
Wake up, my dear princess. Wake up, peasant.

"Princess…princess…wake up…wake up, my dear princess." the voice echoed inside Princess Auria's head. However, no matter how much the chambermaid called out to the sleeping princess, she only turned away from her personal servant.

"Princess, the king wants to see you in the throne room. He wants to discuss some matters regarding your coming of age this winter." the chambermaid said. With that, Auria quickly opened her eyes and got out of the bed. With skin as white as snow, hair with a dark-brown hue as that of a chestnut, and eyes as black as night, Princess Auria Glacia of the kingdom of Threanas is indeed a sight to behold. Considered as the fairest in the land of Elderone, there were rumors of her having an elf for her mother because of her splendor, but such things were never confirmed as her mother left when she was still a child, leaving no trace as of her current whereabouts. As for her father, King Deanor has been the ruler of Threanas for a many years already. However, with the recent turn of events, such as the great drought, the provinces and even the capital, Noir has been left in a deteriorating state.

Auria sprinted across the hallways of the castle as she made haste to reach the throne room. Knowing her father, she most likely would be reprimanded for her lethargy and as always, for running inside the castle.

"Princess, princess, wait for me! You are still not well-dressed to meet his Majesty yet!" shouted her chambermaid.

"Do not fret Silvia, I will tell father that it is my own fault that I wasn't dressed properly because I woke up late!" yelled Auria to the highly distressed servant behind her.

"But princess, I will be the one blamed if you showed up at the throne room looking like that!" bellowed Silvia one last time as she stopped running to catch her breath.

"Do not make me repeat myself, Silvia. I said I would take care of everything!" shouted Auria as she turned her head to look after her maid. However, as she reached the corner of the hallway with her head turned, she bumped into someone. The two collided with such force that both fell flat on their backs.

"I am so sorry." she said and decided to see who it is she bumped into.

A lad, a tad taller than her was slowly getting up infront of her. Garbed with a tunic laced with mud and dusty breeches, she assumed the man to be a peasant.

"I-I'm really sorry. P-please let me help you out." stuttered the lad. With his hair in quite a big mess and him being sweaty and all, Auria can't help but think that the peasant is on an errand.

"Thank you but I can do it by myself. Besides I should be the one apologizing since I'm the one who wasn't looking properly." Auria apologized, feeling guilty for causing delay to the man. Still, being the one to first get up, the peasant offered his hand for her to hold on. That's when their eyes met.

"M-milady! I-I'm so sorry for crashing onto you like that. I-I didn't mean it. It's just that I need to go…there…and take…the…." but the peasant wasn't able to finish his sentence for he was panting quite hard. Messy hair, bloodshot eyes, a bit portly, and with thick but surprisingly well-formed arms, Auria could only surmise that the peasant is an assistant in a farm or market, or even a blacksmith with his built.

"M-milady, please don't be angry with me. Please don't throw me into the dungeon." the man begged while fidgeting over his fingers. He seems to be in a hurry as he appeared to restrain himself from running off without even hearing what the princess has got to say. An effort that is clearly evident by his tensed posture.

"It's okay. I'm fine." Auria said as she slowly got up and dusted off her dress, while realizing that she's only wearing her night dress, a laced cerulean gown. Knowing that her father is surely getting impatient with each passing minute, and without any parting words, Auria dashed off toward the throne room, leaving the shocked peasant behind.

"Princess, are you alright?" asked Silvia upon catching up to her. Auria shrugged the question off as they neared the entrance to the throne room. After pausing to catch her breath and making sure that she still looks presentable despite wearing only a night gown, Silvia opened the door and entered the room. Auria lingered at the entrance for a moment as a palace guard announced her presence to her father, King Deanor.

The ruler of Threanas for three decades already, King Deanor is well respected and at the same time feared by his subjects. With such fear being due to his strict policies and iron hand approach when dealing with his subjects. What started as a prosperous beginning was now a horrible nightmare for every denizen of the kingdom, with the king's knights running unchecked, the ridiculously high taxes, and just this year, a drought that lasted the entire summer. With signs of the coming winter becoming more and more prevalent with each passing day, the whole Threanas was in an uproar. There were even rumors of a rebellion brewing in the provinces, with talk of a large group planning to take Noir by force by the start of the cold season. Still, King Deanor seemed to refuse to acknowledge such threat and let the knights to handle said matter.

"You're late Auria, and why are you still wearing your evening dress?" inquired Auria's father. Sitting on a throne decorated with rubies and various gems, King Deanor look very much like an aged hawk instead of an aged man with his sharp eyes, thick eyebrows, beak-like nose, and a scowl clearly visible against his deep gray beard. A golden crown whose luster has began to fade rests upon his long gray hair, greatly adding to his ominous appearance. Even though King Deanor is her father, Auria still can't help but flinch everytime the man would talk to her. She would always shrink away at those cold dark eyes and a voice that could only belong to some sinister phantom living amidst the death reeking in the dungeon. She was never close to him. In fact, she doesn't have any fond memory of Deanor at all. It was Melisa, Silvia's mother who took care of her ever since she was a child, her mother vanishing mysteriously before she turned three. That's why to her Silvia is not just a mere servant but more like a sister. With the death of Melisa, it was Silvia who continued her mother's duty of taking care of Auria while her father, King Deanor would always be at the throne room, discussing matters with Grenwald, his advisor. Regardless, Auria can't deny the fact that the menacing man before her was her father whom she was related by blood and whom she was supposed to love.

"I'm sorry father but I was in haste and didn't bother to dress properly. Please forgive me for my lack of courtesy." Auria nervously answered as she and Silvia walked towards her father's throne. They both stopped a few meters before reaching the king then bowed.

"A pleasant morning to you father." uttered Auria.

"A pleasant morning your Highness, I'm sorry for what happened today. It was my fault. I'll see to it that such event won't happen again." apologized Silvia. The chambermaid shook a bit while speaking for she knew she might end up without a job or worse, in the dungeons if she displeases Auria's father.

"It's fine. Just make sure. It won't happen again." replied King Deanor as he surveyed the two with great intensity, like a hawk awaiting for its prey to make a mistake. Already uneasy, the atmosphere in the room deepened when Grenwald entered.

"Your Majesty, all the preparations are complete. The four princes of Adrana, Brenn Loria, Quirun, and Wyrdracona will be arriving seven days from now." Grenwald informed the majesty with a smile. Considered by many as the king's loyal advisor, Grenwald Ozwel came from a long line of royal advisors, the Ozwel family, one of the famous noble families in Threanas. However, under Grenwald's service, situation around the kingdom had worsen. With his beady eyes, hunched posture, thinning hair and crooked teeth, Grenwald appeared to be a dungeon keeper than an advisor.

"That's good to hear," answered Auria's father and sent the hunched man away.

"Father, what is Grenwald talking about? Why are you calling the princes of the four largest kingdoms in the land to Threanas?" asked Auria, utterly confused about what's happening.

The four largest kingdoms, Adrana, kingdom of sorcery and magic, Brenn Loria, the land of archers, Quirun, the paradise of thieves, and the dragons' realm, Wyrdracona, are the largest in Elderone, with Threanas being fifth. Another kingdom, Crusdea, the knights' hall is said to exist deep within the mountains of Heisld, protected by the magic that flows there. However, the existence of such kingdom and its denizens is considered by many to be a mere legend with only a couple of unverified accounts here and there. Gathering the four princes from each kingdom was no trivial matter. Something big is surely stirring up in Threanas and somehow Auria felt that she would play a big part in that.

"Auria, as you know, within a few days will be your coming of age and to ensure that you and the kingdom will be taken care of once I'm gone, I decided to marry you to one of the four princes of the largest kingdoms here in Elderone," said King Deanor. The announcement seemed to echo across the lavishly decorated halls of the throne room, with the palace guards and Silvia seeming to restrain themselves from showing their surprise. Arranged marriages were common among nobles within the same kingdom, but marriages between kingdoms and even between races is a rare kind. Such engagements are usually done to tie alliances among rulers, prompting Auria to think that her father is up to something.

"Father, can you please tell me the real reason for making such a decision?" blurted out Auria, trying to take in what her father just said.

"I already told you. It's for your own sake and for Threanas'. I'm not young anymore, and sooner or later I'll be passing onto the next world. As such, I want to make sure that I'll be able to leave a legacy not just for you but for the people as well," answered her father with weariness greatly evident in his voice. Auria refused to believe her father's words. Truth be told, she never trusted her father since she never got a chance to know him well.

"I'm sorry father but I disapprove of your decision. I won't obey you. I won't marry any of the four princes." Auria's voice quivered, as she felt sadness and rage building up inside her.

"How could you?! You didn't even bother consulting me! Me! The one who will marry! You're very own daughter! You're always like that! You never bother to know what the people around you think of your actions!" she shouted, not being able to contain her emotions anymore. Her clenched fists shook as she tried to hold back her tears. She just couldn't believe it. She knew that her father will never be the man she would learn to completely love but to come up with such a decision devoid of her opinion is just plain unacceptable.

Auria never gave that much thought to marrying since she always believed that men are all the same, devious. One thing's certain; she would never marry a man who shares the same characteristics of her father's. Love for her is not just as simple as saying I love you. It's more than that. For her it's about living the rest of your life in the company of someone who shares the same feelings of affection, concern, and selflessness like yours. Unable to maintain her composure anymore, Auria turned away from the throne and started walking towards the great golden doors of the room.

"Auria, my decision is final. Seven days from now, the four princes would be arriving and by spring you should have already made a choice on who among them will you choose, " said her father with firmness and what she made out as a tinge of threat in his voice. The statement made her burst into tears and ran out of the throne room crying, Silvia following her.

"Your Majesty, don't you think that you're being a little bit harsh with your words?" asked Grenwald as he slowly limped towards King Deanor's throne, entering after Auria and Silvia left.

"Don't play dumb with me, Grenwald." said King Deanor with a foreboding voice that Grenwald flinched a little.

"As always, the great majesty had read my mind. Your grand designs and glory are yours until end of time. All hail King Deanor," declared Grenwald with a smile as he slowly bowed to the king of Threanas.

Auria ran, she ran until her legs felt like they were made from lead, easily leaving Silvia behind. Unknown to everybody except Silvia, Auria loves running. She would always wake up early in the morning to run around the castle's garden. She loves the feeling of the cool morning air around her body as she sprints around the hedges of roses, violets, and her most favorite, daisies. She also enjoys the refreshing morning bath after a long-drawn out round of running. With her firm legs, Auria can easily outrun anyone even one of the highly-trained palace knights. Running is one of her hobbies besides the written art, making various trinkets, and watching the going-ons at the village from afar. She never had the chance to go out of the castle and explore more of Noir. All her life was spent on the confines of the castle's dusty walls, her friends consisting solely of Silvia and the other maids.

It was already past noon; hungry, tired, and sad, Auria lingered on her room's balcony infront of the palace's garden. She refused to eat together with her father and though the latter ordered Silvia to bring her food she didn't even spare a glance on what was brought into her room. Looking down, she stared at the lovely yellow daisies growing at a nearby hedge.

That was when she saw again the peasant from earlier that day. Even without seeing his face, she immediately recognized him for his messy hair. She watched him as he walked with his head down, and for some unknown reason she felt sympathy for whatever problem the poor fellow appears to be experiencing. With a great sigh, the peasant straightened his body up and smiled, a smile that seemed to strike her very soul. She gazed as he slowly brushed the unexplainable large amount of dust clinging onto his breeches and proceeded with his way.

An amusing thought entered Auria's mind as she observed the peasant walk away. Her plan is dangerous, and she would be punished by her father if he finds out or if she's caught. IF. The word resounded loudly within her head and with each passing moment her frown slowly turned into a smirk. However, if she's going to proceed with her idea, she needs energy to sort things out. That being the case, Auria went back into her room and started eating. If her father's going to marry her to someone she doesn't know then might as well make the most of her remaining time as a free person. Such thought preoccupied her mind even into her very dreams.

"Hey, wake up. Wake up. Wake up, peasant!" A deep booming voice echoed within Lyrus' hut. He awoke with a start as his vision showed him of a burly bearded man standing by his bed. It was Erne, the shopkeeper from town, known for the ridiculously high prices of his goods.

"Wake up. I have a caravan coming in today and I want those crates inside my shop before the break of dawn," commanded Erne. Lyrus never liked Erne with his unreasonable demands but being a mere and shy peasant, he decided to keep his opinions to himself.

Lyrus gave a quick survey of his hut before he got up. It was still dark, most likely a few hours before dawn but knowing Erne, the man might not give him his daily handful of coins if he doesn't obey the shopkeeper.

"Make haste lad. Those crates won't carry themselves into my shop." said Erne with his usual irritating tone. Lyrus can only sigh as he put on his tunic and breeches. Taking his large dusty rucksack, he stepped out of his hut and into the long dirt path towards Noir. He has always lived alone in a hut near the woods of Nieblahim ever since his father died. His father was one of the palace knights, and Lyrus has always dreamt of being a knight himself and following upon his father's footsteps. However, with his father's death, he was left with a great number of debts to pay, forcing him to give up all their money and even sell all of their properties. To this day, Lyrus makes his living by being an assistant to Erne, to some farmers, and practically everyone else in Noir who needs help in exchange for coins.

"You know, the names of those who will undergo the trial to be squires would be announced early this morning at the plaza," said Erne as they walk along the dusty road leading towards the gates of the capital.

"Really? I do hope I would be chosen," blurted out Lyrus, unable to contain his excitement.

"Don't get your hopes too high lad. You dare follow Renus' footsteps? Bah! You're too weak to become one, even a squire can beat you barehanded." Erne laughed boisterously as they continued to tread the dirt path. Looking at his body, Lyrus can't helped but sigh a little. Erne was right. He was just too portly. His arms maybe thick and well-formed but his belly is definitely not that of a knight's. While his father would win every fight he gets into, Lyrus on the other hand, cannot as so much win in a running contest because of his built. The knights always pick on him, especially Barthos, making him a wooden dummy to practice the bastard's swordsmanship. If only his bestfriend, Freid wasn't a high-ranking knight, he would have been beaten to a pulp on a regular basis by Barthos and his comrades.

"Hey, hey! We're here, potato sack." Erne snapped his fingers infront of Lyrus. Falling out of trance, he looked around to see where "here" was, only to realized they've already been standing infront of the capital's stone gates for awhile. Encircled by a great white wall, lined with four golden turrets, each facing one of the primary directions, Noir looked more like a crown rather than a city. The house of Glacia, upon ascension to the throne was the one who started the construction of the wall, being finished at the time of King Ashgoth the VI, great grandfather of Threanas' current king, King Deanor. The ramparts surrounding the whole wall are constantly patrolled by archers while four guards would always be stationed at the gates. However, with the recent turn of events, knights going rogue, the famine, and the high taxes, only a handful of archers and knights now stood guard at the walls of Noir.

Dusting his tunic and breeches, Lyrus stepped into the city, a sight of pity immediately greeting his vision. Beggars asking alms, almost rotten crops still being sold, thieves running here and there, and the Noir knights, strolling with their head held high, seemingly oblivious of their surroundings, such conditions only show the pitiful state the capital was currently in.

"So, how's my favorite dummy?" asked a certain knight to Lyrus, putting his arm around the peasant. Tall, with a large built, long golden hair, and with a menacing grin, Barthos, and his comrades are a terrifying sight to behold with their black and red armor, and claymores unsheathed and resting on their shoulders.

"What do you want, Barthos? I still have errands to do," replied Lyrus as he felt the arrogant knight's grip on his shoulder tightened. Lyrus just hates Barthos, not just because of the man's character but also his habit of preying on the weak; asking for a so-called "daily contribution" each morning from the vendors.

"Oh, nothing. I just heard that the dummy is planning on being a knight by joining the squire test," said Barthos, laughing together with his comrades. Fortunately, Erne managed to step in and distract the man by giving him his daily contribution to satisfy the knight's greed.

"Goodluck with the test. Don't worry. I'll go easy on you," Barthos shouted as he and the others walked away from Lyrus, waving his hand as he did so. A knot formed inside the peasant's stomach upon realizing that the knight might be assigned to him as his test instructor. He can't help but feel a bit anxious, there's absolutely no way he'll pass and become a squire if Barthos is his oppornent.

"What's wrong? Feeling a bit down? Told you, forget being a knight. You're more useful as a helper to the vendors here. Let's go. We have a lot of work to do." Erne nudged Lyrus. No more than a few meters after leaving the main pathway from the gates, Lyrus heard someone call his name.

"Lyrus! Lyrus! Come quick!" the voice belonged to Freid, his bestfriend. Turning around, Lyrus saw Freid's large brown eyes and his favorite gray scarf tied at his neck. Sweating from running while wearing an armor, it took a minute before Freid spoke.

"Lyrus! What are you doing here? They're about to announce the names of those chosen to partake in the squire test!" blurted out the knight in between breaths. Panicking, and without a word, Lyrus dashed towards the castle of Noir, leaving a furious Erne behind.

"Don't worry, I'll be back to help you!" shouted Lyrus as he made his way towards the castle.

Poor with directions, all that Lyrus remembered was that the announcement would be done at the palace garden, with the chosen participants to sign their names in a parchment. Those who would not be able to make it in time would be immediately ineligible for the test. He cursed under his breath as he slowly reached the castle gates. He really needs to start getting into shape if he wants to be a knight.

"Where are you going?" asked one of the guards to the peasant. Answering his destination, Lyrus was let in, dashing off to one of the corridors in the castle.

"Hey! The palace garden is at the opposite corridor!" shouted one of the guards but Lyrus had already went around a corner. He's late. The thought echoed into the young lad's head as he felt his heart thumping with each step he took. Not bothering to look where he was, Lyrus broke into a sprint as he turned around another hallway.

"Do not make me repeat myself, Silvia. I said I would take care of everything!" A voice from the other end of the hallway echoed as Lyrus collided with something or rather someone. His behind felt sore from the impact that threw him flat on the floor. Upon noticing that it was a girl he bumped into, Lyrus offered his hand to help the poor lady stand. He felt a bit of pity, thinking that the maid might be in a hurry just like himself and might end up being punished because of him. However, Lyrus almost fainted after recognizing who it was he bumped. It was no maid. It was a princess, and it was no ordinary princess, it was Princess Auria, the princess of Threanas.

"M-milady! I'm so sorry for crashing onto you like that. I didn't mean it. It's just that I need to go…there…and take…the…." said Lyrus, more apologetic than usual. Of all the people, he could have hurt; it just had to be the princess herself. Remembering the rumors that King Deanor has the habit of sending persons that displease him to the dungeon, Lyrus started to beg.

"M-milady, please don't be angry with me. Please don't throw me into the dungeon."

Looking at the height of the sun, and the time seemingly passing fast, Lyrus can't hide his state of hurry from the princess, as he fidgeted with his fingers while bowing his head. "It's okay. I'm fine," answered Princess Auria as she stood up. Without anymore word, the princess ran, leaving a shocked Lyrus behind.

Lyrus just can't believe his luck. He just met Princess Auria. The princess was the most admired person in Threanas, with a lot of suitors wooing her hand but to no avail. Even among the masses, a lot of people adore Princess Auria for her extraordinary grace and beauty, and was even rumored to be of elven descent. Lyrus looked at his hand for a few seconds, savoring the thought of almost holding the hand of the most beautiful lady in Elderone. Then remembering the announcement, he once more proceeded on his way, in a rush more than ever.

After a few minutes of retracing his steps, and asking for the right directions, Lyrus finally managed to reach the palace garden. A big circular garden with large rose hedges, the palace garden was the perfect place to hold the announcement of the chosen participants for the squire test. Looking around, the peasant saw a lot of hulking men, some look like sailors, others look like mercenaries, and some just look like wild beasts themselves. Regardless, being included in the list is no small feat. A person must first prove himself either through an amazing deed, such as slaying a fearsome beast or saving a village, or in his case, finding a noble to nominate himself. It was thanks to the Heihn house that Lyrus got nominated, partly due to his father's excellent service as a knight under the family and partly because of his service as a housekeeper. Further surveying his surroundings, Lyrus saw that the number of this year's nominees were quite large, not surprising since being a knight guarantees a person a steady income and exemption from taxes, not to mention of course the chance of being able to collect daily donations, just like Barthos and his gang.

"Lyrus Arghant? Is Lyrus Arghant here?" shouted one of the palace knights. A sense of pride spread across Lyrus' chest as he heard his name being called. He did it. He was chosen to undertake the test. He's now a step closer to following his dad's footsteps. Moving forward to sign his name, the peasant can't help but feel the uneasy stares all around him. Arghant. He's the son of the famous Renus Arghant, Wyvernslayer, Willowbreaker, and Wulforse rider. Quite famous for his deeds back in his days, Renus was considered as one of the strongest and bravest knights in Threanas. Wielding two short swords and employing a style of swordsmanship said to have been taught to him by knights from the east, Lyrus' father can easily slay a black bear within seconds. However, an ambush by the Urthal bandits and a poisoned arrow caused the untimely demise of Lyrus' father. Still, Renus' legacy endures within Threanas while ironically, his son, Lyrus was never recognized for any admirable feat.

"Well, looks like Willowbreaker's son finally decided to take his father's swords. Congratulations, Lyrus." Thenan, the comamnder of the knights of the whole Threanas, clapped gently the lad's back. With his big hands, Thenan can easily kill any man barehanded. It was because of Thenan's help that Lyrus was able to buy a simple plot of land to build a hut to live in.

"Congratulations, dummy. See you a few days from now." Barthos sneered as Lyrus signed his name on a parchment at the table infront of the garden. It took a few more minutes to finish signing up all the participants for the squire test.

"So you were chosen?" asked Freid as he joined Lyrus in the crowd. Upon hearing the good news, Freid handed Lyrus a few coins.

"That's for you. Use that to buy some proper equipment to train yourself," said Freid as he grinned at Lyrus. Thanking his bestfriend, the peasant immediately put the coins in his pouch.

"Everyone who were chosen, hear this: three days from now, the squire test shall begin. Those who will pass the test shall be appointed as squires to knights and begin their training to knighthood. Goodluck to all of you." The knight finished his announcement as the crowd slowly thinned. Remembering his promise to Erne, Lyrus quickly made his way out of the castle. However, upon reaching the gates, he realized that his pouch was no longer with him. Cursing loudly, Lyrus began tracing his steps.

What weird luck Lyrus was having today, first he bumped into the princess, chosen to take the test, then lost his pouch containing his money. He doesn't know if he should start crying because of happiness or because of sadness. Lyrus thought these to himself as he ran from hall to hall, trying to find his pouch. Not only does it contain Freid's money but also the money he earned for the week and unless he wants to die of hunger, he badly needs to find it.

Hours flew by as Lyrus continued his search, not bothering to make sure he's not going in circles. However, the peasant ended getting lost more than ever, ending up in weird places such as the armory. He even ended up in the dungeons and was chased away by the guards. All the while, hopelessness continued to eat up his soul as the day grew longer.

It was already past noon and Lyrus had grown desperate, asking not just the guards but also the maids he bumped into to help him find his pouch. Stomach rumbling, sweaty, and covered heavily with dirt and dust, he was about to give up his search when he realized that he still hasn't gone to the one place he went to this morning, the garden palace. Luckily, by asking directions this time, Lyrus easily found his way back to the garden.

Disappointment struck Lyrus upon finding no pouch on the ground. He even tried looking within the rose hedges to be sure. Sad, teary-eyed, sweaty, and hungry, the peasant decided that the problem was hopeless and decided to go back, hoping to borrow some coins from Erne. Head bowed down, Lyrus found himself in an unfamiliar part of the garden filled not just with roses but also violets and daisy hedges. He stopped on a particular spot to figure his way out, only to look down, and see his pouch lying beneath his feet. Picking it up from the ground, Lyrus, can't help but smile. Looks like his luck hasn't entirely run out. With that, the peasant, proceeded outside the castle, working hard for the rest of the day and sleeping well with the thought of finally being a step closer to becoming a knight.

I know keeping up with the points of view of two characters is hard. Forgive me if my transition from Lyrus' to Auria's point-of-view is not that smooth. Still, I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter and I would love for everyone to stick around and read how Lyrus and Auria's story unfolds.


Yeah, I know the names Noir and Elderone are cheesy. >_<

DCapybaracreators' thoughts