

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · แฟนตาซี
132 Chs

Helping Hand

Princess Moon was really surprised when she heard Kadin was only using 80% of his strength because she had been using all of her strength. She thought, "Only if my cultivation were not low compared to him. Even if I were only a first-stage Sky Realm cultivator, this guy would not be my opponent at all."

Kadin again opened his mouth and said, "You have shown your spiritual attack. Now it is my turn to show."

While Kadin was saying all this, he was also gathering his spiritual energy. Then he shouted the name of his spiritual attack, "Blazing Serpent!"

As Kadin bellowed the name of his spiritual attack, "Blazing Serpent," the air around him shimmered with intense heat, and a surge of fiery energy enveloped his entire being. The ground beneath him crackled as the flames intensified, creating an aura that mirrored the ferocity of a raging inferno.

The Blazing Serpent materialized as a colossal serpent made entirely of scorching flames, stretching an imposing 50 feet in length. Its form undulated with an otherworldly grace, and the serpent's eyes gleamed with an intense green hue, mirroring Kadin's own fiery gaze. As it hovered above his body, the temperature in the vicinity soared, and the very air seemed to warp under the onslaught of its heat.

Princess Moon was surprised and said with astonishment, "Your spiritual attack can take such a big form?"

Kadin had a smile on his face and replied, "Why are you so surprised? Have you never seen a spiritual attack of that much size before?"

It was true - this was the first time Princess Moon had seen a spiritual attack take a form that big. Usually, spiritual attacks are mostly used in the form of beams (small or large). Some spiritual attacks can take a form, but the size never exceeds 20 feet. And it does not matter what type of creature it takes the form of, but this spiritual attack was almost 50 feet in length.

Princess Moon thought "Dodging a spiritual attack of this size gonna be very really difficult."

As the colossal Blazing Serpent coiled in the air, its fiery form ready to strike, Princess Moon braced herself for the impending clash. The intense heat emanating from the spiritual attack distorted the air, creating shimmering waves of energy that added an eerie ambiance to the battlefield.

With a sudden burst of speed, the Blazing Serpent lunged towards Princess Moon, its flames leaving a trail of scorching marks in the air. Reacting swiftly, Princess Moon employed her Crescent Blade Dance Battle skill, twirling her blade in a mesmerizing dance. The blade created a protective barrier of energy around her as she gracefully evaded the initial strike of the serpent.

The serpent, undeterred, adjusted its trajectory mid-air, its fiery eyes fixated on Princess Moon. It hissed with an otherworldly sound, the echoes resonating through the battlefield. Princess Moon, realizing the agility of her opponent's spiritual attack, intensified the dance of her crescent blade, creating intricate patterns in the air.

The Blazing Serpent, now resembling a fiery tornado, pursued Princess Moon with relentless determination. Its movements were sinuous and unpredictable, making it challenging for Princess Moon to anticipate its next strike. The scorching heat radiating from the serpent's body tested her resilience as she continued to dance and dodge, weaving through the air with unparalleled agility.

Despite the odds, Princess Moon remained focused and determined. She had faced formidable opponents before, but the sheer size and relentless pursuit of the Blazing Serpent posed a unique challenge. Her every move was calculated, her blade dancing in harmony with the serpent's undulating motions.

As the chase unfolded, Princess Moon noticed patterns in the serpent's attacks. Timing her movements with precision, she executed a series of evasive maneuvers, narrowly avoiding the serpent's fiery jaws and tail. The air crackled with the clash of energies, creating an ethereal symphony that resonated through the battleground.

The Blazing Serpent, growing more persistent, intensified its assaults. It coiled and twisted in intricate patterns, attempting to corner Princess Moon and leave her with no escape. However, her mastery of the Crescent Blade Dance allowed her to slip through the serpent's fiery grasp time and again.

In a moment of respite, Princess Moon assessed the situation. The Blazing Serpent, despite its overwhelming size, had a vulnerability — its predictability during certain phases of its attacks. Seizing this opportunity, she unleashed her spiritual attack, and a small golden beam passed through the head of the giant serpent, causing it to start fading.

As Princess Moon was thinking that it was a success, she heard a voice saying, "Don't be happy so soon."

Then, Kadin's spiritual energy started flowing towards his giant spiritual serpent, and the hole in its head began to fill. Its fading stopped, and it started to regain its previous appearance.

Princess Moon found herself in a perilous situation as the colossal Blazing Serpent, fueled by Kadin's relentless supply of spiritual energy, relentlessly pursued her. With every twist and turn, Princess Moon employed a combination of agile maneuvers and precise strikes, attempting to weaken the fiery serpent. However, Kadin's continuous infusion of spiritual energy served as a potent countermeasure, repairing the damages almost as quickly as Princess Moon could inflict them.

The battlefield echoed with the clash of martial and spiritual forces as Princess Moon and the Blazing Serpent engaged in a fierce dance of evasion and confrontation. Princess Moon's crescent blade" Phoenix Sword" danced through the air, leaving trails of gleaming light as she attempted to sever the serpent's ethereal form. However, the serpent proved elusive, its fiery body weaving through the onslaught of attacks.

As the battle wore on, Princess Moon's energy began to wane. The relentless assault and the constant regeneration of the Blazing Serpent took a toll on her strength. Her movements became sluggish, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Despite her skill and determination, exhaustion threatened to overwhelm her.

Sensing Princess Moon's vulnerability, Kadin intensified his efforts, channeling even more spiritual energy into the Blazing Serpent. The serpent responded with renewed vigor, its flames burning brighter as it closed in on the fatigued princess. Princess Moon, realizing the dire straits she was in, summoned the last reserves of her strength for a final, desperate maneuver.

In a burst of speed, she executed a series of rapid kicks and slashes, creating a dazzling display of martial prowess. However, the Blazing Serpent persisted, undeterred by her valiant efforts. Just as it seemed Princess Moon was about to succumb to the overwhelming force, a sudden intervention changed the course of the battle.

A pair of giant hands, massive and metallic, appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the open maw of the Blazing Serpent.

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