A random dude goes to a Fantasy world, as the one and only, Dracula! Well, kind of... A/N : My second novel. This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. P.S. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there.
"Well, ain't this cliché..." I say as I look towards a "humanoid" with a bunch of swirling galaxies as a body.
"It is." Says "galaxy" man.....
"Sorry, but who are you exactly...? I mean I know what you are... or I think?" I say.
"I am.... Nobody." says nobody....
"So... Mr. Nobody?" I ask, perplexed.
"You could call me that, has a nice ring to it. So, how about we get straight to the point?" says Mr. Nobody.
"You will get four wishes and a world of your choosing, pretty good deal, isn't it lad?" says Mr. Nobody.
"Four.. thanks?" I ask, kind of happy and surprised.
"No problem. Just don't go overboard, it doesn't work like that. You get it right no o-" says Mr. Nobody, before I cut him of.
"Yeah none of the O's" I say.
"Good. So go on. But... before that, what world you wanna go to?" says Mr. Nobody.
"A fantasy world, you know bunch of supernatural creatures, fantasy creatures, dragons, monsters and the clichés things you know and a little you know steam-punk here and there, but rare, maybe more connected to the Dwarves. I would also like the world to be bigger than earth, a lot of lands/continents. As well as.... Pantheons." I say.
"Interesting.... and by pantheons, you mean gods?" asks Mr. Nobody.
"Yes, from my world, you know like Norse, Greek, and so on." I say.
"Alright... onto the wishes then." says Mr. Nobody
"My first and second wishes are connected. For the first wish I would like a Transcendent Vampire Physiology. As for the second... I want a Norse Deity's Physiology..." I ask.
"Hmm... That is very intriguing.... and that is the reason why I denied myself from seeing your choices... very interesting... Though sadly it isn't possible." says Mr. Nobody.
I look surprised and ask "Why isn't it possible?"
He replies by saying "Transcendent Vampires are extremely chaotic and unnatural, and they are special, in the way that they are usually not bound or chained by the constraints of the laws of their respective universe. Thus, I can't make you something that is nearly omnipotent... but..."
"But?" I ask, full of hope.
"I can make your Physiology to be a Norse Deity's and a Vampire Lord, this should make you a somewhat Pseudo-Transcendent-Vampire. From there, the rest is up to you, to become something more, more powerful." he says, and I nod happily.
"Alright, now for the Norse Deity's Physiology you will have to choose which group, Aesir, Vanir, or Jotun. As well as, who's going to be your parent." says Mr. Nobody.
"Parent?" I ask confused.
"Yeah. You will need to be a child of a Norse Deity. Depending on the background you choose after we conclude your second wish. So you will have to choose who is the Norse god or goddess that well... gives you the 'Physiology'." says Mr. Nobody.
"I will go with... Thor." I said.
"Alright, now to the background." says Mr. Nobody.
"I think you are better at that than I am." I say.
"As you wish. Now, back to the wishes though.... when you said connected... you mean fused?" says Mr. Nobody.
"Yeah... they are not fused, but more like coexisting with each other. Without there being drawbacks, and negative effects from them." I say.
"That is possible. Next wish." says Mr. Nobody.
"For my third wish... I want a form of power/ability that allows me to gain powers or abilities through certain repeated actions, as well as being able to unlock abilities and powers much more efficiently and effectively rather than immediately." I say.
"Okay, next." says Mr. Nobody.
"For my fourth and final wish, I would like an AI, very powerful and intelligent. It doesn't necessarily need to have vast knowledge, rather a sufficient knowledge of the world, and can learn more about it. One more thing, it can't do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, against me and it can't disobey me. It completely obeys and listens to my every command, with RESPECT. I will name it from now on. I want it's name... or his name to be, Archibald." I ask hopeful.
"Alright, I will give it to you, why not." says Mr. Nobody and continues "Now, to your appearance."
A tab in front of my eyes appear, I see a bunch of options. I start exploring them when I decided to ask Mr. Nobody "I would like to look somewhat similar to Luke Evans, specifically from Dracula Untold." and he nods. I choose my height to be 188 cm or 6'1 and an aesthetic physique, with a little bulk. At last, dark brown hair.
"I am done." I say, smiling.
"Well, it is been good talking to you, although you did most of it." says Mr. Nobody, smiling.
"It is been good knowing you, Mr. Nobody." I say.
"Well lad, have a nice adventure." says Mr. Nobody as he snaps his finger and everything goes dark.
~Please Read The Bottom Part~
{A/N : Please read this. Well that was, interesting.... I wrote a lot. Firstly, I will address the world once more, it will be very fantasy like with a little be of steam-punk, rare but it will be there, mostly with the dwarves, like flintlocks/pistols and so on, but very steam-punkish. There will be deities, some I will make up and some from our world's pantheons. There will be a lot of continents, don't know how many but there will be.
For example of one of the continents, still will decide a name, it will be like Scandinavia with an "Island" east of it, that is part of, as you have guessed, the Norse pantheon, which is Iceland, their influence is concentrated in these lands. They will not be shaped like our worlds but similar. Some pantheons will have influence in other parts of the world.
Secondly, he will have some powers from both his physiologies, some are dormant and need awakening, either by himself or an external force. I will link the wiki's for the physiologies so you can browse the powers. He will unlock some existing in the physiologies and some new. He will keep getting powerful the more he uses said abilities/skills or training or whatever. Lastly, the castle, it will be temporary but I decided for a look, two pictures will be in the comment of this paragraph. Choose which one you think is better or add a picture... Might like it, making it the chosen castle.}