
The Almighty Control Sorcerer

After being eaten by Denji, Makima thought she was done for. To be erased or at the very least lose her millenniums of memory throughout her life. But when she wakes up in an alleyway dumpster completely fine, she'll explore the world to find that it's a bit different than her original. (From the Original Fanfiction.net Story)

BossCampers · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Evil Awakens

After being eaten by Denji, Makima thought she was done for. To be erased or at the very least lose her millenniums of memory throughout her life. But when she wakes up in an alleyway dumpster completely fine, she'll explore the world to find that it's a bit different than her original.

Makima's POV

Being eaten was an experience she never wished to feel again.

It probably would've been better for humans, after all, they would already be dead in the state that she was in, torn to pieces that are as small as steak chucks you feed a toddler typically is bad for them. Every part of her was stuffed inside a few measly Tupperware containers where she was boiled, seasoned, and ultimately eaten by her hero, her idol. After all, I did for him, gave him a family, and a job, Chainsaw Man still hated her and sided with Denji of all people. The stomach acid hurt so much, searing her remains; she haven't felt pain since she left hell all those centuries ago. And she didn't miss it, it makes her feel too human for comfort.

Part of her wanted to laugh. Somedays she thought, what would happen if she left the world of the living behind? For all the people she had contracts with, being free. "Humph", it'd be like releasing a homegrown ant colony out on the world, you'd never know what would happen.

"Hmm, what the?" is that her voice? Now that she thought about it, she could feel her skin again, laying on something gooey. And other than feeling like she overslept a bit too long, it seemed like her body was just fine not even the slightest bit sore. And what is that... putrid smell!?

Lifting up the lid above her head, she felt fresh air rush onto her skin relieving herself of the mildewy air from... the dumpster? Hmm, could Denji have spared her? It wasn't really possible, especially judging by how they left things off she very much doubted that even if she was killed by his love. So why was she still here, alive, in a dumpster? She looked to her right, there was a bustling street and sidewalk with pedestrians walking briskly, and then to her left was just more alleyway with two thugs walking towards her dumpster.

"Look who we have here Mitsuo." said the older gangster who had a goatee to his companion a younger probably college age kid in a dark and dirty jumpsuit with dirty blond hair to boot.

"Yeah, yeah I see Kin-San. Some busty hoar is flashing us her 106s at us. Not to mention she's quite the looker too." the man said licking his licks lustfully.

"Hm?" Looking at herself, Makima saw she was using her arms to lift half of herself out of the trash exposing her breasts for all the world to see. And looking down on herself she was not exactly in proper work place attire anymore. "Sigh, whatever," said Makima internally to herself as she hoisted herself out of the dumpster walking confidently to the two muggers, clearly startling them with her bold approach.

"Woah woah, easy miss," said the older vandal, "We were walkin right towards yeah, you didn't have to rush us," he said as he walked a bit faster in order to reach out his hand to grope her. Makima easily could've let the men use her, then use their lust to extract information out of them easier, but she was in far too foul of a mood to let anyone touch her so perversely, so she grabbed his hand and in one fluid motion punched a hole straight through his face then tossing him aside like the trash he was.

The younger thug saw this and started to pull out a gun to her surprise, so she blitzed him and easily slapped the gun out of his hands, and in another motion moved her hand along his chin making eye contact with him. The fear in his eyes made Makima feel warm inside and although wanting to relish in it, she decided not to waste time and got down to business.

"Mitsuo was it?"

"Yuh huh," said Mitsuo nodding panickily.

"Good. Mitsuo make a contract with me, give me all of you." Commanded Makima. As she said this the panicked eyes of the thug were replaced by a near dead calm expression showing that it had worked.

"Yes, I do accept your contract, Miss," he said dully.

"Call me Makima thank you. Now then, go stripe that thug friend of yours of his clothes, I'm awfully chilly," she said putting on her trademark smile. The man nodded and walked over to the corpse unbuttoning and unzipping the articles of clothes on him. They would be a bit big and small for her, but she would extract the wrong kind of attention without them. Putting on the clothes, she was thankful that she avoided blood on most of them, it would make things much easier to stay low-key in the future.

"Now then Mitsuo go grab some chairs and a pen a paper for me, I want to hear everything about you and this area," she ordered getting a head nod in return as he ran into the street to presumably find what she asked.

"I guess my old habits never go away, even after being eaten." she giggled to herself. "But this is quite strange. This is clearly Japan judging by the language; however, these buildings while looking similar look more... modern. Not to mention those thugs had guns without even the slightest training, the gun devil would never hire them, and the strangest thing of all... "My Contracts Are Gone," her words echoing off the alley walls, car horns being heard beyond that.

A crash was heard in the streets as Mitsuo rushed back into the alleyway with two plastic chairs and a notebook in his teeth. "Mhm, Makima-Chan I have everything you needed Mhm, I took it from a flower shop down the street," dropping the two chairs facing each other and putting the notebook and pen on one of them. "Now then, are you ready for a heaping pot of knowledge my lady!" the hoodlum yelled with pizazz receiving a dim smile from her in turn.

"Yes let us begin," she sat down clicking her pen.

Gojo's POV

His cup broke...

Saturo Gojo, the world's greatest sorcerer was having a nice cup of morning tea with the principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High in his office. Unfortunately, when he reached for his cup, the bottom of the cup cracked spilling his delicious, delicious Sencha tea all over the table.

"God Damn! Gojo sorry about that, these cups may be old, but I never thought they'd just break like that. Let me give you another one." insisted Masamichi only to be blocked by Gojo's hand.

Standing up from his seat Masamichi could see even through his blindfold that he looked tense. "Gojo, what's the matter?"

"Sensei, I have a tingle up my spine and that cup breaking, I have a bad feeling about this," he started to look out the window gazing at the warm late summer sky. "I know you wanted to spend more time with me before the school year started, but my work takes priority."

"It's fine, I hope it's nothing serious."

"Hm, hard to tell, but I know I need to hurry," said Gojo taking flight out of campus to where he felt danger lurk.

Makima's POV

Makima was in complete shock. This world truly was different than her own!

She started her dog on a basic history lesson, and everything seemed to be normal for the most part, but on the normally blank part of most Japanese people's historical knowledge, he described World War 2. Which should've been impossible. Chainsaw Man ate the existence of not only the Holocaust, but almost all traces of the war in its entirety. But here is this random goon off the streets describing Pearl Harbor in more detail than even she could muster, and she was at Pearl Harbor!

However, if things like the holocaust still remained in these people's minds, there must be other things as well that remain. She next asked about other things people couldn't know such as: AIDS, SOA, and even Arnolone Syndrome. And that bastard got all of them right, which could only mean one thing...

"Mitsuo! Are there such a thing as devils!?" said the controller not caring to let her horror and excitement slip out of her voice.

"Huh, you mean like Satan, Miss Makima?"

With those words, tingles of pure joy moved all over her body. Pure excitement is all she could feel. She felt so powerful, without even raising a finger. There is no Blood Devil, no Shark Devil, no plague devil, no Zombie, no Fox, no Future, no Darkness, and most tingling of all...


"Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" laughed Makima her howls of laughter radiating off the walls of the alleyways drawing some people from the streets to peer in before leaving bored assuming it to be a drug addict. Her face was scrunched up in pure joy as she picked Mitsuo off his seat and started dancing freestyle with him. There are no consequences after all, no fear, nobody above her to stand in her way, her perfect world, no, her dream was now rolled out on a big red carpet just waiting for her to arrive and make it a reality!

She danced for almost an hour, before finally calming down and thinking through the ramifications of the news. "Phew, that was quite the workout. My face hurts a great deal from all that laughing," she said massaging her face.

"You alright Miss Makima, pant pant, you danced like that out of nowhere," gasped Mitsuo with his hands on his knees attempting to catch his breath.

"Yes, I'm very fine Mitsuo, I was just excited that's all." said the red controller wiping the sweat off her face. "Now then Mitsuo-San, do you and your friend have a boss?" she said sitting down and smiling calmly at him.

"Yes Mistress, we actually have two bosses. Their names are Nanako and Mimiko, they are the bosses of our division. And those divisions are all under the Geto Group."

"I see a sort of association that commits crimes and misdemeanors, are these commanders strong?" her curiosity increasing at the thought of an organization of criminals ready for her to conquer.

"Yes, they are all terrifying being able to use cursed spirits in comba-" he continued before hearing a grating sound coming from his right, but only saw the calm and pristine Mistress who had saved his life on multiple occasions.

"Mitsuo-Senpai, please continue," she said with a bigger smile, as he continued on with his explanation.

However, his dear Makima was all but pristine inside her mind. She got her hopes up for no reason! Of course, a new world would have established power and different abusers of said power just like her own. "Damn it! How unfortunate, I have obstacles once again! They should all drop dead for standing in my way!" shouted Makima in her mind as she clenched her fist out of sight of his information dump barely holding back her unyielding bubbling up inside her.

"I appreciate the information Mitsuo, but in light of this new information, we will have to make a stop somewhere first." Cutting him off after a minute and standing up. "You can continue once we get done with our business," she said walking over to the corpse to reform it and tag along with them, however, something wasn't right with it.

She could make out two distinct smells, one that was distinctly human stained with blood, and the clear use of cigarettes. The second somehow smelled new and ancient at the same time, like a new book that has been stored away in a moldy attic. Whatever the smell was, it seemed to be leaking out of the corpse, no it clawed out like a parasite leaving, well a corpse.

"Miss Makima back away!" yelled the thug as he pulled Makima back from the body in a panicked state. "Dang, I knew Kin-San was a glutton, but this is a new low!"

"What do you mean Mitsuo?" said the redhead not matching his panicked tone in the slightest.

"There's are curse coming out of him, WOAH! That almost hit me!" he said taking a dive to the ground head first. What was curious to Makima is that to the wall adjacent to them a small crater formed alongside a thud against it.

"Interesting," she thought, "It's invisible to most people except those with certain abilities, which is why these two got hired as thugs, they can see these curses. Let me try something..." she mused lifting up the man and putting her hand on top of his head like a pat and gazing through his eyes like binoculars, what she saw marveled her. Using both his eyes and ears she could hear the grunts of the curse (which could be compared to the stifling breathing of a pug) alongside its doughy appearance with a fully circular body with pale white skin, small human like limbs, and wings. Its biggest feature other than being a bit smaller than a soccer ball was that it only had a mouth making up about 60 percent of the creature. (If you are still having trouble, think gums from OPM but with the following attributes).

"What an odd creature. It looks an awful lot like the dough devil back in my world, and just as powerful to boot." mused Makima lost in thought. "I wonder... STAND." commanded the controller sternly.

At once the dough ball stopped it's flapping wings and stood at attention.


At once the curse stopped breathing and started to roll around in pain, not even choosing to howl in pain so as to not lose air.


The creature somehow looked thankful (despite having nothing but a mouth) as it flapped over to Mitsuo and perched itself like an overly fed plump bird on his shoulder. "Seems it was quite easy, like the combination of controlling an animal and a human. I'll keep that in mind," she said releasing her hand from the criminal's head, which sadly made the curse disappear from sight making her smell the only way she knew it was still there. "Sigh, I'll have to fix that if I can control them to their full extent."

Mitsuo then shook his head like he was waking up from a trance of some kind and looked at Makima only to see the curse on his shoulder, but before he could retort in panic and swat it away, she announced, "It's harmless Mitsuo. This curse is now an ally of mine."

"Ah I see Mistress, as you demand it," he said with a slight bow along with the curse.

"Yes, now then grab the gun from Kin, we must move swiftly. Mitsuo, what city are we in? This looks alot like Tokyo," she said, looking at the still standing Tokyo Tower

"Correct Miss, we're in Tokyo."

"Is this where the prime mister and his cabinet are?"

"Yes, Miss," he bowed.

When he looked up from his bow, his Mistress was looking at some crows on a telephone pole as they flew away. "Thank you for the info, I know where to go from here, we'll walk there," she said moving briskly to the sidewalks with him in tow.



The two were able to walk close enough to the building without much trouble, it was only a little twenty-minute walk for them after all. Unfortunately, when they got there, there were no people going in and out of the building with two huge bodyguards guarding the entrance. They looked mean and ready to start a fight, especially to the two homeless people walking towards the door.

"Hey, you two! No trespassing there's a very important meeting going on inside, and it demands the utmost silence from the outside got that!" shouted the guard to the left. Makima took in the two guards appearances, they seemed to be twins wearing black tuxedoed suits with black shades.

But she wasn't fazed by the man's shouting in the slightest and just bore her eyes into his like a viper looking at an overconfident guinea pig. The man started to bleed first from his nose, then from his eyes, and before long the man was dead. Nothing but a blood bloated corpse leaking on the cement floor.

"WHAT THE HELL! BROTHER! This is agent Takoyaki I have two dangerous sus-!"

"What floor is the Prime Minister on?"

The man's voice went silent before saying, "The 5th-floor center meeting hall." said Takoyaki dully.

"Excellent, I need you to step to the right agent if you don't mind." the agent stepped to the right giving Makima clear access to the see-through door.

Guards in similar suits started funneling out to the main door, probably responding to the brief walkie talkie call, but she paid no mind to them. They were all fodder, mere ants to her. She stepped forward and put her hand on the door, closing her eyes for a little bit she could feel everyone in the building, including the Prime Minister himself.

"Mmm, just like you said agent 5th floor. Now, without further ah do," Makima opened her golden eyes and spoke ever so softly... "{Controlled Sovereignty.}"

All at once the ants fell, cut off consciousness due to her overwhelming will and control over them. They didn't stand a chance.

"Mitsuo-San, give the agent a gun, we are going to speak to the Prime Mister on...


Thank You for Reading!

Something I would like to address is the ability of Makima to bring people back from the dead. I am basing it off the revival of the snake devil user Akane who I'm pretty sure literally had her head ripped off. I know it is vague and to those who see this as false you can see this as a non-canon thing, I won't use it that much since it's so obviously busted.

Also yeah I gave Makima a non-canon proper named move, watcha gonna do about it, huh ;)

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