
Chapter 1- The Meeting

Deejay arrived at school that day amidst a busy rush of students, parents and teachers. In this cacophonic atmosphere, he just wanted to retreat to a more peaceful haven in the form of his staffroom. Most of his colleagues were already there as was a gorgeous looking lady sitting near the entrance.

He was instantly attracted to the beauty of this woman. She was quite a sight in the middle of those 'routine' colleagues Deejay had been in touch with for years. Her complexion was fair, more than fair almost whitish. Her dress revealed most of her generous forms. Her boobs were of a perfect round and her fine bra revealed her tits. Deejay was instantly attracted to her and began the conversation.

'Hello. New teacher?'

'Yes,' she replied with the smile of a newcomer that showed panic and uncertainty.

'Which subject?'

'Arts,' was the answer. The woman, it was obvious, was finding her new environment quite strange as was the case with most new teachers.

'Don't worry, you will find your feet around soon. My name is Deejay by the way,'

'I am Meeji. Nice to meet you,' was the reply.

Soon, all the other colleagues arrived and the conversation was lost. The focus was more on what was done over the New Year period and how it was difficult to resume school after a long holiday. It was the usual chit chat, the talk for sake of talking.

That day, Deejay knew that something was about to change in his life. That snow lady, Meeji, had something in her that did not leave him indifferent. He had been working in this school for thirteen years and never had he been so attracted to a woman. He never had any affection for his female colleagues nor his female students. He was always a trusted colleague, the man who listened to everyone without telling anyone.

Soon, the lessons started and everyone proceeded to their respective classes. Strangely while in class, Deejay kept waiting in anticipation for Meeji to make a sudden welcoming appearance, looking for some piece of information about such and such class. It was something that Deejay felt for the first time in thirteen years of unflinching professionalism. What was happening to him? How can this woman impact on him so much? He only had a brief and insignificant chat with her yet his eagerness to see her again was beyond explanation.

During the short break that day, Deejay did not talk to Meeji but he was there always looking at her and guessing what could be. Meeji on her side was beginning to get used to her new surroundings and what was at first a shy smile now became more pronounced. Her smile made her even more attractive. She had that classy look about her that made her sophisticated. She had that natural pull in her that so many other women dreamt to have.

That first day ended a bit too quickly for Deejay. He thought that the day was short. He had never felt like this before. Even for a guy who took his job seriously, the time to go home was always something to be happy about but not this day. Something was amiss. As he walked to the station to take the bus back home, he had the feeling that this year will be different. He wanted to smile as Meeji came to his mind yet again.
