
The Angel War

นักเขียน: KageOng
กำลังดำเนินการ · 7.6K จำนวนคนดู
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What is The Angel War

อ่านนิยาย The Angel War โดย ผู้เขียน KageOng ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.In the wake of the Angel War that ravaged the world centuries ago, the Holy Angels emerged triumphant, wresting control from their longstanding adversaries. The majority of the defeated fallen angels ...


In the wake of the Angel War that ravaged the world centuries ago, the Holy Angels emerged triumphant, wresting control from their longstanding adversaries. The majority of the defeated fallen angels perished in the cataclysmic conflict, their presence vanquished from the realm. However, ancient legends whispered of a mystical force capable of harnessing the essence of the fairies, a force that could potentially aid in the resurgence of the fallen angels. Now, in the present day, the Holy Angels set their sights on purifying the vast and forsaken land that is Lost Continent. Within this lawless expanse, where the concept of a rule of law has been supplanted by the dominion of wealth, three mighty corporations have risen to prominence: Jackson Enterprises, Taira Trading Company, and Miguel Trading Company. Each corporation exerts its influence and vies for power, weaving intricate webs of manipulation and intrigue. Enter Ethan, a young man whose life is shrouded in mystery. Gifted with unparalleled swordsmanship skills from a tender age, Ethan's past is mired in darkness. At the age of eighteen, burdened by the weight of an alleged patricidal act committed under unknown circumstances, he abandons his village and embarks on a perilous journey that leads him to the sprawling city. There, his reputation as a skilled and merciless assassin begins to take root, attracting the attention of the city's influential enterprises. As Ethan's journey unfolds, his path intertwines with a diverse cast of allies and comrades. United by fate, they find themselves thrust into the center of a grand narrative that will shape the destiny of the world. Together, they will face the resurgence of both the Holy Angels and the Fallen Angels, forces that threaten to plunge the realm into chaos once more.

5 แท็ก

Me enamoré de un malvado

El matrimonio de Cristina cambió y de lo dulce y romántico, se convirtió, de repente, en un infierno, por el trato cruel y déspota de su marido, un CEO súper multimillonario, dominante, que consideraba a su mujer, simplemente como un objeto. Donatello, su marido, abandona el lecho conyugal, y se aficiona a otras mujeres y borracheras, despilfarrando su fortuna. Ella cansada de los maltratos de él, decide dejarlo y luego de separarse, sostiene un romance con un cantante. Herido en su orgullo y amor propio, Donatello, al descubrir ese romance, se suicida. La vida, entonces, de Cristina se derrumba ante sus ojos luego que sus hijas la abandonan acusándola de responsable de la muerte de su padre. Sin embargo, el marido había obligado a firmar un contrato de matrimonio a Cristina, su mujer, que la comprometía a tomar las riendas de la fortuna familiar, dejando de lado al ambicioso Francesco, el hermano de Donatello, quien aspiraba hacerse del imperio del CEO y convertirse en el hombre más poderoso del mundo. Cristina tratará de recuperar el amor de sus hijas, volver a enamorarse, manejar el fastuoso consorcio económico que le dejó su marido y enfrentar las ambiciones de Francesco empecinado en conseguir la fortuna, aún tenga que matar a su propia cuñada. Amor, desengaño, contrato de matrimonio, romance, dolor, angustia, acción y suspenso, se suceden en esta apasionante novela, "Me enamoré de un malvado" que lo mantendrá en vilo de principio a fin.

Edgar_Romero_0510 · สมัยใหม่

To Conquer Love

[Rewriting] The seven kingdoms of the West Continent, a world dominated by power, where the strong ruled and were loved, desired and exalted, the strong were the Gods and the weak, though few, were content to live under the protection of the strong. This was the world Andronika Majeir was born into, a world of strength, a world of power, a world of warriors and powerful bloodlines and special body markings, a world of the strong and Andronika was one of them, one of the strong...No, she was one of the strongest, one of the most powerful. Born into a military family, a lineage of outstanding Generals, Nika was trained from birth to be an excellent warrior, strategist and leader, at a young age, her prowess in battle was unmatched and her power markings never before seen, however along with battle training Nika was raised knowing her duty as a Majeir, a duty to guard, protect and fight for her kingdom and her king. Young , foolish and unwilling to accept her fate to protect, Nika ended up making all the wrong choices in life, betraying her father and her king. Nika died at the hands of her lover, for whom she gave up everything, filled with regret and shame, Nika knew that she who had been an undefeated warrior had been completely deceived and utterly defeated by love, she knew her death was well deserved, but as she welcomed her death with open arms, Nika had one last thought. "I have been such a fool, if there was a second chance, I Andronika Majeir swear on my life and honor that I will right all my wrongs, I will live only for my duty as a Majeir, If there was a second chance, I will conquer love." First book in the Tales of the continents. **I do not own the cover art, all credits go to the artist. It will be taken off upon request**

JHeart · แฟนตาซี
168 Chs

A True Puppeteer

"The greatest puppeteer is the one who knows the best how it feels like to be the puppet." * * * "i hAvE LIed tO eVEryOnE. EveRYoNe YoU cOuLd PosSibLy tHiNk Of. bUt yOu haVE tO uNdeRstANd. ... No oNe WiLl bEliEvE ThE tRUth!" "yEt, tHAt's NoT eVeN ThE wORst PaRt. i kNow thESe SaNsEs hAtE BeiNg pLaYEd tHe fOoL, BuT tHeY cOUld HAve aT lEAst mAde It A lITtlE hARdEr tO Do sO. SUre, I HaVe liED. i hAVe bEeN lYinG siNCe I cAMe tO reMEmBer bEiNg sTUck aNd atTAchEd tO tHis wHiTe AnD liFEleSs plAcE. BUt iT's aNOthEr to fEel liKe lyiNG iS sO eAsy." "i wOUld lOVe tO tELl tHe tRUth, ... iF oNLy tHeY'd bEliEVe. BUt evEn iF thEy coULd bEliEVe mE, i sTiLl hAVe THEM to deAl wiTh. ThEy pLay 'FATE' iN oUr mULtivERse As iF iTs a gAMe oR thEir woRLd oF prEteNd. IT disGUstS mE, prObaBly aS mUch aS I aM diSgUSteD wiTh mYSelf..." "WhY diD I haVe tO liStEn To THEM? wHy dId i aGRee wiTh THEM? i diDN't eVEn knOw THEM! THEY usEd mE! TorMeNteD mE! mAde mE iNto THEIR liTTle puPpEt! ChAiNeD aNd bOund tO thEiR plAnS! I wAnt tO bE fRee frOm tHiS! bUt i cAn'T. IT's my FATE." "THEY proMisEd thAt wE'd bE 'heLPiNg' tHe muLTiveRSe. sAVinG peOPle frOM tHe sUFferiNg mY AU hAd tO gO thROugH! THEY sAid iT wOUld bE pAinlESs. GuiLTleSs. MeRCifUl. THEY saiD tHeY'd uNDerstANd. ThAt i WouLDn't bE huRt aNYmoRe. THEY coNviNCed mE thAt tHis wAs mY oNly pURpoSe. THEY sAid i wAs dOiNg tHe riGHt thiNg..." "THEY LIED!" "BuT thAt dOEsn't maTTer aNymORe... THe daMAge hAs beEn DoNe. ALL i cAn dO iS wAiT. WaiT tO rOt. wAiT tO bE kilLeD. WaiT fOr tHe muLTivERse tO cOLlaPse. WaiT fOr THEM tO gEt tiREd. WaiT fOr iNk tO fiNiSh mE oFf. WaiT tO diE. WaiT foR anYthiNG, bUt tO stAy." "INk anD tHe otHErs kEeP sAyiNg tHe wORd "wiSh." i dOn't unDerStAnd whAt iT mEAns. ThEy "wiSh" fOr thiNGs thEy dOn'T haVe. sO i kiNdA piCkEd iT uP. I wiSH fOr A lOt oF thiNgS. I cOUld nAmE thEm aLL riGHt nOw, buT I wON't." "AlL I wiSH fOr is HELP." "BUt wHo wOUld hElP thE gOd oF DeStrUCtiOn? ... i wOUldN't." "AnD hERe i aM." //If you wish to read it in a better standing, I suggest reading it on Wattpad or Ao3. Links are here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/232736652-a-true-puppeteer https://archiveofourown.org/works/26872729/chapters/65567383 Enjoy, my dollies! -G4

Glamour4000 · วิดีโอเกม
1 Chs

ARK: A Druid's Ascension

Evolution has been the driving force on Earth for eons, and yet with the rise of an intelligent sapient species it began to stagnate as if that was it's final creation. Thousands of years later, in the twenty-second century humanity discovered a substance they simply called Element. Element was an power source and material unlike anything else found on earth, and many believed it to be alien in origin, but regardless just like any other resource, wars began over it's control. The Element War destroyed earth as humans knew it with pollution caused by element powered weaponry that outclassed any thing from the previous century. This folly was realized too late and Earth was rapidly becoming uninhabitable so the two governing forces created the Genesis Project alongside the Proto-Arks that would house seeds of life to terraform Earth when the time was right. Our Story begins when one individual finds himself thrust into this Project and must learn to survive on the ARKs with powers he doesn't quite understand as they are just the beginning. Follow along as a Druid's tale of survival and Ascension is told. I am writing this story for my own enjoyment, so the upload schedule is going to be when I have time. I work full-time at a warehouse and am a full-time college student as well, so I write as a way to relax so please be patient with me. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the creatures, characters or world from Ark Survival Evolved and I only own my OC's. Cover Photo Creator: pvproductions on FreePik.com Additional Tags: Survival, Gore, Magic, Dinosaurs, Sci-fi elements, (Maybe potential romance further down the line ), and No-Harem. P.S. Anybody who wants to learn more about the lore of Ark: Survival Evolved should go check out Neddy The Noodle on YT as his series: Ark: The Survival Stories are a great and entertaining voice acted and Machinima telling of the explorer notes.

BeastSageBookMania · วิดีโอเกม
6 Chs


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General Audiencesmature rating