
Prologue: Caffé Americano

- - - E U A - - -

"Table 19..." Coal whispered to me, before he placed the tray on my empty hands. I gave him a nervous look.

"C'mon, Eua..." He slightly pushed me.

"W-what if..." My voice trailed off. My eyes twitched.

"That won't happen, now go." He fixed my collar, and tapped my brown apron. I sighed one last time before walking to that table.

"G-good morning Sir, here's your coffee." I gave the cup of Americano to the customer. He seems completely busy on his phone call that he didn't even notice me greeting him.

"E-mail me that report this afternoon... Okay..." He just gave me one glance as his hand dug into his pocket, searching for his wallet, I presume.

"Thank you, Sir." I smiled at him when he gave me five bucks as a tip. I returned to the counter, where Coal is standing.

"Good job, sis'." He patted my shoulder with a smile.

Minutes later, that customer fainted, and as the ambulance's siren echoed all over the coffee shop, I ran to my brother. "C-coal! Coal!"

The siren echoed on my ear... Ah, it hurts... It hurts!

"Don't panic, hey..." He tried to calm me down with a hug, but I just ended up being more nervous as the nurse approached us, asking what happened to the customer.

Coal gave me a careful wink, before facing the nurse. "Sorry for my sister over here, she's afraid of loud sirens. I don't know what happened to him..."

I saw his hands on his back, gesturing me to go to the locker room. I bit my lower lip as I slowly walked away. When I reached the locker room, I breathed as I immediately took the poison from my pocket, and threw it on the trashcan.

Yes, I killed that customer... but unlike any criminals... I'm a barista, and I kill people with my coffee.
