

Q- I forgot... Why does he want to be an athlete?

A- An athlete is a person who competes in one or more events that involve physical/mental strength, speed or endurance. However, there is more to it than that. As Nike founder said if you have a body your an athlete. So when I said he wants to be the best athlete, I meant he wants to be better than everyone else.

Q- Why not make her a Goudere? (Inari) the kind of Yandere that helps him get his harem by any means necessary?

A- He doesn't need anyone to help him with his harem. Another thing Inari is to kind to be a yandere.

Q- Make her a brocon yandere tho make the brocon stronger than the yandere but not crazy yandere

A- She is a bro-con but I'm not sure if I want Inari to be a romantic interest

Q- Anyone else worried about which anime the title is talking about with an all-girls school pls I'm cool with any but shomen sample I think Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism

A- shomen sample

Q- You could improve on explaining things since I'm honestly lost reading chapters. It feels like a lot of vital details are missing. So I think more details in scenes are necessary and perhaps something like --Time skip 2 years-- or something when you do a time-skip?

A- I not good at writing but I wanted the perspective to be his. At first, Ryouta was overwhelmed with everything. Do you think he was happy at first? No, he wasn't! he was scared confused and frustrated. Remember he was talking to himself in the first chapter. That's how lonely he was. He inmates his friends back in his other world. He misses that world so much

Then when he gets 11 you see a lot of people around him. In his past life, he was invisible now he is looked at as a superstar. It's not an easy adjustment. Another thing as a kid people don't tell him lots of things. Who or what he is, the place where Yuna was, there are many secrets everyone keeps from him.

You see when he's 14 he starts getting more control of everything. He is no longer fighting against the world. He's fighting with it.

Q- Too many characters introduced I honestly forgot everything you wrote because Kise is trying to do many different things at the same time.

A- You don't have to remember every character. Sometimes I just have characters names so you can better relate to the character. For example Saya Endō from Dagashi Kashi. If you watched the anime you can be like oh I can see her doing something like this. If not you can just think of her as a girl from the candy shop.

Q- Can you better add the Yuki Onna the ice yokai to the harem and Kejoro

A- Setsuna yes but I'm not sure about her daughter

Q- I'm a little confused, the hero does not know a single anime or manga story, where did he go? I would understand if it was a small crossover, but not to know anything at all? But the same Harry Potter, he knows.

A- Popular anime such as Naruto, DB, and one piece were a thing in his world. They talk about those series in the manga. They showed figures of Sailor Moon. Harry Potter is because they mention it in Read or die and I wanted to add them to the story. Pokemon is Japans mascot

Q- Does he even need that form? (Yokai form) I thought he was already strong in normal

A- There are certain techniques he can't do in his normal state.

Q He will have to meditate to gain a balance so it won't hurt him

A- Its something else. Right now he is still a strong kid

Q- Why is Harry Potter popular?

A- They have a theme park in Universal Studios in Japan of Harry Potter

Q- Kinda wondering when will that sample anime time start

A- That's the conflict I want to start soon. However, I want to establish the exorcist organization now.

Q- please do not put his three or four friends who are lesbians in his harem

A- And here I wanted him to have a threesome

Q- would love to see some people from the tenchi universe show up that why i wanted see light side story

A- He will when hes 15

Q- feel bad for saying this but Honestly you should have kept it to the skate anime forgot the name and Kenichi the mightiest l/Baki the grappler and a little bit of the yokai anime also forgot the name it may have even been okay if you added Yuyu Hakusho

You could have used the premise that he wants to be the worlds best fighter/martial artist

All these different shows/anime that you have added in have been making it hard to enjoy and very well will ruin it

you need to focus on a few anime and role with that

I'd suggest the few I talked about at the start go back a few chaps and plan a different route as you have a great novel but all the different stuff is piling on and ruining it

Heck later you could even send the mc and his harem/group to another world with the help of a god or even have the world end and turn into a something like a zombie apocalypse with the mc and his girls and his teachers/dojo masters and help him

Send him to a cultivating novel who knows that would be for when the mc reaches the peak

A-It sounds like you want me to start over again but no I don't plan to change anything. I know you're thinking you're overwhelmed by the share 45 characters introduced in the series but let me break it down for you on the importance. First starting with a huge secret

You don't have to know every characters name. Let me give you an example there are about 12 people from Nura rise of the yokai. Why would you need to know about Rikuo (Ryouta brother )

friends? You don't need to know his bodyguard's names, as for Rikuo, Rihan, and nurarihyon. All you have to know he has a brother, father, and grandfather who are Yokai.thats already 9 or 10 people gone.

His masters, I don't need to say their names. I just say their names for the context of the story. He has three younger sisters and three older sisters that want his D. His aunts are gone, his uncle is gone. So as I said you don't have to remember every character

finally, He's not going to school with Kenichi. he's not matchmaking with Yaya. He is yokai hunting with Botan just the team is named Devil may cry. I introduced Medusa but as I said the chapter I don't plan to use any other Soul eater character in this novel

with that, I end my Q and A
