

Inside a large cave, a gray wolf lay lazily while watching a young human fight against three other wolves.

The young man was breathing heavily and his face was pale, but despite his fatigue, he had not yet been injured, even if the wolves were in numerical advantage.

The wolves were not in a different situation from the youngster, since they were panting and their movements were slower and more predictable than when they started the fight.

In fact, this could not even be considered a combat, since everything the young man did was to dodge all the attacks of the wolves.

Even though the wolves were already tired, they still attacked at a speed that would be difficult for a normal human to dodge.

The most incredible thing was that the young man who looked as if he might fall at any moment continued to dodge the claws and fangs of the wolves.

The black suit the young man was wearing was already completely torn, revealing ancient scars of bullets, stabbings, bites, and more.

The three wolves formed a triangle with the young man in the middle as they continued to attack together.

As one of the wolves was about to leap toward the young man, a lazy, rough voice spoke in a language that was incomprehensible.


Hearing the lazy voice, all three wolves did not dare attack again.

As soon as the ceaseless attacks of the wolves stopped, the young man looked at the gray wolf lying on the ground, and he seemed to want to say something, but before his words were spoken, he collapsed.

Seeing the young man faint, the three wolves were relieved. The wolves quickly approached the gray wolf, and lowered their head.

"What do you think?" Asked the wolf in an indifferent voice.

"He ... he's a monster!" One of the wolves spoke as he stared at the unconscious young man.

"Why do you think that? Is he strong? You do not look hurt ..." said the gray wolf.

"If he's strong? He's even weaker than most people, but his stamina is incredible." The wolf spoke, and the other wolves only agreed.

"Well, it really is not normal for an ordinary human being to dodge his combined attacks for three days in a row ... But even with his high stamina, it is useless with his pitiful strength." He sighed the gray wolf.

"Is he useless? So what are we?" The three wolves thought, but they dared not speak out loud.

"Well, he does not just have stamina, his perception is even greater than his stamina. No ordinary human being would be able to deflect his attacks." The gray wolf spoke with a strange light shining in his eyes.

Dodging an attack could be considered lucky.

Diverting from two attacks could be very lucky.

But what about thousands and thousands of attacks? This was sheer skill and survival instincts.

"What shall we do with him? Shall we kill him?" Asked one of the wolves who had fought the young man.

"Kill him? That would be a waste ..." The gray wolf spoke mysteriously.

"He has strange things ..." Another wolf spoke as he carried a black briefcase into his mouth.

"What strange things?" Asked the curious gray wolf.

The wolf carrying the briefcase approached the gray wolf and placed the black bag on the floor in front of the gray wolf.

"Several different types of hair, eye pieces of different colors, another three sets of those strange clothes, a fighting knife, two pieces of 'L' shaped iron, and several other smaller pieces of iron." The wolf listed after opening the briefcase in front of the gray wolf.

"Hair? Eyes? I understand the part of the clothes and the knife, but ... Iron? What would he do with these things?" Asked the gray wolf.

"Do not touch it ..."

Suddenly, a weak voice caught the attention of all the wolves in the cave.

It turns out the young man was not unconscious!

This shocked all the wolves, including the gray wolf, who was actually the most surprised, since he had the best notion of the situation of the young human.

"What's your name?" The gray wolf asked the young man in the common human language.

"Liu ... Feng." The young man replied slowly, in a voice that sounded gentle, contradicting his resolute and fearless expression.

"Young Liu Feng ..." whispered the gray wolf.

The other wolves were confused about what they were talking about, since they did not understand the human language.

"Save this." The gray wolf spoke as he pushed the briefcase to the wolf he had brought the suitcase.

"Save ... save?" The wolf asked confused.

"Yes, save. And someone carry the young Liu Feng to some place where he can rest." The gray wolf spoke indifferently.

"Young ... Liu Feng?" Whispered the wolf.

As the gray wolf gave his orders, Liu Feng was looking confused, since he did not understand what was being said.

When he saw all the wolves staring at him with a strange expression, he forced himself to stand up, ready to fight.

Seeing this the gray wolf only sighed and lifted his paw.

The gray wolf slowly lowered its paw and Liu Feng felt a formless pressure crushing him.

Liu Feng was already in a weakened state, but even in his best state he would not be able to withstand this pressure.

His knees gave in. Instantly he fell unconscious.

"Do not cause more trouble than you should." The gray wolf lay back lazily and closed his eyes.