
The Accidental Anti-Hero

Disclaimer:I didn't own the book cover. Credits to to the rightful owner. Charlotte is a writer. Not a very popular writer. She writes mystery, fantasies and romance novels. She doesn’t care about readers, she just wants and loves to write to escape reality. But one day, when Charlotte woke up, she saw brilliant, and white light from her computer. She immediately stood up and suddenly frowned. She lifted her hand and was about to touch the computer, but suddenly... There seemed to be energy pulling her onto the inside of the computer. She closed her eyes, not knowing that she was already pulled inside the computer. "Ahh," her head was spinning as she saw nothing. She covered her eyes as the sunlight hits her face, but when she opened them, her lips parted in surprise when she saw herself as the side character of one of her novels. Will she be able to cope with the circumstances she will face as the side character? How will she be able to get back? All Rights Reserved The Accidental Anti-Hero

MysteriousFlat · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Someone stabbed the King

"What happened, Master?" someone asked Jackson.

"Luna is wounded so bad," Elton's eyes widened after hearing it.


"Stop the attack, and rest." they all bowed their heads and started to go back to their respective room. Elton looked at the unconscious Luna with a sigh. He never thought that she'd be wounded like this.

"Why did she let herself hurt? She had never been wounded like this," he said to himself while watching her. Jackson went inside the room.

"You can go back now, and rest," he said to Elton. He bowed his head before he went out of the room.

While Luna was unconscious, she was dreaming that she was back at the place where she was. She was smiling while spreading her arms to the air.

"Finally, I'm back!" she uttered with a broad smile. Then she saw Jason Lee, who was waving his hands at her. He was smiling when he started to walk towards her.

"Charlotte!" he said to her with a smile. She was smiling as she couldn't believe that she was finally back in the world where she belongs.

"Editor Lee!" she uttered and she sniffles between her words.

"What are you doing? Are you crying?" he asked her.

"No..." she wiped her tears and smiled at him.

"I'm just so happy," Charlotte said.



They were walking in the corner of the road. Charlotte was smiling all along while looking at her surroundings. It went back to normal, she was closing her eyes while breathing the fresh air. She was happy again to hear the noise that comes from the cars and in the streets.

"It feels so good to be back," she said.

"Why? Have you been gone for long?" Jason asked her.

"No... It's not like that. I mean that it's so good to hear the sound of the busy streets," she replied.

"Ah, I see."

Charlotte was walking together with Jason, but she suddenly feel pain on her side. She stopped walking, and she was holding the side of her stomach, and then she saw blood was dripping on there. She was surprised and stunned at the same time. Her mouth was wide open while looking at the blood drip from her side.

"Charlotte? Are you okay?" Jason asked her, and before she could answer him, she lost her unconscious and fell.

When Charlotte opened her eyes, she was gasping for breath and looked around. She frowned as she was on the temple again. "Why am I here again?" she asked, and Jackson heard it. He walked closer to her.

"You're awake."

"M-Master?" she uttered in surprise.

"I knew what you've done. But, I will let that pass this time," he said to her.

"Master... I..."

"Enough. You should take a rest for now," he said to her and started to walk away.

Charlotte was about to get up, but she couldn't. Her eyes roamed around the room in disappointment.

Meanwhile, Duke was waiting for Caroline to arrive at the palace. He was walking restlessly while waiting for her.

"Have you seen her?" he asked one of the guards.

"No, Your Highness."

"Ah, I see."

He keeps looking at the door, hoping to see her again. Duke stopped walking, and the anger was seen there, but the worriedness he had was dominant on him. Duke was thinking about her and thought that something might have happened to her since the attack.

"Search for her secretly and tell me on details," the guard nods his head before he heads out from the palace. Duke placed his hands on his chin while thinking about Caroline. He's worried about what had happened to her.

On the other hand, Charlotte had been wounded so much. She held on the side of her stomach and fell the wet spot on her side. It was blood. She sighed and shook her head. Charlotte was about to get up but Jackson went inside the room where she was.

"Let's talk about what had happened on the attack today," he said.


"I saw it all."

She fell silent and swallowed hard. She lets out a deep breath while looking at him. "I couldn't hurt the Prince, Master. I'm sorry," she said and bowed her head in front of him.

Jackson clears his throat, "It's okay. As long as you're safe now. But, you need to kill the Princess. She'll be killing the King soon, and we couldn't let that happen," he said, and Charlotte nodded her head at him.

Jackson started to walk away from her, but she started to speak. "Master..."


"Thank you."

He didn't respond as he went out immediately from her room. Charlotte was about to lay back on her bed when Elton went inside.

"Luna!" he was sobbing when he got inside the room.

"What's happening to you?" she asked.

"I'm very worried about you," he said. "I thought... you'll be dead. Didn't you know how much worried I feel when I saw you laying there with blood surrounding you?" he sniffles between his words while looking at her.

Charlotte smiled at him. "How could I die? I am a villain. A villain in the story doesn't die so easily," she uttered with a smile.

"But, I am really worried about you. I mean it," he said.

"I know."

"Alright. You should get some rest and recovered soon as fast as possible," he said to her, and she nodded her head.

When Elton went out, Charlotte lay back to bed, but she remember she was supposed to see the Prince. Her eyes widened after she remember that they might be seeing each other, but how can she see him in that condition.

Charlotte started to get up while holding the wound on her side. She secretly went to her room and looks for a dress. She was dressing up, but the blood continue to flow from her wound. She stopped and tied a bandage on her wound and tied it tightly.

After dressing up, Charlotte wear a broad smile when she secretly went out of her room. She was walking as nothing had happened to her. As she was outside the palace's gate, she could feel the pain on her side that was coming from her wound. She shook her head and went inside.

Duke was in the garden while walking back and forth, thinking about her.

"Your highness, she's here."

Duke immediately turn his back and saw her walking closer to him.

"Where have you been?" he asked her worriedly.

"I'm sorry for being late, Your Highness. I have private matters to fix and handle," she replied.

"It's okay. What's important is that you're here," he said, and it makes her heartbeat skips a beat. Charlotte feels the heat on her cheeks after Duke said that to her.

Charlotte was with Duke when she suddenly saw the Princess go inside the King's room. Her eyes narrowed. "I want to see the King, Your Highness."


"I just wanted to greet him."

"Ah, okay. Sure," they started to walk towards the King's room.

Celina was about to pull the dagger on her side when suddenly the door opened, and she saw Duke and Caroline went inside. She stopped what she was planning, and Charlotte had a smile behind her.

"Princess," Charlotte uttered and bowed her head at her.

"Why are you here?" Duke asked her.

"I wanted to wake up Father to eat some breakfast," she lied.

"Ah, okay. I'll wake him up. You can go back now," she nodded her head, but the moment she turn her back on Duke, there was an evil grin Charlotte saw from her lips.

She frowned while watching her leave the King's room. Duke went closer to his Dad and woke him up.

"Father..." he called him, but there was no response at all.

Charlotte went closer and started to take the blanket that covers his body, and they were surprised to see the King was already bleeding. Duke's eyes widened, and so does Charlotte.

"The King's bleeding," she uttered, but Duke was stunned to move.

"Your Highness!" she called out to him, ragging.

Duke was still shooking his head, knowing that his Father was now bleeding.

"Help!" Charlotte shouted, and guards went inside the room.

"The King's bleeding. We need a doctor."


Charlotte walked closer to Duke, tapping his shoulders gently. "Your Highness. Don't worry, he'll be fine," she said while smiling at him.

Duke was still staring at her when the doctor came inside. The doctor started to clean his wound and placed a lot of herbal medicine on the King.

Duke and Charlotte were standing in front of him. She knew he was so worried about his Father.

"She was right," Duke uttered, causing Charlotte to look at him with a frown.

"Did you say something?" she asked.

"Someone said this would happen," he replied, and Charlotte could see the anger in his eyes.

She sighed and tapped his back. "Your father will be okay. So, don't worry too much."

The way Charlotte taps his back, it was warm and comforting. Duke could hear the loud thumping of his heartbeat.

"What's happening to me?"

To be continued...

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