
The Avianwolf

In a world partially dominated by Ravens, Phoenixes (Avian) and werewolf, A Child was born. He had the blood of a Raven, Phoenix and Werewolf; he was an Avianwolf. He was hated amongst all the species, because they never saw eye to eye. The three species were pure Rivals. With the help of his witch friend, he laid a curse on them to never be able to mate with other species so they couldn't get an Avianwolf. A phoenix was surprisingly mated to a Raven, And then Emily was born. When she found out what she was, life became hard for her. She was being attacked by both Ravens and Phoenixes, as she was partly their enemy. She falls in love with a werewolf and then they had a son (An avianwolf) , she knew her son would face more challenges than she had, so with the help of a witch, she locked his powers in a cave far away and gave him up for adoption. Read the book to know what happened after then. Book cover by Jabo graphics.

Emzest_Inale · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 10

On Monday, it was 6:30 a.m. Michael awoke with a yawn, his arms spread high in the air. He went downstairs and grabbed a beer.

Since the transformation, Chris had not returned home. Michael had gone to the woods several times to look for him, but he always returned fatigued and disappointed. 

Michael drank the beer all the way down to his room. He needed to go to work; he hadn't worked since Chris changed (into a wolf) and vanished. He went to his closet and pulled out a faded blue-jean trouser and a simple coffee-brown T-shirt.


Emily was getting ready for work. Her resumption time was 7:30 a.m. She didn't want to be late, she was fed up with being cooped up at home; she had been grounded. When she returned home from the pool party, her mother was furious.

She couldn't even go out with Giselle like they typically did on Saturday. She hadn't left her house in two days, and her work was the only thing that could help her break free from the cage. 


Emily was in a cab on her way to work. She didn't ride her bike since she was exhausted from pedaling two kilometers every day. Her legs were so heavy that she felt as if they were encrusted with large stones.

She called Giselle because she hadn't heard from her since the pool party. 

On the phone,  Giselle said, "Hey girl." 

"Hey, I haven't heard from you since the pool party," Emily spoke.

"My parents took our phones and put us on a two-day phone ban. They were enraged by everything that had occurred. " Giselle explained.

"Just two days? My mother has ordered that I be grounded until further notice. I've just been there two days, but it feels like I've been there for a long time. " Emily expressed herself. 

"I couldn't believe I was being grounded for attending that horrible pool party. That was the worst pool party I've ever been to in my seventeen years of existence. " Giselle clarified.

"Okay, I have to go." Emily told Giselle as the car neared Emily's place of work. 

She walked into Nich's eatery after getting out of the cab. 


She got ready and started working immediately. 

When she spotted Michael in the kitchen, putting some things in order, she remembered the pool party and she shuddered.

Although, She was relieved that he had arrived in time to save her and Giselle, but the vision of his fangs and blood-soaked claws stayed with her.

"Good morning, Em." He greeted Emily warmly. 

She only muttered, "Mmhmm," before walking away. 

She observed Elsa organizing wines and soft drinks in the refrigerator on her way out and decided to inquire as to why she didn't attend the party. 

 "I had far more important things to do." Elsa gave a straightforward response. 

"At the party, something unusual happened." Emily was going to tell Elsa the gist when Elsa lifted her hands in the air, signaling her to stop. 

"A man who looked like a beast, harassed you and your friend. And how is he doing? The one who has been bitten. " Emily was taken aback when Elsa asked.

"If you weren't there, then how come you knew what happened?" Emily asked, blinking numerous times as she attempted but failed to answer the conundrum in her thoughts. 

Elsa's gaze was drawn to Emily. She was at a loss for words. Inwardly, she cursed her tongue for letting those words slip out. 

"Um," she remarked after swallowing. "Have you seen Chris? It's unusual for him to not show up at work. " Emily didn't like the thought of switching topics, but she knew Elsa was correct. Chris doesn't miss his shift. 

She looked at Elsa for a few moments before turning and walking towards the door. Elsa followed, and the two of them proceeded in search of Michael.


 Michael was grilling a chicken when they ran into him in the kitchen. 


"Michael, What's the matter with Chris? He's not at work. " The first to speak was Elsa. 

"He, uh, he went to see one of his friends. He intends to spend a few days there." Michael inhaled deeply. 

Elsa met his gaze squarely, and before Michael returned his gaze to Elsa, he blinked several times and darted his eyes around the kitchen. 

Elsa scrutinized him with her brows arched. He turned around and went back to his original task. 

He wasn't believed by the two young ladies. They walked away with a shrug. They knew something wasn't right, but Micheal refused to tell them what it was.

When they got a little further away from the kitchen, Elsa feigned needing to use the restroom urgently. She excused herself from Emily and went to meet Michael in the kitchen.

"Micheal," she said, as she walked over to him and drew his arm around to face her. She peered into his eyes while holding his bare hand. 

Michael didn't respond right away. He was taken aback and wondered what she was up to. 

Micheal frowned. "What are you doing?" he asked after a while, pulling his hand away from hers. 

"He didn't pay anyone a visit, did he?" Elsa inquired, her brows raised and her head nodding slightly.

"He did," Michael said, nodding.

Then Elsa said, "No, he didn't. He became stuck in the body of a real wolf." 

"Elsa? Reduce the volume of your speech. " Michael checked to see if there were any other people in the kitchen except for the two of them. "How did you learn about it?" He asked. 

"I can assist." Her earnestness was etched all over her face as she stated this. 

"What do you mean?" Michael moved in closer to avoid missing whatever she was about to say.

Michael grimaced as she replied, "I'm kind of a psychic." She breathed. "However, I've been attempting some spells recently, and they seem to be working. I'll see what I can do about finding a spell that will turn Chris back into human form. " 

"So, you're a witch?" Michael asked with a frown.

"I don't know." Elsa spoke, and walked away.

Michael smiled and nodded, his face brightening slightly. He hoped everything would go smoothly and he'd be reunited with his brother. 

Emily was getting ready to leave around 3:30 p.m. She had been ignoring and avoiding Michael throughout the day. She was aware that he was dangerous, She saw his fangs and sharp claws dimly that night as he stood in the dark.

"Do you think he's a werewolf?" As she raised her hand to hang her apron where she always kept it, she wondered aloud. She didn't want to believe her words, so she shut her eyes and shook her head, directing her thoughts elsewhere. 

"No. He can't possibly be a-" Michael was standing immediately behind her when she turned around. She kept the words in her mouth and didn't let them out.

He hurriedly came closer to her as she began to walk away. 

"Are you trying to avoid me?" With a grimace on his face, he inquired as he drew closer, until they were only an inch apart. 

"No," Emily replied. As she began to quiver, she tried to remain calm. Her breathing became frantic and erratic. 

"Are you afraid of me?" Micheal was curious.

"What... makes you... believe... I am...?" She inquired, trying hard not to stutter, but she couldn't help it. 

He looked at her for a moment before saying, "Look, I'm truly sorry for the incident at the party. It was all down to me. I should have known better than to take you there in the first place."

"Why? Because I'm human? " Emily inquired, this time more boldly. She was about to ask him a question he had been avoiding. "What... are you?" 


He locked his gaze on her for a few moments. He had a feeling she was going to bring it up. 

"I swear, I'll make it up to you." He gave a sly grin.

"Okay, so Returning to the original question, what are you, Mike? " She wasn't going to let him change the subject again.

He turned around and frustratedly swept his hair backwards with his right hand across his forehead. 

"Mike, tell me what you are?

Are you some kind of terrible beast that subsists on blood? Or are you one of those cold-blooded individuals? " 

"Em, I'm a werewolf!" He roared. He couldn't stop himself from yelling. Her words pierced him like knives every time they came out of her mouth. 


His eyes were flashing green, and he was halfway transformed.

It took everything she had not to pass out. Her tremors were uncontrollable. She sucked in her breath and found it difficult to exhale. 

He strode up to her, smirking darkly and flashing his fangs. She attempted to go back, but her back collided with the wall. Was he irritated by her question? She pondered. She now regrets having asked.


"Mi... Mi... Micheal," Emily stuttered. 


Michael continued to approach her in an even more petrifying manner. 

"Michael!!! " She screamed. 

He came to a halt, closing his eyes and clenching his fists. He opened his eyes seconds later, and they were back to their normal dark brown color.


He bit his lips angrily; he had just let his wolf out in front of Emily. He was certain he had frightened her.

"I'm so sorry, Em." He apologized. Now Emily wasn't frightened anymore; she was furious.

She held her hands in the air, gesturing him to hold the apology. She grabbed her bag and walked outside.


The next day, Emily went to Giselle's house to check on Jacob. He was recovering really quickly, and his parents didn't know about anything that happened.


Emily was about to tell Giselle what had happened between her and Michael at her work place, when they both heard a scream from upstairs. 

They dashed upstairs and found Jacob in excruciating pain; they rushed to him and found him bleeding profusely from his nose, ears and mouth.

Giselle was at a loss for what to do at the time, as the bleeding continued unabatedly. 

 She lifted his head off the floor and placed it on her thigh with trembling hands. 


Her eyes welled up with hot tears, and she raised those eyes to Emily, who had been standing and watching as if she'd had an epiphany, "Call an ambulance." She told Emily.

"No, We should contact Michael because the bite is beginning to harm him. " Emily spoke as she rushed to dial Michael's number on her phone.

Giselle sat on the floor and observed Emily without saying anything. 


Emily talked fast once Michael picked up the phone. 

"Um, Michael, I believe the bite is affecting Jacob. He's bleeding." Walking back and forth, Emily expressed her thoughts. 

"Oh my God..." Michael let out a gasp, and his breathing could be heard. He said, "Send me your address."

She got off the phone and texted Michael Giselle's address. 

Fifteen minutes later, Michael banged his fist impatiently on the door. 


Giselle opened the door and led him to Jacob's room. 

When they opened the door, he hurried to Jacob, scouring him with his gaze. Jacob had passed out.

"Where are your parents?" When Michael asked, Giselle caught Michael's gaze. 

"They're not here." Giselle answered.

"Are they aware he was bitten?" Michael asked, and Giselle shook her head.

"We need to get him out of here as quickly as possible, Let's take him to my place. " Michael carried Jacob. "I've parked my car on the side of the road."

Michael carried him on his shoulder to the car. 


He drove rapidly, and five minutes later, they arrived at Michael's house.

Emily discovered Elsa on the sofa when he pushed the door open. 

"Why is she here?" Emily questioned Michael. 

"Long story," he said as he laid Jacob down on the long sofa. 

"What's wrong with him?" Elsa inquired. 

"He has been bitten, and his body is rejecting it." Michael, who was unsure of what to do next, said.

"Will he die?" Giselle yelled. 

Michael stared blankly at the tiled floor and muttered, "We need a healer," His eyes widened, as a thought ran through his mind. "Wait a minute." He hurriedly drew out his phone and dialed Rachael's number.


She might be able to find him a healer from her pack. 

He talked to Rachael about what was going on, and she promised to rush down to his place with a healer.


She was always cruel to others, but she has never refused Michael, regardless of the cost. 

Rachael appeared in a flash, with a man who appeared to be in his late fifties but was still agile and well-built. 

When the man entered, he took a position beside Jacob's unconscious body and observed him for a few moments. 


The man sat down on his knees and closed his eyes, focusing intently on his healing abilities. His hands were extended out, and when he opened his eyes after a while, they turned white. 

He tried to put his hands on Jacob's body, but it repelled him like two identical magnetic poles. The man frowned, his face etched with confusion. 


He tried again, but his hands resisted, and a surge of wind blew into the room, encircling the healer and Jacob. 

The wind became increasingly stronger, and all the papers and other light objects in the room were being blown about. 


The healer tried pressing his hands on Jacob's body once more, and the same thing happened. 

Elsa became aware of the healer's difficulties and had an idea. She rushed to Michael and dragged him over to the where the healer was. However, it was tough because they had to struggle through the strong wind.

Elsa took Michael's hand in hers and placed her other hand on the healer's neck before passing powers from Michael to the healer. The healer's hand reached down to Jacob's body but came to a halt in mid-air; he pressed it down but it wouldn't go any farther. 

The healer felt energy flowing into his body a few moments later, and he drove his hands down as hard as he could. His hand slammed against Jacob's torso. The wind blasted across the room, propelling them all into the air, where they all plummeted to the ground with a resounding thud, obeying the law of gravity. 

When the wind died down, after a few moments, Jacob opened his eyes and sat up.


Giselle and Emily jumped to their feet and dashed over to him. 

Michael straightened up and, taking a deep breath, he untwisted his fractured arm, yelping in pain and bowing his head. 


When he observed someone standing in front of him, he raised his head and looked the healer in the eyes. 

The healer shook his head slightly and moved closer to Michael, and said, "He needs to die. Kill him now before it's too late."