing high-level warriors, top-level nobles, and royals to pay attention to the origin of the disturbance.

"What the heck is going on, the Eastern Jade Protector is near the epicenter of the origin of these releases of killing intent and huge masses of energy?"

'Well, clearly something else is going on or the Eastern Jade Protector would have already taken care of the situation, now wouldn't he, Lord ( 木 ) Suzuki?"

"All 4 of the Huo continent's Protectors are in the top 50 of active cultivators, they would only have to worry about certain Sect Masters and a hand of Clan and Family Leaders on the continent, unless...

"Unless what?

"Well, unless they're from one of the other continents, but from what I can sense I don't see the current situation being a problem for any of them!"


"Hmm, what?"

"Haha well now, I can see why the current Grand Elders of the Suzuki family didn't want you to lead them, in the last council meeting."

"Why you little !"



"Don't give me that look, you know what I'm talking about. While other Clans and families are getting ready for the coming of the new era we are about to enter, you are more worried about yourself and instead of putting the family before your self-interests."

"Lady Yun, you should be worried about your position being taken from you!"


"But you didn't hear that from me."

( Take a deep breath, this swine is nothing more than a blood-sucking leech who only cares about money and women, don't stoop to his level or he will deceive you. )

"Lady Yun, so what do you think about the Jade Sect, there being congratulated, in the upcoming summit in a couple of years there's bound to be fighting at the summit when they meet people from the Huo Sect this time."

"Oh, those old farts don't give a crap on what happens, unless their Island is under attack, Lord Yun!"

"Haha, ain't that right!"


In the heart of the Bai Clan's sacred White Crane City, an epic battle raged on again, and the very foundations of the land trembled around, near, and beneath the city, from The sheer magnitude of the clash. Debris floated in the air, and currents of crackling static electricity sparked sporadically around the combatants.

Within a mile's radius of White Crane City, people instinctively looked around, their hair beginning to stand on end as if in response to the gathering of power from the lightning storm that was being formed. From the small normal creates and animals to the large Spirit beast inside the known animal kingdom, were attuned to the subtlest of changes in nature, and reacted with even more urgency as beasts and birds fled the area of their own accord, seeking refuge from the impending upheaval, quicker.

To those who still didn't understand the cause of this turmoil, it felt like the approach of a violent storm or hurricane, causing many to abandon their daily activities and hurry home to shelter from the unknown tempest.

Amidst this turmoil, a chorus of voices rose, disapproving and angry.

They directed their words at Bai Jian, the central figure in this maelstrom. His bold attempt to forcefully awaken his Soul-Spirit and bypass several cultivation steps to attain the Half-Step Nascent Soul Realm was met with scorn and concern.

"The boy keeps thinking if he forcefully raises his cultivation, it will help him with his current problem, haha!"

"Do You still think you can win in this situation, boy?"

"Sir, why are you not worried? The young boy keeps changing, I still can't feel any distress from him, another elder said."

The mockery and disapproval of the onlookers swirled around like a tempest, but Bai Jian remained steadfast. He was locked in a titanic battle, not just against his adversaries but against the demons that haunted his past life, the turmoil of his rebirth, and the immense pressure he faced as the Young Master of the Noble Bai Clan.

The white masked man (Qiang Shizi) who loomed behind Bai Jian was still emitting an overwhelming bloodlust, causing unease within the city's limits, and a little outside the city, with those that were strong enough to feel his presence with the Spirit Sense. While not everyone could see its source, all sensed that something sinister was brewing.

The men perched atop the tower pavilion watched with growing unease as Bai Jian's stopped once again to address current cultivation continued to skyrocket. Elder Bai Zhiyuan, a prominent figure of the Bai Clan, finally spoke out, his voice ringing with conviction.

"I'm going to ask one more time, sir. Who are you in the White Mask and why are you with someone of our clan? Why are you fighting with my clan's city, we don't need you here and where is the Huo Clan?"

He received no immediate response, and a smug expression adorned his face under Qiand Shizi's mask as if he could tell he was grinning under his mask. Elder Zhiyuan was showing a visible frown.

Elder Zhiyuan started to float above the tower again, Qiang followed suit and rose into the air to meet him head-on again.

The situation escalated again to fighting as Elder Bai Zhiyuan and Qiang Shizi both couldn't stand the slight stalemate, they launched their attacks again simultaneously, once again like minutes prior their battle was causing explosions and tremors that rocked the city.

As the clash persisted, the pressure on Bai Jian increased exponentially. He fought not only against the increased 3 times gravity but also the inner demons that sought to thwart his ascent. His inner turmoil was compounded by the memories of his past life, where he had been betrayed by his Immortal uncle and endured great suffering.

Yet, Bai Jian's fervent desire transcended all adversity. He longed to be remembered, not as an ordinary cultivator who faded into obscurity but as a name that would echo throughout the realms, striking fear into his enemies and inspiring the young and the ambitious. This ambition drove him to press forward, even as his surroundings trembled from the intense battle between the elders and his new loyal friend Qiang Shizi.

Elder Bai Zhiyuan, struggling against Qiang Shizi, began to lose ground. His robe showed signs of wear, and his appearance began to deteriorate, while Qiang Shizi remained a symbol of grace and strength.

But Bai Jian was not finished. With an explosive burst of energy, he teleported behind Elder Bai Zhiyuan, delivering a fierce blow. His transformation into a white, ethereal figure signaled his progression into a higher state of consciousness. Bai Jian's aura became overwhelming, and his Qi surged uncontrollably as he entered an overload state.

Elder Bai Zhiyuan, baffled by Bai Jian's other new sudden transformation, protested, "How dare you strike me, boy? I am your elder!" Yet, the battle raged on.

Bai Jian, now in a semi-unconscious state again, fought Elder Bai Zhiyuan once more like a wild beast than a human.

The two clashed with chaotic intensity, causing destruction in their wake. Buildings shook, and small explosions erupted with each collision.

The exchange continued, with Bai Jian's strikes growing more erratic and destructive.

Elder Bai Zhiyuan attempted to reason with him, "There's more to fighting than just being fast and strong. You have no proper stance and are blindly lashing out toward me."

At this point, Bai Jian's relentless attacks were causing more damage to his surroundings than to his opponent.

He took a step back, unintentionally creating a moment of reprieve for Elder Bai Zhiyuan.

As Bai Jian drew his rage up from within himself, thinking of all his failures past and present he once again took another deep breath, his face contorted with hard effort and pain, and he unleashed another Roar soundwave attack of unparalleled intensity.

The entire city fell silent again, but this time it was almost for nine seconds, as though the world had been robbed of again of sound. This phenomenon sent chills down the spines of those who felt it, creating an eerie anticipation of what was to come.

Jade Island, on the eastern coast of the Huo continent, stood in stark contrast.

The Eastern Jade Protector and the Eastern Jade Phoenix were well aware of the situation now and instructed everyone to shield themselves with their auras again in anticipation of the impending sound blast.

As the silence stretched on, the entire Huo continent became aware of the disturbance. High-level warriors, nobles, and royals were compelled to pay attention to the source of this release of energy and killing intent. Speculation and intrigue spread like wildfire.


Back on Jade Island, the weather grew darker again, and the temperature plummeted even more now.

Elder Bai Zhiyuan and a couple of the other elders who came to the eventful evening are starting to regret coming down the mountain to all the fighting.

"You stupid brat, you're forcefully awakening your Soul-Spirit, do you have a death wish?

Bai Jian was currently fighting himself within his mind, on the other hand, he wanted to let his anger, take over and break him through temporarily so he could withstand the backlash from creating an inner demon of the mind while also suppressing it at the same time.


Within Bai Jian's body, his veins and blood were boiling and his body temperature was steadily rising.

He was absorbing Spirit Qi forcefully and dangerously trying to expand his meridians and break his golden cores and reform them into one single thing, so he could ascend to the next stage.

Within White Crane City, Bai Jian continued his titanic struggle, with Elder Bai Zhiyuan and the other elders filled with fear and hesitation. They knew that intervening could put them in poor standing with the clan, but they also recognized the grave danger Bai Jian was facing.

As Bai Jian battled the crushing gravitational forces and fought against his inner demons, his veins boiled, and his body temperature soared. He absorbed Spirit Qi way more forcefully, striving to expand his meridians and overhaul his core, all while ascending beyond three cultivation stages in one go.

Bai Jia was skipping more than 3 steps and going straight for the Half-step Nascent Soul Realm.

Bai Jian's relentless determination and the overwhelming pressures he faced painted a vivid picture of his unyielding spirit, as he pushed himself to the brink of his limits, all in the pursuit of an ambition that transcended the boundaries of his current mortal-like existence.

Amidst the colossal turmoil of physical and spiritual pressures that bore down upon himself, he stood as a beacon of unwavering determination, a tempest of indomitable will in the face of overwhelming adversity. The world around him quaked, and the very fabric of reality almost seemed to bend to the awesome force that emanated from this young teenage cultivator.

In the crucible of his mind, his thoughts became a whirlwind of chaos and contemplation, a tumultuous convergence of past and present, where the echoes of those who had doubted him reverberated with a sharpness that cut deeper than any blade. The memory of the scorn he had endured from within his own clan was etched into the very core of his being, a testament to the depths of his resolve.

Every taunt, every sneer, and every moment of belittlement he had endured in his past life had now transformed into the fuel that stoked an unyielding flame within him, burning brighter than ever as he embraced his new future. He alone possessed the fire to battle not only the internal conflict of his inner demons and the crippling doubt that gnawed at his very soul but also the external pressures from friends, family, and the weight of new expectations placed upon him by his newfound clan. His journey wasn't merely one of personal growth; it was a relentless pursuit of vengeance against the prince who had stolen his beloved in his previous life and a thirst for retribution against his treacherous uncle who had ruthlessly seized his father's throne.

Yet, it was not solely the internal conflict that weighed upon him; it was the ominous specter of The Huo Clan and Huo Sect was inextricably intertwined, ruled by the same influential figures, thus raising the intriguing possibility that they were acting under the guidance of a higher power from the upper realms or even a previously unseen cosmic entity playing with the people, mortal and low ranking cultivators on this planet. This connection was more than just a matter of shared leadership; it hinted at a profound purpose. It wasn't merely the internal conflicts that weighed upon him, but the foreboding specter of the Huo Sect, a newfound adversary with the potential to disrupt the delicate equilibrium of the entire cultivation world on this planet, not just for him but the Azure Clan the ruled this planet and many like it or not.

Their newfound reach extended far beyond the confines of this continent, impacting not only our clan's Jade Island but the broader Azure Clan's control of this Mortal planet. The nagging question kept lingering, like a ringing sound in your ear that was taking a long time to go away - could they be mere provocateurs, or were they sent on a cryptic mission? This shadow of uncertainty loomed over his chosen path, and he could acutely sense the approaching tempest that threatened to challenge the very essence of his existence. The stakes were nothing short of astronomical, and the burden he bore was indeed monumental.

In the realm of the unknown, the enigma of their new presence in his life loomed large on Bai Jian. The fighting and intrigue and mystery weren't just confined to a singular territory or area where the Huo Clan and their Huo Sect resided, but they somehow held some power to influence far beyond the shores of Jade Island and the Azure Clan's dominion over this planet on this continent where we live. The nagging question persisted, an elusive tune that refused to wane - were they mere catalysts of discord or agents of an intricate mission? This veil of uncertainty veiled his chosen path, and he could acutely sense the approaching tempest that threatened to upend the very essence of his existence. The stakes were monumental, and the burden he carried weighed heavily on his shoulders.

But like all good things, most of the time they ended, and the persistent question about the Huo Clan and their Huo Sect lingered like a haunting refrain - were they mere instruments of chaos or the architects of an enigmatic mission? This shadow of uncertainty cast an eerie shroud over his path, and he could keenly sense the approaching tempest that threatened to unravel the core of his existence. The stakes were astronomical on this planet, and the burden he bore was nothing short of monumental, as Bai Jian hadn't even reached one of the lower spirit realms above, as he was stuck on this planet inside the Mortal Plane Realm Universe.

Through it all, Bai Jian's deepest desire, an unwavering yearning, transcended the excruciating physical torment and mental tumult that wracked his being. His ambition soared beyond the realm of personal achievement, beyond the confines of his existence. He aspired to be more than a fleeting visage in the vast sea of cultivators, determined to etch his name not just into the annals of his realm but into the very fabric of existence.

His name, he wished, would resonate throughout the inner realms, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies and inspiring awe in the souls of the young and the ambitious. From the humble origins of the lower mortal realms, where his journey had begun, to the ethereal realm where otherworldly beings roamed, and even to the lofty peaks of the Immortal realm, a domain ruled by kings, emperors, and formidable spirit beasts, Bai Jian's ambition knew no bounds.

In his previous life, he had been the guardian of his clan's throne in the upper realm, a valiant hero who had fearlessly confronted his treacherous uncle and his malevolent progeny. His ultimate sacrifice had been made in the name of justice, a testament to his unwavering dedication to righteousness.

Yet, his existence had also been marked by tragedy. His beloved had been torn from his side, claimed by a prince from the upper Divine Realm. This prince, a disciple of an imposing Elder from a Sect residing in the awe-inspiring Heavenly Realm, symbolized the legendary realm where the mightiest of humans ascended to divinity.

They battled beings from other worlds and safeguarded their universe, under the watchful gaze of Yù Yuhuang, the Heavenly Jade Emperor, the ruler of the celestial empire.

Within this divine realm, deities and immortals stood united, their purpose to protect the very fabric of reality and history itself. It was in the presence of such grandeur that Bai Jian's ambitions were kindled.

Bai Jian's aspirations extended beyond the boundaries of ordinary ambition. He sought not only to be remembered but to transcend his existence, to carve a legacy that would resonate through the vastness of realms. From the tumultuous upper realms to the enigmatic and ethereal upper chaos realms, his name would echo through the annals of time, an inspiration to all, a source of awe, and a harbinger of reverence.

Elder Bai Zhiyuan approaches the white-masked figure and demands answers again, "Can you speak or are you deaf?"

I can speak, but watching you become frustrated is more exciting than fighting you head-on, but I don't answer to you, I answer to him, as he says that he points to Bai Jian, why is that a problem?

As that is explained to Elder Bai ZhiYuan, it just raises more question than answers for him, once again like clockwork his face show frustration again, with a small vein showing up on his forehead this time though.

The white-masked man remains silent, a hint of smugness in his demeanor, and maybe as a way of difference, instead of responding anymore to him. Frustration crosses Elder Zhiyuan's face and grows face with rage.


Elder Zhiyuan ascends into the air above the city, and Qiang Shizi follows suit, escalating their fierce clash, causing explosions and tremors that reverberate throughout the city.

As the battle between Elder Bai Zhiyuan and the white-masked Qiang Shizi rages on, Bai Jian's internal struggles mirror the chaos of the battlefield. He grapples not only with the oppressive gravitational forces but also with the inner demons that threaten to impede his ascent. Memories of his previous life, marked by betrayal and suffering at the hands of his Immortal uncle, haunt him.

Nevertheless, Bai Jian's deepest desire transcends these adversities. His aspiration extends beyond personal achievement to being remembered as a name that resonates throughout the realms, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies and inspiring the young and ambitious. This ambition fuels his determination even more as his surroundings grow in size and danger and the ground and air begin to tremble from the ongoing battle again.

As the battle between Elder Bai Zhiyuan and the white-masked Qiang Shizi continued once again Bai Jian persisted, Bai Jian's next move would determine his path toward the Nascent Soul Realm, with the Bai Clan and White Crane City as witnesses to the beginning of his incredible new journey.

With his spirit pushed to its limits, Amidst the turmoil, Bai Jian whispers to himself, "Remember, just remember what you've gone through. Don't let it all be for nothing. I've reached the Nascent Soul Realm before, and I can do it again."

These words became his mantra, a reminder of his indomitable and unwavering will and the relentless determination that had brought him to this pivotal moment.

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