
Chapter 30 Stay away from him!

Authors pov

Florina woke up around 1 pm, sun was already on its peak filling her room with bright light. She rubbed her eyes lazily and leaned against the bedpost. Her whole body was aching. Sebastian was nowhere to be seen and she was relieved seeing that.

Both of them had started terrifying her.

Florina heard sounds from her bathroom and she tensed thinking it might be a Sebastian.

Wrapping the bedsheets tightly around her body she looked at the bathroom door which got open and two maids came out. Florina frowned looking at them thinking what they were doing in her bathroom.

"Miss, we have prepared a bath for you... Mr. King has ordered us too help you..."

One of the maid informed.

"Thank you... I'll do it myself, I want to stay alone..."

Florina replied in her raspy voice, her jaw was still sore.