
The Abyssal Cultivator

In the mystical underwater realm of Coralopolis, a world pulsating with the vibrant essence of the Dao, young Liam and his sister Hayley, heirs to the royal lineage, set off on their first gather-hunt, a tradition of the royal family for the past millennia, to save them from a creature that has been bothering them for centuries, the Leviathan. . The hunt takes an unforeseen turn when Liam is ensnared and his mind besieged by a malevolent spirit of a long-forgotten cultivator. In her desperate attempt to rescue him, Hayley is struck by a deadly poison. As despair looms, a dormant power within Liam awakens. His hundred water spirit body, hundred different creatures arose within Liam's mind. From mythical to ordinary and some no one has ever seen or heard before, but one thing was for sure, they all possess an incredible power. What will Liam choose, his only chance to save his dying sister, by abandoning his home in search for the world above. Or will he submit to the uncertainty and stay in Coralopolis. As Liam stands at the crossroads between his underwater haven and the vast, tumultuous world of cultivation, one wonders: Will he rise to unite the forces against a lurking greater evil, or will he find himself overwhelmed by the battles that rage above and below the sea? Will he ever find out about the enormous cultivation world above the water and the political battles that go on between the top powers

Jov_175 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

032 Fight In The Golden Eagle's

"Liam, are you ready?" Ralph asked Liam the next morning.

"What for, work?" Liam asked, as he didn't know what Ralph meant when he said it that way.

"Today is the day we start the rumor in the golden eagle's faction." Ralph said

"Oh, yes. How will we even do that? I can't believe it's been three weeks since we arrived here. It all feels so surreal." Liam said, when he realized that he had been away from his home for almost 2 months, three weeks of which were spent in The Mystical Turtle Sanctuary.

"They have a headquarters in the general valley, correct. It won't be difficult to spread it enough, until it reaches Riley." Ralph said with a smile.

"Oh, Peter, you reached the fourth human realm, want to make some more pills?" Liam said to Peter, who was eating a sandwich. Eating in cultivators was not required, lower-level cultivators still needed a source of energy but there were cheap pills for that.

"Yes, I have been itching to make something, what do you want and what is my budget." Peter asked with a shimmer in his eyes.

"25 credits, I will give them to you after work. I want a wide variety of poison pills and a poison resistance pill with each of them. The goal is to have as many different types, okay?" Liam said. Even if the poison was not strong, when Liam remembered it's poison structure, he could make it good enough by employing more qi. So, it was better to have something than nothing.

"I'll see what I can do." Peter said.

Nothing really interesting happened, time went by and Liam and Ralph headed to the golden eagle's faction. They were told by Riley that they should head there every sunday to give their weekly payments. The building wasn't anything special, it was just a relatively big building for a temporary faction.

There were guards at the front door, but Liam and Ralph had their golden eagle's faction emblem on their robes, signaling that they were a part of this faction.

"The master is inside." One of the guards said.

Liam nodded and started heading inside. Liam entered the massive hall with a few hundred people inside of it and it looked to be able to fit a few thousand. The hall stretched on for a few hundred meters and the ceiling was sky high.

There were too many people for Riley to personally collect the weekly sum from all of them, that's why there were people going around, with boxes in their hands. The boxes were like piggy banks, in which you put the credits.

"10 credits please." The man walked by and Liam laughed as the man sounded as a beggar.

"What are you laughing at. 25 credits, then." The man said to Liam. Liam was unsure if the man was serious, or if he even had the authority to do that. What bad luck. Last week 25 credits were taken from him and now another 25.

"Sorry, it was something else. Here's ten." Liam said before he gave the man 10 credits.

"You are playing with me? Now you've done it. I challenge you to a duel!" The man shouted out and then whispered. "You better accept, as there are judges that won't allow you to get too hurt, but if you don't. I will beat you up outside without anyone knowing, there won't be anyone to save you then."

Liam could see that the man was at the fifth human realm, just as him. And he wanted to test out his new skills. He still hadn't been able to have the time to learn a defensive or movement type skill, but Liam guessed he'd still have a chance even without it. Liam had learned the names of everyone in the top 1000, and this fellow in front of him, wasn't one of them.

"Fine, if you want to court death, so be it." Liam said it in a dramatic way. He hoped to gather attention, it would be easier for Ralph to spread the rumor, if everyone was gathered up while watching Liam's fight.

"Someone is going to fight. I needed something to spice up my weekend." Someone said from the crowd.

"This will be a beat up, not even a fight. How can an unknown person fight in the top 2000?" Someone said, it seemed that people only knew him as someone in the top 2000 and they didn't know his name, so he couldn't be too strong.

Once Liam and the collector got inside the arena in the training valley, Liam got an idea.

"Hey, want a bet?" Liam said.

"Sure, what do you propose." The man thought Liam was stupid. He was laughing to himself about how he would even earn something extra from this fight.

"If I win, I'll take your spot as one of the collectors for the golden eagles faction." Liam proposed. The collectors did not need to pay the weekly fee and they earned a percent of what they collected.

"I don't mind, but what's in it for me." The man did not mind as he couldn't imagine any world where he'd lose.

"I'll give you my whole salary for a month." Liam said.

"Half a year." The collector said.

"Three months." Liam threw a counteroffer.


The collector said, now that their deal was finished, the fight could begin.

"Let the fight, begin!" The judge, which was an inner court disciple said. Fights inside a faction we're authorized a lot faster, that's why they could fight right away.

While everyone was focusing on the fight, Ralph started to spread the rumors of Riley's plan to the ones seated next to him, and slowly they did the same. Now it was only how long would the fight last, was there going to be enough time for the rumor to fully spread.

"My name is William. I thought you should know the name of the man who is going to embarrass you in front of everyone here." Then he pulled a massive metal sheath from the ground, then a loud bang was heard and the sheath was flying towards Liam at a great speed.

"A metal element cultivator, just like Aria. They have a very strong defense but weak attack power. They are best at entrapment and protection. He probably wants to trap me until I surrender." Liam guessed.

Then Liam prepared to perform his water arch, he gathered the qi in his hand, and swiped it upwards. From his hand a large shining arch of water came out, it headed directly for the metal sheath and sliced the 5cm thick metal right in half. The arch continued to fly for a few more meters before it fell, unable to reach William.

"What, how?" Liam was taken by surprise. The sheath of metal was thick and one had to have an above average elemental power to slice it and yet Liam managed to do it so cleanly.

Liam knew that he couldn't use his attacks from a great distance, that's why he decided to run straight at William, as he prepared a water torpedo in his palm.

"He's pretty fast." William thought. When Liam got in 5m range from William, he thrusted his hand forward and performed the water torpedo. A fast-moving stream of water was sent towards William, but it was quickly stopped by a 20 cm thick wall of metal.

"You really thought you could get through my defenses." William laughed at Liam, but his laugh was quickly stopped by a punch straight to his face.

William thought that Liam could not touch him behind his metal wall, but Liam was fast enough to swoop around the thick metal wall and throw a punch at William in a split second.

William crashed to the ground and Liam jumped to pound a few more punches on to him.

"I surrender, I surrender!" William screamed and Liam stopped.

"You were too cocky, and you like fighting sense. Hiding behind your strong defenses all the time doesn't allow you to learn much." Liam mocked William and it was true. William always fought the same way and he was fully relying on the strong defense of his metal element, which brought him his defeat.

"Great work, my job is also done." Ralph said to Liam.

"You think I could do what he did?" Liam asked Ralph.

"What do you mean." Ralph asked as he didn't pay much attention to the fight.

"A strong wall like his, I need something for defense. Can I do the same thing with water?" Liam asked Ralph yet again.

"You can, but it would be best at stopping physical objects and you would have to constantly expend qi to make it keep its form, so it would be best to just use it in the second you need it." Ralph said with his hand on his chin, imagining Liam using a water wall as a shield.