
Tempted Betrayal

Valencia Ambrose has her whole life planned ahead of her. 1. Getting a good paying job ✔️ 2. Be her own boss; well we're working on that. 3. Getting married to her boyfriend turned fiancee and having kids with him. Everything is perfect until Katherine Jones and Christian Silverio come into the picture. This is a story of temptation. A story about betrayal. A story about a forbidden relationship. 'I love you' 'I love you too'. This was the third time in a row they had done it. At first, they felt guilty but now all the could think about was continuing with their forbidden relationship

CancerLily · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 1

Valencia Ambrose had three brothers who were very over protective their little sister after she started dating Kyle, her boyfriend turned fiancee.


"Valencia hurry up! We're going to be late". Kyle Masters hollered up the stairs impatiently in his dark Gucci suit. "I'm coming!". Valencia said coming down the stairs.

"How do I look?". She asked her fiancee once she got to him. She was wearing a DrenushaXharra pink lacy bustier off the shoulder dress paired with white Chanel heels. Her hair was in a sleek ponytail whiles Kyle's was gelled backwards.

"You look nice". Kyle said to her as she blushed. The couple went to the garage and sat in Kyle's car that Valencia's parents had gifted him.

It was the night of the Ambrose Yearly Gala. The Ambrose Company was one of the richest companies in the world with over two thousand employees all over. They made products from wine to dresses to technology. The Ambroses were very strict on their invitation cards. So even it was an A list celebrity, they wouldn't dare.

The couple got down from the car and Kyle handed the keys over to a security man. They both made their way towards the entrance when they were stopped.

"Name". A buff man said. "Kyle Masters and Valencia Ambrose". Kyle handed their cards to the guard and he let them in.

The couple made their way inside the large ballroom like room to see a lot of people conversing. Some people were most likely arranging marriages for their children whiles others were gossiping about the newest celebrity scandal.

Valencia made out a man and woman and went towards them.

"Woah, Mum, you look beautiful". She said and her mother blushed. She was wearing a long emerald green dress with long sleeves and paired it with matching gold heels.

"Oh and I don't?". A voice playfully said and the two women laughed.

"Dad, you know you're already handsome. I don't need to tell you that". Her father, Edward grinned at the compliment his youngest child threw at him. Even in their ages of forty-one and forty-six, they still looked very young.

"Where are 'they'". Valencia asked. And by they, she meant her three brothers. "Oh, they were just here". Rimah, her mother said. Just then, three arms of muscle wrapped around her small frame and she laughed at her brothers' childishness.

"Oh, I've missed you soo much". August, her twin brother said. Many people found it hard to believe that August and Valencia were twins as they didn't look alike but if you looked closer, you would see the similarities. August had brown hair and Valencia had raven coloured hair. The eldest who was Michael had long blonde hair but Richard had raven coloured hair just like his sister.

Whiles Micheal wanted to take over the company with August as his Vice President, Richard didn't want to do anything other than following any object with a hole. Valencia wanted to be her own boss without any of her family members helping. It would be hard but she would try it.

"You saw me a week ago". Valencia deadpanned. "A week too long". Micheal rolled his eyes at his brother's antics.

"Where's Kyle". Richard asked all of a sudden. "He said he wanted to use the washroom. But it's been twenty minutes and he's not here". Valencia said trying to leave when Richard held her hand.

"I'm sure he's coming".


Immediately Kyle got into the bathroom, a lady in a tight dress kept throwing herself at him, offering inappropriate requests. One would think he would have pushed the lady away but he didn't. Instead he pulled her closer to him and smashed his lips on hers. Both Kyle and the woman were moving backwards to one of the cubicles with her undoing his fly.

The woman came out fixing her dress whiles Kyle was zipping his fly. He went towards the sink when he noticed a woman wearing a red lacy dress.

He had never seen anyone soo beautiful in his life. Not even his fiancee afterall, he was just using her.

Whiles he dazedly looked at her, she racked him from the bottom and smiled. He had no ring. She finally cleared her throat and the dazed look on Kyle's face cleared off.

He hurriedly made his way out of the bathroom to locate his fiancee. "Kyle, are you okay? If you're not we can go home". Valencia worriedly said once she saw the flushed look on her fiancee's face. Kyle shook his head, " No, I'm fine". He said in his flushed state.

"Oh well then if Kyle's here then let me introduce you to some people". William made his way to a man and woman.

"Christian, these are my boys who would take over soon". William said to the man. He looked like one of the men who walked out of a French magazine.

"Pleasure to meet you". Micheal and August said in unison. "And this is his girlfriend". At the word girlfriend, Kyle raised his head yo see the same woman from the bathroom. No, not the woman he did it with. The other woman.

After introducing a lot of people to his family members, they all went their separate ways.


Kyle sat in the bar taking shots of vodka. He didn't care if he got wasted. He had told Valencia that he wasn't coming to their apartment. Just then a female sat on a barstool near him. He turned to see the same woman. She smiled at him and put her manicured hands out.

"The name's Katherine Jones". "Kyle Masters". He said. "Mind if I join you?". Katherine asked and Kyle shook his head there was no way he was losing this opportunity to talk with a beautiful woman.

About three bottles of Russian vodka, they were thoroughly wasted. They stumbled out of the place laughing. When they looked in eachother's eyes, the laughing ceased. There was a kind of emotion in their eyes. It was the emotion of want. The emotion of lust and need.

Kyle hurriedly opened his car door whiles she did the same. In no time, they were practically flying on the streets. They finally got to a hotel and made their way inside. They got to the receptionist and booked a room. After getting the room number, the rushed towards it.

They weren't even in the room when Kyle smashed his lips on hers. She was now sandwiched between the wall and him. He pulled back and dragged her towards the room. She practically ripped off his suit and he also did the same. He took a step back to admire the beauty before him. In no time, Kyle was bare were naked with an also bare Katherine straddling him.