
That time I reincarnated as an Outer God

Nightmare does it just a dream or a life you have experience. This is a Nightmare that born from a human that access to The Outer Of Apocalypse, Nightmare Of Existence. the Journey Of Living Nightmare my first discord https://discord.com/invite/d9Tfhwq2

Thanh_Tran_0715 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

chap 34 Rimuru awake goblin and wolf

2000 year have passed, Luminous has already from Holy Empire Ruberios and Western Holy Church to gain military strength and raise morale amongst the populace, the nation founded the Temple Knights and Crusaders led by Hinata Sakaguchi. These knights were recognized as a powerful military force across the Central World. She doesn't this just for fun and doesn't care about this she let Louis and Roy take her place as Demon Lord and The Pop of the church. In boredom Luminous make her self a maid and hide her identity, she also take Chronoa body then seal it in Holy Ark.

The 3rd generation of Demon lord is Clayman, Carrion, Frey. Carrion and Frey invited by Kagali to the Demon lord council. The battle between Kagali and Roy Valentine happened and after that all disputes between Demon Lords are decided via a majority vote. Kagali, alongside Milim, would also advocate the claim of Carrion as a Demon Lord and would also back up Frey and Clayman's claims in order to allow them into the Council in order to obtain further political pull amongst fellow Demon lords.

When Leon Cromwell, who had declared himself a Demon Lord. Kagali wanted to gain more power and decided to recruit Leon, as she did with Carrion and Frey but he refused cause there battle happened. In the end Kagali lost the fight after that she stepped down and let Clayman took her place in the the Demon Lord. Ten years after that she decided to summon an Otherworlder, Yuuki Kagurazaka, she saw potential in that boy. She also met Sarion Grimwald who wounded. She offered him a chance to live again and he he agreed. She then name him Laplace. He still have his memory but he decided to served her.

To the present.

In the cave in the Jura forest right where Veldora was imprisoned, there was a blue crystal in which was the silhouette of a sleeping girl, this crystal was covered by chains. Suddenly one chain broke and then each chain broke. Rimuru slowly opened his eyes and stepped out of the crystal.

Rimuru: "I wonder if mom and everyone are still here or are they going to go to them?"

She teleports to Riza's dimension, Rimuru enters the castle door and is greeted by falling flowers.

Riza: "Welcome back Rimuru."

Raiko: "welcome Rimuru. Oh you taller " her high now like 12 years old child.

Anna: "Welcome back Rimuru"

Anny: "Big sister is back."

Rimuru: "Thank you very much everyone."

Riza:" so what will you do next. I know you have a plan for your self right."

Rimuru:" you right I want to build my own nation. In Jura Forest. Where human and monster can live together you all can come to."

Raiko:" hahahaha just like your mother. A very interesting idea. I'm in I gonna help you in this."

Anna:" me too, we can bring this place to your Nation too."

Rimuru:" ok then let go everyone."

All:" yeeeeee" they all teleport to Veldora seal cave which make him note them. He then try to communicate with them.

Veldora:" hey everyone do you hear me"

Riza:" yes we can hear you. Do you want to get out of the seal."

Veldora:" yes aunty please help me seal in this cave so boring"

Riza:" ok but one condition. You have to behave ok don't destroy around ok."

Veldora:" yes I promise aunty."

Riza:" ok then." She put her hand on the seal then it disappeared. Veldora roar in joy.

Veldora:" kuahahha Storm Dragon Veldora Has Return."

Raiko:" stop playing and sink your energy."

Veldora:" ok ok aunty." He begin learn to sink his energy while Riza think about something.

Riza:" Rimuru how about I give you and US skill Anny too."

Rimuru:" really mom, then I want an US that can explain, analyze. "

Anny:" I want an US that can help me in my ability and perfect my ability to manipulate chaos."

Riza:" good, for Rimuru I will give you US Raphael Lord of Wisdom and for Anny you will have Lord of Nightmare Epiales. Raiko it your turn."

Raiko:" ok then. I order VOW give Rimuru Rosemary Ultimate Skill Raphael Lord of Wisdom and Anny Rosemary Lord of Nightmare Epiales."

VOW:( note by order of Raiko Rosemary wife of Riza Rosemary Second creator of the World give

- Rimuru Rosemary Ultimate Skill Raphael Lord of Wisdom

- Anny Rosemary Lord of Nightmare Epiales.)

VOW:(note individual Rimuru Rosemary has gained US Raphael Lord of Wisdom)

VOW:(note individual Anny Rosemary gained US Lord of Nightmare Eldrioth.)

3rd the whole world in chaos the new sock they now know that there are second creator.

In the Ramiris place.

Ramiris:" I don't know Riza wife can do something like this order even the VOW."

In The place where Veldanava and Lucia and Milim live.

Milim:" dad she commands the system you make. She strong."

Veldanava:" well that her Idea, I make that system from what she taught me."

Lucia:" the world must be sock."

In Frozen Contain of Guy and Velzard and Mizari, Rain

Guy:" hahahhaha she did that again. First she make Ivaraje her pet who I and you with those angles can't even win. Now this."

Velzard:" yes she truly a nightmare that can't control, can't predict. Let hope this world can withdraw with Chaos."


Anna:" hm Rimuru US can stronger but she have to find out herself and Anny US is quite dangerous. Hm what happened if I make my own US."

Riza:" that easy for you it more like you can just play more freely."

Anna:" hm that ok then oh wait let me give you something." She open her pocket dimensions and take out a black sword. She gives it to Anny.

Anna:" Anny dear this sword is from my black "thorn" I give this to you as a gift from me."

Anny:" thank you mom."

Riza:" well let go everyone." After some time they find the exit when they go some monster attack them but Rimuru eat them all along with all the herb, some shiny stones. Then she transform to a slime have navy blue colour she jumped on Riza head then make pur sound like cat.

Raiko:" oh you where do you learn about this from."

Rimuru:" oh I saw some slime so I transform to it because it cute"

Anna:" it actually cute. So Rimuru what is your plan for the nation."

Rimuru:" in this forest with all the monsters from this place." She released her aura and just like that it attracts a group of goblins.

Goblin:" oh! Strong one what are you doing here." Theu asked scared.

Rimuru:" oh me and my family decided to build a nation in this forest."

Goblin 1:" Strong one please help us."

Riza:" you can help them Rimuru."

Rimuru:" ok then. I will help you all like what my mother said so lead me to your village."

After walk a few we come to there village. The old goblin explained everything to Rimuru so she heal all the injuried they look at her like a Goddess well she is one. After that they offered there loyalty to her and Rimuru accept.

Rimuru pov.

When night come I sense some Wolf coming so I go and see them. I see they have 15 wolf and an alpha wolf.

Alpha wolf:" Destroy them all, let no one alive." As he said a lone figure with bule-purple hair appears and begin petting alpha wolf.

Rimuru:" your fur so fluffy." All those wolf shocked even the alpha.

Alpha wolf:" who are you."

Rimuru:" I am the master of those goblins" suddenly a wolf jump and bit her head but vanish imminently. Which make all them scared.

Rimuru:" I want you all become my subordinate." I unleashed some of my aura male them all kneel down. " I wanted to build a nation on this place. Where monster and human can live together." After a few moments the alpha wolf reported.

Alpha wolf:" we accept to be your subordinate with our eternal loyalty to you Rimuru Sama." He and all the wolf bowing to there new master.

The next morning she gathered all the wolf and goblins to name them all.

Rimuru:" First I will introduce my Family to you. The woman with black and purple hair is my mother Riza Rosemary, the one with Purple hair is my mom Raiko Rosemary. And Anna Rosemary also my mom and last my sister Anny Rosemary. So they will become your master too."

All:" yes Rimuru -sama!!"

Rimuru:" now Elder goblin and alpha wolf step forward. I will name you two." They have shocked expressions but they follow her.

Rimuru:" now you elder goblin will be Rigurd, you will be Goblin Lord now."

Rigurd:" thank you Rimuru-sama I will served you with all my strength."

Rimuru:" you alpha wolf will be Ranja lead you pack well."

Ranja:" yes my master!"

Raphael:(note the son of Ranja have high potential. You can name him too master.)

Rimuru:(thanks for your note Raphael)

Raphael:(all for master.)

Rimuru:" Ranja bring your son here. I see high potential in him."

Ranja:" yes, master" he turn to his pack then take his son to her. He looks like his father but has a star scar on his head.

Rimuru:" for you I will name you Ranga."

Ranga:" I honoured with the name you give me my queen." After that I walk in front of them.

Rimuru:" now I will name you all. Mother it your turn."

Riza:" alright. Auto name start. All will given blessing Chaos God: skill according to there personally and like. High regeneration."

When Riza voice end means the VOW begin give them skill and name with this there loyalty to Her and Rimuru more. They all bowing to Riza and Rimuru.

Riza:" Rise you head you all will take care of my daughter for me and help her build a nation with all your might. So I will give 3 rule.

- Frist rule do not look down on eachother

- Second not fight among your self.

- Thirt no attack human, but if they attack you then freely to fight back "

3rd pov

After some questions Rimuru set them in duo and let them patrol and do there routine. With this a nation born and will cause great effect to the world.