
Tales of the Reincarnated

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arthuronuranus · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 3: The Swallow Returns to its Nest

Qiubai Balin at this moment was completely relaxed and glued into his rocking chair. One hand held a letter from his family and his other searching for treasure in his nose.


He could probably guess what the letter's content was.

Either it was time for his sibling to enter this world and replace him or his mother complaining about his father's smelly toes.

Looking back from now, it had already been two years since he transmigrated into this unscientific world.

Two years ago, he was still a nine to five worker being squeezed on Blue Star in order to buy his boss a sports car until a freak accident sent his soul to another world.

This world was referred to as the Mortal Realm and the origin of its name was long unknown.

Then he somehow fused with the version of himself in this world taking on the appearance of a sixteen year youth.

Quite uncomfortable…

Theoretically though, according to the laws of a renowned magic caster with deep research into the art of the spirit, it was concluded that soul fusion was impossible.

Like how every kid has at least once tried to force together the same poles on a magnet during their childhood.

Qiubai Balin felt lucky that he didn't turn schizophrenic…Maybe because they were technically the same person?

Anyways, he was now double the Qiubai Balin's. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

This didn't mean he had two personalities though.

Like the dominant and recessive traits of genes, somehow the persona from Blue Star took the upper hand.

However, this didn't mean the Qiubai Balin from the Mortal Realm was dead though.

It was just like the process of aging from a child into an adult…The personality and outlook on life changes during the process due to the challenges that life brings.

Maybe not all but most do indeed, in fact change and with it comes maturity.

But with that change can you say the past 'you' never existed?


The past existed, learned, grew from mistakes, and became a part of the present. A testimony to how far one has made it.

All the thoughts, feelings, and memories of the past are undeniable.

Now the Mortal Realm Qiubai was like the past, indistinguishable from the present, part of the present, but forever gone from the present.

The fusion with the Balin from the Mortal Realm naturally brought along his experiences and relationships as well.

Qiubai Balin casually flicked his treasure away disregarding his image and pulled out the contents of the letter.

Just a line of words elegantly written with a literary style as if the writer wanted to make a physical attack through the paper. (possible).

Your mother is pregnant, come home or I'll kick your ass.

Balin nodded with approval.

The account creation was successful? This was indeed a happy thing.

Several years ago before the current him, the original predecessor lived a life of being squeezed 24/7 by his evil capitalist father.

Although born in a noble family, from a young age he was influenced by epics of heroes and spurred to pursue their paths.

What would an innocent and naive child do in the face of the declining Qiubai family?

Therefore, he was easily fooled by his parents who made every task in the name of "honor".

Thus, the predecessor wasn't living the hedonistic life of nobles but devoted himself to the revival of the family.

His naive predecessor took the principles of chivalry seriously after being told to "not enjoy power without responsibility".

However, these types of innocently naive children are exactly the type heaven likes to play jokes on.

Ultimately in a world ruled by strength, everything without talent was pretty much futile.

The predecessor had no talent for magic.

In the end, after facing a series of setbacks on his sixteenth birthday, the predecessor finally decided to lay flat.


And it was also around that time when the current Qiubai Balin transmigrated and fused.

When Qiubai Balin realized the situation he was in, he decisively went up to his parents in this life and bewitched them with the whispers of the devil.

He had enough of being squeezed by unscrupulous capitalist bosses in his previous life.

Qiubai Balin was not going to let go of the opportunity that whatever higher bestowed upon him.

Fulfilling the dreams of retirement and a house begins with being a young master in another world!

Under the sweet talk of a modern person baptized by the internet, the Qiubai head finally wavered and went against the decisions of his ancestors deciding on a second child.

Heh, he, Qiubai Balin was a reputable keyboard warrior in his previous life fighting against armies of internet trolls solo.

The Qiubai Family was able to gain a competent heir and he would retire. Win-win no?

In the end, Qiubai Balin retired at The Vestiges of Truth Academy. Also taking the opportunity to dissolve a cliched "arranged marriage" contract and live a leisurely two years getting used to this world while researching common sense.

The Vestiges of Truth academy was also a really safe place to retire.

The Mortal Realm was still quite a dangerous place under the prosperous glamor of magic.

Maybe in some sort of dark alley, you might accidentally get "stuck" in some sort of trap spell laid by a magic caster

Then the very next morning one would find themselves awake on an operating table as an experiment object.

A mysterious face would then say: "Woke up? Congratulations, the operation was successful. You now have a tentacle attached to your arse."

Such an operation was quite common in this world. But fortunately times were changing.

Apparently, after having gone through enough traumatic events, some magic casters in this world were uprising and advocating more humane methods.

With his current knowledge, Qiubai Balin reckons that this world was entering a period similar to Blue Star's renaissance.

That day two years ago, Qiubai Balin left for the academy at the capital of the Kongwu Kingdom sent off by his parents who had a beaming smile on their faces.

It was as if they couldn't wait to do something exciting.

(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) Multiplayer sports perhaps? (:3)

As for the marriage contract? The oldest trick and tropes in stories.

It started when the predecessor was still a child.

As a noble family ruling a large territory, the Qiubai family would naturally conduct a talent test to assess the future of the descendants in order to arrange the most "ideal" plan for their growth.

This was the advantage of background… resources, more options, and an early start albeit with the loss of freedom.

Naturally the predecessor was determined to be talentless.

Therefore, his parents were worried and naturally used the oldest trick in the book for aristocrats.

Arranged marriages.

First, it could find a shelter for their child in the future. And marriages could bring together two families to solidify strength. There was also a possibility a partner's "good" genes could make up for the bad ones.

When the current Qiubai Balini transmigrated, the second thing he did right after bewitching his parents was withdrawing his engagement. Although he was the Mortal Realm Balin, he was also the Balin from Blue Star.

Naturally as a modern person, he could see where this whole situation was going.

He was not reconciled to be reduced to a stallion.(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) iykyk..

In addition to that, everyone who knew a little about history could understand the chaotic life of nobles. Who knew what dark secrets his partner would have?

In a world where people would do anything to climb the ladder of magic and nobility, unspeakable dark things were common no matter race or gender.

The hands of the aristocratic nobles were never clean. Who knows how many dead bones were lying in the winecellars..

Qiubai Balin didn't want to suddenly be backstabbed one day. He wasn't brave enough to be engaged to someone he didn't know even if his parents chose for him.

Back on Blue Star, he had read enough novels where arranged marriages went wrong and someone suddenly died the next day.

Two lifetimes, single by strength and choice!

And with a weak mortal body, how could he withstand the magical prowess contained within the hulk body of a magic caster? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)

The magic casters in this world weren't like the stereotyped physical weakness mages. (Think "dumbbell-dore" xD) After reaching a certain stage they could reinforce their bodies with magic and a punch could pierce through metal. ╰༼=ಠਊಠ=༽╯

After reminiscing while reading the letter, Qiubai Balin put the letter away and looked back at his personal hut in nostalgia.

He had a feeling he wouldn't be coming back.

Forcing himself out of retirement, he smoothed out the wrinkles on his black silk shirt, patted his white trousers, and adjusted the gemstone necklace on his neck.

It was time to leave.


Even in a secret realm the golden rays of sunlight filled the sky signaling a new morning.

The dewdrops rolled over luscious green grass and the chirping of birds brought a pleasant melody.

Qiubai Balin didn't understand the principles behind this secret realm that the academy was located in nor was he interested in finding out.

Right now he strode through the spacious hallways of the academy intendeding to head back home through a teleportation device located in one of the main buildings.

After all, he can't use the primitive ways of walking as an aristocrat right?

The teleportation spell was said to be developed during the war of rebellion by a legendary mage king in order to blitzkrieg the kingdoms of evil gods.

Due to the expensive amount of resources consumed, it wasn't commercialized and turned into an easily accessible device until much later by a genius magic caster who was tired of carriages.

Of course though, fat sheep still had to be squeezed. The genius inventor still charged a borderline exorbitant amount.

Unscrupulous Capitalists! ╭∩╮(▀̿ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)ᕗ

Qiubai Balin disdained this action.

Where was the mortality? Where was the harmony of mankind? Where could he share the profits?

If I could, I…Balin, would also like to squeeze others dry.

When was it his turn? -`д´- ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)

Before Balin Qiubai could become more emo, a distant whimper from his right caught his attention.

Turning his head…

…a staircase?

From there?

All of the sudden the plots of horror movies from his past life reappeared in his head.

It was usually at this occasion that the curiosities of the main character gets them involved in some kind of indescribable plot.



Today I went to wash my shaker bottle like I've always done. Swish swish. While pouring the remnants of a once powerful potion...I couldn't help but notice something. Something as stubborn as the homeowners association. As stubborn as the US gov who won't do anything about ridiculous healthcare costs. Something as stubborn as rising rent/housing costs. Something as stubborn as yo ma...math homework :D...Guess what? It was a sticker...yes...A STICKER. (ʘᗩʘ') You know those stickers at the bottom of cups and bowls when you first buy them from a store? The ones with the "made in china", "BPA free", and "do not microwave", etc? Yeah those...Ma sh*t so sticky its still on after a year :/ Incredible ain't it? ( ;ↀ⌓ↀ) And I wash that bottle like no tomorrow with those steel wool scratcher sponge thingies. 

This is also available on royalroad and wattpad if anyone's interested <3

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