
The American Novel's Extra

Ju Ingong is the literal main charachter of the world tasked with overcoming the adversity tied to his name and blood However he was not the main charachter of the story. That title belonged to someone formerly known as Côté Personnage He who had written the story became one of its first obstacles. However he'd soon learn that his new world has many things different from his incomplete creation Author's Note: Just saying in ADV given the choice of title, this is not "The Novel's Extra" fanfiction.

IgnisVerkholt · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Transition to The Novel

It was day with perfect weather that many could enjoy, however one young man was not. He was sitting on his bed at home staring into his phone as though he had lost interest in the outside world

"Why... why... I admit I'm no expert, so why am I being treated like this? I tried so hard to write my novel."

That young man was the author of a novel called "The Founding Legacy" based on the "Hunter" genre of web-novels/comics like Solo Hunter or The Novel's Extra where humans find themselves gaining fantastic powers, fighting powerful monsters, and Korea becoming a top-class (if not the top) world power.

"I spent hours researching Korean culture and aspects of American culture that I didn't know as an American.... and yet all they can do is curse me..... it's not fair."

The setting of the novel was based in an America that had fallen from grace as one of the top powers in such a world, and it's characters through their own trials and tribulations would allow it to regain that lost pride. Such a unique perspective allowed it to quickly gain popularity since it's first chapter was released almost a year ago, however.....

[TheUltimatePatriot: WTF is this shitty novel?! How dare this author claim to be an American and not write the USA as a dominant power in this world as obviously would be. Such a piece of crap shouldn't exist]

[Translated from User "끔찍한 연사": F***..... this author knows nothing but the stereotypes of our Korean people. Typical ignorant American talking like they know everything when they know nothing. Such a useless author should just go on and kill himself and save the eyesight of readers everywhere!!!]

Comments like these and oh so many more filled the young man's phone. There's a saying.... The taller tree is the first to be cut down. "The Founding Legacy" quickly became a popular target for flamers and dark keyboard warriors everywhere. The passion author-nim put into his work had grounded to a halt without a single new chapter for nearly 3 months.... and yet vicious words continue to fill his web-novel's review page.

"Fuck... you unappreciative bastards want me to take my own life.... then FINE!!!!" the author-nim yelled as he dropped his phone to the side and pulled out a knife.

Sweat rolls off of author-nim's brow as his heart begins to race... while the little light in the room reflects off the polished blade. He extents the knife outwards ready to thrust it into his own heart wh-


"F**k!!!!!" the author yelled as the sudden noise scared him into throwing the knife onto the floor.

The knife had somehow landed with the tip of the blade pointing upwards, but that's not important right now. What had frightened the young man was the noise of his phone alerting him to a PM he had received through the website he posts his novel on.

"Oh it's from my biggest fan."

[엔1Fan]: Say author-nim, are you doing okay? I miss reading each new word you post.... sure lol... it may not have been written with the greatest of skill, but I can feel the effort and passion you put into your words.

Perhaps it was because he didn't really want to die, but Author-nim felt his depressed heart warm at the words of his self-proclaimed number 1 fan as she (at least that what he suspects based on word choice) had always commented since he posted the very first chapter. She'd always offer warm yet objective criticism that had helped improve the quality of his web-novel.

[TFL-Author]: I'm fine *shrug*... I've just been getting busier with IRL stuff, so I haven't had the time to write as I like.

That was a lie as Author-nim's work hasn't changed over the course of the past year, and happened outside of work that would take up his time either.

[엔1Fan]: Oh I totally understand..... like my friends say about women like me... you can't live with real life nor can you live without it.

[TFL-Author]: So you're actually a lady? I couldn't tell at all given how much I've seen you curse my haters. *says in sarcastic tone*

[엔1Fan]: *blushes* I didn't know author-nim saw that side of me..... how embarrassing, but I'm glad to hear those know-nothing haters aren't putting you down about your novel. Speaking of which, I have a totally super serious question to ask you about it. Do you mind?

[TFL-Author]: ..... go on.

[엔1Fan]: Using what you've learned, have you thought about re-writing your novel from the ground up as if you were living in its world? I can totally be your beta-reader and super cute idea-gal.

Truthfully the young man has thought about re-making his novel in the past, and now he finds himself thinking about it again..... more seriously in fact than he ever had before.

"There's at least one person who believes in me..... so I shouldn't disappoint her. Besides.... my country wouldn't exist if George Washington gave up after a series of losses." the young man thought.

[TFL-Author]: Sure..... let's do it *training montage initiated*

[엔1Fan]: Ohhhhhhhh *excited squealing* After re-reading everything, I've come up with a lot of new ideas on how to improve the story to tell you.

[TFL-Author]: *Grabs pen & Paper* Go on.....

[엔1Fan]: Later Author-nim as you need to get off your bed and clean yourself up since you haven't showered for a few days. Once we do get started though, rest assured it'll be a heart-wrenching experience.

[TFL-Author]: Okay.... ttyl.

The young man puts his phone to the side and gets off his bed with every intention of following the advice of his loyal reader, but a thought suddenly enters his head upon taking the first step.

"Hold on.... how did 엔1Fan know I haven't been showered the past couple of days?"


The young man suddenly clutches his chest where his heart would be as the rest of his body is filled with paid. The sensation is so overwhelming that he struggles to stay on his feet.

"F***.... a heart attack right after my number 1 fan uses the word 'heart-wrenching'.... what a shitty coincidence."

The young man begins to fall over as the pain becomes too much for his body to bare and time begins to move in slow motion.

"No no no.... f***!"

The young man realized as he fell that he was going to land right on the knife he had thrown earlier, and unfortunately there was no way to avoid it. A few seconds later.... there was a sharp cold sensation in his neck.... and then... darkness.

[News Anchor] Up and coming web-novel author found dead in his apartment after committing suicide! More tonight at 6PM, but for now sports! Over to you Bob.