
The Angry Alpha

The angry alpha with a known reputation for being ruthless and a cut throat temper for being uncontrollable being the most powerful member in the pack, and being the most powerful pack called the Midnight pack was one to be reckoned will the alpha finally meet his match with a young human that could possibly be his Luna? Will she be able to tame the Angry alpha? Or will it all end in bloodshed and tears?

Smith0015 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 6

As we both sit side by side in my truck my palms become sweaty as I twiddle my thumbs in my lap, my eyes wonder over to the GQ model sitting beside me wondering what the hell he's doing here beside me?

The sunlight shone through a the car highlighting his beautiful features he really was breathtaking, his black wavy hair so dark my eyes began drinking every ounce of him in his chiselled jaw so strong he looked like he was carved by angels his Black T-shirt struggling to contain his muscles , when he opens the window a breeze blows through the truck and the hem of my dress blows back revealing my naked thighs, his body tenses and A low growl escapes

Wait Did he just growl?

, I push my dress back over as we pull up to the market, Cain comes round and opens the door for me taking my hand in his as I step out, those familiars sparks dangle between us, as he clears his throat "I'll let you lead the way"

The market was led by various stalls of fruits and vegetables, all swarming with people and eager customers, they're where burger stands and clothes stand, home made jewellery stands plenty for everyone, I felt at ease coming here some sort of peace.

"So how often do you come here" he speaks "erm as much as I can it's difficult working in a bar to always attend but I find it calming" "do you always come alone?" finding his question odd but I give it no second thought an answer "yes most of the time, I prefer my own company" "until today when you let me come with you?" Raising a brow he turns to me a tiny smile creeps up at the corners of his mouth he continues "must make me special?" A couldn't help but contain a small chuckle, "I suppose, or you could say I needed a driver as I had to much to drink last night, designated driver and all that" and I nudge him sending him slightly of balence, he almost looks disappointed with my answer, I know full well it was because I wanted him here but I wasn't going to tell him that.

We continued walking through the various stalls, at the market my fingers led the way feeling all the different fabrics and hand made jewellery I felt like I went into my own world when I was there zoned in and away from my shitty life, until I start to notice as I'm walking all various women where ogling looking and pointing like young teenagers,

At first I thought i had something on my face or on my dress I started to check my self over, but then I realised who was behind me Cain, I forgot he was there and how beautiful he was but his eyes didn't sway or look anywhere else his Eyes where stuck on me, though we had just met it never felt awkward it was like we knew each other for years "fancy getting something to eat?" He pulls me from my inner conversation with myself and I nod in agreement forgetting I hadn't eaten since last night, he refuses to let me pay and he buys me burger and fries as we sit at the picnic table together drinking a cold can of coke.

"So Liv is there anything you want to know?" I take a few bites of my meal "kinda caught me off guard there Cain" "I just was curious that's all, didn't know if Jay had told you everything any blanks I can help fill in?"

I try to look away from his beautiful eyes and keep my hands away from him whenever I touched him my skin became on fire and I could no longer think I was just a deer in headlights, "I know that Jays your Beta like your right hand man and Nicks your brother, and Alex is the Delta?" "That's correct" he grunts as he throws another chip into his mouth "and your the Alpha?" A dark and dangerous smile spreads across his face his eyes flit between black and hazel and he nods, "so your in charge of all of those?" He shakes his head and takes a swig of his drink,

what I would give to be that can of coke round his tender lips I wonder if they where as soft as they looked?

"No Olivia" My full name rolled of his tongue and sent a shiver down my spine "I'm responsible for The Midnight pack of wolves, people just like, Jay and Nick and Alex, I am responsible for there wellbeing and ensure they can help protect and live a long life within the pack, like a mini Kingdom if you will, I will serve and protect my Family until my last breath, And you?

what do you do?"

a mini kingdom he's got to be kidding?

Struggling to find my voice " Ehem I work at The Bar Barneys " feeling a little deflated he runs a kingdom and I run a bar full of drunks we where at two ends of the spectrum, two different worlds LITERALLY

I continue "till I find something more I want to do" I shrug and enjoy a bite of my burger "change is good, could be in the not to distance future you never know" he says with a smirk, I narrow my eyes and smile back seeing him relax before I ask my next question, "So Jay said that that you couldn't stay away from me? like I'm property some sort of Wolf thing?", he runs his hands through his hair and lets out a sigh " Leave it to Jay to ruin a sacred blessing from the moon goddess, The moon goddess Selena when we werewolf's are born, she picks our perfect soul mate who we are destined to be with, are perfect Mate if you will" his eyes never left mine as he continued like he was talking to my soul "your my Mate Liv the other half of my heart and soul" the silent stretched between us until I mustered up the courage to speak again.

"Me?, Me?" I couldn't stop asking "Cain I think you've got the wrong person, Look at you! Look at me we fro-" "your beautiful Liv" his large hand cups my face and caresses my cheek the sparks fled through my skin, "Liv I don't expect you to be okay with this straight away, I know it's a lot of information to take in" "But I'm Human and your an Alpha?!" He shakes his head in disgust "I am never your Alpha Liv, you Call me Cain nothing else, We are equal, I Understand your human but It's not unheard of" he stands from the table and comes to sit next to me taking my tiny hand in his, "Liv I can't say It's not going to be easy, I'm temperamental, I'm hot headed and possessive especially when it comes to what's MINE" he growls then his eyes quickly soften "but I will try my upmost hardest to make you happy, we will take it at your pace I don't want to rush you"

I sat there staring at this godlike creature in front of me , thinking he may have had a concussion or maybe he's escaped from a male model asylum as I took in what he had just told me, his hand pushed a wayward hair behind my ear "Can you honestly tell me you cannot feel this? As I do?" as he inched closer to me his lips dangerously close to mine, the fire in my stomach grew his smell was intoxicating this was it I was going to kiss him until a familiar voice ruins the moment "hello poppet" Damm!

Jay looks over at us with a megawatt smile eyeing the both of us "sorry did I interrupt anything? Here's me thinking you was missing my company" i feel the heat flare through me and my cheeks became crimson "don't blush Liv, I'd blush as well having this alpha hunk crush on you" and he grabs Cain shoulder and rubs them, Cain immediately smacking his hand away "ooh look at Mr Testy here, I was number one until the girl came along" playfully looking over me, making me burst out laughing, Jay and Cain exchange in some sort of staring contest until I decided to cut the tension and lay my hand on Cains hand "I think it's time we left everywhere shutting and it's getting dark" Cain relaxes instantly and nods and agrees we all get up and began to walk back to the truck, "so did you two love birds have a good time" Jay teases "shut up Jay" Cain grunts back "ooh what's got the stick up your ass today Alpha" and I hear him Low growl walking in front I turn round briefly "considering I'm supposed to be the mate I didn't realise Cain came with a wife?" "Liv honey you can take my space in his bed but you ain't getting my Cooking Apron" Jay waves his finger and puts his hand on his hips as Cain shoves him to the side and he falls on the floor "now mr nasty that's just rude, no cuddles for you tonight" as Jay brushes himself down.

"So Liv the nights still early, it's only 7pm, fancy coming for a few Drinks at Barney's, Nick and Alex are gunner meet Me and Cain there & I think Sara promised Alex a dance and a free shot if he Can beat her at Pool what do you say?"

Cain stands there his eyes scanning my body, as I fumble with my hands, that familiar pull in my stomach began to pull again as I was momentarily contemplating on refusing on going I decided to take a leap of faith "sure, but I get to play winner and you can buy me a shot" walking I counter to Jay "it's a deal Princess your on".

We arrive at the bar after a short car journey, and as soon as I enter I hear from the Bar "Girl even on your night off you can't keep away from here" Sara bellows over to me until she notices Cain standing behind me

Her eyes widen looking at him then back to me and we go and sit over at the booth, the booth looked dwarf by Cains sheer size and those of Jay, Alex and Nick,

Sara finished her shift shortly after we Arrived and Molly, Ethan and Jamie took over and began to serve us, Something didn't feel right about Jamie tonight he couldn't even bare to look at me and when he did he looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp he barely said two words to me.

whats eating him?

"Come on Liv don't let a looser like him ruin your night it's not often we get to cut loose let's enjoy ourselves " as she hugged me, i nodded and agreed Sara was right we where always working and never got a chance to enjoy our selfs I pushed Jamie's bad mood to the back of my thoughts and enjoyed my Night.

The night went by seemingly quick, Sara beat Alex 3 times playing pool and I Beat Jay once and he was true to his word Cain appeared to be equally as good and managed to beat everyone but refused to play me just yet as "he wanted to walk away with his pride" ,

shots shots and more shots, one after the other I could feel my self getting more and more dizzy, the boys didn't appeared fazed and was normal, Nick didn't drink as he lost in Rock Paper Scissors with Cain "always the scissors baby brother"

Barney decided to put the speakers on, and play some of his music as the bar started to filter out, until the Righteous Brothers- You've got that loving Feeling came blaring through the speakers though it wasn't a slow dancing song I yanked Cains arms up onto the dance floor he snaked his hands round my waist and I felt like I was lost in his muscular frame his large arms Caging me into his chest, I could hear the steady Rhythm to his beating heart i felt calm and safe within his grasp.

The music became muffled and I felt my speech slur as I tried to speak to Cain "i need to get bed" Cain snaps his fingers and Nick goes outside I could vaguely hear the sound of keys, "Come little one you will stay with me tonight so I can look after you" he cooed whilst brushing his hands through my hair , Cain continued to hold me close to his chest as the song comes to a end I turn to look at him and my legs give way and he catches me before I tumble to the floor, my eyelids flittering between open and close, I feel the weight off of me as Cain picks me up bridal style and I Fall asleep to the steady beat of his heart..