
New City

A 16-year-old boy moves to a new city. He doesn't have parents or any relatives. He is a guttersnipe. But he was born with a very sharp brain. With his brainpower, he successfully arrived in a new city without any cost. His name is Taisei.

After arriving in the city he saw many new things. He saw street dancers, jocker, magicians, and many types of street games. He was seeing all those things after few hours he was starving. He had nothing to eat. Then he came out with an idea to do something to earn money. He chose to show some magic tricks. After showing the magic trick he gets some money. Then he goes to a shop to buy something. After arriving at the shop he saw expensive. As much money as he had he can only buy noodles. He bargains to the shop owner to give him some discount but the shop owner don't agree. Then he came out with another idea he had a proposal for a part-time job but the owner won't agree at all. He proposed to the owner you don't need to pay me if you give me food, the shop owner agree because the owner is old and he needs a helping hand.

After few days he noticed a strange thing.

The next Chapter arrived soon.
