
MAC Boarding school

I hated school so much, mostly because the schools I end up in, I'm always expected to act like a princess or a good girl, I hate that. Hi, I'm Natalie Smith and I'm 14. I'm not your average teenager. I've been bullied about my race since I'm black but when I try to fight back, I always end up getting kicked out of school. My parents thought it was best to send me off to MAC Boarding school for trouble makers like me, as if that helps. MAC stands for 'Make A Change' which I don't get. They basically want kids like me to change who they are. I leave for school tomorrow so I put down my phone and stared at the ceiling, hoping I would get some sleep, which rarely happened but luckily this time I slept as peacefully as I could ever sleep.

"Wake up Nate or your gonna be late." I heard my mum shout from downstairs. I was to tired to even shout back a response so I just got up and got ready for MAC. Wow, I'm not happy that my parents are practically disowning me to a school for people like me, but I'm happy I finally get to leave this run down city. Once I got on my camoflage jump suit on and tied my white vans, I rushed down the stairs with my suitcase to the kitchen where my parents where talking about something else rather than me leaving, of course, why would they care.

"There you are. Even though MAC doesn't have uniforms, doesn't mean you can dress like a hooligan. " My dad started, turning his attention to his so hated daughter. "Let her wear what she wants Chris." My mum tried calming my dad down. Dad wasn't the nicest man to be around but my mum is very sweet, I know she just wants what's best for me. "Good morning mum, dad." I mumbled, walking to the toaster and toasting a slice of bread.

"I'll drop you off at MAC hunny, since it's in the near by town." Mum explained as I waited for my toast. "Cool, thanks mum." I said as my toast popped up. I took the toast and took a big bite of it as I walked out the kitchen. I walked out the front door to my mum's car and waited for her. Once she finished saying bye to my dad, we hopped into the car and drove off. The car ride was long and silent. I took a good look at the school as we pulled up to it. MAC boarding school in Naraway Town, just great. "Ok baby, have fun." Mum said, laying a kiss on my forehead. " Bye mum." I waved at her as I stepped out the car into the field in front of the big building that lay in my veiw. It looked amazing, not gonna lie, it's way bigger than I thought. But my eyes soon glanced to the far left of the school building to a dark mysterious forest with tall trees and a sign that said 'RESTRICTED'. I quickly left the forest aside and walked into the building.

The first thing I heard when I stepped inside was screaming and shouting and just pure chaios. These teenagers aren't like me, they're way worse. I walked over to the nearest teacher I could find. "Oh, Natalie Smith, isn't it. Well then, the office is two halls down." He explained. I just went in the direction till I saw a dark red bloody door that wrote 'Office'. I opened the door slightly. "Hello dear, you must be Natalie Smith," She said sweetly. It may not be as bad as I thought it would. "Yes ma'am." I nodded my head. I walked over to her desk as she looked around her desk for what seems to be my class slip and my dorm and locker number. "Aha, here it is." She said happily, thrusting a piece of paper and keys in my hand. "Thanks ma'am." I bowed my head. "No no no, no need. Call me Margret sweety." She said nicely. I nodded my head and walked out the door and looked around for my locker.

Luckily it wasn't so far from the office. I walked over to it and put in my combination. I put in my diary and drawing pads and headphones with my laptop in my locker and slammed it shut. "Hey there." I heard a voice said behind me. I jumped slightly but then turned around. "Oh, hello." I turn around to face the boy behind me. "I'm Liam, Liam Wattson, I'm 15, and you are?" He asks. "Why do you wanna know?" I asked annoyed. "Because I wanna know." He answered back sarcastically. "Fine, I'm Natalie, Natalie Smith. Now if you excuse me, I have to go." I said, walking past him. "I'm guessing your 14." He said, walking at my side. "Your a smart one aren't you." I teased. "Well yes I am. Why are you here anyway, you don't look like a troublemaker to me?" He asked, looking at me up and down. "Well yes, but as you can see, I'm a different race from you, and when I tried defending myself, I just got kicked out of schools." I explained as we where walking to the dorms.

"Your still a human being, race doesn't matter. I got kicked out of school for sending multiple kids to the hospital, I'm not strong, I'm actually week. All I did was knock them out with a chair." He shrugged. I looked at him with wide eyes. "Nice." I said. "Well, have to go, see you around." He said, waving a goodbye before he ran away. "Bye Liam." I yelled back at him. I walked up the stairs that said girls dorm. I looked for my room, there it was in black '204'. I pushed open the door, the room was still empty. I went to the bed nearest to the window since it had the perfect view of the near by lake. I set my bags down beside the bed and pulled out my phone and other headphones and listened to music.

"Hey, hey." I heard someone shake me awake. Still tired, I rubbed my eyes. "Huh, what?" I asked. "It's time for dinner." The voice said again. "Oh, ok, thanks." I said. I got up from bed and turned to the person. "Oh, I'm Maya, Maya Hamilton, you are?" She asked. "Natalie, Natalie Smith. I'm 14." I said as we walked out the dorm, passing 2 girls who where giggling away about some boy they saw. "I'm 14 too, though I'm turning 15 in a few months." She said. We walked into the crowded cafeteria and took a table in the middle. We talked and got to know each other.

"Hey, do you know anything about the forest next to this school?" I aksed, my curiosity getting the best of me. "My dad told me that a boy from this school wondered into the forest and was never heard of again, they call it The Wondering Forest. " She said in a ghost voice. We both burst out in laughter. "Hey girls." Liam said, taking a seat in front of me and Maya. "Hey Liam. This is Maya, Maya meet Liam." I introduced them to each other. We got to know each other until dinner was over.

"Guys, I have and idea." I said. I pulled them out the cafetaria to a deserted hallways. "What idea?" Maya asked. "Lets go into the forest at midnight." I said excitedly. They looked at me like I was mental. "What. No no no, just looking at that place gives me the creeps." Liam said, with a hint of fear in his voice. "Yeah, I agree with Liam, that's insane." Maya said. "It will be amazing, trust me. I bet there's nothing there. Cmon, just to check it out." I persuaded them. "Ok, fine." Liam said, giving up. "Ok. Liam, meet us in the hallway separating the girls dorms from the boys, then we'll set out there." Maya instructed. Liam nodded.

"Midnight sharp. See you then Liam. It's already 8:00pm and everyone's in their dorms." I said. Liam waved us goodbye and ran up the boy's dorm stairs. Me and Maya headed up to our dorm room and met the same girls that where talking about the boy who I found out was Liam. "Hi." I said to them. "Don't even talk to us." The girl with blonde hair said. "Don't be rude Amy, she was trying to be nice. Sorry for my sister Natalie." Maya said. I just nodded. We went to my bed since we wanted to stay up till 12 since I was told that the headmaster comes to check all the dorms at 10:00pm sharp so we'll fake sleep then.

I can't wait for the next chapter. It's going to be epic.

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