
The Another Life Of The Princess

The coup carried out by the husband of princess Elizabeth made the Emperor and the empress die in a gripping night. Including, Princess Elizabeth. The Lagarda royal empire was thrown into chaos in just one night. Luckily the crown princess, Cathrine, survived after going through a series of self-rescue that left her exhausted all night. With the help of George, son of the Duke and Duchess of Landed, Catherine manages to escape the terrifying palace. Even so in fact she could not walk any further. The morning sun had risen and was slowly burning her cursed body. In the midst of her pain, the princess was very angry at the God who played with her life. She was very annoyed because for eighteen years she had only lived in the room and did not dare to leave the room because of her mysterious illness. She begs the Gods to give her another chance to get revenge on her husband instead of her sister who destroyed the kingdom of Lagarda. Who would have thought that her prayer was granted, but she instead became Elizabeth's Princess and Kate never lived in the next life.

AnisaSwedia_ · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter One

Catherine Andalusia Horrace is a princess of the kingdom of Lagarda who was famous for being very beautiful. But behind her very beautiful face, there was a very strange mysterious disease that is attacking her tiny body.

Since Cathreine seven years old the dazzling sunlight would begin to attack her. Cathrine's body will weaken and she will pass out in a matter of minutes. That's why Cathrine never left her room and she lived in an area far from sunlight.

"Until when I will be like this, Mary?" asked Cathrine languidly who could only stare at the warm sunlight from behind her room. The witches on there beloved country said that such a thing could happen because the sun was angry.

The term angry sun in the kingdom of Lagarda began because the ancestors considered that the current king was unfit to sit on the throne because the empress was from a middle class noble child. The nobility in Lagardas country is divided into three levels. The first level is the nobility from the previous royal lineage which can mean princesses and princes from the children of the concubines.

Middle class nobles are scholars and have knowledge of astronomy and were able to predict well based on their knowledge and have quite high wealth in the kingdom of Lagarda.

Lower-level aristocrats are also called nouveau riche, originating from ordinary people who are diligent and persistent and then manage to become successful entrepreneurs so that their wares enter the kingdom.

Kate never complained about her condition that every day she had to be in the her room or if she was bored she would play in the house. She never dared to set foot out of the house, she only dared to leave the house when it was getting dark.

"I feel like a human vampire," Kate muttered. Mary was surprised to hear that.

"Your Highness, please don't talk like that. There are no strange creatures like that Your Highness, it's all just a baseless myth," Mary said trying calm to Cathrine.

"You just don't understand anything, it could be that the fairy tale book I was read is true, Mary," Kate said. Mary gave a small smile. Even though Kate is already eighteen years old now, but for Mary, Kate still a child.

"Isn't your highness princess studying astronomy? Then also learning about the body?" Mary asked curiously. Kate turned to Mary.

"You mean there can't be a creature that lives solely by sucking human blood, right?" she asked seriously. Mary smiled mischievously.

"Yes, your majesty," said Mary.

"Ah, Mary, maybe you're right," Kate said doubtfully. "Will I be allowed to leave the room tonight?" Kate asked again with a hopeful look.

"Impossible, Your Highness," Mary replied with a languid look. She actually can't bear to see Kate who continues to be cooped up in her room. "But if we don't get caught, everything will be safe," Mary whispered, which made Kate's eyes pop perfectly.

Mary finally accompanied Kate to leave the room. Before the two of them actually left their room, Mary first looked to the right and left, making sure that none of the guards saw their stealthy actions.

An extraordinary coincidence for Catherine apparently, one of the guards was going to use the toilet and the other guard was brewing coffee, so she and Mary hurried out of their room and into the passage that led them into the large garden behind the palace.

The garden was usually used by the princes to practice their agility with arrows or riding. Cathrine used to often visit the very beautiful back garden while chatting with her brothers and sisters. However, in recent years, everything changed since the king fell ill.

All activities in the palace were restricted and all movements of princesses and princes were monitored. I don't know why all of that happened, but one thing is certain, the beautiful Catherine often locked herself in her room. Even the night class has not been able to be visited again in the past few months.

"I miss studying, Mary," Catherine said to Mary who looked at her with sincerity.

"You can repeat your year at the academy again, your highness, Mary said trying to calm down. Catherine shook her head and her golden hair which was caught in the garden light looked very beautiful.

"Things are not the same. You know George is about to graduate, and I can't catch up," Kate said.

"The princess is very smart, I'm sure that the princess can rival the young master of Duke Harry's eldest son," said Mary, which made Kate smile a little.

Kate looked at the stars scattered beautifully in the sky. She imagined herself in a very beautiful place and he could see the sun and feel the warmth of its rays hitting her pretty face.

"I think princess …" Mary's words trailed off. The sound of footsteps made them both startled and looked at each other with fear of being found out. "Quick, your highness!" Mary said to Kate which made Kate stand up straight away.

Kate's keep hearing made her footsteps slow. She was sure that the stiff voice was not one, two or five bodyguards who were doing routine patrols but,

"Ahhh!" The scream made Mary and Kate startled to death and immediately looked back. It's lucky that the path of the rat that they are walking now is rarely known by other people.

"What's that sound, Mary?" Kate asked, chest pounding with fear and anxiety all mixed together. Mary shook her head at Kate, the two of them still hiding under a shady tree and near the labyrinth garden. Anyone who enters the maze at night, will not be able to get out easily and Kate does not want to repeat the same mistake twice.

"How do we get back to your room, princess?" asked Mary in a worried tone. She was afraid when she imagine that Her Royal Highness would catch Kate leaving the room in secret and she would be punished later.

Catherine shook her head weakly at Mary, she also had no idea at all. Kate scanned the surrounding area.

"We have to go back, It doesn't matter if I get punished, as long as it's not you," Kate said as she stood up.

"But ..."

"Come on, Mary! What are you waiting for?!" said Kate as she walked ahead. Mary followed Kate behind the girl. Occasionally she would look back, afraid that she would be found.

"Who is there?!" The sound made Mary's and Kate's footsteps stop suddenly. Kate immediately turned around and grabbed Mary's hand to hide behind the wall where wild leaves surrounded the wall. Kate put her index finger to her lips as she looked at Mary who nodded in understanding.

"What's wrong, Baron?" asked another man.

"I think I heard something," answered the other man. Kate seemed to recognize the voice, only she couldn't understand who it was without looking at her.

"Don't make this up. There's no one in this haunted garden," said the man.

"This garden used to be the princesses' favorite, Lucas," said the Baron. Lucas chuckled at this

"Oh come on, I know what you mean. Would you say this spooky place is Princess Kate's favourite?" he asked. Baron laughed.

Cathrine slowly peeked out from behind the bushes and she saw Baron, son of Countess Laura Hills and Count Philip Hills, chatting with the son of her academy friend, Lucas Alexander Sean, son of Countess Mauren Sean and Count Darell Sean.

"Please spare me," the voice made Kate turn to the side and saw one of the maids from her sister's garden palace being taken away by two bodyguards. The girl was crying and her appearance was disheveled. Kate felt really sorry for her. Her humanity made hers want to go to those people.

Exactly what are they doing in the palace of the princesses?

"No, your highness," Mary said, shaking her head at Kate. Mary knew full well that Kate would interfere.

Finally with a heavy heart, Kate could only watch the servant girl being taken away somewhere by Baron and Lucas. Kate is very upset. After the Baron and Lucas left, she immediately came out of hiding and was shocked when her steps were immediately blocked by the Baron insolently.

"Oh! Your highness princess is here!" cried the Baron with a smirk. Kate didn't understand at all what was happening. She thought Lucas and Baron had already left. When Kate wanted to say something, the sound of swords and screams and explosions resounded.

What's actually going on out there?