

To read up to 15 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


Looking around, I noticed the skeletons had all turned into dust, while the hole in the ground remained open. There were no more wails coming from inside, however.

I was curious about those rewards, and quite shocked, but I had something more important to care about.

Hunter, who was looking at me with murderous eyes.

I was under no illusion that the dagger in my hand could help me defend against him in any way. Still, I gripped it tightly, as I walked back to Becky, who had been joined by Chris and Jonathan.

I was scared, very much so, but I was also clear headed as I declared, "You can't kill me."

I knew he wanted to. We had drastically underestimated the reward a side quest offered, and Hunter obviously knew I had stolen that many points from him by stealing the kill. However, I also knew that no matter how much he hated me, if he killed me, he would go too deep in the negative, and die.

Hunter did not move at first, simply looking at me with wrath and hatred. But after a moment, he relaxed, and said with a smile, "You're right, I'm under a 1000 Points, so killing you would sign my death warrant. But as long as you breath, the game doesn't care what I do to-"

I did not wait for him to finish as I had suddenly attacked. Not Hunter, but the one that had saved my life and allowed me to keep myself somewhat sane, Becky. I truly didn't want to, but Hunter had just made a fatal mistake.

Simple math. Saving Becky rewards 1000 Points, killing me takes 1000. Then, if killing me would kill him too… then he was in the negative right now.

I didn't want to look at her, but I couldn't afford to miss, so as I stabbed my knife at her temple, I was forced to look into her eyes, and see the shock and disappointment in them.

To his credit, Hunter moved the moment my hand even twitched, and I shouldn't have been able to follow his movement. Yet, as I felt like I was about to die, several things happened.

The world suddenly slowed down as I once again managed to see Hunter. It was only a glimpse, but I saw the haughty smile on his face, as he understood, as did I, that he would reach me before I could kill Becky. That would have normally been the case, had it not been for the notifications I received.

[Body Limit broken! Rewarded 500 Points, Muscle Density increased by 20 points, Reaction Speed increased by 30 points!]

[Congratulations on breaking all three of your limits in your first mission! First Genetic Constraint removed!]

With the two notifications came a terrible pain, along with a slight increase in strength. But more terrifying, was how chillingly calm my mind became, as my emotions fizzled out.

As the unconscious resistance I had to killing her disappeared, and I gained an unexpected strength, the speed of my dagger sped up, allowing the blade to reach her head, before Hunter could reach me.

I stabbed with such force that the blade did not simply cut into her temple, it ravaged everything on the way as I was offered the gory sight.

From the side, a terrible cry came from Hunter, "Noooo-"

It was cut short, however.

[Protection target killed! You have lost 1000 points!]

[The last Protection Target has died, you have failed your mission! Return to the Nexus!]

The dignified voice sounded no different from before, but I struggled to hear it as I felt half asleep.

Despite my strange state however, I think I saw a beam of light envelop me…


As I regained my mental capacities, I realized I wasn't in the field anymore.

Instead, I was on a huge platform, with a large sphere of light in the center. Counting faster than I even knew I could, I saw twenty small circles surrounding the sphere of light, and I was in one of them.

There was also Chris, Jonathan, and to my shock, one more person.


She looked like she was in a bad state, her belly was bleeding profusely, I didn't even know how she was alive, but she must be, considering God had brought her here.

[Do you wish to be healed? It will cost you 250 Points to heal yourself. If you wish to heal your three other teammates, it will take you 1120 Points.]

I frowned, but after a moment of hesitation, I replied, "Heal everyone."

As I did, the circle beneath us lit up, before a pillar of light was erected from the ground.

They varied in intensity, the one below Jonathan was by far the faintest, and it disappeared after a few seconds. Then there was Chris', mine, and the most intense, Clara's.

Did they deserve me spending my points to heal them? Definitely not.

Of the three Clara was the only one that did nothing to annoy me, but she did nothing to deserve it either.

But I just couldn't. Jonathan and Chris probably would have been fine, although Chris' case wasn't even certain, but Clara would have died. She was probably the reason why it cost me so many Points to heal the entire team.

However, I had already left this state of… unlocked Genetic Constraint, whatever the hell it was, and my emotions came back crashing into me.

And boy did it not feel good.

So fuck it. They didn't deserve it, and it was not a wise use of my Points, but I don't give a fuck.

The light under me disappeared after a couple of minutes, and when it did, I felt my pain had disappeared. I wasn't even tired physically anymore. Mentally, I was spent, but otherwise I was fine.

As the light disappeared, I noticed Jonathan and Chris were looking at me weirdly, and a bit awkwardly.

Seriously not in the mood to speak, I waved my hand, saying, "I don't care. I just want to sleep. We'll speak later."

The moment I expressed my need, I heard the dignified voice address me.

[You may create a home for yourself. It comes free of charge.]

I didn't have the mental power to entertain it, but as the thought of a home crossed my mind, I suddenly saw a familiar house appear in the distance.

It was my parents' house.

While a little amazed inwardly, I was too tired to really care, and walked in, found my room exactly where it was, and how it was when I left it, and crashed into my bed, falling asleep the moment my body hit the bed.


As I woke up, I stretched my body, and opened my eyes.

I was surprised to find myself in my old room, back when I was at my parents' house. Did I sleep there last night? I don't remember…

Then, the memories from last night came back to me. Along with the smell, and taste of blood.

Running to the bathroom, I barely managed to reach the toilet before I puked.

Raising my head, as I looked into the mirror, I noticed my face.

The ball of light had healed me, but it hadn't cleaned me. My face was still covered in blood, which had dried up now.

Sighing, I stepped into the shower, not even bothering to take off my clothes as I let the cold water soak them.

I cried in the shower. For the last time.
