
Tales of the Reincarnated

Is being edited... :D

arthuronuranus · Fantasy
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29 Chs

This Chapter Doesn't Exist

"The Iq of characters is often related to the Iq of the author" 


That's a quote I've heard somewhere long ago that's pretty much true. Although I'm not the brightness I believe sincerity can be seen through by the style of a work. It's pretty simple to tell if a writer loves their work. (plot holes, grammar, research done, expertise, etc) 

Ironically, books need logic but life doesn't. The craziest things can happen in life yet still no one will believe you. Yet, with a book, if the story doesn't make sense it's probably a pass. Anyways, it's hard to create an entire world but I hope to do my best and not drop this even amidst all the work I have. ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻

I dunno about others, but I feel like "system/litrpg/18+" novels are a bit overrated. It could be because I've read too much and desensitized myself. (:P) Good genres nonetheless but I want to try something different with this work. Something uncommon, without too many cliches, and wholesome! ( ◑‿◑)ɔ┏🍟--🍔┑٩(^◡^ )  I'll probably put this on RR and Watt as well...

As for the release schedule...

It's a big world \(°□°)/ so updates will be slow and steady but consistent. (college, pt, and others sh*t to do T.T)

I focused alot on details cause I want to paint a real world of flesh and blood. Better yet, leave a bittersweet aftertaste to collect the tears of humanity. Ofc, Ik no 1 likes over realism or why else would be immerse overselves in fantasy so it won't be overdone. 

Why do humans like fantasy though? It's because reality is boring and stressful. So I'll like to write this for you, me, and anyone needing a place to rest b4 leaving for their goals. Give me a chance?

The moment we are born we will inevitably be destined to seek purpose. Who doesn't have a dream? Or at least a wish for peace? 

Many people live their lives without a dream. I believe it's not because they aren't putting in effort but because they don't see hope. It's not until later in life that we find out the path we used to pursue may not have been best. Don't we all have regrets and confusion, you and I? We can't chase anything if don't know which direction to chase.

It's unfair I know. 

Many people discover their talents through accidents or find an opportunity when we least expected. That's why I feel like it's important to not give up. You, me, and everyone.

That's why I think it's important to understand ourselves and grasp hope. Find what each of us is suited for. It's ok to slowly figure it out. Many successful millionaires were accomplished at a ripe age. But having gone through many philosophy videos, I know it's important not to confine ourselves to a single definition of "I". 

We can't fixate on one aspect of ourselves leaving no room for us to grow or understand. So I hope no one define themselves by one negative aspect. I'm not able to change people but I at least hope to inspire.

This is why I write...to calm, lose, and find myself. And hopefully help you along the way.

Thank you ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

My expected chapter count is over 1000. I never intended on making a profit from writing if it means gatekeeping my world...


Welcome, dear reader, 

to my world of mystery.

May this journey we share,

from start to the end,

Fill your heart and your soul,

as a dear, trusted friend.