
The Accidental Anti-Hero

Disclaimer:I didn't own the book cover. Credits to to the rightful owner. Charlotte is a writer. Not a very popular writer. She writes mystery, fantasies and romance novels. She doesn’t care about readers, she just wants and loves to write to escape reality. But one day, when Charlotte woke up, she saw brilliant, and white light from her computer. She immediately stood up and suddenly frowned. She lifted her hand and was about to touch the computer, but suddenly... There seemed to be energy pulling her onto the inside of the computer. She closed her eyes, not knowing that she was already pulled inside the computer. "Ahh," her head was spinning as she saw nothing. She covered her eyes as the sunlight hits her face, but when she opened them, her lips parted in surprise when she saw herself as the side character of one of her novels. Will she be able to cope with the circumstances she will face as the side character? How will she be able to get back? All Rights Reserved The Accidental Anti-Hero

MysteriousFlat · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

The Accidental Villain

When Charlotte ended the chapter, she went to her bed after turning off all the lights. She lets out a deep breath when she feels the soft mattress from her bed, making her feel relaxed.

"How I wish I could be as brave as Luna,"

The light of dawn seeped into Charlotte's room. She lazily opened her eyes and saw a shiny light from her computer. Charlotte's reaction was a big frown. She stood up and immediately walked closer to her computer.

"What is this?" she asked herself and was reaching out for the light towards her. When she gets closer, weird energy seemed to be grabbing her inside the computer. "What... What's happening..." Charlotte didn't see what was happening as she was shielding her eyes from the shiny light.

"Woah..." she uttered as she was grabbed by the weird energy towards the computer. She was spinning inside, causing her to feel dizzy, and didn't see anything as she was closing her eyes.

"Somebody help me!" she shouts, but no one can hear her.

After an hour, Charlotte opened her eyes, as she was still gaining her strength after that dizzy moment she had earlier. She stood and frowned while she was looking at the unfamiliar window in front of her. When Charlotte peeked outside, she frowned while looking at the very unfamiliar place.

"Where am I?" she asked herself and was about to walk when suddenly she stopped while she saw herself in the mirror. Her lips parted in surprise. "Ahhh!" she shouted while looking at her face in the mirror. She's wearing an assassin's uniform, she had also had the dagger, sword, and a bow inside her room.

"Luna? What happened?" Elton asked Charlotte. She frowned and she was even surprised to see him in front of her.

"Wait... Elton?" she asked him in surprise. Her eyes widened while looking at him.

"Yes, what happened to you?" he asked.

Charlotte looked at herself, and her lips were still parted in surprise while looking at herself. There was a saying that says, "Be careful what you wishes for,"

"Then... That means... My wish came true? No... I didn't mean to turn into Luna myself. What I was telling that I want to have her bravery, not her...." Charlotte was so confused while telling herself that things. Elton was so confused while looking at her.

"Hey! What happened to you? Are have you really lost your mind for real?" he asked her. Charlotte walk closer to him to make sure it wasn't a dream. Elton stepped back, but Charlotte stepped forward to him.

"Hey! W-What are you doing?" he muttered, as Charlotte continue to walk towards him. When Charlotte came closer and checked on him, she observed his face and made sure that he was real.

"You're real?" she asked in confusion.

"Yes, I am. What are you thinking?" he asked her, and pushed her away from him. "Have you gone mad?" he continued.

"No... I'm not. I was just-," she didn't finish what she was about to say when someone enter the room.

"Luna... The Master is looking for you," she frowned while looking at the man who entered the room.

"Alright. I'll get going now," she replied, and the man left.

Elton seemed to notice she had changed some traits on her. He looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Yeah... Where are you going?" he asked.

"Master is looking for me. Should I go?" she said.

"You're not dressed yet. How can you show him like that? Without any weapon with you? What's happening with you?" Charlotte then looked at herself and nodded. Elton left her all alone as she was dressing up.

Charlotte never imagine that she would become a villain. She's the side character of her story, and even if in her real... She's still the side character.

When she went out, Elton looks at her and thumbs up. "You're good to go," he said to her, and she walked towards the Master's room. Charlotte roamed her eyes around, and she still couldn't believe that she had been inside her story.

"Then... I might see Prince Duke again?" she asked herself with excitement.

"Master," she uttered while bowing her head.

"You did a great job, Luna. You have been wounded the Prince. Congratulations, but... you still didn't kill the Princess. She's about to kill the King. You need to act fast," Jackson said.

"I will, Master," she replied.

"You're dismissed,"

Charlotte then went out of his room, but her eyes still roamed around the place. "Is this for real? How can this be? This is an illusion, right? How can I go inside my story? Or... Is this just a dream?" she asked herself while walking.

When she bumped into someone, she bowed her head. "I'm sorry," the man looked at her.

"Luna?" she looked at the man, and it was Deter-the man who likes her since they were young, but she didn't like him as a man, but she likes him as her friend.

"I was looking for you for so long. How can you-,"

"Help!" a woman screamed in the corner, which caused Deter to stop and Luna to look around.

"Luna... Get him!" Deter said to her, and she was so surprised at what she was about to do, and she just run towards the man who stole the woman's purse. Charlotte wasn't a good runner, even though she was portraying Luna's role in her story, she still had the traits for who is really is.

Charlotte sighed and closes her eyes, as she started to take the bow from her back and narrowed her eyes while looking at the man who stole the purse. When she got the target, she released the bow, and it immediately hit the man. Charlotte ran closer to the man and took the purse from him.

"Next time... Choose who are you going to stole it, okay?" she reminded the man and released him. She then handed the purse back to the woman.

"Here you go, Ma'am,"

"Thank you, Ms."

Deter went closer to her while clapping his hands. "You're still awesome as ever," he complimented.

"Thank you,"

Deter remained his eyes at her with a smile. Charlotte looked at him while shaking her head. She had known it from the start that Deter would confess his feelings to her, as she was the one who had written it. She smiled back at him, "Don't look at me like that,"

"Like w-what?" he asked while averting his gaze at her.

"Forget it,"

They continue to walk and Charlotte was still wondering how could she possibly go inside her story. She still keeps thinking about that, and she plans to attack the princess again later as it was already written in the book.

Later that night, Charlotte was getting ready for her attack on the Princess. She let out a deep breath and nodded her head while looking at herself in the mirror. "Can I do it? Can I still be the Luna that the character I portray?" she asked.

When she goes out, she runs as fast as she can to go to the Palace. She didn't wear any masks and hides all her weapons on her dress for her to enter the palace.

Charlotte had been able to enter the palace. She was about to sit down when suddenly someone grabbed her to the corner. She was so confused. "What is this?" she asked.

"We lack dancers. Can you fill her up?" a woman said to her and handed her the clothes.

"What..." she didn't even say what she was about to say when the woman was suddenly gone. Charlotte nodded her head as this might be the way to get close to the Princess. She then started to dress up.

"Come on! We're on," a woman said to her, and they all started to run towards the stage. When Charlotte was there already, standing, she could see a lot of people around. Her eyes roamed around and saw the Princess, but what caught her attention was the Prince.

"How handsome," she smirked while looking at him. Duke frowned when he saw a dancer was looking at him with a smile.

When the music started to play, Charlotte started to dance differently from the others. Everyone was surprised and confused about what was happening. They all looked at Charlotte and frowned. She was dancing differently from other dancers as she didn't know about what dance they're doing. Charlotte is doing her way of dancing, and they were all confused while looking at the steps she's doing.

"What is she doing?" the King asked while looking at the woman. Duke looked at her with confusion building inside him.

Charlotte seems to enjoy how she dances. They didn't like it a first, but later on, the other dancers cope with her steps. They all enjoyed the dance she had invented. Duke's eyes remained at her while watching her dance.

"That woman... She seems familiar to me,"

To be continued...

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