
Ten Million Dollars Mission

{Warning: Mature content} To attain money and her life back, she is ready to seduce the big shots! ---- "So, I am dead for real?" Her brows wrinkled. "Yes, sort of. But you can return if you accept my offer-" "No" Without listening to the rest, she declined promptly. Stunning the man. "At least, hear me out-" "No" The woman shook her head. "I don't even know if I were poor or not. Why would I want to live the unknown life again? Sorry, I am not playing your little game" She scoffed. Giving up on the opportunity, which left the man at a loss for words. He sighed. "All right. You will get your life back, including the ten million dollars. Are you in or not?" The woman's eyes gleamed with bliss right away. "Yes! I am in!" A quick change of mood shocked the man. All she cared about was money! ~~~ With no memories of her life, she wakes up to a man offering the chance to live again; but under one condition where she has to succeed the missions in the system he created. He calls her 'L' and vows to give the share of money if she achieves the task which is to charm big shots and swindle them! {The novel is pure fiction. It contains no intention to ruin the image of organizations mentioned in the novel. My first language is not English. There may be mistakes in the chapters. I apologize for those in advance}

Hera_Cordelia · สมัยใหม่
115 Chs

Her tears

"What is it?"

L's brows wrinkled over the sight of Rosa rushing inside the office in the early morning. "We are done! Your news are spreading like a wild fire right now! It's so messy!" With the tablet in her grasp, Rosa approached her friend. "Huh?" L furrowed brows. "Take a look"

Rosa just handed the tablet instead of speaking further. 'CEO of Lauren brand is dating 'Paradise' club owner Ishikawa Ryuu' With the photo of them walking out of the room, the news made it to the top search. The woman's dress was torn, the man's necktie was missing.

They definitely enjoyed the night together! That's what the comments claimed. L restrained the urge to smile. She looked so good in this picture! That reporter Yuki deserved to earn a lot! "Some are saying you came from the yakuza organization as well, Lauren!" Rosa frowned.