
Chapter 3 The Windfall: Sable's Start to Financial Freedom

Sable sat on the chair in the tiny living room, staring intently at the TV. The sound of the news anchor's voice filled the room as he gave updates on the day's events. Sable's mind, however, was elsewhere. He couldn't help but think about the upcoming lotto draw that night.

He was now only a few hours away from finding out if he would win the jackpot. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he couldn't sit still.

As the news program drew to a close, Sable's anxiety grew. He couldn't bear to wait any longer. He stood up and started pacing back and forth, his eyes still glued to the TV. Finally, the moment arrived.

The familiar sound of the lotto jingle played, and Sable's heart skipped a beat. The numbers began to appear on the screen, one by one. Sable watched as the first number was drawn, then the second, then the third. Each time a number was drawn, he held his breath, hoping it would match his own.

Finally, all six numbers were drawn, and Sable sat back down on the couch, staring at the TV. He had just won the jackpot. He was a millionaire. Sable turned to his mom, who had been watching the draw with him. "Mom, we did it," he said, tears welling up in his eyes. "We're rich!"

His mom, looked at him, and asked what do you mean?

Sable: "Mom, look at this! We did it! We won the lotto!"

Sable: "We won over 31.5 million pesos!"

Tears of joy filled his mom's eyes as she threw her arms around Sable, overwhelmed with emotion.

Mom: "Oh my God, Sable! I can't believe it! you're a millionaire now!"

Sable: "I know, Mom. We don't have to worry about money anymore."

Mom: "That's good that's good I am relieved, I can finally be at ease and join your father early in heaven, said my mom joking.

Sable: "No, mom, you can't say it like that even if it's a joke. We can finally have a better life, and I can take care of you like you took care of me all these years."

Mom: "I'm so proud of you, Sable."

Sable hugged his mom tightly, knowing that their lives had just been changed forever. He could finally give her the life that he had always dreamed of for her, and it was all because of that laptop, and this is just the beginning.

Sable: Mom, I think it's best if we don't tell anyone about the lottery win.

Mom: Why do you think that?

Sable: Well, people might start asking us for money or treat us differently. We don't want that kind of attention.

Mom: I understand what you mean, but we have to be careful about hiding the truth from our family and friends. They might think we're hiding something or not trust us.

Sable: I agree, but I think we can tell them eventually, just not right now. Let's wait until we have a solid plan for how to manage our money and make sure we're safe.

Mom: That's a good idea. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention or risk our safety. Let's keep this to ourselves for now, but we'll eventually tell our family and friends once we figure out how to handle this.

Sable: Sounds good to me. I'm just happy that we have this opportunity to change our lives and help others in the process.

Sable: Mom, I know this might be overwhelming for us, but I want you to trust me to manage this money wisely.

Mom: It's yours to begin with so you can decide whatever you want to do with it. I understand your enthusiasm Sable, but are you sure that you're ready for something like this? Managing millions of pesos is no joke.

Sable: I understand that, Mom, but I want to make sure we invest our money properly and make it last. I've been reading up on financial management and I think I can handle it.

Mom: It's not just about managing money, Sable. It's about making the right decisions and not getting carried away. I don't want you to end up losing everything you just won.

Sable: I know, Mom, and that's why I want to do this. I want to make sure we don't squander our winnings and invest it in things that matter. We can take care of our debts, help our relatives, and secure our future.

Mom: Alright, Sable. I'll trust you on this. But you have to work hard and make sure you don't make any reckless decisions. This is a lot of money and it can change our lives for the better or for worse.

Sable: I understand, Mom. I won't let you down. We'll make sure we make the most out of this opportunity.

Sable and his mom sat at the kitchen table, surrounded by papers and documents. Sable had printed out instructions on how to claim their winnings from the lotto, and they were going through them together.

"This is really happening, isn't it?" Sable's mom said, her voice shaky with excitement.

"Yes, it is," Sable said, a smile spreading across his face. "And we need to make sure we do this right."

"I know," his mom said, nodding. "I just can't believe it.

The next day

The next day, Sable and his mom woke up early to prepare for their trip to the PCSO headquarters in Manila. They both took a bath and dressed in their best clothes for the occasion. Sable wore his favorite blue polo shirt and black pants, while his mom put on her favorite floral dress.

As they were getting ready, Sable's mom couldn't help but feel nervous about the whole thing. "I can't believe we actually won, Sable," she said. "I'm so scared something might go wrong."

"Don't worry, Mom," Sable reassured her. "We have all the documents we need and we followed all the rules. We'll be fine."

"I just can't believe it," his mom said, still in disbelief. "We're going to be millionaires. I never thought this would happen to us."

Sable smiled at his mom. "I know, Mom. It's amazing, isn't it?"

As they finished getting ready, Sable's mom reminded him to bring all the necessary documents, including their identification cards, the winning ticket, and the paperwork they received from the lotto outlet. Sable made sure to double-check everything before they left.

They took a taxi to the PCSO headquarters in Manila, and Sable's mom couldn't stop fidgeting in her seat. "I'm so nervous, Sable," she said. "What if something goes wrong?"

Sable squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, Mom. We're prepared for this. We'll be okay."

Finally, they arrived at the headquarters and went through the security check. They followed the signs to the claiming area and waited for their turn.

As they were waiting, Sable's mom couldn't help but tear up. "I can't believe this is happening," she said. "We're so blessed, Sable. We should use this money to help others.

Sable nodded in agreement. "Yes, Mom. That's exactly what I was thinking. We have so much now and this is just the beginning. Finally, their turn came, and they approached the counter to claim their winnings.

PCSO Representative: Good morning, Sable and Ma'am. Congratulations on winning the lottery. May I see your winning ticket and valid IDs please?

Sable: Good morning. Sure, here it is.

Ma'am: Thank you. We're very excited to claim our prize.

PCSO Representative: Alright, everything seems to be in order. Your total winnings amount to 31,721,656 pesos. However, we are required by law to deduct a 20% tax on your winnings.

Sable: That's a huge deduction. Can you explain to us how the tax works?

PCSO Representative: Yes, of course. The tax on lotto winnings is mandated by the government. It's a fixed 20% rate based on the total amount of your winnings. The remaining 80% will be given to you in cash or check.

Ma'am: I see. So we will only be receiving around 25 million pesos after the tax deduction.

PCSO Representative: That's correct, Ma'am. But don't worry, the process of claiming your prize will be quick and easy. Just fill out these forms and we'll process your payment immediately.

Sable: Thank you so much for your assistance. We appreciate it.

Ma'am: Yes, thank you. We are very grateful for this opportunity and we'll make sure to use the money wisely.

PCSO Representative: You're welcome, and congratulations again on your winnings.

As Sable and his mom left the PCSO headquarters, they were both feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. They had just received a huge amount of money, and they knew that they had to be careful with how they handled it.

Sable's mom turned to him and said, "We need to make sure we put this money in a safe place."

Let's go back to the bank where we opened my account. They have a lot of security measures in place, and I trust them to keep our money safe."

As they made their way to the bank, Sable's mind was racing with thoughts about how to manage their new wealth. He knew that he wanted to use the money to help his family, but he also wanted to be smart about it and make sure that they didn't waste it on frivolous things.

When they arrived at the bank, they were greeted by the same friendly teller who had helped them open Sable's account. Sable explained to her that they had just won the lotto, and they needed to deposit a large sum of money.

The teller's eyes widened in surprise, but she remained professional. "Congratulations, sir. We can certainly help you with that. Please fill out these forms and we'll get the process started."

Teller: Thank you, sir. I can see that your account is currently enrolled in our high-yield savings program, which offers a competitive interest rate of 2% per annum for deposits of at least 1 million pesos.

Sable: That sounds great. Can you tell me more about the benefits of this program?

Teller: Certainly, sir. In addition to the interest rate, you'll also enjoy other perks such as free ATM withdrawals, no monthly maintenance fees, and the option to set up automatic savings transfers to other accounts.

Sable: That's perfect.

Teller: Not a problem, sir. Your account balance will reflect the deposit shortly. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Sable: No, that's all for now. Thank you for your assistance.

Teller: You're welcome, sir. Have a great day.

They left after completing the necessary paperwork, and also withdrawing the remaining 5 million in cash for their immediate expenses.

As they walked out of the bank, Sable felt a sense of pride and responsibility. He knew that he had a lot of work to do to make sure that their money was used wisely, but he was up for the challenge.

Sable walked over to his desk and opened his laptop, staring at the screen for a few moments before he began to type. He was considering his options now that he had a significant amount of money in the bank.

As he typed, he thought about his dreams and goals. He wanted to use the money to provide for his mother, to secure their future, and to finally be able to pursue his own passions.

He searched for investment opportunities, stocks, and real estate properties that he could invest in. He read about the potential risks and returns of each option, taking notes and considering his choices carefully.

Sable knew that he had to make wise decisions with his money, and that he had to be patient and cautious in his investments. He was determined to make the most of his winnings and to create a better life for himself and his family.

As he continued to research, Sable felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future. He was filled with hope and optimism, and he knew that with hard work and smart choices, he could turn his dreams into reality.

Sable sat on his bed, staring off into space as his mind replayed the events of the past few days. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in such a short time. From struggling to make ends meet to returning back in time then winning the lottery and becoming an instant millionaire.

He thought about his mom and how happy she was when they found out about their winnings. He knew he wanted to make sure they could enjoy their newfound wealth, but he also didn't want to squander it away.
