
Chapter 1.

8 Years Ago

The wind blew through the trees sending a whisper throughout the pine wood forest. The smell of Blackberries and Lavender lingered around Asher. The small male wondered throughout the forest not following the path made for him. Asher Followed the Blackberry and lavender scent, Asher Closed his eyes feeling a small connection? Asher didn't know what it was until he heard his mother screaming his name "ASHER!!" His mother called out worryingly. Asher stopped in his tracks and opened his emerald eyes and looked back as he saw his mother running up to him. He briefly spoke as his mother slowed her pace into a walk and kneeled down In front of him. "Yes Mother?" the small child spoke as he looked into his mother's eyes. "Sweetie What are you doing this far out?" Asher's Mother asked. "I felt a small connection and a Blackberry Lavender smell, so I followed it...I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" Asher explained with an apologetic look. His Mothers eyes slightly widened then understood and took his hand sympathetically. "Sweetie its ok but next time make sure you stay to the path I made for you, ok?" She replied looking into Asher's Emerald Green eyes. Asher nodded as his mother let go of his hand and stood up holding her hand out "Let's go back, shall we?" His mother gave him a soft warm smile. Asher Returned the smile and took her hand walking beside his mother.


10 Years later

"ASHER WAKE UP! OR I SWEAR I WILL EAT YOUR PANCAKES!" Emily shouted from below in the kitchen. Asher Sighed as he fluttered his eyes open and tore the blanket away from him allowing the cold to hit his skin for a second. Asher sat up from the cosy warm bed and walked downstairs in a pair of shorts and a Large white hoodie. "Ah- There you are. I thought I would have to eat these delicious fluffy pancakes." Emily said with a small smile. "Luckily you didn't, and I thank the gods for that" Asher said a little bit dramatic.

Emily looked at him and shook her head. "Welp, you finish that up and get ready mister." Emily said walking past Asher patting his back softly, "wait why do I have to get ready again?" Asher asked forgetfully. Emily stood there turning around to give him a small smack on the back of Asher's head. "We have school Idiot" she said. "Ouch-" Asher said rubbing the back of his head glaring at Emily with half a pancake in his mouth. Emily muffled a laugh to the sight of Asher's face and walked off to her room to get ready for school.

The morning went by quick. As Asher knew it, he was walking through the halls of Wolf Shire Senior High School. Asher could hear multiple things going around. He could hear the laughter and giggles of some girls leaning against the lockers to his right. Asher rolled his eyes and gave the girls a small glance and her the group of girls jump with excitement. He kept making his way forward slightly looking like a lost puppy trying to find his way around the big school.

As Asher kept walking while looking at his phone not paying attention, he bumped into a stranger that was an inch taller than Asher. "Woops-" Asher said as he put his phone into his pocket as the Stranger turned around. "Now who the hell-" The stranger was cut off as Asher made eye connection. The strangers' eyes were a deep blue that shimmered like blue flames. Asher studied the stranger's features, He was built and had Black curly hair his skin was a light tan. Asher noticed that the stranger was also studying Asher's features. Which were quite the opposite. Asher was tall and slightly built he had pale skin and his hair was straight white Hair with Emerald Green eyes.

The stranger broke the eye contact and shook his head as if he was lost inside of his own mind and thoughts. As Asher backed up from the stranger and stared behind him to the principal's office, he made a run for it while forcing out an apology. "Sorry!" Asher said walking past him.

Dante POV

Who The Fuck...Was That? I thought as I watched the small Angel Walk to the principals office. He was an inch smaller in height from me, His scent smelled like Peppermint candy canes and sweet sugar. His hair was Holly white. His eyes Looked Magical, The emerald green filled with Pureness. A low quiet growl escaped from my chest as he left, as his scent disappeared. I could feel the warmth leaving my side as he walked away.

"You Okay Man?" Laurence Asked Looking at me. I took my eyes away from the Angel and looked at him and calmed my self down. "Yea I'm alright.. why wouldn't I be?" I Replied with. I watched as Laurence sighed. "By the way who's that little Angel?" I asked both of my Friends in front of me. "Who?.. Oh You Mean the new kid!." Jason Said and I nodded. "Wait Little Angel did I hear that right?" Laurence asked in disbelief. "Are you sure your okay man?" Laurence asked me again just to make sure. "Yes I'm perfectly fine just curious who he is.." I said getting slightly annoyed, "Jason Get me all the info on The new kid.." I Said sternly. He nodded in response. "On it!" He said as he zoomed away. "And Laurence Stop worrying about me" He nodded as a reply.

Soon My Little Angel...Soon we shall meet again.. And you shall be mine...
