
Were It All Begins (chapter 1)

"Meeting dismissed" Alpha Kadmiel


As he said that everyone left except for the five alpha kings.

Alpha Kadmiel turns to the other four werewolf Kings and said with a sigh "What are we going to do people keep trying our authority because we haven't found our mates yet, they think we are weak."

"I don't know what we're gonna do but don't you guys think it's kind of weird that none of us found our mates yet," Alpha 2 said. ( I'm not going to say their names yet) .

"Yeah, I haven't really thought about it," alpha 3 said with a sad face.

"Oh don't be sad we will find our mate someday, "Alpha 4 said as someone knocked on the door.

"Come in, "Alpha 1 said.

"Speak," Alpha 2 said.

"Sorry to interrupt alphas but the hybrid is here to see you she said that it was urgent," A Guard said scared but showed his neck in submission.

"Let her in," alpha Kadmiel said.

"What does the hybrid want with us she hasn't been spotted for 200 years, "Alpha 4 said. (werewolf and witch hybrid )

"I don't know but it has to be bad for her to come all the way over here you know she hates us," alpha 2 said slightly laughing!

"I guess we're about to find out, come in, "Alpha Kadmiel said before the person could knock on the Door.

"Why hello alpha kings," The hybrid said sarcasm lacing her voice, with a bow.

"What are you doing here hybrid you haven't been spotted in 200 years and I thought you hated us, "alpha 3 said snappily!

"No need to be snappy alpha and yes I do hate you guys but we have more important business to discuss, I have a message for you from the moon goddess," the hybrid said Rolling her eyes!

"Continue on," Alpha 1 said.

"You're probably wondering right now why haven't the five alpha kings found their mates yet. Well, it's because your mates are very special, all of your mates are part of A prophecy made over 10,000 years ago called the new world order. Your mates will have powers never seen before, she will also be accompanied by her protectors. Also, I'm going to tell you now on the road for you to find your mate it will not be easy. You will have to go through tests and there will also be a lot of bloodshed also. You and your mates will all have to fight evil but by the end, you will rule over The supernatural world, there will be a lot of lost devastation and destruction and a lot of deaths. But remember all that is good for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. Oh, and you won't meet your mates immediately it might take years months days or seconds but in the end, you will all have to come together to fight a greater evil. Oh, and purple remember purple." The hybrid said in a sturdy tone. After she said that all of the alphas turned and looked at each other and they sat in silence for a couple of minutes and as alpha 3 cleared his throat to say something the hybrid interrupted him.

"As much fun, as this has been to sit here and look at you, stare at each other for the past couple of minutes I have places to be goodbye alphas." and with that, the hybrid disappeared out of the office before anybody could say anything.

After a couple of minutes, Alpha 1 finally spoke up and said: "Well that's a lot to take in who wants a drink!" and all the other alphas just shook their head yes.

After they finished drinking their drinks in silence alpha Kadmiel finally spoke up and said "What do you guys think about this".

Alpha 3 said, "As much as it sounds amazing to rule over the whole supernatural world we can barely rule over the werewolves how are we supposed to rule over the whole supernatural world!"

"With the help of our mates of course," Alpha 2 said jokingly slightly punching alpha 3 in the shoulder.

"What do you think the hybrid meant when she said purple," Alpha Kadmiel said.

"Maybe it's their favorite color," Alpha 4 said.

"Did you also hear what she said she said it might even take years to meet our mate and I don't know about you all but I can't wait years to meet my mate," Alpha 2 said?

"Let's just hope and pray that none of us have to wait years to meet our mate!" Alpha 3 said.

"Let's cheers to that!" Alpha 1 said jokingly.
