
Chapter 2 : battle between titans

Scene 1 : first encounter

Continuing from where it left off...

Emily blocked Chris's attack with her right foot, before it could reach the bully...

Bully1 praises Emily by kissing her feet and thanking her but he didn't know her name.

Emily process to kick the bully against a tree, leaving him for dead. And it was with the right foot that saved him...

Emily was actually amazed and really excited by seeing Chris in his unconscious mode...

Emily smiles and says : "wow, well I be damn. I really thought that I was the only one in this pathetic school. But you'll be a good expectation.

Chris wasn't hearing any of Emily's words, expect he saw her as an enemy who nearly killed him...

As Emily stands in front of Chris, she says to him : "I know you can't hear me but please just tell a joke

when we fighting? Okay?

Chris proceeded to smack Emily so hard that she went flying through the whole school...

On the 2nd building of school...

But luckily that Emily blocked the attack (with her left forearm) just in time. Leaving her left forearm healing with stream just like Chris.

Menacly looking at Emily, was the unconscious monster standing at the other side of the school...

Without taking a step, Chris speed biltz right in front of Emily, ready to attack her, with his arms spread wide open like a lion...

Without knowing how to react, Emily finally uses her abilities and makes a magical shield, (double her size) to protect her...

But nothing happened, waiting for an attack but none arrived. As Emily stood confused behind her magical shield, she looked around to see if Chris would attack her from behind...

But then she finally looks above her head and witnessed death itself on top of her shield...

Standing above her is Chris with his right foot above his head, ready to end her life...

Emily sings in despair : *And something bad is about to happen to me*.

Without any effort, just one drop kick, Emily went tumbling (10 foot) into the ground...

But luckily, again Emily magically made a unbreakable helmet of steel. But Chris's attack was far too great and he broke the helmet in two, with his mere foot...

Emily now laying in the 10 foot hole, complains about Chris's strength : "No fair Chris. You have super super super strength but I only my imagi"...

In that moment, Emily thought of an idea. But couldn't think fast enough...

Chris rushed into the 10 foot hole, before Emily could finish her thoughts. Then he proceeded to grab Emily by her waist, hold her up above and punch her in the stomach which sends her flying 149 feet into the blue sky...

As Emily is spinning in the air, irritated,but a little hurt : "that kinda hurt, but. Yo muscle head! Just wait until I get super super SUPER serious!

Then Emily made rocket boots so that she could fly down next to the 10 foot hole, that had Chris menacly standing in it...

Emily laughs at her enemy Chris : "hahahaha, now I'm the one at...

Chris, the menace who never lets anyone finish their sentence. Proceed to jump out of the hole and trys to punch Emily again, but she dodgers Chris's attack...

Emily finally decided to take the battle serious as she creates a sword and stand in a samurai position. As she then face 'the unconscious monster' seriously...

Chris lands about 40 feet away from Emily in distance. As they both gaze into each other's eyes for a brief moment...

The cold wind bluntly flew against their skin and their both clashed within a micosecond, with one of them injured...

Chris falls to the ground in two, but regenerates himself and rises up again as if nothing happened, ready to continue the fight with a serious Emily...

Chris looks at Emily over his shoulder. With Emily being about 10 feet away from him.

Emily faces him and awe : "wow your gonna be a hard one to"...

Once again Chris doesn't let Emily finish her sentence by closing the distance and trys to side-kick her in the face. But Emily again dodges the attack...

While her head is turned, she angryl complains : "Can you please let me finish a got damn sentence!?"

Chris pauses for a second.

Emily did a huge mistake by dropping her guard and says : "Thank you, so as I was"...

Chris then proceeded to side-kick Emily in her face completely...

Emily is ignored while flying in the air and moans : "ummmmmm!".

Scene 2 : the rampage

In the city of Cape Town

Hit for hit, blow for blow, Emily and Chris exchange punches like they were at a festival market...

With each punch they throw at each, would send shockwaves that would destroy the ground beneath them.

Emily every time tried to find a opening to knock Chris down, but he reads her moves and counters each of her attacks with a attack of his own...

After a 10 000 of powerful punches being exchanged, Emily and Chris lands on a roof top of a tall building and started fighting hand to hand.

Both showing great skills of hand to hand combat, but Emily then creates a magical sword and tries to slash Chris in half.

But he catches the sword with his right hand, spins Emily around in the air and slams her into the ground of the buildings roof top. Then Chris kicks Emily in her stomach, and she went flying down to the bottom floor.

As Emily falls, before touching the ground, she creates a gun and shoots through Chris's left eye.

With the bullet having enough force, makes Chris do a backflip, with the bullet still remaining in his eye. He pulls the bullet out of his eye socket and lets the wound heal.

Emily saw this opportunity, jumps up and punches his testicles.

Emily thought that Chris would be in pain but, he proceed to kick Emily in her face, which sends her flying over the other side of South Africa.

Emily uses her flying abilities and stops herself from flying further. And from that distance, she flies back over to Chris and...

With the momentum of her speed is able to cause a tsunami over South Africa and with the wind tipping buildings over to the ground.

She then creates a truck and throws it at Chris. The truck sticks him into a 150m building. As the truck exploded with Chris and the 150m building in the process...

Emily dances in the air, thinking that she did some damage to Chris : "yeah yeah, look at me now, yeah yeah look at me...

Chris appears from the smoke, menacly looking at Emily.

Emily is very irritated of causing no damage to Chris and ask : "Is this bruh freaking serious?"...

Chris then speed blitz right in front of Emily and punch her through many other buildings behind her...

At the 13th building, Emily stops the momentum and flies towards Chris. And with her right foot, trys to front kick Chris in his stomach, but he moves to he's right and looks at Emily's silly face with her tongue out, in slow motion. And then he kicks her back that sends her flying into outer space...

Emily smacks her hands together, which makes a shockwave that sends her back to Earth...

As Emily falls like a asteroid, Chris jumps up to the sky to clash with Emily, (600m's in the air)...

When they finally meet, their clash made a shockwave that flew over all over of Africa...

After the shockwave in the sky clears, Emily got sent down into other building with civilians inside. But Chris then lands in the building, that sends a another shockwave which kills all the civilians.

Emily is shocked at Chris's action and comments : "I didn't know that you were a menace to society. Why wasn't I given"...

Chris proceed grabs Emily's mouth and rips it off.

Emily regenerates another mouth to replaces the mouth that Chris ripped off.

Emily is frustrated and moans again : "ummm. How rude of"...

Chris grabs Emily's face again and slams her down to the ground.

Emily then heats up her purple atomic breath, as she blasts Chris's whole arm into ash.

Chris regenerates his arm and punches Emily in her face, as she again falls to the bottom floor.

But this time, Emily uses her imagination ability and swaps places with Chris. As Emily jumps up, above the top floor of the building, she heats up another purple atomic breath and destroys most of the Western Cape Province landscape.

As Emily thinks she finally won, Chris mere presence, blew away all the smoke. As he jumps up to Emily and grabs her face again. Chris then flys through other buildings (in other provinces) while using Emily as a shield.

For the third time, Emily heats up her atomic breath but Chris blasts Emily away overseas, (with his own black atomic breath).

While Emily is being blasted away, she makes a bubble face and wonders : "how rude of you to use my own ability against me. Me! The owner of the circle purple things, whatever you call them".

She then used the momentum of the blast, spins around and turns the black atomic blast into a purple sphere. But that wasn't enough.

She starts gathered other materials like the buildings, the sea water, rocks beneath the ocean and the ground itself, all surrounding the purple sphere, lifting the 43meters sphere above her head with one finger.

Emily then spawns 9 more and threw all of them at Chris.

But Chris used Emily's own ability against and threw the spheres back at her.

Emily destroyed all the spheres with one punch, but that was a diversion, as Chris came through the rubble, putted his hands to together above his head and hammer punch Emily into the ocean.

Moments later.

Suddenly the whole ocean started to rotate in a circle. Arising from the depths of the ocean, Emily slowly arose as she menacly looks at Chris. In a blink of an eye, Emily speed blitz behind Chris and punched him, through table mountain, over to the other side of Africa.

Chris uses Emily's abilities again and swaps please with her. But with the same momentum as before, Chris flew over to Emily in a short amount of time. When he got there, he stood dead still, 50 meters in the air, right in front of her.

in the North Africa

They both menacly staring at each other, waiting for the other to just simply blink. Emily was about to give up but Chris does a front slip in a split-second and kicks Emily into the ground. Destroying the 2958762km landscape below them.

Emily again rose up but didn't attack Chris. Just standing, waiting for him to stick first.

Chris pulled his arm back, arming for attack. But then he noticed something, Emily is looking up and grinning.

Within a microsecond, Emily suddenly appeared behind Chris and punched his head clean off his body.

Chris regenerates his head back but Emily once again punched Chris's head off as he flys to the ground below them.

Chris again regenerates his head back but.

Emily proceed grabs Chris by his face and laughs with evil intentions : "COME ON CHRIS! HAHAHA FIGHT BACK! HAHAHA! HAHAHA! HAHA!".

Chris (from his mouth) blasts Emily's arm into ash.

Emily kicks Chris in his face and proceed to drag him through the ground, until they both reached South Africa.

Chris spawned 100 black spheres from the ground and are all attacking Emily. But she destroys all of them with a wave of her hand.

In South Africa, Cape Town

Chris lays on back with his head in the ground

Emily's back faces Chris and she commands for him to get up.

Chris leans forward by using his legs and gets up from the ground.

Emily turns to face Chris and gives him a normal smile. 'And' 'there' 'we' 'go' : Emily said this with a grin on her face and a excited voice.

The two walk up to each other, and this is the first time Chris smiles in excitement for the battle. As Emily grins back, looking directly in the eyes of the killing machine.

They float to the sky and proceed to continue the fight thats destroying the continent of Africa and giving the whole world a global earthquake.

Anyone who would look up, would see nothing but shockwaves thats would clearing the clouds...

Destruction went through other continents as well, as Emily and Chris fought without a care in the world...

But Emily noticed that Chris was too powerful, so she creates a portal to Antarctica...

Scene 3 : whole new area

In Antarctica...

The moment Emily and Chris finally arrived in Antarctica, where it was safer for the people...

Chris wasted no time and charges at Emily. But Emily dodged three of Chris's attack and tries to cut him (with the same magical sword as before), but Chris creates a sword of his own and blocks Emily's attack...

They both dropped they weapons and have the same idea of fighting without powers.

On foot, no powers, straight hands, the two proceed to fight each other, vir hand to hand combat. Seeing which one would use their abilities first...

With each missing sticke, made shockwaves that destroys the ice mountains surrounding them. And as each punch became more dangerous than the last. When their punches did connect, the sky above would clear up...

Then Chris charges up energy to his fist and punches Emily into a iceberg...

Emily laying in the iceberg, irritated says that : "now how the hell am I suppose to defeat someone who can just copy my abilities and ad...

Chris then flies to Emily and punches her in her stomach which makes her cough out blood...

All that remains now of the iceberg (that Emily was in), is now a pile of broken ice rocks, falling to the ground.

As Emily flies backwards, Chris appears on top of Emily and tries punches her, but she capture his attacking arm (with her left leg), spins him around and then throws him to the ground.

Emily then flies down and kicked Chris with such a powerful force, that he went through a other dimension.

This dimension somewhat looks similar to the normal world but the complete opposite of everything and upside down. Where the snow looks like ash, the icebergs look like old rusty metal and the evil skies have red lightning. Not even gravity work probably in this "underworld".

While Chris floats in the zero gravity of the realm, he creates two chains that are attached to two sides of the broken gateway and tries to pull himself out of the realm.

But Emily flies into the realm and spears Chris. She then thinks of an idea, grins and throws Chris to a mountain.

Emily flies over to punch Chris, but he swaps places and punches her instead.

While Emily is still in the mountain, Chris flies down, picks up the (356 trillion tons) Mountain and throws it over to the other side of the upside down Antarctica.

Emily power up and destroys the mountain by blasting it into nothing.

Being 13.66 million km away, Emily closes the distance within a nanosecond and is right in front of Chris.

The two lock eyes with each other, until suddenly they both started throwing a baggage of punches at the other.

While still in the air.

With every punch connecting, they cracked open other portals to other realms, nearly destroying the realm they were within.

After the punches were thrown, they landed on the ashy ground and continued fighting.

Chris does multi spin kicks in the air, but Emily leans down, dodging every kick.

Emily gets up and not a second later, Chris punches Emily through the ground. But she cross her arms in front of her face, blocking the attack but that one attack broke left her arm.

While Emily is still on the ground and her arm is still regenerating, Chris rises his right leg and was about to kick Emily through another realm. But with the reaction speed faster than sound, Emily dodgers the attack just in time.

Emily rises herself up with her left arm being fully recovered.

Once again the two fought each other via hand to hand, with Chris having the upper hand through his adaptation.

Emily noticed the increase in Chris's power and starts running away. But Chris chases after her and is actually keeping up with her faster than sound speed.

Until he realized of Emily's plan and started running the opposite direction. With Emily running on the right side of planet, Chris runs on the left.

As they are running, they also gathering energy and with energy second, they ran faster than before with more energy being gathered.

When the two finally reach the peak of their capabilities, the two then ran one track towards each other. Running faster than speed itself, the two finally clash.

With their clash that launched a shockwave that splited the whole underworld realm in half.

Chris standing on one half of the planet and Emily standing on the other half. Both realizing that they could fight each other at full power without having to worry about they environment. Looking up to the other planets that float with no natural order.

It was in that moment that Emily and Chris had the same idea : "what the heck, it is what it is".

The two fought, destroyed and jumped from other universes in the realm, using them like mere trampolines.

Moving infinity faster than light, the two jumped from one universe to another. With each one they jumped on, explore like a bubble. After one was destroyed, they instantly moved onto the next.

But Emily got bored and kicked Chris back to the real normal realm and continued fighting.

Emily is now noticing that non of her plans are working so she claims her mind, breaths in the cold air, lets go of all her emotions and tries to enter the unconscious state...

But Chris grabs Emily by her neck (with his arm) and proceed to drag her through other mountains.,

Emily then kicks Chris away from her and magically creates three powerful daggers that could kill any supernatural being. But hides them.

As Emily is still in the iceberg of Mount Everest, Chris stops himself in the air from flying off to space. Lock eyes with Emily again and flies back at mach speed...

With a quick reaction, Emily imagined a place away from Antarctica and teleports to a different location...

Wondering where Emily went, Chris punches Mount Everest and turns it into dust...

Scene 4 : the fall

Elsewhere, a mysterious tall woman walked up to her roof top and started humming.

hmmmmmm (middle - above average note)

hmmmm (middle note)

hmmmmm (middle note)

hmmm (low note)

hmmmmmmm (high note)

She repeatedly continued her humming in a smooth patch of harmony.

In the Sahara desert..

Emily who is now safe from the raging avenger, takes a breather and thinks of a way to stop Chris...

Much faster than before, Chris is flying around the world searching for Emily until he finally scent her energy.

And he process to land in the Sahara desert, about 27 miles away from Emily...

As the two were looking for each other, Emily spotted Chris first and.

Emily sees Chris, inhales and shouts : "HIII!!CCHHRRIISSSS!!! OVER THERE!!

Chris notices Emily and starts to run towards her

Emily says : "Yeah you idiot, come to me".

As Chris raced over to Emily, a two daggers were suddenly shooted at Chris. But he catches the first one, throws it to the ground and dodges the second.

Emily rises her arms in confusion and complains that : "How? Like HOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!???"

Chris walks menacly towards Emily

Emily says : "Ok if that's how you want to play it, fine"...

Chris starts running again.

Emily presses a button behind her back

Then out of nowhere, a third dagger appeared below Chris shooting him under his neck. Eventually knocking out the unconscious titan and leaving Emily as the victor...

Emily sits in exhaustly and says that : "finally the damn idiot is finally down for the count".

Emily finally realized of the destruction she and Chris caused in South Africa, Antarctica and the other realm. But doesn't seem to bother her and she just corpses.

But suddenly, a figure appears in the distance, as the wind covered this figure with rocky sands moving from west to east.

The End