This is my first book so i will try to keep it updated maxim lorde is my new name in this world. when i found out i have been reborn in the harry potter world my happiness knew no bounds but i was going to hogwarts 7 years before voldemort is vanquished. due to various reasons i wasnt able to change canon by much but my life turned out pretty normal because i graduated hogwarts just as voldemort was vanquished and the boy-who-lived was born. -- I am trying to write two stories in this at a time one about his normal life for 10 years before canon and his days at hogwarts alternatingly so you'll mostly get 2 chapters at a time-- sorry for my poor grammar skills, english isnt my first language | I dont own any characters from harry potter and i dont earn anything from this everything in this world is j.k rowlings property exept the oc |
My name is maxim lorde, yeah weird name that's what happens when an orphan tries to name himself, i chose it as a temporary name when i was 5. But as time went by i got used to the name and choose to accept it.
Right now i am moving towards the edge of the lambark mountains, i got information from the musty markers bar that theres a hidden weindraft here, which are pretty rare honestly.
I reached the edge and i can already see the weindraft and its the biggest i've seen in my life.
I take out my rope and tie it to one of the edges and go down like batman and approach the village.
The people who live at the edge are already looking at me with caution but i just smiled at them like a new neighbour one of them started running to call for someone, i walked until i reached what looked like a city center and waited as people gathered around.
I saw a giant warrior looking man coming towards me, i can see a scar running from his face reaching upto his shoulder he tried to look welcoming but he intimidated me all the same.
"Greetings i am callahan clawford leader of this weindraft, are u one of us mr.?" "Maxim lorde" "aah so mr lorde are u one of us?" he asked me with the same welcoming yet intimidating look.
"Unfortunately i am not one you mr callahan" i said while giving as big a smile i can give and i can already see half of them retreating to their homes while the other half showing me hostile looks.
"That is quite unfortunate indeed as our weindraft only allows those of our kind, anyway we are gonna ask you to leave right this instant or you're going to be forced out of here" he looked disappointed that i wasnt one of them and angry too.
As he is walking away i say "i heard of a women who is pregnant here" i can see him still at my mention but before i can continue i am being forced down by two people from behind while he holds my hair and questions "where did you hear about it?" He asked with pain promised in his voice should i not answer truthfully.
"I heard it in a pub, a drunk man was talking about a happy day and a woman from his village being pregnant i knew he was one of you i got your weindrafts location out of him" i told everything truthfully as i very much like my life.
He gave me a warning look before asking " are you here to kill the woman mr lorde?" I could practically hear the growl in his voice.
Before he can take any drastic measures i say "no no no no no., i am here to help the woman conceive, i have medical training i am a doctor"
The scarred leader looks at me and contemplates before coming to a decesion "release him carl" he then turns to me "you can stay here but one word of our village being revealed and you'll have 100's of us after you" after saying his piece he leaves while i just stay stunned that he allowed me to stay "stop being shocked and follow me mr lorde, i hope you leave before the next full moon".
With those ominous words, i stumble to my feet and follow him to a house in the village.