

(To all those that wanted me to kill Matt, I'm sorry for this. I'm just taking a piss at you guys)

||| Chase |||

I sat up groaning as I sat and looked at the wound... Fuckin' Argent had to save the stupid brat from me. I got up from the ground and zipped up my hoodie and thought about last night

||| Flashback |||

I was about to finish the job after I brought my hand down on Daehler and he started crawling away from me

Chase: You know it's useless, Daehler. No Jackson to save you this time. Nobody is going to save you now.

I stomped on his leg with enough strength to not break his leg and he whimpered holding his chest as he bled out thank god I'm not an Alpha or I would have to hunt down a psycho beta and kill it.

I stepped on his hand and he looked up at me sobbing at this point and I almost felt bad for doing this but he brought this on himself

Matt: Please...

I crouched down in front of him and grabbed his face

Chase: What?

Matt: *Sobs* Please! Stop!

I chuckled and got up stepping off his hand and kicked him in the side followed by another and another and another before I stopped when I heard a gun cock and turned around and I groaned when I saw Argent and a bunch of his men standing there guns raised and pointed at me

Argent: Let the kid go.

I looked at the unconscious Matt and back to Argent and chuckled before I felt myself be covered in blue fire and took a step to Argent and his men

Chase: How about... no?

They started firing at me with normal bullets instead of the wolfsbane laced bullets Gerard used on me last time and I just stood there while they fired a way before their guns stopped and made a click sound which meant they were out of ammo, and I rushed at them while they all tried to reload

And I grabbed two of them by their necks and threw them into the trees behind us and heard a snap before I rushed to the next two and knocked them of their feet and stomped on their chests cracking their ribs which punctured their hearts killing them instantly and looked at the last one and flicked my claws out and rushed at him slashing his throat and he fell to the ground holding his neck and choked on his own blood

Before I turned and looked at Argent growling as my fire died out and I started walking towards him and he pulled out his pistol and started shooting at me, I expected to feel nothing but instead I felt every shot and I fell to my knees and looked at the black blood that flowed from my wounds and touched it and chuckled.... Wolfsbane

I chuckled falling down and the last thing I saw was Argent carrying Matt who was on the verge of dying away and after that all I saw was darkness

||| Flashback End |||

I walked out the woods and started running towards my house thinking to myself

'He couldn't have survived that right?'

I threw a fresh new pair of clothes and slipped on my sneakers remembering this was the rave episode and got up grabbing my bag and lacrosse stick and walked out the house and climbed into my car driving off to school


I got to school, and everything seemed normal. I thought Matt would be dead, but I guess I was wrong, I walked into school and over to my locker and placed my books into the locker before it was shut close in my face, and I looked to my side and sighed seeing it was Isaac

Chase: What do you want, Isaac?

Isaac: Were you this morning. You missed practice.

Chase: I was dealing with something...

I picked up my lacrosse stick and walked towards the locker room to change into my workout clothes and Isaac followed me

Isaac: How do you shift?

Chase: Derek's supposed to teach you that, not me.

Isaac: Yeah, well if you haven't notice he's pretty occupied with getting to Jackson before Argent gets to him.

I nod and seat down on the bench after I pulled on my shorts and slipped on my socks before slipping on my trainers and tied the shoe laces

Chase: I shift through anger just like Derek except I don't let the anger flow freely like Derek, I bottle it up inside and then I release it but on the full moon it's different because either I shift into a seven-foot beast or a six-foot black wolf covered in blue fire. But that comes on the full moon, right now, though I shift at will either hellhound or zeta wolf...

I put my arm out black mist covered my hand and it faded away and in the place of my human hand was a beast's claw red veins popping out and claws sharper than daggers and I looked at Isaac who nodded before I stood up and grabbed my lacrosse stick and handed him the bag with the lacrosse balls

Chase: C'mon.

We walked out and onto the field and I nodded at him before he threw a ball into the air and snatched it and slung it towards the goal before he threw another and I slung it again and before we switched it up to him guarding the goal and me trying to get past him and score which I did easily and I chuckled when he mumbled frustrated by not being able to stop me from scoring even though he was using his werewolf strength


Scott opened the door to the pet clinic and Derek walked in followed by Isaac

Scott: What's he doing here?

Derek: I need him.

Scott: I don't trust him.

Isaac: Yeah, well, he don't trust you, either.

Derek: You know what? And Derek doesn't really care. Now where's the vet? Is he going to help us or not?

Deaton: That depends. Your friend, Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?

Derek/Scott: Kill him/Save him.

Chase: Save him.

They looked behind Deaton to see Chase standing there a little jar in his hand which had a black power in it and he looked at Deaton who nodded and the others walked into the back following the vet who walked over to a cupboard and brought a tray which had jars on them

And he set it down and picked up one of the jars and Isaac tried picking up one before Derek stopped him and told him with a stern look on his face

Derek: Watch what you touch.

Isaac: *Nods and turns to look at Deaton* So, what are you? Some kind of witch?

Deaton: No, I'm a veterinarian.

Chase chuckled and Isaac nodded

Deaton: *Sets the jar down* Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin.

Derek: We're open for suggestions

Isaac: What about an effective offense.

Derek: I already tried that. I nearly took its head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up.

Chase: The entire clip was emptied into me, remember?

Derek nodded remembering and Isaac looked at Chase with a new found fear.

Deaton: Has it shown any weaknesses?

Chase: Well, only one. It can't swim.

Deaton: Does that go for Jackson as well?

Scott: No. He's the captain of the swim team.

Chase: It's like what effects the master affects him.

Deaton: Essentially, you're trying to catch two people.

He walked away and towards one of his drawers and pulled out a coin before walking back to the others and showed them one side and everyone looked confused by it.

Deaton: A puppet. And a puppeteer.

He sets the coin down on the table

Deaton: One killed the husband, but the other had to care of the wife. Do we know why?

Chase: I don't think he could do it. Our mom died pregnant with us too, and maybe she was murdered. I think he wouldn't let the same thing happen to someone else. I know I wouldn't.

Isaac: How do you know it's not part of the rules? The Kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies, too.

Scott: Does that mean your father was a murderer too?

Isaac: Wouldn't surprise me if he was.

Chase patted him on the shoulder for comfort

Deaton: The book says they're bonded, right? *Gets a nod* What if the water isn't coming from Jackson but from the person controlling him? *Picks up a jar filled with mountain ash* What if something that affects the Kanima also affects its master?

He poured the ash around the coin and Chase chuckled

Isaac: Meaning what?

Chase: Meaning we can catch them. Both of them *Thoughts* If Matt's alive, I'm going to use this chance to end him.


The next day at school Chase pulled into the parking lot just as Stiles did as well and stepped out his car walking up to them

Scott: There's gotta be some other way to get tickets, right?

Stiles: It's a secret show. There's only one way and it's a secret.

Chase: If you two asses head's weren't far upeach other's asses, we could've gotten tickets sooner. But now it's too late.

Matt: Hey..

They all turned and saw Matt and Chase groaned now knowing that the kid wasn't dead at all but alive and breathing well but with a few bruises on his face amd a bandaged chest

Matt: Either you guys know why no one's getting suspended. After what happened the other day at school.

Chase: Just forget about it. Nobody got hurt.

Matt: I had a concussion.

Stiles: Well, Nobody got seriously hurt.

Matt: I was in the ER for six hours

Chase: And do we look like we give a shit? Exactly...

Stiles: Plus your little concussion is way down our list of freakin' problems, you hear me? *Crouches down and gesture lowly to the ground* Way down here.

Scott: Ignore them. Are you OK?

Matt: *Looks at Chase scared* Y-Yeah, I'm fine now. So, you didn't get any tickets last night either.

The three shake their heads no

Scott: Are they still selling?

Matt: No, but I managed to find two online. You should keep trying sounds like everyone's going to be there.

He walks away while both Chase and Stiles glare at his head

Chase/Stiles: I don't like him

They turn and rush to Scott's side

Stiles: Hey, are you sure about this?

Scott: Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn't finish the job, so what do you guys think his going to do this time?

Stiles: Be there to make sure it happens.

Chase: So, it decided we're gonna capture them.

They all nodded and started walking again


Chase stood next to Isaac talking about the plan for tonight when Coach slammed his door open silencing everyone and making them look at him

Coach: Can anybody tell me where the hell is Jackson and why he missed morning practice?

Everyone looked at each other before Coach looked towards Chase

Coach: Chase?

The boy looked up from taking off his shoes and raised an eyebrow

Coach: Where's your brother?

Chase: Haven't seen him since this morning, Coach.

Coach: *Nods* All right. Tell him no missing practice this close to the championships, Okay?

He nodded and both him and Isaac walked up behind Scott and Stiles and Isaac grabbed them both from behind pulling them close and looked at each of them

Isaac: How do you two losers even survive?

Scott: What are we supposed to do? No one's even selling.

Chase looked over to two boys and saw them with tickets and smirked before cracking his neck and knuckles and patted Isaac on the shoulder

Chase: Wait here, boys.

Isaac held them while Chase walked up to the two boys and tapped both of them on the shoulder and they turned around and Chase punched them both in the face sending them to the ground before picking up one and threw him into the lockers before doing the same to the other and started kicking each of them while everyone watched the beat down happen too afraid to step in and went back to what they were doing, while Chase picked up their tickets and walked back to the others and handed both Scott and Stiles the tickets and patted them on the chests

Chase: Your welcome, boys.

Isaac: Enjoy the show.

He walked off with Isaac and Scott and Stiles looked at the two beaten down boys who groaned in pain

Stiles: Remind me never to get on his bad side.

Scott: Yeah.


Chase walked into the building before he looked to his side before hiding behind a corner when he saw the Argents and the other hunters and sighed angrily before rushing into the rave knocking out the guard who tried to stop him and rushed to Allison before grabbing her by her arm and dragged to a quiet place

Chase: What the fuck did you tell him?!

Allison: I-I--

Chase: Why do you always have to snitch! Huh? You know if they find Jackson they're going to kill him, right?

Allison: I'm sorry...

Chase: *Distorted* If they kill my brother, I will every one of you.

He glared at her with glowing eyes before calming down

Chase: You just stay out of this. All right?

Allison: Chase--

Chase: Just. Stay. Out. Of. This.

He walked away and out the building going towards Derek and Boyd who stood at a stand-off with the hunters

Argent: Okay. How about "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to bring claws to a gunfight?"

The other hunters cocked their guns and aimed them at the werewolves

Chase: Yeah, that one sounded pretty good.

Chase roared eyes glowing brightly rushing at two hunters knocking them away before they started shooting at them and Derek roared rushing in as well followed by Boyd, Chase turned grabbing a hunter and punched him in the face and snatched the rifle in his hand before bashing it across the hunter's right before he threw him into the wall and got down on all fours and ran around knocking hunters down.

While Derek was shot with a taser gun electrocuting him and he roared grabbing onto the strings and pulled the hunter to him before he threw into the wall beside him.

Chase stumbled forward when he was shot in the back and looked over his shoulder growling before he turned and the hunter screamed rushing away but Chase appeared in front of him grabbing him by the throat squeezing until the hunter passed out before he felt multiple shots hit him in the back and he roared in pain dropping the hunter as he coughed out black blood.

Derek: Chase!

He looked to Derek with his eyes flickering

Derek: Get out of here! Go!

He ran away leaving the fight black blood oozing from his wounds trying to ignore the pain but couldn't


Chase stumbled forward and slouched over before he threw up black blood and heard tires screech from behind him and turned seeing a car driving towards him and whoever was driving didn't seem to have the intent of stopping and Chase suddenly remembered who was driving the car.

Chase: Ah... Fuck...

He was hit by the car at full speed sending him over it tumbling across the ground and he looked up to see Victoria Argent get out and walk over to him and glared down to him and he started to get up growling as his eyes started glowing

Chase: You bitch!

Was the last words he could utter when he was stomped in the head by her heel harshly and she glared down to him with hatred and disgust.


Chase woke up on the cement floor and looked to his side to see Scott laid out on the ground as well and they looked up to see Victoria crouched down in front of them

Victoria: You probably recognize this device. Pot used to be smoked in a rolled-up piece of paper. These days, it seems like all you kids are given a free vaporizer with your medicinal marijuana card.

She looked to the side and both boys looked to see a vaporizer there before looking on as Victoria pulled out a little paper which had purple wolfsbane in it.

Victoria: Mmm. This type of wolfsbane is one of my favorites. Lovely smell. You probably won't think so.

Scott: [weakly] What... What are you doing...?

Chase: She's killing us *Coughs* fuckin' bitch...

She stood up and walked around the two as the machine whirred to life and steam came from it and both Scott and Chase coughed out.

Victoria: It's going to look like an accident... Like you had an asthma attack and couldn't get to your inhaler in time. Your school records show you have a pretty severe case of asthma. And *Turns to Chase* Let's just say I changed your records...

Scott: [weakly] Stop...

Victoria: Too late! Looks like it's working.

Chase tried getting back up his eyes burning brightly and Victoria smirked evilly kicking him back down as he growled lowly

Victoria: Uh-uh-uh...

She didn't take notice of the black mist starting to surround Chase who eyes turned a bright blue.

| | | |

Victoria: Alpha... Beta... But what are you, two? Omegas. Don't you know the lone wolf never survives without a pack? I've heard the cry of an Omega. It's a miserable sound, the howl of a lone wolf...

Chase groaned rolling onto his back as he started feeling the effects quicker with his fangs bared and black starting to ooze from his ears while Scott fully shifted.

Scott: [weakly] I'm not...

Victoria scoffed leaning closer to hear him

Victoria: What? What is it?

Scott: [weakly] I'm not... alone...

Scott looked up and roared out before slumping back down to the ground coughing as Chase got to all fours growling a little.


Derek looked up when he heard a faint roar

Derek: Scott?

Stiles turned to him confused by what he said

Stiles: What?

Derek turned to him after he heard a louder roar and said bluntly.

Derek: Break it.

Stiles: [scoffing] What? No way!

Derek: Scott and Chase dying!

Stiles: Okay, what? How do you know that?

Derek: [exasperatedly] Oh, my God, Stiles, I just know! Break it!

Stiles: Ah...

Stiles got down and broke the ash line and Derek rushed towards the warehouse to save Scott and Chase.

Chase growled getting up slowly while Victoria had her back turned to him looking down to Scott who was slowly dying.

Scott: [weakly] Allison... please tell her I'm sorry...

Chase: [Distorted] Tell her yourself.

Victoria turned around to see Chase standing there surrounded by a cloud of black mist before the lights started to flicker and she screamed as she was thrown into the wall and Chase roared out.

Derek got to the place the two were held in and busted the door open and stepped in to see Victoria laid out on the floor blood trickling down from the wound on her forehead and a deep claw mark on her back with a bite mark on her shoulder.

Derek: The hell?

He looked over to see Chase picking Scott and turned around.

Chase: She deserved it.

They walked out leaving her in the warehouse knowing their plan failed

| | | |

Chase sat to the side watching over Scott before turning to Deaton grateful

Chase: Thank you.

Deaton walked out the back to see Marin sat there and Chase listened in on their conversation.

[Marin]: I can't decide if I admire your sentimentality or despise it...

[Deaton]: If I want your opinion, I'll make an appointment with the guidance office.

[Marin]: From the state of things, I think you could use a little guidance. Are you really going to leave all of this up to a couple of kids?

[Deaton]: They're more capable than you think.

[Marin]: And, are you going to tell them what's coming?

[Deaton]: They've got enough to worry about...

Chase leaned back, sighing a little remembering the Alpha pack was coming and looked to Scott who groaned a little on the table.

||To Be Continued||

I'm back motherfuckers!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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