
The Adventures of Hope and Morgan

Spin-off series from Harry's New Game Plus. Follow Morgan Stark the Red Dragon Empress, Hope Potter the Phoenix Force, and friends as they world jump through the Multiverse in search of Adventure, just what sort of shenanigans will these very powerful girls will get up to? This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
62 Chs

Chapter 9

After getting out of the castle which then began to crumble and fall apart for some odd reason, the girls, Mario Brothers, and Princess Peach brought the baby yoshi back to their village.

The older yoshi all cheered and celebrated the group for saving the babies and the baby yoshi who had awakened by the time they reached Yoshi Village all hopped and danced around the girls prompting them to hug them and gush at how cute they are.

Afterward, there was a bit of a party in Yoshi Village where everyone got to eat and even play some games, Morgan finally got to ride a yoshi when they began to race, of course, she picked a red yoshi for her mount since she is the Red Dragon Empress.

Together they went to win the race and she got a cool yoshi coin as a medal, she loved it and promised to hang it on her wall as soon as she got home, after the party, everyone decided that it was time to go home since Princess Peach can't be gone for to long from her castle and Morgan, Hope, and Asia had already been gone for two whole days.

They had to go home but they were still sad to have to leave since they fell in love with the yoshi, the island, and the Mushroom Kingdom as a whole.

After saying their goodbyes to the yoshi and jumping into the pipe and going through the sewers they finally reached Toad Town, all of them silently walked through the now quiet town since it was already pretty late when Morgan suddenly spoke "I wonder if Uncle Harry felt this way when it was time for him to leave the worlds he visited?...".

Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach softly smiled at Morgan, they knew that saying goodbye wasn't easy but they also knew that this wasn't the only time that they would see them and they would meet again soon.

Hope looked up at the starry night and smiled "I'm sure daddy must have been sad to leave some worlds, I bet he even wanted to stay in some but if he did we wouldn't have met him".

Morgan turned her gaze and smiled at Hope while Asia smiled and decided to speak "Still Harry must have said goodbye a lot of times... how can he do it?".

Suddenly there was a flash of red light and Ddraig appeared in his chibi form on top of Morgan's shoulders, Princess Peach smiled at the Heavenly Dragon since she had already met him during her birthday party.

But Mario and Luigi jumped in surprise since they haven't had the chance to meet Ddraig much less know about him.

Ddraig on his part yawned and then grinned at Morgan "There's no need to be sad Morgan, you and the others can come to visit whenever you want, and if you want you can also ask Harry to make a portal to this world to make it easier".

Morgan's eyes lit up in excitement and a happy and bright smile appeared on her face "That's right! Uncle Harry can make a portal and connect the Mushroom Kingdom with our home in Kuoh!".

Both Hope and Asia smiled and nodded in excitement while the Mario Brothers looked lost and confused, Princess Peach hummed and then smiled "Perhaps your Uncle Harry can kidnap me so I can go see this Neo Kyoto I heard all of you speak about so much, that way I can even take a forceful vacation~".

Mario and Luigi gaped at Princess Peach while Morgan and Hope grinned in excitement, Asia just giggle in amusement already knowing that Harry would jump at a chance to kidnap a princess with permission.

After a while of walking, they finally reached the castle, and once they went inside and after calming down Toadsworth they finally had a chance to relax but it was also time to say goodbye.

However this time Morgan was far more cheerful about it and immediately hugged the Mario Brothers and Princess Peach, they all hugged her back with smiles on their faces, Morgan then spoke up "It was a lot of fun guys, and I'm very glad to have met you!".

Princess Peach smiled and nodded "It has been an adventure that's for sure but I will always remember this day, make sure you guys come and visit! Next time we'll go go-karting or play soccer perhaps even play a party game~ whatever we do I'm sure it will be fun!".

Mario nodded "Yes! Don't be strangers and come over soon! I'm sure we can go on some good adventures together".

Luigi smiled "Yes but let's try not to go into much danger okay? In fact we can just hang out somewhere close to home!".

Everyone laughed and Hope then smiled "We'll come and visit soon! We'll even bring more friends with us!".

Asia smiled and nodded "Yes we'll make sure to visit often and I'm sure Harry will be more than happy to connect our worlds! I'm sure he'll like this world too".

With that said the girls waved and then Hope activated the World Jump System, the Mario Brothers, and Princess Peach watched as the very air around the girls cracked and then shattered like glass.

However everything went back to normal soon after and the girls were now gone, Princess Peach smiled and then turned towards the Mario Brothers "Would you like some tea and cake before you go home?".

Mario and Luigi smiled and jumped in excitement causing Princess Peach to giggle in amusement and then began to walk towards the castle kitchens while the Mario Brothers followed her closely behind.


The girls appeared back home and immediately jumped on top of Morgan's bed and began to laugh and speak about the fun adventure they had in the Mushroom Kingdom.

As they talked about their adventure Morgan began to take stuff out of her Booster Gear inventory while Ddraig stayed on her shoulders like a lazy cat, the little Stark first took out her Yoshi Coin, and with a little bit of magic, she stuck it right on the wall on top of her bed.

She then took out Bowser's Shell and put it on the floor in front of her TV like some sort of decoration, after that he hung Kamek's wand beside the yoshi coin.

Happy with all of that she then went into her closet and took out a wooden chest her uncle Harry had given her so they call play pirates and expanded it inside with magic.

With a smile on her face, she began to dump all the items they got, green koopa shells, fire plants, ice plants, tanuki suits, magic capes, hammer bro suits, frog suits, power stars, super Mushroom, honey, 1up Mushroom, and more.

The girls certainly bought and got a lot of power-ups in the Mushroom Kingdom but that was all part of the fun since they all still wanted to try them at some point, besides you never know when you'll need something like a super mushroom.

After that Morgan closed her now real treasure chest and pushed it back inside her closet, she then went back to Asia and Hope and began a big pillow fight when she threw one at Hope's face who didn't take that lying down and retaliated by throwing a pillow but Morgan dodge and it ended up hitting Asia in the face.

Now Asia being trained by Tsunade couldn't take such a declaration of war lightly so she retaliated by throwing a pillow of her own and thus began a pillow war in the room of Morgan Stark.

The only casualty of such a battle was poor Ddraig who was hit by a pillow thrown by Hope and dodged by Morgan.


A few days later Morgan was in the basement spending some time with Godzilla who was laying on his belly and resting while Morgan sat on his snout and told him of her adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom, of course, the old Titan was confused about what Morgan was talking about but he was just happy to rest and spend time with his little friend.

Even though the concept of mushrooms with faces and turtles that you could strip by jumping on their backs was a little to much for him and this is a titan saying this but Morgan didn't notice any of that and just continued speaking "and then this wand waving koopa started flinging spells and we were like swoosh! and then bam! and we sent him flying off his broom!~".

Godzilla then softly growled ad Morgan nodded "Yup! He didn't get up after that and even crashed against Bowser! Two birds with one stone!".

Godzilla growled again and Morgan tilted her head "Huh? Roar? I didn't do that but why?".

Godzilla huffed and then growled again and Morgan nodded in understanding "Always celebrate a good victory with a roar? Hmm I'll give it a try next time!".

The old titan smiled a bit which made Morgan smile at her friend, suddenly she heard a voice "Wow! He's so big~".

Morgan turned towards the voice and smiled when she saw who it was that just spoke "Yuzu!".

The Red Dragon Empress brightly smiled and jumped down from Godzilla's snout, she then immediately hugged the young Yuzu Kurosaki who hugged her back with a big smile on her face.

Morgan looked up at Yuzu with her bright smile still on her face "Aunty Yuzu! What brings you here?".

Yuzu smiled and began to pat Morgan's head "Aww! I love it when you call me Aunty Yuzu! Hehe! me and Karin came to visit since we were bored at home".

Morgan smiled and pointed at Godzilla who was silently watching his friend hug another human, this one smelt of death and something else he couldn't recognize but seeing as Morgan acted friendly towards this new human Godzilla decided to quietly watch "Look! This is my friend Godzilla! isn't he the coolest! and he's almost as big as Uncle Harry!".

Yuzu giggled and then nodded "He is pretty cool! Is he a dragon too?".

Godzilla huffed, this wasn't the first time he was confused for a dragon and technically he was one but it was not really what he is and the comparison was getting old, Morgan noticed Godzilla's attitude and giggled "No he's not a dragon but he's something pretty close! He's a titan an ancient being created by the consciousness of the planet".

Yuzu nodded, she didn't understand half of that but she did get that it was old and very powerful so Yuzu bowed to Godzilla and then smiled at him "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Godzilla!".

Godzilla stared at Yuzu for a long second before softly growling and then closing his eyes to take a nap, Morgan giggled in amusement "He said 'nice to meet you too' hehe! I think he likes you!".

Yuzu smiled and approached Godzilla, she then gently began to caress his snout "I like him too".

Morgan softly smiled and then looked around "Where's Aunty Karin? You said that both of you came to visit no?".

Yuzu turned towards Morgan and nodded "She's with Hope in the living room, I think they're watching TV so I came to look for you".

Morgan nodded "Then let's go and see if they want to do anything!".

Yuzu nodded and then both girls left to let the old titan continue with his nap and to go see what their friends were up to.


When Morgan and Yuzu arrived in the living room they watched as Hope was staring at Karin with an amused smile on her face as the young Kurosaki glared at a super mushroom who was nervously sweating from the intense glare it was receiving from Karin.

Yuzu sweatdropped while Morgan smiled as they watched Karin glare at the super mushroom, Yuzu wanting to know just exactly what her sister was doing spoke up "Err Karin why are you glaring at that poor mushroom?...".

Karin turned her head towards her sister and shrugged "I'm just trying to see if it can blink".

Yuzu sweatdropped again "Huh? but... mushrooms don't have eyes and where did you even get a mushroom so big?".

Karin then turned the mushroom towards Yuzu and point at it "It does have eyes! Look".

Yuzu stared at the mushroom and confirmed that it did indeed have eyes "... That's not normal is it?".

Morgan giggled while Hope smiled and began to explain "Not really but these types of mushrooms aren't normal, it's actually known as a super mushroom and it comes from another world".

Morgan then excitedly spoke, "Yup~ they're very useful little things too! They can heal or make you slightly bigger and resistant to one hit! They're magical in nature".

Yuzu tilted her head in curiosity "Super mushroom? Hmm... why do I feel like I've heard of something like that before?.. Oh well it probably wasn't important! Still a magical mushroom huh?".

Yuzu took it from Karin and stared at it which made the poor super mushroom sweatdrop "I kinda want to bite it now...".

Karin rolled her eyes at her twin but fondly smiled at her nonetheless, Morgan grinned liking Yuzu's adventurous side, Hope, however, shook her head "I don't recommend it, Sirius tried one out and he slammed his head on the door on his way out of the room which got rid of the effect right away, apparently it's really hard to keep your balance when you suddenly grow that much".

Yuzu pouted but then poked the super mushroom "You got lucky buddy but I will take a bite out of you someday~".

Everyone laughed and then Karin "Well leaving my sister threatening a poor mushroom aside it sounds like you two have been having a lot of fun lately! Mom told us that Pepper and Jean were talking about all of your adventures in the by weekly mother gathering night!".

Morgan and Hope giggled at the mention of the so call motherly night, apparently every other week the moms get together and talk about their kids, so Hinata, Pepper, Masaki, Jean, and Yasaka plus whoever was available at the time just get together drink and gossip about their kids.

Of course, the men disappear from the house that day and only Harry is crazy enough to hang around so close to them.

Morgan smiled and nodded "Yup! We've been visiting other worlds and having fun! Godzilla is from one of those worlds I just made a familiar pact with him and he comes to visit once in a while~".

Hope then spoke up "We also made a lot of friends! and saw a lot of cool places! the super mushrooms are found in another world along with a bunch of other cool stuff too!".

Karin grinned "That sounds like a lot of fun, I want to visit other worlds too".

Yuzu nodded "Yeah! In our world, there's only the Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and Hell, I've only seen Hell though".

Karin sweatdropped at how nonchalantly Yuzu mentioned the fact that she was in Hell in their world though to be fair she was kidnapped and taken there against her will.

Morgan then hummed "You know... we know a lot of devils in this world but we've never been to Hell before, Aunty Serafall told me once that it looked a lot like the human world".

Hope tilted her head and began to think about the Hell of her own world "I've seen the Hell of my world though the one there were multiple planes and each one had its own demonlord though daddy killed one already, I think his name was Dormammu or something like that".

Yuzu looked up while poking her lower lips with her pointer finger "The Hell of our world was a lot like the ones in stories, lots of fire and brimstone though there were these really big monsters that would walk around everywhere, it was really scary! Thankfully Ichi-nii and Harry-nii got to me fast and took me out of there right away".

Karin shook her head "Harry and Ichigo were pretty pissed when that happened though, Ichigo went on a rampage and Harry practically destroyed Hell just to get the guy who caused all of that to happen".

Morgan's eyes sparkled "Uncle Harry destroyed your Hell!?".

Karin grinned at Morgan and then gave her a nod "Oh yes! He bathed the entire place with Holy Light using Oathkeeper! He almost destroyed Hell by purifying everything! Sinners and all".

Yuzu giggled "I've never seen Harry-nii so angry before~ he took one look at me with my chain of fate disappearing and he snapped, he used a very special holy light spell too".

Now that got Morgan and Hope very interested, Morgan wanting to know what spell her uncle Harry had used immediately asked about it "Oh~ a special holy light spell, and this was before Uncle Harry became a dragon god too? I want to know the spell!".

Karin smirked, "We asked him about it too! and he called it Sanctus Praemium which practically is a holy light nuke plus it was also enhanced by Oathkeeper and well Hell was heavily damaged after that".

Hope hummed "Oh so it's one of those very big spells of his, that explains why we haven't seen daddy use it, he hardly ever uses spells like those, I wonder where he learned such a spell? it doesn't sound like any of the usual types he uses".

Yuzu nodded "He said he got it as a reward for a quest, apparently it is a spell that usually requires multiple people praying and chanting for a long time before the spell actually triggers but Harry-nii can use it on his own".

Morgan brightly smiled "Wow! I wonder if Uncle Harry could teach me that spell? It might come in handy someday".

Hope raised an eyebrow "Why would you ever need a holy nuke Morgan?".

Morgan grinned "We could one day end up in a Hell or something and a holy nuke might just make things easier".

Hope raised a finger and opened her mouth to protest but then stopped and thought about Morgan's words for a little bit "... Okay... that might actually happen someday since we're world jumping so I'll give you that one".

Morgan gave Hope a very smug smirk and the little Potter just rolled her eyes at her through the small smile on her face let everyone know she was amused by Morgan's antics.

Yuzu giggled and Karin smiled at the girls, Karin then hummed "Hey! Any fun worlds your going to visit soon?".

Hope turned her head towards Karin and answered her question "Well we haven't been looking since I decided to wait a bit to learn some magic spells and techniques, in the last world I didn't do much fighting because we didn't want to kill some of our enemies and my flames aren't really suited for situations like that so I wanted to learn some other ways to attack".

Karin and Yuzu understood Hope's predicament, Yuzu then scratched her head and look a bit embarrassed "Your flames are cosmic fire right? I think Harry and Jean explained it but I really didn't get it though".

Hope smiled and began to explain a bit "Cosmic fire is a special type of flame, it burns as hot as a sun which is why it's very dangerous, my being the Phoenix Force makes my flames especially powerful and the fact that my body was born out of a dragon god, a goddess of death and a mutant makes my flames conceptual in nature".

Hope raised her hand and stared at it "Daddy also gave me a lot of perks and skills which only made my flames even more powerful and dangerous so I needed another way to attack since my flames can and have destroyed whole planets before".

Everyone knew of Hope's existence prior to being born as Hope Potter was nothing but a cycle of death and life, of creation and destruction and as she lived for so many millennia she had become numb to her role in the universe.

But now that she had a daddy, a lot of mommies, and a family she began to loath the role she used to have, she now understood what it means to love something and she felt bad that she had destroyed a lot of lives, Morgan smiled at Hope seeing her feel melancholy and then grabbed Hope's hand to cheer her up "So what did you learn?".

Hope stared into Morgan's eyes and then smiled at her knowing that Morgan didn't want to see her feel bad "I learned a lot of different elemental spells from mommy Le Fay and some wand magic from Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus but mommy Valerie has been teaching me had to use magic guns too!".

Morgan grinned at Hope and nodded in appreciation for having had some of the best teachers available in Neo Kyoto everyone knew that Valerie was the best marksman in Neo Kyoto and knew how to use every type of firearm ever so learning from her was a big deal.

In fact, Valerie was the best in the Hunter Guild and Gunner Guild when it came to using firearms, her aunty Le Fay was known as the most powerful and knowledgeable mage in Kyoto only rivaled in knowledge and skill by her Aunty Hermione.

And both Sirius and Remus were known as some of the best battle wizards, Hope couldn't have chosen better people to learn from and the fact that their family just made sure that they all taught her the best, everyone in the Potter household loved her after all.

Morgan then tilted her head and became curious about one specific detail so she decided to point it out "But you don't have a magic gun though and those types of weapons are still rare, I think Aunty Valerie is the only one with some in her possession and Uncle Harry and daddy made them for her".

Hope grinned and then took out a small pistol, brownish in color "I called daddy about what I wanted to do and he sent me this magic gun, its called a gauss pistol, it's very powerful but it has quite the strong recoil but I can take it or even use to my advantage".

Yuzu, Karin, and Morgan stared at the magic gun with awe expressions on their faces while Hope continued to explain "The best part is that daddy modified it so it can take my flames so I can shoot bullets of condensed cosmic fire if ever need to".

Morgan grinned and happily clapped "Uncle Harry gives the best gifts ever!".

Karin and Yuzu nodded since Harry always did give them whatever they wanted whenever they asked for anything, Harry does really like to spoil them too much.

Morgan then once clapped her hands excitedly "Oh~ how about we go to another world so you can test your new skills with the magic gun?".

Hope tilted her head in interest "Sounds like a good idea but where?".

Karin grinned "Can we come too? That actually sounds like a lot of fun! Plus I always wanted to go on an adventure like big bro Harry!".

Yuzu nodded and excitedly raised her fists "Oh! We can put what Mom and Dad had taught us into practice! We have never had a chance to fight".

Morgan smiled "Oh? You both can fight! How cool! What can you do?".

Karin grinned and raised a hand and in a blast of black wind a Katana appeared in her hand "This is Fuugetsu! my Zanpakutō!".

Yuzu raised her arm and showed off her Quincy Cross which began to glow with black Reishi, the next second Yuzu was holding a bow made of pitch-black Reshi "I'm more of a quincy but mom taught me a lot of techniques!".

Morgan and Hope awed at the Kurosaki girl's weapons and abilities, Morgan then noticed something peculiar about their energy "Hmm that energy... Uncle Harry has the same feeling whenever he uses his spiritual powers".

Hope hummed and then nodded "Ah! I see so both of you also have hollow energy!".

Karin nodded and smiled "Yup! We don't have a full hollow in our souls like Ichigo, we're more like big bro Harry in that we have hollow spiritual energy and we can manipulate it though it's not enough to manifest a hollow mask".

Yuzu then sighed "It's too bad really, I would've liked an awesome hollow mask too...".

Karin shook her head in amusement, while Morgan and Hope smiled at Yuzu, Morgan then turn her head towards Hope "Then how about it? Should we go to another world?".

Hope nodded and gave Hope a thumbs up "Yeah! Karin and Yuzu can fight and knowing granny Masaki and goat chin gramps! They must be very powerful too!".

Yuzu and Karin giggled at the way Hope chose to address their father, when he met Hope he immediately loved his new granddaughter and had asked her to call him grampa but for some reason, Hope would only call him Goat Chin gramps much to the amusement of Ichigo and Harry.

Yuzu stopped feeding her spiritual energy into her quincy cross and then suddenly stood up and began to excitedly hop from foot to foot "Oh~ what sort of world are we going to visit!? This is all very exciting!".

Karin nodded in agreement and sent her zanpakutō back into her soul something she learned she can do during her own training "If Hope is going to be trying out her new gun skills then it needs to be a world with a lot of enemies, maybe one with lots of monsters?".

Morgan hummed and began to think about which world to visit next "Well there's a lot of worlds like that".

Hope then tapped her chin "Then how about we have the World Jump System randomly choose a world with those parameters?".

Morgan nodded "That sounds like a good idea actually! It makes this extra exciting!".

Hope nodded and then stood up "Do we still have all the supplies from last time right? We didn't use any in the Mushroom Kingdom".

Morgan nodded and summoned her Boosted Gear and then tapped the green gem on her Iron Man like Gauntlet "Yup! and Asia even gave us a whole bunch of extras".

Hope nodded and then turned towards Yuzu and Karin "Should we let Grandma Masaki know that you might be gone for a few days?".

Yuzu shook her head and smiled at Hope "It's okay, mom knew we were coming over and that we were planning to sleep over too! It's very boring in our world so we wanted to stay over for a while since there's always something exciting happening here".

Hope nodded and giggled "Understatement of the century there".

The girls then shared a fun-filled laugh and after a while, Hope then opened the World Jump System and then clicked on the random jump tab, the system then began to count down "Alright gather around and get ready, make sure you're ready for anything because we don't where we're landing so be ready to fight".

Yuzu, Karin, and Morgan nodded then suddenly the air around the girls cracked and then shattered like glass, it repaired itself a few seconds later leaving the living room empty.


In a dark and empty alley, the very air cracked and shattered like glass but as always it repaired itself leaving Morgan, Hope, Yuzu, and Karin standing in the alley and looking around.

It was night and the girls immediately noticed that it was dark out, Morgan scrunched up her face and took a big sniff "Huh? I'm getting a lot of weird smells and my instincts are starting to act up...".

Yuzu and Karin turned towards Morgan and noticed that her eyes had turned green and dragonic, she even had red scales on her cheeks, Hope nodded and looked around "Yeah... there's something really wrong around here".

Hope being in better control of her dragonic instincts calmly looked around, Morgan suddenly turned around and growled while summoning her Boosted Gear Gauntlets and launched herself forward.

Morgan had moved so fast that Karin and Yuzu couldn't even see her move but Hope did and immediately followed her trajectory and frowned when she saw two dog-like creatures run towards them.

But Morgan intercepted them in a second and tore them apart with her dragon claws which emerged from her Boosted Gear Gauntlets, Hope walked up to her while Yuzu and Karin followed her close behind.

When they got to Morgan they found her staring at the now dead dog-like creatures with a confused expression on her face, it was almost as if she didn't understand what exactly she was seeing, Hope walked up to her side and looked down and the pieces left of the dog like creatures only to see that they were still twitching "What?".

Morgan turned her head towards Hope "They're still alive... but whatever these things are they're making my instincts go nuts".

Hope nodded "Yeah... mine too but what is it?".

Karin and Yuzu looked down and the pieces of the dog-like creatures which were still twitching, Yuzu tilted her head "Perhaps it's some kind of undead? If I remember correctly necromancers can control corpses of not only humans but animals as well no?".

Karin nodded "That's what Harry-nii said when we asked him about the type of magic he hates the most... something about him being the Master of Death and necromancers being an insult to his title".

But Hope shook her head "No, I don't think that's it... for starters, this thing doesn't have an ounce of mana, and undead are saturated with mana in order to move...".

Morgan sighed and began to calm down like her Uncle Harry taught her and her eyes and skin went back to normal, she then turned around and spoke "But whatever it is that is making these things move it's inside of them and it's very dangerous, so much that my dragonic instincts are constantly warning me away".

Hope nodded "Yeah but I don't think we have to worry too much about it, daddy did give us a lot of perks and skills that make us immune to anything human-made".

Karin frown "So you think a human did this?".

Hope nodded "Yeah... there's no mana or any kind of energy signature in these things so it's not supernatural in nature plus I can't sense anything supernatural in this world".

Yuzu widen her eyes in surprise "Eh? How can that be? There's no ghost either?".

Hope shook her head "No, no spirits or anything like that, I can't even sense any Gods".

Morgan frowned "Well Uncle Harry did say that there are worlds out there without any form of supernatural lifeforms so this one must be one of those worlds".

Everyone nodded, Morgan then began to sniff again "I'm smelling fire, ash, and death in the air... something is definitely going on in this place".

Yuzu looked around and noticed a few tall buildings a distance away, she hummed and then spoke up "This looks like an alley and those buildings are pretty tall so I think we're in a city".

Karin nodded and then sighed "We should take a look around and see what information we can find but let's be careful and be ready to fight, there's something definitely wrong going on".

Everyone nodded, Hope then summoned her gauss pistol and shot the pieces of the dog-like creatures with cosmic fire bullets incinerating them and instantly turning them into ash.

With that done Hope nodded to herself and then turned towards her friends "Alright let's go guys and see what we can find".

After that the quartet of girls walked out of the dark alley they arrived in and began to investigate what was going on in this city, the darkness of the night being their only companion.


The girls walked around the city and eventually found even more strange undead creatures spread all over the street, these man-made zombies were usually slow but some did move fast.

Nothing they couldn't handle though since their party was very well balanced with Karin and Morgan being close-range units while Hope and Yuzu provide long-range support though the girls could swap at any time since their training allowed them to be balanced fighters.

But for now, they were comfortable with their formation and continued to traverse the city this way, still, Hope and Morgan were very perplexed about these zombie creatures they found.

Not only were they not normal undead but there was something odd about them that had them on high alert, so they decided to follow up with a very important piece of advice Harry had given them before 'when in doubt destroyed the body'.

Sure it was very morbid advice to give to two little girls but it really was the best advice Harry could give them about dealing with the undead, you never know if they'll really stay down after all.

So Hope and Morgan made sure to completely destroy any zombie or creature they took down something both Yuzu and Karin also began to do since it made sense to them to do so.

But eventually, after walking through the streets of the city they finally arrived at a big building, Morgan narrowed her eyes as she read the big white letters on top of the entrance "R.P.D...Raccoon City Police Department".

Hope nodded "So this city is named Raccoon City? Strange name... maybe we'll find some answers in here".

The girls looked at the entrance to the Raccoon Police Department with frowns on their faces, something really bad has happened here and they somehow knew that they were about to find out what happened soon.