
Chapter 1:The beginning

"I will never betray you because you are my blood" my best friend says those words looking down at me as i try to stand up.She has been beating me for finding love,for being happy and to be getting married to the wealthiest family in the country.Well this guy am engaged to,once loved my friend and she rejected him because he was a taxi driver.

Now am the am getting all the things she would have gotten if she wasn't a girl who looked on people due to their type of work.

"Why you...what is special about you?" she asks as kicks me on the stomach.Am in pain and am totally weak.I am only thinking about my fiance who is waiting for me...

As i am laying on the floor,my eyes run under the bed.I see knife.I take the knife and hide it under me.Her phone rings she shows who's calling,shoving the phone in my face.My brother in law is calling her.As she turns her back on me.I quickly gather the strength to stand and i stab her in neck.

I stand in shock.I have killed my friend.Her name is Siyasanga Mthimi,born in Johannesburg.We were best friends since primary school.She knew better me than anyone.I always had her back,protected her but she betrayed me because of jealous.

As i am still stand ontop of her body,watching her blood pouring out of her neck,her phone rings.Its my brother in law Ace.I quickly answer the phone

"Hello hello save me ace" i am crying and in pain

"Look am coming there right now,just breathe..."i drop the call before he can finish talking.I lean by the bed.Am staring at her lifeless body.Am sure its cold by now.Am lost in thoughts,pain and regrets.A big bang in the door.

"Its Ace open the door Nomse" as he bangs even more.I rush to door to open but its locked.I remember that Siyasanga has placed the key in pocket.I first hesitate to touch her body but i gather courage and i took the key from her pocket,i open the door.Ace rushes in and looks at Siyasanga lifeless body.Two other guys comes in.They take out a body bag.Seeing her body in a body bag it shatters me even more.Knowing that she is never coming back.

They carry her body the car.They put her in the boot.And i get in the other car with Ace.I am scared and i start to cry.Everytime Siya body flashes in my mind.I will for surely start to go mad.

Ace holds my hands and starts to tell me that i did a good job because if i i didnt kill her it would have been me in the body bag.

We finally reaches my apartment.He offers me a walk to my door.As we walking he stops and looks at me.

"He pushed her to her limits.He drove her mad.He gave her a reason to want you"i stare at him with a confused look.Am still trying to understand what is he trying say

"Who pushed her to the limits" i ask with a trembling voice.

"As time goes you will know who pushed Siyasanga to the limits and tell no one what has just happened it will stay between me,you and those clean guys.Zola must not also know"he says as he hugs me.I hug back and knowing very it will be hard to keep it from Zola.

I say my goodbye to Ace.I open the door to my apartment. Zola is sitting at the coffee table drinking coffe.I quickly rush to the bathroom to wash off the blood on me.I look at the mirror.I see her smiling at me.I scream

There onwards i know that i will have to find out why she did it and also now am in war in a war with a ghost
