
"I guess it's here..."

[Sebastian room 9:05 at night]

Sebastian began to recover his consciousness but when he woke up he remembered very vividly what had happened inside the game, as the blood of that creature slipped between his fingers and the expression he had when he was beheaded.

His hands were shaking and his heart was beating fast, as if he were about to have a nervous breakdown, so he decided to use his cell phone to call Mark or one of his ex-coworkers to confess what he had done.




Number after number no one of those who had called answered him until finally someone answered the phone.

"Mr. Sebastian, what happened? Why are you calling me so late?" Lucas's worried voice could be heard on the phone while Sebastian was beginning to calm down little by little.

"I killed someone! A strange green creature called a goblin...stabbed him in the throat and when I tried to remove the knife I ended up slaughtering him...I think I'm having a panic attack!" Sebastian's desperate voice could be heard by Lucas who felt some remorse for not explaining what the game was about.

Lucas decided that it would be better to start from scratch explaining what the game was about and that confrontations with monsters were constant things.

"Mr. Sebastian, please calm down and let me explain what the game is about. What happened inside the game is not real, it does not happen at all." Lucas tried to calm Sebastian on the phone which seemed impossible at the moment because Sebastian had suffered a great shock due to the raw and vivid goblin scene.

"The world of the heart of the Oasis, is a world plagued by monsters that appeared mysteriously, also the adventurers were the first to oppose these creatures, I mean the players, the mission of an adventurer is to kill all the monsters finally facing the final boss." Lucas explained little by little how was the theme of the game and what was the ultimate goal of a player/adventurer.

"You mean, I'll face other monsters!?" Sebastian said raising his voice realizing that in that world everything is getting worse as he advanced in the heart of the oasis.

"Probably, many more, bigger, stronger, faster and more grotesque." Lucas told to Sebastian while beginning to wonder if giving that game to his ex-boss had been a good idea.

"But you will not fight alone, the game is full of players who would love to help someone like you who is respectful and a good person, I'm sure someone will be happy to help you in the game." Lucas said over the phone to Sebastian that maybe because of his qualities as a good person someone would help him.

"Mr. Sebastian, I think you should enjoy the game, nothing that happens affects someone in real life, you should just relax and enjoy the game, yes, there are monsters but you just need to train a little to learn how to fight against them." Lucas said on the phone.

"Mr. Sebastian, we have spoken for almost an hour, I think it would be better if you rest for today and try to play the game more calmly tomorrow." Lucas said mentioning that it had been an hour since he had called.

Sebastian looked at the clock on his wall and managed to realize what time it was. "Ten o'clock at night !?" Sebastian was totally stunned to learn what time it was.

Sebastian decided that it would be time to go to sleep, since Lucas probably had to go to work in the morning, and he was bothering him at that hour.

"Excuse me, Lucas, I did not know about the time." Sebastian said apologizing to Lucas.

"It's okay, Mr. Sebastian, just remember, time flies when you have fun, have fun and enjoy the game." Lucas said on the phone before ending the call.

"Good night, Lucas," Sebastian said, listening to the sound of the call being ended without even being able to say goodbye.

"Good night, Lucas," Sebastian said, listening to the sound of the call being ended without even being able to say goodbye.

His room was full of loneliness, a single bed for him, a closet full of work suits, office shoes, ties and a strange feeling of familiarity with everything around him invaded Sebastian's body.

Sebastian went to his closet and began to look for an object inside him.

"Oh here are you old friend." Sebastian said taking out an old radio from inside his closet.

When the radio was turned on, the sound of the interference could be heard, which reminded Sebastian's childhood, but that sound was not what he was looking for at that moment.

"Let's see if you still have some of your magic left." Sebastian placed the old radio on the sideboard next to the bed, beginning to look for a tune.

After a few moments of searching, Sebastian managed to find a sound of a piano playing a slow note while the soft voice of a lady made him feel more and more tired.

"Tomorrow will be another day..." Sebastian said feeling discouraged at the same time being consoled by the voice of the radio.

Sebastian leaned back on his bed watching slowly as the hands of the clock rotated slowly feeling as his body was carried away to sleep as if it were a boat in the sea being dragged by the current.

[10:35 at night]




[5:59 in the morning]

The first rays of sun began to rise on the horizon while the sound of the birds woke Sebastian in his bed, but at that time Sebastian got up and ran out putting on his office shoes, his tie and his suit arriving at the door principal with his portfolio in hand.

With his hand on the doorknob Sebastian stopped and dropped his briefcase, remembering that he could no longer work, his hand left the handle of the door slowly backing up to the kitchen where he took a chair and sat down.

The kitchen was in total silence, Sebastian remained motionless in the chair as if it were a mannequin in a suit.




The sound of the alarm sounded in the room of Sebastian, bringing him back to reality, making him understand that everything he had been accustomed to doing in his life should change from that


Sebastian got up and took a coffee pack from a drawer, which he placed in a cup and put it in a coffee machine.

The sun began to slowly rise in the distance while Sebastian waited for the coffee to be ready.

"...." the total silence of the kitchen was normal for Sebastian so this did not bother him in the least.

"I guess I'll train with Vex today, clean up Lily's market and attend Edna's bar." Sebastian said as he finished preparing his coffee, bringing it to his mouth.

Before taking the first sip of the warm coffee Sebastian seized up completely remembering that he had dropped the bow that the owner of the tavern had given him to fight against the goblin.

"Dammit." Sebastian cursed the air while thinking of a way to apologize to the owner of the tavern.

"We go slowly, one thing at a time." Sebastian decided to slow down and take care of one thing at a time before entering the game again, the first was to enjoy his coffee.

The strong taste of coffee caressed Sebastian's tongue as it descended his throat.



At that moment Sebastian's stomach had been heard as if a dog were grumbling against someone.

"I'm hungry, better a breakfast and cleaning before we leave." Sebastian told himself before going to the video game.

In the course of the morning Sebastian cleaned every little corner and furniture of his house and breakfast, also washed his clothes and irrigated his plants and trees.

Outside the house the humidity had taken care of slightly better everything that was within reach, that included the clothes that Sebastian had left the previous day.

"It will be bad for my health if you do not army me from time to time." Sebastian said while watching a person running at the side of the road.

"Good morning, Mr. Sebastian, a beautiful and fresh tomorrow, no?" The young man shouted at Sebastian.

Sebastian raised his hand greeting him. "Of course, be careful!" Sebastian responded in a friendly way to the young man who was trotting, while Sebastian watched as this young man walked away in the distance.

[7:35 in the morning]

Sebastian put on some casual clothes and trotted along the same side of the road that the other young man had taken.

When the wind trotted he caressed her skin and felt the soft breeze pass between his clothes while the warm sun kept his body warm.

The birds could be observed flying in the distance and some horses in the distant meadows, some dogs also walked along the road following a person very closely.


Sebastian after a short jog time decided to return to his house to finally enter the game, although he was not thrilled to find another goblin and much less to find out the expression of the owner of the tavern when he learned that he had lost the bow she had given him.

Without many preparations Sebastian entered the capsule again introducing his username and password.

The light again entered the eyes of Sebastian blinded him re-entering it in the world of heart of the oasis.

"It would be better if I ran and explained how I lost the bow and then went to work with Lily." Sebastian said as he ran away heading to the tavern.

Edna was at that moment serving drinks and hot meals, she was clearly being bothered by something because her face did not show a smile, but it showed concern.

Sebastian entered the tavern and the atmosphere was totally different from yesterday, now the laughter was silence and the happy faces of the NPC were melancholic and whit sad faces.

Sebastian naturally worried that he could not help but ask what was bothering Edna and the fact that the entire tavern had a funerary atmosphere.

"Oh, thanks for taking care of that dirty goblin ..." Edna said forcing a smile on her face to the point where she leaned against the counter and started to cry while the NPC or players around her were unable to do anything.

Sebastian was unable to help Edna because he did not know what was happening until a NPC with an empty glass in his hand spoke to him, showing a certain indifference.

"I'm afraid that the man attacked by the goblin was the husband of Edna and that the goblin's weapon was poisoned, I'm afraid nobody is able to do something, the guards do not allow anyone to leave, and they also say that they do not have time to go and look for special medicine in the forest. " The NPC in traveler's outfit with a cowboy hat said.

"There's nothing to do but let him die ... slowly and painfully, unless someone wants to use a knife and stab him in the heart, it sounds more merciful than to let a poor man suffer like that." again the NPC spoke with his voice closer and closer to the point that he felt a lump in his throat that prevented him from talking because of the impotence of being unable to help.

"What does it take to remove the poison?" Said Sebastian curious of what kind of medicine was the one that required to cure man.

"It's a white dragon's tooth, a strange flower that grows in caves infested with goblins, since their feces make these flowers bloom in an incredible way, those flowers are able to cure any poisoning, but I'm afraid nobody dares to go and the adventurers are not allowed to leave until the obligatory period of 7 days is fulfilled, at most the husband of Edna only live another day. " The NPC with cowboy hat said.

Sebastian ran out the entrance of the tavern while the NPC cowboy hat under his glass leaving it on the counter.

"These tests of the gods are what differentiates the men from the children...will you have what it takes...Sebastian?" The NPC said as one of his eyes looked back.

Sebastian ran down the street from the village of the beginning looking for Vex, the coach until finally after a few minutes he managed to reach the training field and watched Vex who was sitting under a tree with his sword in his hand and a twig in his mouth.

"Vex !!" Sebastian shouted with all his strength while running to Vex and at the same time some players who were training were distracted by the behavior of this person.

"What a weird guy." a player named Kirial712 said while watching how this person ran towards the NPC coach.

"Vex, I need your help now!" Sebastian said standing in front of Vex trying to catch his breath from so much running.

"Wow, you can run for a long time old man...what do you need from me?" Vex said looking indifferently at Sebastian's eyes.

"Your help, that's what I need from you!" Sebastian said to vex, but this did not change expression for a second.

"I can not help you, only you can help yourself...I can only give you a weapon, if you like it clearly." Vex said to Sebastian.

"What?" Sebastian answered with clear confusion in his voice.

"That's what my teacher told me when I ran to him, so he would try to help my mother who was being kidnapped by bandits, only you can help yourself, I can only give you a weapon." Vex repeated explaining the meaning of those words.

"That was the last time I saw my mother alive, since I was unable to take the weapon with my hands to take care of the problem by myself." Vex said.

Sebastian felt how his anger began to rise more and more because Vex was able to help but did not want to do, so he decided to accept the weapon.

"Give me the weapon then and I'll do it myself, since you're just a coward, you did not manage to save your mother and now you let an innocent man lose his life, you're just a coward that hides behind the work of training those who fight against monsters." Sebastian said yelling at Vex in the face.

Vex ducked his head looking at the ground and presented his sword in front of Sebastian delivering it.

Sebastian took the sword and ran out of the training camp heading to the exit of the town of the beginnings.

"What kind of person gets to talk like that with a NPC, that guy must be crazy if he thinks those NPC understand him." Many players at heart of the oasis were totally ignorant as they almost never read the game's information guide leaving them uninformed that the NPC of the game had an intelligent AI that gave them the same ability to think as a human.

"Let's continue, when the 3 days passes, we can leave and finally start enjoying the game." another player said making everyone present to start to hit the training dolls again.

Sebastian at the moment came to the exit which was guarded by a guard who was blocking it preventing someone from leaving town.

"Sorry, it's an emergency, I must go!" Sebastian said to the guard looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry but my orders are clear I can not let anyone leave the town...the king said-" At that moment Sebastian shouted at the guard's face interrupting him.

"To hell with the King, the life of an innocent man is in danger and I do not give a shit what the king says now!" Sebastian placed himself in a combat stance with his knife in one hand and the sword in his other hand, resting it on his shoulder.

The guard began to sweat to see that the adventurer in front of him refused to follow the orders of the king, knowing what these adventurers were able to do when they became stronger.

"...." The guard remained silent and stepped to the side of the exit, giving Sebastian a free pass.

"Go quickly, before I repent." The guard sounded somewhat scared but Sebastian was determined to go in search of that plant.

What most scared the guard at that moment was the huge sword on Sebastian's shoulder, which seemed to be dull and poorly maintained but still willing to break bones with his simple blow.

Sebastian started running again into the forest, taking advantage of the daylight using his map looking for enemies, knowing that this time he should kill the elves and not feel anything, which would be a bit complicated, because he was inside the game he was unable to feel the reality and the virtual world.

Seconds later after entering the forest, red spots began to appear on the map indicating the distance of each enemy.

"..." Sebastian remained silent as he watched groups of goblins together eating a deer-like animal, so he used that moment as an opportunity and approached them without them noticing.

Sebastian came out from behind the tree and used the huge sword with both hands throwing it with all his weight against the group of owners making an oblique blow.

Three of five goblins were struck by the sword being thrown like rag dolls a couple of meters away from the two remaining goblins that had reacted in time and had dodged the sword.

[105 exp obtained]

The notification confirmed that the simple attack with the huge sword was more than enough to kill the goblins.

Sebastian began to go from one enemy to another by killing them alone with the huge and blunt sword, some of the goblins tried to cover themselves with wooden shields but these were immediately reduced to simple pieces of wood that splintered in the arms of the goblins as they were impacted by the sword.

[Level 3 has been obtained]

Level 3

HP: 79-> 101

MP: 20-> 27

Physical defense: 8

Magic defense: 6

Strength: 13-> 17

vitality: 14-> 18

Intelligence: 26-> 28

Wisdom: 14-> 16

Agility: 16-> 20

Proficiency with big swords +10

Goblin after goblin Sebastian continued advancing in the forest looking for a cave, until on his map a strange door icon appeared indicating the entrance to some place.

"I guess it's here..." Sebastian said putting on his shoulder again the huge sword, being tired as his weight caused him to be out of breath very quickly.
