
Date for Martha

When Noah didn't say anything, Ava smiled and said "Look, you know them very well, right? Do you think they will accept it when you both confess about your relationship?"

"They don't but I feel like cheating on them." Noah sighed and said

"Don't worry babe, just a few days and we will confess it when Elsa and Calvin returns from their trip," Ava assured Noah

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Of course, I am," Ava said before kissing him on the cheeks

"No PDA before me." Ava frowned and said

Giving a peck on Noah' s lips, Martha chuckled and said "As if I hear you."

Just then Nick stepped inside the room startling three of them to the death.

'Did he heard us? What should I answer if he questions me? Will Nick beat me black and blue? Will he inform it to Cal?' Noah heartbeat started beating faster with all the scared thoughts

Martha quickly removed her hands from Noah and said with a trembling voice "N—Nick."

"What are you doing here?" Nick asked before walking towards them

"W—We are just talking." Ava lied

"Yeah, just talking about random shoot." Noah smiled and said

"Mom is calling us." Nick sighed and said

"Yeah, let's go." Ava smiled and said

Looking at Martha and Ava, Nick said "You both go down, we will join within few minutes."

Ava nodded her head and left with Martha.

After making sure Ava and Martha are nowhere near them, Nick excitedly asked "Dude, do you, Kevin?"

"Kevin? Are you talking about popular model Kevin?" Noah asked

"Yeah." Nick smiled and said

"I know him very well dude," Noah said

"How is he? I mean how is his behaviour with girls? Is he good?" Nick asked

"Yeah, he is a nice man. I heard that he has no girlfriend." Noah smiled and said

"Wait, why are you asking about him?" Noah frowned and asked

"I was arranging a date for him." Nick smiled and said

"Why will you arrange a date for him? From when did you started arranging dates for outsiders?" Noah asked

"Shut up, I am arranging a date for Martha and Kevin." Nick excitedly said

"What?" Noah widened his eyes in shock and asked

"Yeah, mom and dad—" Nick stopped saying when someone knocked on the door.

"Nick, Are you there?" Amelia asked

"Yeah, Mom," Nick answered

"Come fast son, everyone is waiting for you both," Amelia said

"Yeah, we are coming," Nick answered

Looking at Noah, Nick said, "Come, let's go."

"But, what about the date?" Noah asked

"We will talk about it later," Nick said and walked down

'How can Nick arrange a date to my girlfriend? This is insane.' Noah thought before walking down


Four hours later

Country C


Steeping inside the hotel room, Elsa stretched her hands and exclaimed "Finally, we are here."

Looking at her excited face, Calvin chuckled and said "You look beautiful when you laugh."

Tucking her hair strand behind his ear, She smiled and said "Thank you."

"So, where do you want to go first?" Calvin asked

"What do you mean by that?" Elsa asked

"What? Are you planning to sit inside in the hotel room? Aren't we going to enjoy?" Calvin asked

"No, I mean we have a meeting, right? We can't —"

Cutting Elsa off, Calvin smiled and said "Don't worry about meetings El. I will manage it."


Thinking for a while, Elsa sighed and said "Fine, let's go out."

"Where? You can choose any place and I will take you there." Calvin smiled and said

"Just give me five minutes, I will check places," Elsa said and started looking for places for their outing

After few minutes, Elsa excitedly asked "Cal, Can we go to the beach?"

"Of course, we can." Calvin smiled and said

Glancing at watch, he said, "I think you should take a rest now—"

"No, I am not tried. Let's go to the beach." Elsa pouted her lips and said



"Fine, I will freshen up first." Calvin smiled and said before walking towards the washroom. How can he ignore her request?

Elsa sighed and was about to call Ava when she received a call from her.

Hello Readers :)

I am sorry for not updating from past three days. I know you how we it would be when your favourite book doesn't update a chapter for a day but I want you all to understand my situation. My classes starts from morning 7:30 Am and ends at night 8:30 PM. I feel so vanished when I return home. Writing one chapter a day is so difficult to me with this hectic schedule but I am trying my best to update regularly. From past three days, our classes has been increased and it took me two days to adapt the new schedule.

I can't promise you that I will update two chapters a day but I promise you that I will try to update one chapter per day. I won't stop this book no matter what, because writing heals me a lot. Your positive comments and love make me feel proud and happy.

I told you that this book will go to preminum from 29th June but I couldn't message my editor in time on that day and she postponed it as per the rules. I have scheduled premium on 29TH JULY. I hope you all support and love me like you all do.

Keep supporting :)

With love

Shining ❤️


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