Yume, an artist who's artworks were slowly being underappreciated, was about to throw all her work when her sketch book suddenly lets out all her works right before her eyes, making her be inside her own sketch book. She met Naozumi, the name of the single male art she ever did. After encountering Naozumi inside her sketch book, she stumbles upon adventures of the story she never notice of her art. Will she ever be able to go back to reality? Will she ever have the compassion for art again?
"No, that is not what I wanted, I won't pay for that," the woman said before leaving Yume sitting inside the restaurant they decided to meet in for the order to be delivered.
She's used to customers leaving her because the art she made is not what they wanted.
"You said a woman with long black hair and red eyes who's holding a pot in her hands with flowers in the background is what you want. I did it, but now..." Yume sighs before leaving the bill for her coffee order that she enjoyed while waiting for her customer for almost an hour.
She took the framed sketch and went on her way.
She wears a brown short jumper with a stripped black and white long sleeves with her black rubber shoes.
Her bangs made her feel like it's blocking her view and making it blurry while her short hair made her vulnerable to the cold.
"Why did I wear shorts?" She whispers before entering her apartment.
The small space and cold ambiance made her shiver once more.
She has seven cactus in the entrance of her apartment with an aquarium which has two goldfish in it.
Leaving her shoes, she immediately went to change her clothes in a pajama raccoon jumpsuit .
"Ah, this is comfortable," she said while laying down on her bed.
The walls are full of arts that her customers did not take.
Suddenly, her eyes became blurry.
"Ah, my bangs are annoying," she whimpers while wiping her tears.
"Another one," she said while looking at the space left on her wall that will be filled by the art that her customer today refused to take.
After sleeping from her crying last night, she woke up determined- determined to throw all her art work and continue her college course that she dropped to pursue her passion.
She stands up, took all the boxes which are filled by art material and put them on a garbage bag.
She did not feel anything other than the pain of tiredness.
Then she took her sketch book and one by one puts them on the other garbage bag.
Suddenly, she stops while staring at an old sketch book.
It was the first sketch book that she had.
It was her practicing sketch book.
It has all her passion that is slowly disappearing now.
She stops and sits on her bed while looking at her first arts one by one, and her bangs once again made her vision blurry until tears dropped on the sketch book.
Her sobs won't stop and her hands began to tremble when she once again felt the pain in her chest.
Her breathing became shallow and her throat became painful whenever she suppress her sobs.
"Sorry," she said while looking at the first guy she draw.
It was based on a crush she had during her college years.
It does not look that good but it captures her crush's appearance.
Beautiful eyes, soft lips, bright smile and heart striking hair style.
She suddenly smiles before standing up.
"I might as well pursue what you graduated in."
Yume was taking Medical Technology course and on her second year, that was when she decided to drop and pursue art.
She was about to drop the sketch book on the garbage bag when the book suddenly shakes on its own and floated.
It scared Yume that she took a lot of steps back making her trip on some art material that she will discard.
"Oh my pen! What is happening?!" She shouts and started crawling away but the floor suddenly changed colors.
It looks like watercolor was spilled on the floor.
Her surroundings even changed.
There were roses around and other shapes that she loves to draw.
She looked back and saw the sketch book wide open with her arts were coming out, or more like she was being pulled inside her own sketch book.
She tried to hang on her table but it suddenly disappeared and changed into a tree.
"WHAT THE?" She shouts when she saw herself in a very new and different place.
It has all her art around her.
The trees and flowers she draws were in front of her and she can touch them.
She was filled with excitement and fear.
The breeze smells like her cologne.
The sky was colored blueish green like how she usually colors it, it makes her feel like she's underwater.
The animals that she draws were also there, as well as the failed frog that she drew in her first sketch book.
She's in a forest full of her nature related art before she past the bridge that is between the forest and the city.
She giggled while looking at the failed frog unable to catch the fly with its defective curvy tongue.
"This is amazing!" She shouts, catching the attention of her human arts waling along the street.
She saw the woman that holds a pot cross the street.
She saw a kid with an airplane toy following her.
She saw all her works come to life.
"I wish I could stay here," she whispers while sitting on a bench at the park.
Watching the stick guy throw a stick for the dog to catch but instead it bite the stick guy.
"You can," a voice says.
She looked at her right side and was surprised to see the art that she loves dearly.
"Nao?" She whispers.
"Yeah?" The art Naozumi answers while watching the stick guy with a smile on his face.
Yume's face suddenly heats up and her heart suddenly went crazy, she avoided looking at him and turned her head opposite from him.
"You know, you can stay here," he said before looking at her, "But you need to help us keep the life and color of this world."
She can feel that he's looking at her which made her look back to him immediately.
She's always like that when it comes to Naozumi, she can't stand a minute without looking at him when he's looking at her.
His eyes make her feel calm and happy, which she needed.
"What?" She asks since she really was not listening earlier.
"It's been a while since this started. But our world suddenly loses its color, and people were starting to disappear and there were not a lot of new guys unlike before that almost everyday, there's a new guy," he said with sad eyes and frown.
"Maybe, you can stop the door from closing," he added before looking at a mountain.
The breeze suddenly changed, it's not sweet anymore like her cologne.
It's cold and sad.
It somehow reminds her of the fragrant that the man who first denied her art uses or more like the feeling she felt during that time.
"You can make her alive again, right? The creator we had, you can beat her heart again to make her open the door to other creations and to the colors that makes this world, Yu? "