
The Alpha Wants Me?

[Mature content and trigger warning] Jeremy stepped closer while Eloisee stepped back. His lips tickled up into a smirk, his fangs out for the world. “ You thought because he was here to take you, you'd be safe from me? How naive my little pet, you can never escape me, even if you go to the edge of the world ill still be here.” Eloisee’s eyes widened. The choice of words Jeremy used were the same ones he used before, she started to scream in her heart. Not in that room, anywhere but that room. “ Jeremy stop, n-not here.” She let her thoughts slip out her mouth while tears fell freely down her face. Eloisee's back hit the wall and a veined arm slammed on the wall beside her head. She looked at the red eyes trembling. “ Oh so now you can talk back, such a spine you developed.” Jeremy spat, his face distorted from spite. ********************************************************************** Pain is all Eloisee Eileen knew, abused and mistreated by her stepsibling and stepmother, she has aspirations to run away and become an omega without a pack, just as her dreams are coming true and she is close to escaping the pain, she gets the shock of her life. She is being sold off to the Bloodhowl pack Alpha Riviera Luminary, to be his treasured wife in exchange for the Silvermount pack getting an alliance and resources. Being the alpha’s wife, Eloisee has to navigate the treacherous path of being a wife in a new pack while fighting demons from her past and present trying to drag her to the depths of hell with them, while finding it in her to love her husband and mate.

Nika_Etominika34 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


The scenery she was used to had long faded, replacing the pine trees she had grown used to in their place were Giant sequoia trees. 


Eloisee stole a glance at Riviera, her eyes drank in his relaxed features, the thought of his scent and the wolf's scent lingering in her mind. Even theIR eyes were the same color, it was not a coincidence.


Riviera felt her eyes on him, he looked at her out of the corners of his eyes wondering what she wanted.


Eloisee saw she was caught staring and looked away from Riviera, finding the forest more interesting to look at, out the window.


Ruid smiled, he was watching the two from the rearview mirror. " I haven't introduced myself to you yet Eloisee, my name is Ruid Randal and I'm Riviera's beta."


Eloisee gasped slightly, she turned to look at Ruid. "Umm... Nice..to..meet..you." She stuttered and diverted her attention to her lap.


Ruid chuckled, he saw what Riviera was talking about earlier, she was too meek but that was no problem. He looked at Riviera and saw the scowl, Elizabeth was going to have her hands full with them. 


" Well feel at ease, we are not going to bite. If you want anything talk to me okay?"


Eloisee nodded and subtly took a glance at Riviera, his expression didn't change throughout her small talk with Ruid.


Does he hate me? He looked at me once annoyed, maybe he is like Jeremy. Her mind raced with thoughts as her golden eyes focused on the man a seat away from her, he barely spoke to her outside of criticizing her and when he commanded her.


 Her thoughts spiraled to what happened earlier when she was certain that she was going to be taken advantage of, someone saved her, and was angry for her sake. She wrapped her arms around herself thinking back, she was happy and scared,


Happy that the moon goddess heard her cries for a savior.


Scared because her savior was leaking an overwhelming urge to kill.


" Get up we are here."


She snapped out of her trance when Riviera's voice reached her ears. 


They had arrived, She opened the door and got out of the car, and her eyes widened at the house before her. 


The architectural magnificence of the house was astounding, on the outside it was amazing for the eyes to look. Eloisee found herself eager to see the inside.


Riviera stopped his ascend up the stairs and turned to look at Eloisee at the foot of the stairs. " Are you coming? I want to show you inside before I go to work." 


Eloisee nodded and climbed after Riviera not wanting to annoy him, she walked side by side with him in silence, the doors leading inside inching closer with every step she took.


Riviera opened the doors for her and Eloisee got a good look of her new home.


The doors led into a furnished living room, in the distance she could see stairs and light coming from the side, her eyes glanced at Riviera, it was rare that the Alpha's house could be so empty.


In her home, there were wolves coming in and out, the house she lived in was a busy one which was an opposite to Riviera's house. It was devoid of life, she could hear the pin drop.


" This is your new home, come in," Riviera said as he walked into the house.


Eloisee nodded and stepped into the house closing the door behind her. It was clean, her eyes traced over the furniture and she could tell that someone had cleaned them recently. She looked at the place Riviera was standing, in her mind she was wondering if he was the one doing the cleaning.


" It seems Elizabeth is out, i was going to introduce you to her first but you shall see her later." Riviera's voice cut through the quiet atmosphere as he appeared from the side of the kitchen.


Elizabeth? Eloisee wondered, maybe it was his girlfriend? But then why did he take her as his wife?


She also noticed something different about him, He was chatty, unlike earlier his speech was not limited to just What is it, are you coming even his facial expressions had changed from stoic to friendly and welcoming.


Eloisee diverted her attention to her feet avoiding eye contact with him. "Thank you." Her voice was meek and low.


Riviera raised an eyebrow at Eloisee. " What are you thanking me for?"


" Thank you for saving me from Jeremy." Eloisee responsed and flinched when she felt a gust of air hit her face. She could feel Riviera standing before her, she closed her eyes afraid to open them.


" Look at me."


The command made her raise her head albeit slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at his eyes and saw the most sincere look she had seen on him.


Riviera raised his hand to touch her cheek, to touch the fading bruise but Eloisee inched away from his touch. He lowered his hand understanding her reservations, someone's touch had been the cause of harm to her.


"I protected you because you are my wife now, you don't need to thank me. Now come, let me show you our room."


Eloisee felt her stomach flip at his words, " You are my wife." and " our room" played out on repeat in her ears, she watched as Riviera ascended the stairs, his broad shoulders moving with his steps.


She shook her head and ran after him.


She walked behind him as he was showing her the different rooms on the second floor, she memorized where they were, including his study and Elizabeth's room.


Their room was at the end of the hallway, Eloisee stared at the King-sized bed covered in silk. In the corner was a walk in wardrobe and a door leading into their personal bathroom. Behind the door was a couch and to neatly put together the room were dark bids and a velvet red carpet.


She walked to the bed and laid on it, her hair sprawled around her. She closed her eyes and hummed, she was alone in the big mansion, Riviera had left after showing her the rooms.


She shifted top her side, her hands held onto the covers as she took in his scent, the rainforest scentt even more potent, she was certain that the black wolf was him now. Eloisee closed her eyes, letting his comforting scent lull her to sleep.


Eloisee opened her eyes as a mouth-watering smell infiltrated her nose, she glanced around her, the surroundings were unfamiliar, her memories returned and she remembered that she iwas married now.


Eloisee got up from the bed and walked out of the room, she made it downstairs when her ears registered two female voices, she stopped at the foot of the stairs and knocked the vase down.


Its shattering sound covered the whole living room making the voices stop talking.


She heard footsteps and prepared for the worse. Were they going to think of her as an invader? Were they going ot kick her out of the house? Did they know her?


An elderly woman with faded brown hair stepped out of the kitchen her eyes locked on Eloisee and her lips curved up into a smile. " You are awake, Rivi told us that you were here, my name is Elizabeth."


Eloisee observed her features, when Riviera talked about her, she thought she was talking about his girlfriend or something but he was talking about this woman before her.


" Who is there with you?"


A voice came from the kitchen and Elizabetth grabbed Eloisee's hand, she quickly pulled her into the kitchen where she met another woman, she had short auburn hair and a set of pur[le eyes that had a knowing gleam to them.


" Guess who woke up Mia." Elizabeth chirped as she let go of Eloisee hand.


The purple eyed woman rounded the counter and rushed over to Eloisee who was standing there like a fish out of water. " You are so cute, look at her eye color, are those contacts like mine? Or were you born with it… where are my manners, my name is MIa Randal, I'm Ruid's mate and wife."


Mia dragged her to the counter and made her sit down. 


" I hope Rivi wasn't all brooding with you, i know how that man can be." Mia said as she chopped the vegetables.


Elizabeth chirped in while she took off one of the pots off the stove and emptied the water in the sink. " He is the same as always, that boy works himself too much, i hope he didn't cause you too much trouble."

Eloise shook her head. " Not at all…" She stared at her hands, the safe feeling she felt around them was foreign, was this what er wolf was talking about? She thought.


Mia turned to Eloise and saw the bruise, although it was nearly gone due to her accelerated healing, her eyes could make it out. "Did Rivi do that to you? If he did I'm going to make him pay."


Eloise snapped her head up, her eyes wide. Mia had interpreted the bruise wrongly. " No no, it's the opposite, Riviera saved me."


" Saved you?" The two women asked in unison.