
Taxi Driver: Reincarnated With Strongest Transport System

"Escort the Hero and help him slay the Demon Lord? I'd better get a 5-star review for this." The humble rideshare driver Senna Farron died because of a freak accident during a pick-up gone wrong. However, rather than the afterlife, he found himself in another world instead. It must've been God's plan to send him there, and a lofty destiny would soon be entrusted to him. Would he become a Warrior Hero fighting evil? A monarch to lead a destitute kingdom to prosperity? Perhaps even a genius mage capable of sparking a magical revolution! Yet, as if to betray all that expectation, a system notification announced the shocking truth: He was given a power most familiar to him in his previous life, the power of a Taxi Driver! Nobody could've known at the time... the surprisingly overpowered strength this seemingly mundane Job Class would grant the perplexed driver in the near future. ——— Updates daily. Chapters Length: between 1.5k to 2k words per chapter. This is my entry for WSA 2023 Award. Please support this work with stone votes and add it to your library. It'll motivate me to release chapters with more frequency. Additional tags: #OVERPOWERED #ISEKAI #TRANSMIGRATION #SUPERPOWERS #EVOLUTION #VIDEO GAME #SUMMONS #LEVEL UP

RasyaHelion · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Prologue: Just A Simple Driver

"You know, I'm just a simple driver."

The young man wondered how many times he had said that sentence since arriving in this world. He had lost count, it seemed. The words had become some sort of his catchphrase.

"My powers are all about transport and delivery, see?"


The sound of a powerful engine reverberated across the grassy plain. It came from the sport bike the young man was currently riding.

"I got my order after this and it's pretty damn far away, but I'm stuck doing this now?" he complained to no one in particular.

After all, the ones in front of him couldn't possibly understand human speech.

They were an army of monsters. Goblins, orcs, and trolls. Skeleton knights, wraiths, and liches. The one leading them out front must be the Death Chevalier, one of the higher-ranking monsters in the undead category.

This massive cluster of grotesque creatures was rapidly barreling toward him.

"Fine," the young man said casually. "I can't let you eat my passengers like afternoon snacks, so guess I need you to put the brake here."

With confidence, he accelerated toward the monster army. The motorcycle normally shouldn't be able to drive well in unpaved terrain such as this, but looking as he raced through the wind, it didn't look like there was any difficulty at all.

Such was the power of his unusual ability.

Without a hint of fear, the young man and his bike crashed into the rank of monsters. Using the logic of his former world, it would be no surprise if he were to lose control and get forcefully stopped by the crowd due to the virtue of sheer number.

But that wasn't what happened at all. The reckless rider continued to move unimpeded as if nothing had been in his path all along.

Those monsters unfortunate enough to meet his bike were blown away like pins struck by a bowling ball.

It was his skill <Runover> that made this possible. A skill that had loyally protected him in his journey across the treacherous roads of this world.

Unholy shrieks of pain and the clatter of broken bones echoed all around him. Yet even all of those were deafened by the roar of the engine as the young man pushed his bike to its limit.


A hulking specimen of a troll swung its oversized club down to the ground the young man was about to drive over. 'Shit,' he silently cursed.

Reflexively, he avoided the raised mound of dirt and debris by executing a smooth pivot turn to the left. His left leg was used as the anchor as he lifted the bike's front in a wheelie.

The way he maneuvered, it was as if the heavy-looking sport bike only weighed as much as a bicycle.

After circling around the newly appeared mound, the young man abruptly stopped by making a 180° spin turn, this time using his right leg to pivot. A bunch of dirt was splashed out by the rear wheel into a crowd of raging goblins.

"Here," he pushed a button on the instrument panel in front of him. "CO poisoning, free of charge."

Dark smoke billowed out of his bike's exhaust pipe. It quickly covered the group behind him in a thick black mist that hid what it enveloped.

He wasn't done, however. It wasn't meant to be simple harassment like vomiting toxic fume right into your face. No, the smoke was part of a genuine attack.

"Ignite," he whispered. Then the area quickly turned to hell.

A blaze of flames blossomed behind the young man's back. He could clearly feel the heat through his prized leather jacket. It wasn't hard to imagine what had become of the monsters engulfed in that crimson tsunami.

This attack was one of his favorites. By visual alone, it looked like he was blowing out the world's most glorious, hottest fart. It was even evident in the name he had given to this skill:

< Infernal Fart >

< Attack Skill attached to the Sport Bike. Annihilate your enemies with the power of your vehicular flatulence. High chance of flammability and gas poisoning >



Yet, even for an attack of that magnitude, the swarm of monsters was just too large. A group of pig-headed orcs spared from the inferno was about to close in on him.

Judging it was too risky to stand still, he moved away in full throttle. Better to retreat and assess the situation once again, he decided.

Not even halfway cutting through the throngs of the undead, the young man had settled on how to fix this particular issue.

He was alone while the enemy had a literal army. The number simply wasn't at his side at all. But if that was the case, he needed to beat them in quality.

He had to use bigger guns. Literally.


The bike's brake squealed like a maiden as he stopped after distancing himself from the monsters. Setting the side stand down, he walked away and stood facing them.

"Sis, use <Vehicular Manifestation> will you?"

«What would you like?»

"Land. Military. Firepower."

Though it looked like he was talking to himself, in reality, the young man was talking with the system that had guided him all this time. She was his earliest companion, the one he trusted the most.

He only ever heard her flat and deadpan voice which was sometimes coated with dry humor. Yet, only a few other entities he knew would he be able to trust as much as this incorporeal helper.

«Choosing Divine Vessel from usage history…»

She might just be an anthropomorphized system, but if he was forced to speak honestly, he might say that he had grown attached to this faceless companion of his.

«Matched criteria found. Summoning.»

A heavy sensation suddenly hit him. The young man expected this, as he knew it would take a sizeable chunk of his mana to manifest this particular vehicle.

Because of that hindsight, along with the growth of his power, he managed to stay conscious this time around.

A bright light shone behind him. What was once an empty patch of grassland was now occupied by something big. It was armored, equipped with caterpillar treads, and made an ominous rumble, the kind that put fear into enemies and allies alike.

The young man jumped back and climbed to the top of the object. He turned around and faced the monster army once again.

"This is what happens when you cross this taxi driver."

He mightily swung his arm out toward them like a true commander. With his current ability, he was now able to remotely control the vehicle he summoned.

The 'turret' moved according to his will. In no time at all, it perfectly positioned itself to aim straight at a large grouping of liches in the center of the monster army.

He sensed the enemy commander was somewhere around that part, and he was going to make sure it would be eliminated.

A wicked grin spread on his face. Recalling the ordeal he had gone through when he first crossed worlds, he felt proud of the growth of his power. It was satisfying, and he still wanted to reach even further.

This world still had many places he want to discover.

"Don't begrudge me for this, though. I'm just doing my job." The grin disappeared from his face. "And it's transporting you all to your final destination. With a bonus: it's express delivery."

The young man clenched his outstretched hand. Accompanying this action and his words, a thunderous boom echoed across the plain.

It was as if it announced to the world the advent of the Strongest Taxi Driver.

This chapter isn't mandatory, but hey, it's a fun read. Wondering when will this event happen in the story.

RasyaHelioncreators' thoughts