
Adventurer's Association

After my withdrawal symptoms have stopped completely after a month, I asked the hospital to discharge me but since the doctors couldn't identify the source of my illness they have strongly recommended that I should stay in hospital.

But since I showed no signs of the illness for a while; the doctors have reluctantly agreed to accept my request and discharge me.

It was good thing that I came to this hospital, since my daily necessities have been taken care of I managed to gain some information about this world.

I have to find a job as quickly as possible because my ''free food source'' is no longer available to me. But there is nothing to worry about anymore because with the information I gathered during my stay at the hospital; I know of a perfect job especially made for people like me.

I travelled to the rear end of the town and found a building with a sign board on it and I could see the words written on the signboard [THE ADVENTURER'S ASSOCIATION].

Apparently there is a profession in this world which is about hunting mana beasts which are outside the plains occupied by humans. A beast core can be obtained from a beast after it has been killed and it can be used for various purposes of the people of the human world.

The job I am going to aim for isn't an adventurer though, because according to a lot of people of this world I barely have any magic power. I forgot the count of number of people who said that to me.

But when the adventurer's are so busy hunting the mana beasts there should be someone who would pick up the beast cores and store them safely. That would make the adventurer's focus stay on hunting without any distractions.

So as you can guess I plan on becoming that 'someone' and that 'someone' is also known as looter in the adventurer's association.

I entered the building and approached a lady at a place which seemed like a reception.

''Hello my name is Allison, young man welcome to adventurer's association, what is your business here?''

''Hello I came here to become a looter''

''Ha ha is that so, thank goodness. I was scared for a moment you'd want to be an adventurer and kill yourself, because I barely sense any magical energy from you. This country definitely need handsome young people like you''.

See here it goes again about my magical energy. Wait but more importantly ''what makes you think I am so much younger than you that you constantly refer to me as young. I can see you're barely any older than me''.

''Ha ha I'm sorry its just the way I talk, as per your request I can make you an identification card of a looter and you can ask one of the guilds that are leaving for hunting today. If they accept you then you can leave with them''.

I looked at a board which had the names of the guilds that are leaving for hunting today. Soon after my ID was prepared and I took a look at it; it only has my name and that I am a looter, of course I can ask her to add some more things in the ID card but since this is my first time going hunting there is nothing I can include in the card which helps improve the chances of being accepted in a guild.

''You have to through that door to enter beast plains'' the receptionist lady showed me a big wide wooden door. ''Yeah thank you for your help'' I left the reception and approached the door.

I opened it and saw huge plains of grasslands. I saw some people practicing with their sword and some were controlling elements of fire, water, earth and wind. The sight was pretty but I don't have much time to waste.

Guilds are the teams of people who are adventurer's. The no. of people in a guild varies from 5 to 100 or even 200. It is better for me to be a looter of strong guild to reduce the chances of me getting hurt, so I went around asking guild leaders if they were in need for a looter, but most of the guilds already had one.

At the last minute I found a guild who were in need for a looter. ''Hey, my name is Robert and I am the guild leader of [ravage hunters]. Heard you are a looter and we could use your help''.

''Hello I am Aaron and I will gladly assist you in your hunting''

''Your pay scale would be 5 percent of the beast cores we obtained''

''Sounds like a deal, I'm in''. The [ravage hunters] huh? I saw the name of this team on the board inside the adventurer's association, It is a big team with 18 hunters. I'm sure I will be safe in this team.

We left the safe zone in the beast plains in which the adventurer's usually train and rest and started our journey. The team has hunted down many mana beasts and I was busy collecting the beast cores for them.

I observed many types of beasts the guild has hunted down. Some were stronger than the others, some came in groups, some could fly etc., I was fascinated by all of these strange beast and couldn't hold my excitement.

Seeing how excited I was a huge man wearing armor has approached me and started talking to me,

''Is it your first time in the hunting grounds?''

''Yes, it is my first time; how did you know?''

''Well, I could see it in your sparkling eyes''

''Is that so, haha''

''But I warn you that it won't be fun all the time''

''What do you mean?''

''Sometimes people die while hunting beasts that are stronger than them, It is a dangerous job''

''Oh I see, I understand but how can you know if a beast is stronger than the one hunting it''

''Most of the beasts near the vicinity of the safe zone are known to men and are evaluated in 6 classes A,B,C,D,E and S. 'E' being the weakest and 'S' being the most dangerous and strongest. Adventurers are ranked by evaluators by having a spar against them to examine their strengths and weaknesses and get assigned in the same classes used for mana beasts''.

''Do you mean the adventurers are ranked in A,B,C,D,E,F and S class too''

''Yes and the hunter in the same class of a beast equals it in power''

''Example please''

''I mean that an A rank hunter will be as strong as A rank beast''

''Oh now I get it''

Then a huge scream was heard from a mountain nearby where the team was hunting. Everyone looked in the direction of the mountain.

''Ahh that was one powerful scream, it must be a strong beast; stand back so I can protect you kid'' the man who was talking to me said.

''Yeah, thank you so much''

The man went to speak with the guild leader, ''Captain what should we do, should we head to the mountain or return back to the safe zone, it seems like a pretty strong beast''

''Yeah it might be a strong beast but that scream was not a roar, it was a scream of pain; the beast inside that mountain must be badly wounded so we are going to go in there''

''Well if you say so''

As the guild leader has ordered everyone started walking towards the mountain. We stood in front of the mountain and saw a small cave like entrance into the mountain, the captain asked everyone if they are sure of going in. everyone was confident and replied that they want to go in. So we entered the cave like entrance of the mountain.