8 Velzard

A/N: Long chap I hope you don't get annoyed by how long it is.



"ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" A dragon's roar reverberated all over the continent causing it to shake under its might.

"Oi, oi ,oi ,oi that form.... You're really handful aren't you foolish little brother of mine. I guess I should go all out then." Veldanava said as he quickly absorbed as much as he could causing his body to flare up on and off, as it slowly but surely took form to something similar to that of a cloaked form of Naruto.


(500 years ago)

500 years ago Veldanava wanted to test his limits, 'Just how much energy can I store?' he bathed under the sun for 100 years without stop and absorbed its energy like a madman, because of this the energy stored inside him went rampage. The unused energy he stored for 100 years suddenly became active.

Thinking his idiocy will kill him He tried to stop his absorption but some part of him didn't want to stop, his dragon's pride didn't want to accept the fact he wasted 100 years for nothing. Left without a choice Veldanava did thought of a plan 'If they can't stay inside me how about letting them stay outside.'

Veldanava carefully brought out most of his stored energy to his skin covering him whole creating a huge dragon covered by what seems to be a flame similar to that of the sun.

It was bright, but most importantly it was hot. Everything around him started to melt. Afraid of destroying his home he left for the sea only to encounter his brother Velshizen training in seclusion in one of the islands practicing a grade 13 spell.


(Back to present)

A giant dragon clad in pink flame shot up to the sky. A distinct pattern of lines can be seen all over the pink flamed dragon. It was the same marks when he is in human form.

"It's the same yet different at the same time," Veldanava said as he compared his form with Velshizens form.

"I know he is still holding back, well I am too. Most of his skills are in his humanoid form, for someone who hates humans he sure likes that form well I'm not one to talk. we dragon get stronger when we compress our body to the form that of a human after all." Saying that Veldanava shot up in the air to confront his brother.

"That magicule release so it was you who stalked me when I was training in seclusion, brother." Velshizen said but inside him

'Well I already knew it was you thanks to Great sage'

"Enough with the chit-chat It's time to fight! Entertain me more brother!" Velshizwen said which shocked Veldanava

'Wasn't your purpose to kill the humans what do you mean entertain you, Wait don't tell me! AYOOOOO.. I awakened his battle junkie side, just like Veldora! let's just hope he forgets about killing the people of the Eastern Empire with this fight.' Veldanava thought.

( A/N: Before I continue the fight I hope you guys know that even though u think mc is op asf, well he will be the skills you saw in the auxiliary.. well I wouldn't rely on that auxiliary anymore I prolly turned it into a draft when you see this chap, it causes inconsistency which I don't like. Anyways as I was saying mc is op but that doesn't mean others can't contend against him.)

All of a sudden Velshizen made a move.

'Natures command 'Pull!''

All of a sudden Veldanva felt a pulling force with Velshizen as the source.

Veldanava was shocked but before he could register what happened a punch clad in magicule hit him in the face it was hard enough to cause him to fly away, but before any of that could happen, the same hand grabbed his head and the other continued to punch. Then Velshizen retreated to make a distance and used.

'Nature command 'Push''

Veldanava was pushed away, pushing him near the sea.


Velshizen POV


'Fuck, that cloaked version of his is hard to fight with, my fist burns! It's painful. But compared to the pain I will receive when I lose you nothing. Actually, this is making it fun, am I a masochist? Absolutely not.' I thought while shaking my head and looking at the figure who can unscratched from my beating.

"This is just plainly exhilarating!" I said as I flash a smile on my face.

"Brother! Here I come! ill knock some senses into you!" I said with a smile, Though I am having fun for the first time in my life, I will not forget my objective on going here. This fight is just a bonus prize for me.

Saying that I charged at my brother


(Back to 3rd POV)


"Brother! Here I come! I'll knock some senses into you!" Velshizen said as he charged at Veldanava.

Veldanava watched Velshizen coming at him with the insane speed with his right fist clenched as if building momentum for a punch.

Raising his left fist to counter attack both sides meet with a fist on their face. Veldanava was thrown into the ocean.

Due to magicule all over his body, he didn't sink instead as if the water is solid ground, he was left rolling in an area of boiling water due to the heat his flame clad body is emitting.

Velshizen on the other hand was thrown into the air due to Veldanava's uppercut stabilizing himself he shoot himself to Veldanava.

Punch after punch, Slash after slash, Flame breath after flame breath. Their battlefield was moved to the sea. Which people thanked god since they were afraid their fight will cause the destruction of the continent.


(After 4 hrs.) (A/N: they started fighting around 12pm)


Veldanava and Velshizen were in a stalemate. both exhausted but due to their abnormal regeneration as true dragons, none of them were covered in blood but were injured nonetheless.

"You are taking it easy on me arent you." Velshizen asked with a grim expression

"How so?" Veldanava replied while breathing heavily

"WHY WON'T YOU USE THAT FAST ATTACK YOU USED ON ME EARLIER!" velshizen said as he was clearly enraged by Veldanavas action on not using everything he has.

"If I do I will be using every single energy I have in my body" Veldanava answer, he shouldn't be able to use cloak this long it should have ended 3 hrs. ago. but he used his life force for 2 hrs. to maintain the cloak just to gather sun energy and used the sun energy again.

Yes, a fight between a dragon is always a battle of endurance only way to end the battle is if one uses a sure kill move, or win the battle of endurance.

Valdanava would have already lost if not for the sun constantly supplying him with, stamina and magicule.

Velshizen then attacked pushing himself to his limits. due to his years of training, he built his stamina, but only now did he realize how lacking it was.

not satisfied with Veldanava holding back. He thought of a way to make sure he would not collapse when he uses his combo skill.

Then all of a sudden, Inspired by his brother's skill to constantly recover stamina.

He used one of the skills he uses to recover his strength after battles. A skill that shouldn't be physically possible to use during battle.


Pushing his brain to the limit, he tried using a meditating active skill that recovers health, and magicule. which means it also recovers his stamina.

Doing so was a constant strain on his brain so he needed to end this fast, he didn't want to end up a retard after this fight.

Velshizens aura changed. From the raging aura he got from hating humans it turned into a calm one that flowed like water.

Opening his eyes he looked at Veldanava as if relaying a message.

'I'll use everything I have in this next move you should too.'

Veldanava understanding what he meant prepared to use everything he had.

Deciding to end this battle as soon as possible. Velshizen shoot towards Veldanava whose body was compressing.

they both will use everything they have and end this battle.

'Dragon raging combo'

Cladding his fist his natural fire, Velshizen was going after a clean punch combined with kicks and tail attacks and end it by holding Veldanavas head and pouring every magicule to his fist to make it lethal.

he thought of using his claw, but doing so would be killing his brother, but It would be against what he came to do here in the first place.

Velshizen may have awakened his battle junkie side but that doesn't mean he lost his thinking capabilities he may have lost himself heat of the moment but not once did he forget that he came here to save his brother.

He wanted to fight his brother till he can't move and proceed with the massacre.

But everything was nothing but a dream before he can hit Veldanava.

A bunch of fast burning like the sun fist hit every single part of his body

"Star fist Gatling gun!" Veldanava said out loud

(A/N: I know I'm cringe don't compliment me)

If not for him constantly using 'Concentration' he would have passed out there at worst die.

'You stupid brother of mine, why do you have to be so stubborn. I only want you to live" Velshizen said quietly while tears ran down his closed eyes. Veldanava didn't fail to hear what he said and just replied.

"If what you said is true then, Please take care of my daughter, when I'm gone in the future. Velzard don't let anyone get near him while he recovers." Veldanava said as he flew back to the city hoping that Veldora didn't win against Velgrynd and start a massacre.

While Velshizen was falling to the sea it suddenly turned into ice which Velshizens back landed on.

"You fool who would take care of a half maggot." Velshizen said with a smile.

"You really a handful one arent you, well compared to that idiot Storm dragon you're better since you care so much about us." A girl with white hair said as he landed next to Velshizen.

"Big sister Velzard, you were watching everything since I blew brother to the seaside. Why didn't you stop us?" I asked her with a curious voice but I didn't look at her but I looked at the sky while I used concentration.

"You fool, what kind of big sister am I if I stop a fight that will be a turning point for my little brothers life." Velzard replied.

"Fool, huh? I guess I'm really a fool, we true dragons are really a bunch of fools" I said as tears ran down my eyes.

'Defeat huh, my first real battle with someone I considered to be at the same level as I resulted in my defeat. I guess this is what people call arrogance.'

Stretching my hands to the sky I said to myself

"Next time, I will never lose again I will not fail to protect my family and loved ones." I said as I promised the heavens.

As if nature have heard my Promise the winds blew stronger than before, the trees and flowers danced in my presence as I received a skill that was suddenly bestowed upon me by the World voice.

[A god has heard your vow, you have been bestowed the 'Blessing of Gaia']

"It seems you are doing fine now, ill take my leave. You better go back to your territory after this. Also, you take care of those ants I don't want to sully my hands." As Velzard said this she quickly left.

But Velshizen didn't care about what his sister said, he was still in a state of trance after what he just heard.

'Eh?' is all he can say inside his mind.


While Velzard left, a group of people thought that the white haired women failed to notice them as they stealthily moving towards Velshizen 5 KM away.

"Boss are you sure we can kill the dragon?" One of the men said

"Of course! Cant, you see he is weakened after fighting the big dragon, and look the lady protecting him left! Let's go! I'm sure King Rudra will reward our adventure team greatly!" The person who seems to be the leader of the group said.

"Hehehe you fool, this is what you will get for messing with the Eastern Empire!" The leader said with a hint of greed.

The people behind started talking.

"I heard if we eat the meat of a true dragon we can get super strong."

"Really?! Then we can get strong enough to rule over the Kingdome and make the king bend on his knees!"

* Murmur* Murmur*

they started talking with greed oozing out of their body.

"Shh.. cant you guys shut up! what if the dragon notices us! we only have one chance and that's when we ambush"

But all of a sudden the dragon they thought was lying on the ice not far from them was already behind them.

"Typical mongrel, Greedy in nature not only do you pathetically plot on your enemy you plot on your selves. I'm surprised you guys haven't gone killing yourself leaving me the trouble of exterminating your kind."

All of them were startled they suddenly launched attacks one after another.

"ATTACK!" The leader said as he was pissing and shitting himself right at this moment.

Spells after spells, arrow after arrows. All of them went to the dragon but none of it affected him.

Flying in the sky the dragon said "I don't even need to use magicule to deal with you insects but I need to vent out my stress on you all"

Saying that the dragon charged up energy on his mouth and launched it on the group killing them and creating a big crater in the process.

"Ughh, my head hurts, I also need to find out what that blessing those, but ill do that after sleeping I'm too tired mentally, to even think properly."Velshizen then flew back to his territory

Since that day in the forest of Jura a lake was formed which later will be found by Rimuru and have a lake episode.


To be continued


A/N: kind of long chapter I hope you guys didn't get annoyed.

Read my other FF, Making a Name for Myself if you are a Horimiya fan.

If you like the story please add it to your library/ Collection I don't really care about power stones just read my story.


~CringeLord.. ahem I mean DreamingOni~


next chapter: ~Slumber~
