
TBATE : A Masterpiece

"You may come to regret trying to manipulate me." Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, The Fourth-Generation demon and The Perfect Human dies and reincarnates in the world of TBATE as "Arthur Leywin". King Grey never reincarnated into Arthur, his soul too broken and damaged to transcend at the time when Agrona tampered with the threads of fate. Something went wrong... something really terrible... Fate distorted... as it retaliated against its usurper. How will fate play its course against the one who aims to violate the FATE itself. That's all I can say without spoiling the events, much. Tap the read button to know more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start: October 12, 2022. End: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****************************** (Author’s Note) I wanted to write about Kiyotaka for a long time. And what can be better than mixing it with TBATE. Anyways, I do not own any characters or plot. Props to the original authors and artists.

Reprobate69_1 · อื่นๆ
79 Chs

Chapter 34: Awkward Situations

~4128 words

(Arthur Leywin)

"Come on Arthur, it's time for our session, fufufu~"

"No, I have something to talk about with Arthur."

"Hmm, hmm."

Seated amidst the royal company---the human and elven princesses and Arisu, I let out a heavy sigh as I contemplated the precise moment when things took a turn for the worst.

"Hey Arthur, tell us, who do you want to stay and talk to?" Tessia and Arisu said in unison while Kathyln nodded heavily in acceptance.

Now you might be wondering how I got into this awkward situation. So, let's rewind the time a little.



After the incident last night in the Dire Tombs, word spread fast and the trip for our dungeon dive was rendered null. Although, we were still given two days to go back home and spend time with our families.

After waking up, I did a few exercises and helped Feyrith with some of his research work. Surprisingly, he never questioned why I had an in-depth understanding of a subject that wasn't even in my course.

After getting a quick breakfast and doing some research work with Emily Watsken---Arisu's younger sister, I was making my way back to my dorm to pack things in the afternoon when I spotted Kathyln. Seeing me she stopped for a while before turning and walking swiftly in my direction.

"How are you today, princess?" I asked, maintaining curtsy towards her.



"It's just Kathyln. My parents have renounced their titles and are just called The Council now. So, you don't have to treat me like a princess anymore." She said as I nodded in reply.

Her demeanour was different from her usual one as I saw the slight fidget in her, reflecting some sort of mental conflict which was the first time I had seen it on her. Her usual temperament was composed and never flustered. Even now she is more composed than when Tessia is around me, however it was still unnatural for her.

"Do you have any plans?" She asked as Sylvie jumped from the ground and climbed up my shoulder.

"For now, no. I am free." I replied as she got a bit closer.

"Can you spare time for a cup of tea?" She asked.

I had nothing else to do for the time being. After the incident of my fight with the retainer, I wanted to lay low for a while.

"Sure." I replied as she got to the side. Following her gesture, I walked forward, and we started walking side by side.

For a brief interlude, we walked in silence, as she kept her gaze forward while stealing an occasional glance at me. Not wanting to make things awkward by catching her doing it, I kept my gaze forward. The quiet that pervaded our walk was neither uneasy nor strained, but rather a tranquil, soothing calm. It felt almost essential, as though the absence of conversation was necessary to fully appreciate the serenity of our surroundings.

"Sooo... do you want to get tea in the canteen?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure." She replied.

Sharp and To-the-point. No dilly dallying or pottering about.

Out of all the girls I've met in this world, she was the most mature and refined one.

Walking towards the canteen, we entered it and moved towards one of the empty benches.

"P-Princess Kathyln." A fat boy said as he got uncomfortably close to Kathyln. She suddenly moved to the side, bumping into me. Holding her by her arm I rebalanced her as the fat boy shot me a menacing glare.

'Papa. The boy isn't normal.'

'Hmm. He feels like a beast.'

'He might have the runes that the other rogue students have too.'

'Maybe. We can deal with them later.' I replied and focused back on the situation at hand.

"Princess Kathyln. I-just wanted to return this handkerchief to b-back to you." He said, tumbling over his own words.

Teenage. It's a time when hormones start to rage violently in the body. Dopamine and Serotonin make it worse as every little attraction towards someone makes it seem like they're falling in love. Although I don't blame the guy for feeling this way, his method of approach was totally not going to help him win Kathyln over.

"You can keep it. Also, I am busy right now, so please leave." Kathyln said and turned around.

"Why are you with this peasant, Princess Kathyln? They are disgusting lowlives who forgot their place. How can you meddle your regal, elegant self with the likes of him?" He said, streaks of red forming in the white sclera of his eyes and a vein bulging on his temple. Sending a pulse of mana towards him I noticed the unnatural amount of mana in his core. It was like a black core holding mana equivalent to that of dark orange.

Kathyln's expression changed for the first time, becoming sterner and apathetic, "I have personally invited Arthur for tea. Are you judging my judgement? Are you saying I am wrong and less knowledgeable than you?", she said as the boy quivered, "or are you trying to tarnish my image by soiling and bad-mouthing my guest?"

The fat boy looked at me with a hateful gaze before bowing steeply, "I am very sorry, princess. I will never do it again." He said and walked away.

"I am sorry about that." She apologised, turning towards me.

Looking over her shoulder I spoke, "He seems to like you. It almost borders on obsession. Why don't you give him a chance?" I asked, looking down at her, fixing my gaze, waiting for what she would respond with.

She remained silent for a brief while before I decided to change the topic completely, "Do you perhaps not like fat men?" I asked as she looked up at me, bewildered and for a fraction of a second I could see the crack in her emotionless, icy facade before it went back to the way it was.

"I am not looking for anyone at the moment," she replied, her words much more light-hearted than our normal conversations, "and the fat part too." She said, smiling at the verge of her lips, "Shall we?" She asked, motioning towards a table as I pulled a chair, and we sat down.

"Have you tried the cakes here?" Kathyln asked as I looked up.


"Hmm. They make it only at this time with tea." She replied. Because of taking many extra classes like artificing and runic language classes, I never came to the canteen at this time. And the only time I ever ate cakes was when my mom---Alice, made them.

She placed the order and then crossed her legs under the table and kept both her arms on the table, looking straight at me. I'd be lying if I say that this didn't make me uncomfortable. But seeing it from another perspective, despite being trained she looks like someone who had been avoiding making friends because people would take advantage of her.

She seems to be highly aware of herself and the people around her, making her not trust just anyone. In the actual sense of the world, no one should trust anyone. But most people due to the immaturity of their brain or not being properly taught do it. But as much as this is a boon, it can act as a bane as well. Not trusting anyone makes people lonely and undesired. For many, it's a matter of great distress.

But one should always focus on the quality of the people they surround themselves with and not the quantity. And she seemed to understand this. The waiter arrived, carrying the tea and cakes as he placed them neatly on the table.

My eyes widened a fraction of an inch as I saw the assortment of cakes in front of me. The subtle, appetising aroma of the cake entered my nostrils as the urge to devour them started to take hold in me.

A slight, yet distinctly audible giggle brought me out of my reverie as I gazed at Kathyln. There she stood, grinning and struggling to stifle her laughter as she wiped a tear from her eye.

Perplexed, I inquired, "Pray tell, what happened?"

With a warm smile, she replied, "You always seem to be quite serious, but seeing you indulge in those cakes makes you look like a child once again."

Her comment, though endearing, left me feeling conflicted. On the one hand, it seemed like we were getting close as she found my lighthearted side amusing, but on the other hand, I was uncertain how to feel about being referred to as a mere infant when I was actually more than 25 years old mentally.

"Ah, yes. I do have quite the sweet tooth." Fighting the urge to grab another pastry, I simply sat back and watched as she too reached for a fork.

As she sipped her tea, I couldn't help but notice the hint of nervousness in her demeanour. It was evident that there was something on her mind, something that she had wanted to discuss with me.

"May I ask what it is that you wanted to talk to me about?" I inquired, attempting to put her at ease.

A small, almost imperceptible smile crossed her lips as she replied, "I simply wanted to have a friendly chat with you."

Astonished by her reply, I couldn't help but ask, "Does that mean we are already friends?"

She regarded me with a mix of surprise and amusement, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson as she attempted to regain her composure.

"Aren't we?" She replied with a rhetorical question. I can reply in the same manner but that would just kill the conversation, killing my chance at getting close to her.

"Maybe?" I replied.

'What a smooth talker. You sure know how to hit on girls.' Sylvie said through our link as I ignored it.

"I wanted to ask if perhaps... we could-" As the human princess spoke, her words trailed off hesitantly, leaving an unfinished sentence hanging in the air.

"Train together?" I interrupted her, completing her sentence for her. It's not like I didn't see it from miles away. I knew what she was going to say before she even uttered the words. Her eagerness to train with me was palpable as if it were a tangible thing that I could touch.

For some reason, the human princess seems interested in me and she has this sense of getting stronger at all times. Maybe it's because of her stature as Princess that everyone that was once close to her betrayed her trust because all they wanted was her power and wealth. So, she wanted to be independent by being strong enough. Her desire for strength and independence was evident in her unwavering gaze, her determined posture, and the steely resolve in her voice.

"How did you...?"

It's not like I didn't want to help her. The number of benefits from this could be immeasurable. However, I didn't want to do it just like that. But I wasn't finished yet. There was something that I wanted in return for agreeing to train with her. I linked my fingers together, studying her face for any signs of resistance. This was an opportunity for me to gain something valuable, something that would benefit me greatly. And I wasn't going to let it slip away without making sure that I got something in return.

"I just know. It's written all over you."

Her cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson as she averted her gaze, clearly embarrassed by my astuteness, "However, I would want something in return." I said and interlinked my fingers, and she looked up suddenly.


The carriage juddered marginally as I got closer and closer to the Helstea Mansion---my home. The wheels of the carriage came to a screeching halt followed by the sound of boots against the pavement. The door flew open, revealing the butler of Helstea Mansion as he bowed slightly, "Welcome back. Your family is waiting inside." He said as I stepped outside the carriage and took in the familiar sight.

It had just been a few months since I started studying in Xyrus but it felt much more than that. Somehow, I felt this urge to get back to this place. What was it that drove me? Drove this subtly incomprehensible sensation of coming back to this place despite it carrying no merit? Was my sense of rationality obscured? The answer was alien to me... and I didn't plan on finding it out anytime soon.

Walking towards the main building, I looked to my right spotting a little girl.

The little girl twirled around in her new dress, her ashy hair catching the light as it cascaded down her back in a long, braided rope. The dress was a pretty shade of brown, the colour of autumn leaves, and it was covered in a delicate pattern of tiny white daisies. The skirt flared out around her legs in a swirl of fabric, and she couldn't resist spinning around again just to watch it dance.

The top of the dress was fitted, with short puffy sleeves that were gathered at the shoulder. A small white collar framed her sweet face, drawing attention to her big brown eyes that sparkled with delight. The dress was cinched at the waist with a matching brownish sash, tied into a big bow at the back that fluttered as she moved.

As she skipped around, her new dress swished softly around her legs before she fired a ball of pure white in the near distance. The little ball carried no elemental mana but rather it was extremely pure. A non-elemental pure mana blast. The log that was her target practice exploded as she jumped in exhilaration.

"Ellie," I called out. Her next spell instantly vanished as she jerked her head back with a speed that made me wonder that if she did just a bit faster, she would've damaged it.

"Brother?" she murmured, her eyes slowly recognizing my presence. And then, as if a sudden realisation had dawned upon her, she exclaimed, "BROTHER!" She dropped the bow---Tessia's birthday gift and dashed towards me. Her little arms flung around my neck, clinging to me as if I were her life depended on it.

Bending lower, I got on my knees as she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me like her life depended on it. "You're back!" She said, not letting go of her embrace.

Not saying anything, I just placed a hand on her head gently patting her hair. Maybe she meant more to me than I was willing to admit. Before her birth, I had treated Alice and Reynolds like mere tools, living the same cold, unfeeling existence I had always lived. But I had vowed to myself that things would be different this time. And it seemed that little Ellie, my sister, would be the catalyst for that change.

Finally, she released me from her embrace, and I placed my hands on her shoulders, looking into her bright, shining eyes. "Were you training?" I asked.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. "Do you want to see my progress?"

"Of course," I replied with a smile as she grabbed my hand and led me towards the vast expanse of lawn, eager to show me her latest feats.

Other than wanting to spend some time with Ellie, I wanted to confirm something.

Pure mana.

It was something that was very taxing to use and could only be used efficiently when an individual reached the white core. However, Ellie was not even an orange core and was utilising it in a very creative way. Conjuring shapes which although were crude but given that even casting a small amount at her core stage would be impossible, it was impressive.

"Ellie, make an arrow," I said as she looked back at me.

"But I can't. I can only make these balls of pure mana that explode on contact." She replied, her expression crestfallen.

Lowering myself to her level, I placed a finger upon her forehead, allowing a stream of knowledge to flow into her mind. Though still a child, she could handle this small infusion without any adverse effects.

"Brother, what was that?"

"Remember what I just showed you. Let the feeling guide you and adjust it according to your own body. Brew the spell in an alchemy of your natural instinct and magic knowledge." I instructed as she closed her eyes. Observing closely, I could see the mana swell around her. A ball of mana emerged in front of her as she raised her arms and pulled the string of her bow.

Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as her arms trembled.

"B-brother..." she whispered, fear and uncertainty in her voice.

Placing my hands upon her arms, I steadied her trembling limbs, "Don't lose focus. Compact the power flowing through the ball of pure mana." I advised, my tone firm but reassuring.

"I c-can't..."

"You can. Believe in yourself." I reassured her. The words that came out of my mouth amazed me as I had always seen things from an accurate perspective, not giving anyone any false hope.

The ball of mana churned as it took shape.

"Good. Now close your eyes and imagine the shape of the arrow. Don't be specific for now. Just a crude image." I said and she closed her eyes. The trembling in her arms was reducing but her heart was palpitating too fast.

"Don't worry, Ellie. Nothing bad will happen. I am here."

She let out a long exhale and much to my own surprise the ball of pure mana materialised into a perfect arrow. The smooth body and pointed aero-dynamic tip. Even the distribution of mana was impeccable as most of the mana was concentrated into the tip of the arrow.

"I...I did it!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride.

"Don't lose focus or the arrow will explode before you launch it."

"Ok." She replied as she focused back on the spell. Using pure mana of my own I suppressed the mana at the tip. I didn't want her to sulk over it since she was doing so well until now.

"Fire." I gave her the command as she released the string of the bow.

The arrow whistled as it made its way to the target zone. It seemed like it was tearing the air itself. The arrow flew with deadly precision, the aerodynamic shape slicing through the air with ease. Releasing my hold over the tip of the arrow at the last possible moment, it exploded upon contact with its target, the resulting cacophony of sound echoing throughout the area.

At that moment, I realised that Ellie possessed a level of magical talent beyond her years.

But was I supposed to be happy about it?

Sure, it was a good thing that she could defend herself and not entirely depend on me. But... won't that do her more harm than good in the long run?

"Oh my, Ellie what did you do- Arthur?" A familiar voice spoke.

Looking up I saw Alice, her coffee-brown eyes looking at me with surprise as she got closer, "Hello mom."

"Exploding things as soon as you came back, I see, fufufu~"

'AHHHHHHHH. THE SCARY LADY IS HERE. IS SHE STALKING US?' Sylvie said as she walked behind me.

"Ahh, Sylvie, here you are. I was wondering where you were." Ellie said and scooped Sylvie up, cuddling with it. Any expression of fatigue had already disappeared from her face.

'My saviour. Aunt Ellie is da best.' Sylvie said as she was taken indoors by a happy Ellie, still covered in sweat and mud.

"My baby, did you grow again?"

"Did I? I don't think so."

"Nothing escaped a mother's eye," Alice said and smiled; her smile basked in the warm evening sunlight.

"He didn't Miss Leywin. He is still the same--" Arisu's words got caught in her throat as she actually stood next to me. Like being completely baffled she hid her face behind her hands, her words stuttering, "H-How?"

"You see me every day. Maybe that's why you didn't notice the difference. Also, why are you here?" I asked as she still kept on mumbling about something while hiding her face in her palms.

"Actually, her father and Vincent had some important business things to talk about. Since she said she was your friend, she came along too. By the way, Arthur..." Mom said and came closer, softly nudging me with her elbow, "I never knew I'd see this day, but you really made a friend. And such a pretty girl at that." Mom whispered, followed by a sly grin and a wink.

"She is not my friend," I replied.

"Oh, that's mean. That hurts my heart." Arisu replied with a hidden grin. She was wearing a full white dress that flowed effortlessly down to her feet. The dress was made of a light, airy fabric that billowed gracefully with each movement she made. The white fabric was adorned with intricate golden embroidery on the shoulders, adding a touch of opulence and elegance to the garment.

Completing her outfit was a white beret perched atop her head, with a black strip at its bottom that beautifully contrasted with the pure white fabric. A golden brooch added a touch of glamour to the beret, making it a statement piece that perfectly complemented the rest of her outfit.

Her hairstyle was different than usual creating a playful yet sophisticated look that matched the overall aesthetic of the dress.

"Arthur! You finally made a friend. Don't be like this." Mom said and wrapped her arm around Arisu, "Come on dear, let's go inside. You too Arthur. I've made a lot of cakes and cookies." She said while Arisu turned back and took her tongue out followed by a grin.

I am not sure how to feel about it.

(A/n) this is how she is dressed


Sitting on the table, I rested my chin on my knuckles as I saw Sylvie and Ellie play, running from one part of the mansion to another while Arisu and Mom kept talking about something I had no idea about nor did I want to pry into it. The less I know the better.

Dad kept teasing me about Arisu which didn't really work out on me since no matter how much he tried, I didn't get flustered.

The door flew open once again followed by the clamours of a carriage stopping outside. Looking outside I saw a familiar carriage with green and golden decorations as a figure stepped out of it. Walking towards the front gate, I saw Tessia walk towards me as she excitedly hugged me, "Hello!"

I stayed silent, not knowing what I was supposed to do. For all I knew a storm was going to build up from this point forward.

"Arthur, who might this be?" Dad asked with a teasing wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Oh dad, this is the elven princess, Tessia Eralith."

Tessia tried to pinch me, but I moved a bit to the side, dodging it, "Tess. T.E.S.S. Don't call me princess." She argued as I continued to dodge from her.

Mom and Dad had their jaws agape as they learnt that Tess was a princess. As if that wasn't enough chaos for today, another carriage pulled up as Kathyln walked down from it.

Arisu came forward and narrowed her eyes, "Were you planning on enjoying with two princesses tonight?" She said out loud as both mom and dad looked at me with a fiery inferno burning in their eyes.

I sighed, the situation growing graver and graver with every fleeting moment.

Kathyln came forward and greeted my parents before turning to me and handing me a box, "This has what you want." she said as I stored it away quickly in my ring.

"Thanks, Kathyln. I will meet you later on campus."

"Arthur!!! That's rude of you." Mom said and pulled my ear.

I'd say it's not a pleasant experience to have my ear pulled with such force, but I am supposed to not say anything since she is my mom.

Sounds like a pain.

"Please, princesses. Come inside. The house might be small for you but-"

"Thanks a lot, Miss Leywin, for having us." Both Tessia and Kathyln said in unison and got inside the house.

And this is how I ended up in this situation.

And it definitely isn't a pleasing feeling. 


Author's Note.

All right, may I have your attention please.

So, I will keep it short.

The updates are going to get really slow as the reception is getting more and more disappointing with every passing day.

Hence, I have decided that I will only publish when I deem that the latest chapter has enough views and votes. 'Cause I have no intention of investing time into a fic that is drowning. Time is invaluable, after all.

Well, that is it. I won't set a goal because it would artificially generate votes. I have a goal in mind. If it hits that, I will start writing next one. If it doesn't, then we wait until it hits the goal. Can be months.

Well, that is it. See you all in the next chapter.