
Tales of the Reincarnated

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arthuronuranus · Fantasy
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29 Chs


eheheheh i wrote several intros n dunno wuh to do wit em so here ey r (╹∀◠) (૭ ఠ༬ఠ)૭ *read at your own demise*_____________________________________________________________

How can the fragile human body rival the gods and demons?

This was actually a simple question for the four venerables.

In the era of the Sky Calendar, the gods and demons had long fallen silent leaving the Mortal Realm in the hands of mankind.

Of course humanity wasn't a perfect species. The world was divided into two. Those who could wield ether to practice magic…and the ordinary mortals. The superhuman beings reigned the world, conquered the lands of gods, and set up six poles…six nations that governed the lands.

The tides of times have favored the extraordinary leaving the lower class groveling in the dust.

Centuries later, four souls from different worlds, timelines, and universes would be reincarnated in the Mortal Realm. 

They came into this world with a vision beyond times. Each of them were hardheaded and unwilling to submit to the reigns of fate.

In a long period of time within a sufficiently large population, it was inevitable for a special individual, or a hero, to be born starting the flames of revolution.

 BUT for these four, it was the opposite.

Times can make a hero but for them, it was the heroes who made the times.

Fueled by ideals and ambition, these four individuals would eventually meet sparking the rise of a new nation.

The Sun Moon Empire.

But like every hardheaded individuals, they each had their own perspectives coming from different backgrounds.

Stubborn and unwilling to submit, they each walked their own ways, their dreams colliding forming the foundation for a goliath of an empire to rise.

Even when the gods and demons reawakened years later, their empire would remain strong.

Through their combined efforts, humanity and the other races would rise and unite, forging a community that spanned the ages.

In the long river of time, their stories would eventually become legends, and their legends would eventually become myths…

Telling the tales of the reincarnated and an empire that soared through the clouds into the depth of the voids where the sea of stars awaited.

Four souls…four reincarnations…and the four pillars of the Sun Moon Empire.

All species desire evolution.

And these were their ways to surpass the gods.

Pillar 1: 

"Isn't it simple? All living things are like water. Water can carry a boat or overturn it. Gather the hearts of the people and rob the gods of their faith. A god without believers is no longer a god. As the empress, it is my duty to treat the people like my children. All living things in this world is under my reign. I provide them a safehouse to find their dreams and passions. I not only care for them but nurture them. What can the gods and demons possibly hold against me?" 

"The whole world is my eyes and ears."

Pillar 2: 

"How to fight a god with a mortal body you say? Ummm, that's quite an interesting question. I'll say…hmm…find yourselves. Know who you are so no one can tell you who you should be. Have a belief and a reason to survive. A mission you chose yourself. This way, in every trial of willpower you face, you will emerge victorious.You will need not rely on the gods for miracles, waiting desperately for an ounce of grace, but…carve out a future true to your hearts. Of course…dont take my word for it.

"Heh heh…I'm not responsible for any deaths that occur in any of the trials or gods you face."

Pillar 3:

"Huh? What a silly question. Of course you grow muscles."

*Flexes right arm*

One punch to break all laws. As long as you are strong enough, no rules can restrain you. If it doesn't work, it simply means that you are not strong enough. As long as your muscles are big enough, strong enough, fast enough, and intimidating enough…who would dare fight against you?"

*Flexes other arm*

"A strong body is a strong mind and strong blood. Strong blood and strong mind means all evils cannot invade. Be strong."

"My muscles are pure enough to split atoms with my bare hands."

"Check it out…Wanna see? :3"

Pillar 4:

"Hey hey hey. I don't know if i should say this but…you can't beat a god with a mortal body. That's the harsh truth. It's like a toddler trying to defeat an magican… "

"It's simply not possible even with any amount of training :( "

"The lifespans of mortals are too short to achieve anything…"

"...So I recommend becoming a god instead. Only fire can fight fire."

Start by stealing their believers and plotting their faith. Corrupt the minds of their believers with poisonous lies and ideologies until they doubt their own faith. Slowly, little by little, rob the god of their sovereignty. Over time, patiently and slowly modify their scriptures until they tell a completely different story. Deliberately create conflict between the god and a rival religion. Drive a wedge between the god and their believers. Create scandals to see their churches crumbling down. And poison the laws they govern to seal their powers slowly…little by little. 

While the god slowly withers away, research. Learn. Gain knowledge of the forbidden arts and prepare to give your life. After all, knowledge is power. Know the enemy to know the future. And when the gods least expect…steal their godhead.

"It's not that hard really. Just have some patience. Oh and um heh heh…this wasn't my idea. A friend told me. Yep, you guessed it! It was the third pillar!"

"Teehee :P"



A journey across the lands of sleeping gods and demons, where four people from different worlds, universes, and timelines meet. A tale involving these four reincarnated individuals seeking to build a civilization that can conquer the sky!

Part I

During the twilight years of an era, an elven princess mysteriously disappeared.

This incident sparked the flames of revolution and sounded the horn that signified the end of the rule of the former gods. A young magic caster took it on himself to investigate her disappearance.

All clues seemed to point to the sun god cathedral.

Enraged, for the first time in ages someone dared to raise a sword against the gods. The young magic caster unleashed the wisdom he had been honing and stepped into the realm of the legendary mage king. His chanting resounded across the world and would later mark the start of an era of prosperity. However records of this period were lost in the long river of time. The magic caster and the elven princess who set off the prosperous age were forgotten. All the world remembers was the beginning of the Sky Calendar.

This is a story of their reunion and uncovering of the dust left by time.

Part II

Do you believe that we are alone in the universe?

Have you ever heard about the legend of a carp leaping over the dragon's gate?

What about the possibility of parallel worlds and reincarnation?

Well, these questions originally had nothing to do with Qiubai Balin, a small mayfly struggling in the modern world. That wasn't until an artifact from a long forgotten ancient immortal awoke from an eternal slumber resulting in a catastrophe that would catapult Balin into another universe. In a cold, dark, and lonely universe…the only remnants of a once glorious immortal borrowed the power of the stars and tumbled Balin into a space-time rift.

This was the beginning of the story of an ordinary salted fish carp forced to leap over the dragon's gate.

"Let us welcome the strongest creature on the surface, one of the four pillars, the Shading Sky Emperor, head of the royal guard, and the person holding the record for coaxing the most women and men to sleep at night to give us a speech!"

Balin: …

Balin: Don't talk nonsense!

Part III

Your average tale of reincarnation revolving around four souls of different worlds, timelines, and universes.

An earthling, immortal, archmage, and demihuman. This is a record that centers around their travels and meetings in a world of sleeping gods and demons.

The collisions of ideals, perspectives, and ambitions as each navigates this world that is entering a period of renaissance trying to build a civilization that can reach for the stars.

"Let us interview Her Majesty! What's your motivation behind this empire?"

"To hell with this empire. I don't care if you're living a good or bad life. Don't care if you're starving, cold, dying, or oppressed. I don't give a single damn about dreams or freedom."

٩(๑ `н´๑)۶

"It's just that to travel beyond the sky, my own force is not enough. Only a civilization... One that can gather the world's top talents, materials, and knowledge. Equipped with industries that can support the entire civilization for countless lightyears away from the home world. Researchers and educational institutes that can accelerate the progress of society and birth of geniuses. And a nation composed of citizens with no worries about livelihood contributing their all for the big picture."


Part IV

This is a tale of souls lost in another world building a home.

An epic forged in the stars. And a rebellion against destiny.

And a story that takes root in a fantasy world.

This is the light hearted daily life of four dreamers for you to relieve stress.

Full of smiles with a side dish of vulgar jokes and profanity.

"The first thoughts that come to mind seeing this vast universe is to share it and the brilliant scenery along the way with you. To walk with you, and discover the wonderful mysteries of the universe along the road beyond the dao. Share the wonders of life with you and show you the bests it holds but it appears that you have your own road to walk."

Seeking out the footsteps of the past, lighthearted novel about the reincarnated daily life of four people recounting their stories to each other and sharing memories of the past. Contrasting the old and new, reuniting couples who unfortunately couldn't get together in their first life.


eeven moaarrr....


Four reincarnated souls of different universes meet in a world shrouded in the glory of the old gods. Chancing upon each other, their ideals and perspectives will bring about a collision that sparks the dawn of a new empire. Rising together in order to build a civilization that can conquer heaven and man.


A journey across the lands of sleeping gods and demons, where four people from different worlds, universes, and timelines meet. A tale involving these four reincarnated individuals seeking to build a civilization that can conquer the sky!

Our first Mc comes from blue star which is 99.9% similar to modern day earth. His soul then basically gets kidnapped to another world where he is reborn by fusing with the version of himself in that world. He's an old soul who has gone through alot and therefore is trying to find the meaning in his life. Through new encounters, love, and walking the way of an ancient immortal swordsman he chances upon decisions that will further shape his meaning. 

Second MC!! She is an immortal being at the galaxy class who unfortunately died in the Conferring God war. Through a technique called the Rebirth Sutra, she escapes with a strand of her soul and is able to be reborn into another universe where she senses a familiar soul. How odd...This is another universe entirely so that shouldn't happen. Anyways, in the end, because her strength is limited by the rules of this universe, she has to find an alternate path to return to her former glory...which is the path of human sovereign. (the way of the people). She has to basically rise to the position of an empress and rule the entire world. But how will she do that I wonder? The sleeping gods and demons in this world aren't exactly decoration.

 A magician trying to find the answer to what magic calls "truth" and therefore launches a war against the gods and demons which ends up with this loser dying xD. Through mysterious circumstances he's reincarnated and meets our other mc, someone of elven descent who coincidentally happens to be an old comrade from his previous life. Although they don't know it yet...The magician and the elf will together try to explore the limits of "truth" and once again exact revenge upon the gods. So in total these four will come together to build an empire that reaches into the very depths of the starry skies to find the mysterious that awaits there.

Tldr: One empress, one advisor, one general, and one mad scientist in a nutshell. 

Ahh, i feel the evil welling up inside me...<:::::[]=¤ (▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) submit under the force of my gibberish!!!!< p>

ya know what time of the month it is? (no nonsense november)NNN ;) iykyk


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