

"Friends"- this 7 letter word is the most complicated word of all time.Although people might say that women are complicated and are hard to understand , but people like me who have a pretty contrasting experience about this thing called "Friendship" , know it very well as to how it goes. Since the first day we cried ,our friends were our parents and hiding any secret from them would be like carrying the weight of the sky for us, so eventually we spilled the te to them, but in this case we were pretty confident of it being safe and , it not going around from one ear to the other, i.e , spreading out rumour. But as soon as we started going to school , we started having "real friends". Back then things would be like , every girl who is helping us or being kind to us , we'd be like- 'dude !! you are my best friend for life, you are the best.'..and other cheesy stuffs. We start trusting them more than anyone as if they are our world and eventually start sharing our secrets too. But as we started growing up ,we started realizing who our real friends are. For a moment we be like 'dude! you are my bff for life..love u mah sistah...theres none like u'..and the next moment we be like 'Dude ! how can she even be my friend , shes such traitor...i dont even wanna see her face anymore'. And this is when the other friend starts spreading false rumours about you and unleashing your deepest darkest secrets that u once told her , when u were each other best secret keeper, and that secret speards like wild fire and eventually u become the bad person in everyone's eyes. This is what happens in most cases. Well nowadays friendship is like a "To Do Checklist", you know it's like, gotta be friends with this girl and that ,spend quality time with them , post pictures with cheesy captions about the so called " true friendship" goals.But when all that is done ,it'll be like , bye bye girl you are done in my life..I don't wanna see your face again.But this is not true in all cases..sometimes it's like their friendship is so strong that they are like sisters for life. But most of the time it's like , either of the two or more friends , start changing or their priorities and peers change , they don't stick around you anymore, and in those cases there's always a foe , who adds salt to the cut, it drifts them more apart . And those things are only caused by this vigorous acid called "JEALOUSY ", which reacts with each and everything and completely changes the composition . This vigorous chemical is always prone to react with the composition of best friends of same gender , but more preferably girls, cause guys are always are more outgoing and they are always happy at their bestiez success , cause they are least bothered about it. But girls be like , dude am better than her , I deserve better than her and all that " ME , MY AND MYSELF " stuff gets involved.

But there are friends too who are on cloud nine for their bestiez successes and this time am talking abt girls. I want friendship to be like a daily chore kinda thingy , without which ones life is incomplete , and not like a to-do-checklist , where ones things are done there is no value for them at all. And just as said earlier, that this seven letter word is even more complicated that love or women , because at one point of time , they both can be figured out , but friends cannot because this thing is is like a camouflage , changes it's colours , according to situation to blend in with the circumstances. But best life is incomplete without them. They are the ones who make our life a roller coaster ride.