
The 5 Bloodlines

Emerging from a two-year coma induced by a meteor crash on an island, Kai Hellbound awakens to find himself in an airborne medical facility. The aftermath of the meteor impact has given rise to a transformed world, marked by a new energy source, catalyzing diverse magical manifestations among the exposed populace. Reports suggest that proximity to the meteor's impact correlates with the potency of the newfound magic. As Kai and his companions were situated on the island, the extent of their magical prowess is anticipated to be formidable.

Noisy_Achiever32 · แอคชั่น
75 Chs

Beyond The Heat

"Well, that was tougher than I thought" Kai exclaimed as it was on the floor covered in burns and bruises.

As the area around Kai started to fall apart with rocks from the volcano breaking down, he got a message from his system. This was a sign that something important was happening or that he needed to do something right away, even with all the chaos around him.

[Fire Resistance 100%] You are now immune to all heat base attacks.

[Kai Hellbound] [Fire Mythic][Plasma] 

[mid Rank SS]

[Race: True HellHound]

[Level 90] (50,000,000/90,000,000)

[Hp: 200/200]

[Defense +20]

[Strength: 240] (+10)

[Stamina: 230] (+8)

[Dexterity: 280] (+15)

[Control: 95%]

[Fatigue: 20%]

[Sanity 100%]

[Free Stat Points:25]

"I leveled up quite a bit" He said as he looked at his stats, but then he remembered how he just barely defeated the golems. He wasn't strong enough to face off Akashi yet. He was now doubting if even level 100 would be enough.

"Do not worry it will be enough to face him, I do not know about beating him, but at least with level 100 you'll have a chance." Nocturnis said.

The notification did little to ease Kai's concerns, especially knowing the lethal nature of any confrontation with Akashi—a battle with him was invariably a fight to the death. This realization prompted Kai to reflect on the night they had all attempted to eliminate Akashi. Memories of that tense, dangerous attempt flooded back, underscoring the gravity of the threat Akashi posed and the dire implications of their current situation. Kai understood the stakes were high, not just for him but for everyone involved in this perilous confrontation.

On that dark and cold night, despite the chill, the skies were unexpectedly clear. The moon hung high and bright, casting its light across the vast darkness, setting the stage for a confrontation filled with tension. Akashi stood opposite Kai and the others, a confident smirk playing on his face. This expression, amidst the stark moonlight, highlighted his readiness and the sheer audacity he felt, facing them down. It was a moment charged with anticipation, as both sides understood the significance of the clash about to unfold under the watchful gaze of the moon.

"So you have come to this decision, letting fear dictate your actions" Akashi said. 

"It is not fear, but sanity you are out of control Akashi" Kai said. 

"Please Kai you also have the thirst of blood I have" Akashi responded.

"No, I only kill the necessary people, nad the only person that will take my bloodlust is my father"

Akashi clenched his fist, his smile broadening as if he found the entire situation amusing. The tension among Kai and the others was palpable, but Akashi seemed to thrive on it, reveling in the anticipation of the confrontation. He then turned his attention to the rest of the group, his demeanor indicating he was about to address them. His confidence and the casual ease with which he faced them underscored his readiness for whatever was to come, turning this moment of preparation into a display of his own unshakable assurance.

"I'm guessing you all share this opinion? That's good, at least you will have a chance if it's all of you" Akashi said, as he ran towards them. 

Pulled back from his reverie by the urgency of the moment, Kai shook his head, as though to physically dispel the haunting memory. Casting aside the unsettling recollections of his past encounter with Akashi, he refocused on the task at hand. With a deep sigh, perhaps to steady himself or to release the tension built up from the memory, Kai resumed his run towards his objective.

His pace steady and determined, he covered the remaining distance, the challenging terrain of the volcanic island demanding his utmost concentration and physical resilience. After a few minutes of intense effort, navigating through the rugged and treacherous landscape, Kai finally reached the summit of the volcano. Standing at the top, he was likely greeted by the sight of the crater's ominous mouth, a testament to nature's raw power and a fitting backdrop for the crucial mission he was about to undertake.

As Kai stood at the edge of the volcano's summit, blazing vapor rushed at his face, a searing reminder of the extreme conditions he was confronting. Fortuitously, his immunity to heat shielded him from what would have been catastrophic burns for anyone else. This protection allowed him to focus on the task ahead rather than the perilous environment.

Peering into the volcano's heart, Kai observed rocks protruding from the molten lava below, islands of solidity in a sea of fire. These would be his stepping stones in the dangerous descent. Taking a moment to steady himself with a deep breath, he committed to his course of action. Then, with resolve, Kai leaped into the volcano. Propelled by gravity, he plunged at high speed towards the center, navigating towards the rocks he had eyed from above. This bold move was a testament to his courage and determination, diving into the belly of the earth to confront whatever challenge awaited him in the fiery depths.