
Tales of Son of the Lucifer

So what if Sirzech and Grayfia had two sons, Marid and Millicas Gremory?What if their eldest son Marid was the same age as Rias, and what if instead of having five strongest youth devils were the face of the next generation of devils they had the 'BIG EIGHT'Join along the story of Marid Gremory and how he overcomes the boundary and restraints of Devil Nobility to fulfill his dream!

DaoistniOFgV · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Friends and Family

Chapter 2

P.S this story starts a few years before the start of our favorite DXD verse!


Six years later (Kuoh)

First day for many studying at the newly co-ed Kuoh academy. While the school mainly was female-dominated, there was an increase in male students studying at the academy this year. Some were coming to get the best education in Japan's best schools. However, while some had somewhat noble intentions of coming to Kuoh academy, others were less noble.

"Man look at Murayama's-san breast. They have definitely grown," Matsuda said in excitement.

"B36- W22-H34!! That's at least a 5-point increase on each front. The best we have seen this year," Motohama proclaimed, earning a delightful nod from his two friends, Matsuda and Issie.

After a year in the school, it was no secret these three loved the female form to the limit, which is why they were named the 'Perverted Trio.' Now coming in their second years at the school, and on their first day back, they were already trying to check out the new girls at school while also comparing any growth other female students might have gotten over the summer. Despite how gross they were acting, they had absolutely no shame in how they were acting. They only had one purpose in life, which was to see and feel some OPPAI!

"Man, it has been a whole year in this beautiful haven. We still haven't been able to get into a good conversation with one of the girls, let alone a kiss or other heavenly acts from one," Issie said, depressed.

"Don't worry, man, we will get the best women in this world, just you see," Matsuda tried to cheer his friend along with Motohama, but no one could argue it was pretty bad getting beaten every day.

"Wait, look, we might be late for the Kendo peep show," Matsuda shouted immediately, gaining the attention of his friends. Unfortunately for them, others also heard his proclamation.

"Why, you three!!!" Murayama shouted angrily along with Katase and the rest of the kendo club. All of them looked suitably pissed off and wielding a Japanese woman's weapon of choice, a wood stick!

"RUN!!" the perverted trio shouted together before running towards the exit. While heading towards the door, they ran into a cloaked individual.

"Hey, catch them," one of the kendo girls shouted at the hooded figure. As a response, the hooded figure tripped all three of them using his leg.



"Motohama, move your fat ass." Issie shouted, trying to get back to his feet. Unfortunately for him, he took too long to get up as by now he and his friends were surrounded by Kendo club.

"Hey, thank you for stopping these perverts," Katase thanked the mysterious individual in front of her.

"No worries, but would you mind telling me why you asked me to stop them," the hooded figure asked her.

"Because they were unlawfully peeping into our changing room," Murayama supplied, others agreeing with her.

"AHHH!" the hooded figure nodded in understanding.

"What the fuck, man?" Issie screamed at the hooded figure.

"What? If you do something wrong, you pay. That's the rule, kid! Learn it!" the hooded figure said coldly.

"You are just one of those stuck-ups that will do anything to get underneath their skirts. People may not like me and my friends, but at least we wear our emotions on our sleeves. They know what they are getting into and what they get. We don't manipulate anyone to get what we want," Issie screamed at the hooded figure, defending him and his friends. His outburst was met by the nodding of the remaining members of the perverted trio and a thoughtful look from the others. For their part, Murayama and Katase were still disgusted by the trio and their antics, but they also looked to the hooded figure to see if he was one of those manipulative people.

"I am not one of those people, kid. If I fell for someone, it would be because of their character and not how good their female form is."

"He is just like Kiba," Motohama groaned.

"So what do you guys look for in a woman, their female forms, or look for a good character that you can build a future with eventually." The hooded curiously asked, much to the bafflement that this stranger was actually entertaining a conversation with the perverted trio.

"WE love Oppai, and they save all life on the planet."

"Ah, then you guys are doomed to fail," the hooded man sighed. His reply caused the perverted trio to look at him in anger.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember one thing, you three! There are good people on all sides of this world. It is our own responsibility to look after ourselves. Nobody will provide you with the man or woman of your dreams while you daydream." The hooded figure explained mysteriously. Much to the chagrin of the trio.

"No, women with Big breasts are the way of life. They will provide us with all the comfort in this world." This time Motohama shouted, declaring his love for the female form with pride. Much to the dismay of the Kendo club and other men looking at the scene. Much to everyone's surprise Issie was looking at the hooded figure curiously. It was clear he was thinking something since he didn't jumped in to defend him and his friends, something he usually does.

"Trust me kid, a Devil doesn't wear a cape and has red horns! You keep acting like that, and one day someone will break your heart so bad you won't be able to recover on your own. It's best to learn now than to learn from your mistakes because that shit hurts," the hooded figure said to the trio seriously as he turned back towards them and knelt down so they could stare into his ice-blue eyes.

"Fast women and slow horses will ruin your life. You three find who truly cares for you and your well-being, and you marry that girl. After that, explore all your perverted tendencies with her, with her consent, of course," the hooded figure chuckled before walking towards the school. Leaving behind shocked onlookers.

His words did have some weightage to them.

"Miss, if you don't mind me can you take me to the student council room, I would like to talk to the student council president" the hooded figure asked Murayama for direction.

"If you would follow me" Murayama turned around to lead the stranger towards the main school building.

"Well, whatever it may be, that doesn't excuse us from beating you all over this school." Katase said.

"Katase-san" the trio wondered if they will get any mercy from the girls this time.

"Girls attack!!!"

Student Council Room

The student council was performing its duties vigilantly. They might have the appearance of strict and by-the-books children. Still, they were all devils, serving their King and, funnily enough their Student council President, Sona Sitri, better known as Souna Shitori was their King. Souna Shitori was a name the pureblood Devil used to hide her Devil origins from humans who may devoted Bible reader. While many people in Japan didn't worship the Biblical God, they still read His Book as a way to attain more knowledge on popular discussion topics, such as life after death and the existence of other entities or perhaps Gods in our world. Having a last name of a Demon family from the Bible could create more problems than she was ready to deal with.

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door. While all the student council members, Devils, weren't doing anything supernatural related, they did a quick sweep of the room to hide evidence of supernatural worlds existence.

"Come in" Tsubaki, Vice president of the student council, gave permission to the newcomer to enter the premises after getting permission from their leader.

"Souna-Kaicho, there is someone here to meet you" Murayama said timidly.

"Thank you Murayama-san. Please send him in," Sona said, hiding her curiosity. It wasn't that uninvited guests were uncommon. Students rarely requested appointments to see the student council, which annoyed Sona, considering how organized she kept her life.

"Thank you for meeting me on such short notice, Kaicho," the hooded figure entered the room.

While also removing his cloak.

Sona's breath caught in her throat. She could barely hide her surprise as a red-headed figure stepped in the door; even Tsubaki, her queen, gave a small gasp and straightened up further. For a second, the entire room went deathly quiet, as they had not expected this man to come here in their unannounced. This was because the person who entered the room was no one other than the current ruler of hell, Lord Sirzech Lucifer.

"Thank you very much for escorting here, Murayama-san," the hooded figure said with an easy smile, a smile easily found on the face of the current Lord Lucifer.

Murayama smiled back, and with a quiet "Excuse me," she quickly left the intimidating office. As soon as Murayama closed the doors, Sona stood up quickly and bowed to her King with respect and dignity.

"Mao Lucifer, I apologize for our incompetence. We were not expecting to show up here unannounced," Sona apologized while giving the current Lucifer a deep bow. Sona's queen and the rest of her peerage members quickly followed. While all of them had previously seen Lucifer, they had never seen their true King up close like this.

"Rise, Sona, to be honest, I wasn't expecting to come here myself, but I had to inform you and Ria-tan about something, and I thought my unannounced trip here would probably be better than Sera-chan unannounced trip."

"Inform me and Rias about something. If I may ask Lord Lucifer, what would that be?" Sona asked curiously since it was very rare for a Satan to personally visit a Devil to tell them something. Most of the time, people needed to be informed for a mission would be called to the Lucifer Manor, or in some cases talked over a secure magical line; Devils answer to cellphone.

"That can wait Sona, but before we can get into that, it looks like you have a new peerage member." The red head Lucifer turned towards the only other man in the room.

"Yes Lord Lucifer," Sona said as she motioned her latest recruit, Saji Genshirou to come forward and introduce himself to the King of their people.

"My name is Saji Genshoru Mao Lucifer, and I am a low class Devil pawn to Lady Sona Sitri," Saji said nervously as he bowed to Lord Lucifer. After all it was his first week of being a Devil. In just one week, he not only realized that Devil, Angels, and Fallen Angels were real, but he was also meeting the Lucifer himself.

"Hmm, so you have dragon sacred gear, train well Saji-san. You never know when you would have to use it for someone's defense" the redhead Mao mused aloud.

"Yes Mao Lucifer" Saji eagerly replied while also sparing Sona a glance. Something Mao Lucifer caught on. However, before he could say something about it, he was interrupted by the ever learning Devil.

"How do you know it is a dragon type sacred gear" Sona asked impressed, since usually it took magical analysis of the human to get detailed sacred gear information. But then the man in front of her was the Lucifer after all.

"Cause his magical signature contains a Dragon aura in it. If I was a betting man, I would say it would be one of Dragon King Vritra's sacred gear. How many evil pieces did you say he took Sona?" Sirzech asked Sona calmly.

"He took four pawn pieces Lord Lucifer" Sona blinked in confusion. The confusion wasn't from the fact that a Satan was questioning her. The confusion originated from the fact that Sirzech Lucifer called her by her name with such familiarity that it reminded her of someone.

Before she could dwell on the topic any further the Lucifers next statement off guard, "Four pieces, yes then he has one of pieces of Dragon King Vitara" Sirzech replied confidently.

"You sure he has a Dragon King's essence within him?" Sona asked now, pleasantly surprised. She knew Saji had great potential considering he took four pawns, but to have a Dragon Kings sacred gear was huge for her. She was a technique type fighter and her peerage was similar to her. However, one thing she lacked was a power fighter to even out the odds. After all you can't always out smart your opponent.

"Positive. Considering his dragon aura, I can sense him and considering how new he is, he is probably has a Vritra's piece. The only other matches in this scenario would be the Longinus sacred gears belonging to the Heavenly Dragons. But those possibilities are nullified since I can't sense Draig's essence of domination coming from him" Sirzech closely inspected the newly reincarnated Devil.

"What about the White dragon emperor" Sona asked curiously. Always up for more knowledge.

"It cant be him since he is rumored to be aligned with the Fallen Angels. Moreover, if it had been a Longinus class Sacred gear, Saji-san would have required all eight of your pawn pieces" Sirzechs said dismissively. Not sure how much of the increasing feuds he wanted to discuss with the young Devils.

"But make sure he meets Sera-chan, she would probably have a field day when she finds out you have a boy in your peerage" Sirzechs teased, earning a small blush from the young Devil.

Sona had grown into an intelligent, rational, and a powerful Devil but her sister was one of her true weaknesses.

"Is my sister here?" Sona asked nervously.

"Unfortunately… or fortunately, she was busy with the shooting of her magical circle show," Sirzech Lucifer replied, while taking a seat by the prestigious-looking chessboard.

"Well, Saji-kun, why don't you go to the Occult Research Club and get my sister and her queen? There is something I need to tell both Rias and Sona before I complete my business here in Kuoh."

"Yes sir," Saji saluted the Mao and with grace exited the room. However, as soon as the door closed, Saji bolted right towards the ORC clubroom to get Rias Gremory, his senpai, and a high-class Devil.

"Well, while we wait for my sister to come, do you mind entertaining me with a game of chess?" Sirzech Lucifer asked as he took a seat at the table. His comment, while reasonable to some degree, caught both Sona and her queen off guard, considering the fact what was on the line should Sona lose. Both Sona and her queen blushed hard and struggled to keep their emotions of their faces, something the others noticed but couldn't understand much to their confusion.

"You realize the consequences of such a chess game Mao Lucifer" Sona asked nervously, unsure of the idea her King was introducing.

"Oh absolutely, and while we play, we can make some conversation" The Satan gave her his famous carefree smile.

"And just between us, I also have a mission for you regarding Marid, so should you win and your sister cosigns it, you and Rias might be going on a small hunting trip soon" Sirzech Lucifer replied with an easy smile. He knew a Marid was the only way to get her to play the game.

"As you wish, my Lord," Sona said as she took her place as the white's and moved her pawn to initiate the game. Much to the surprise of many, the game moved at a fast pace which will make even grand chess masters amazed. Much to the surprise of many, Sona was on the defensive from the get go, struggling to keep her pieces in a proper formation. Who knew a Satan would be able to play a game like that, then again you were talking about the Satan.

"So what is the mission Lord Lucifer" Sona initiated a conversation with the Lucifer to not only gain some inside knowledge regarding this mission regarding Marid Gremory, his own son, but also to get some pressure of her.

"You win I will tell you Sona" Sirzech Lucifer smirked while continuing his attack against the chess prodigy.

Occult Research Club

"You look like your doing quite well for yourself today Rias" two figures came out of a magic circle.

"One-sama, Grayfia-sama, Millicas" Rias shocked by the sudden arrival of her brother and his family.

"Lord Lucifer" members of the Occult Research club bowed. As they should, considering its their job to show their leader the respect they deserve.

"Rise everyone. It is always nice to visit your clubroom Rias. The atmosphere is more delightful here!" Sirzech Lucifer. Accompanying him was his queen and loving wife Grayfia Lucifage, and his son Millicas Gremory.

"Rias-san" the not so little boy ran to his aunt to give her a quick hug.

"Millicas, how are you! You have grown a few inches since we last seen you" Rias said as she brushed the boy's hair roughly.

"Not that much, we saw each other a few weeks ago" Millicas pouted which made it quite adorable in the eyes of the others.

"Lord Sirzech we need to give Sona-sama and Rias-sama this years precautionary details before we can head out" Grayfia pointed out formally. Today might have been her day off, but for her, work always came first.

"You are right about that Grayfia" Sirzech said while conjuring his storage dimension to take some files out for Rias and Sona to read.

"But Dad, you promised no work today" Millicas pouted again.

"Yes Millicas, but this is something that needs to be done, or would you rather have your Godmother to give out such details" Sirzech asked his son.

"We might as well have no meeting since she will try to cover all the bases on her own, legal or not" Millicas struggled to keep shiver going down her spine when he remembered his last encounter with his Godmother, Serafall Levithan.

While he loved his Godmother, he had to admit she tend to go overboard when showing her love to either him or Sona-san.

'I wonder if she was like this with my big brother or did this started when he left' Millicas thought.

"That she will" Sirzech replied with an easy smile

"Come on Rias, gather up your peerage, we will meet Sona in her student council room and have our meeting over there. Or perhaps we can send someone from your peerage to bring Sona here while we catch up" Sirzech mused aloud.

"Yes one-sama" Rias stood up dutifully, ready to summon Kiba to fetch out Sona, the student council president. However, before anyone else could do anything, the door to the Occult Research Club open and out came a breathless Saji.

"RIAS-Senpai!! Lord Lucifer is here… to meet…yo…u" Saji, Sona's newest pawn huffed as he struggled to keep his breathing steady. However, his lack of fitness was turned into shock, and then fear when he saw Mao Lucifer standing in front of him with his miniature version and a maid that would rival any goddess in his opinion.

'Who is this maid, is she Lord Lucifer's personal maid. Damn she is hot' Saji thought lecherously for a second before composing himself again. However, his lack of self control was caught by both the Satan and the said maid.

"And who might you be" Sirzech Lucifer turned towards him with a slight coldness in his tone. Not enough to be interpreted as hostile, but cold enough to show his superiority and power over the newly converted Devil.

"Ehh??" Saji shrieked confused.

"Saji you might not have been a Devil for too long but I should think Sona would have shown you how to treat your superiors. In this case the entity being the Satan himself" Rias said to the confused pawn. Everyone was just confused and were wondering what was actually happening.

"I am sorry for that Lord Lucifer, I thought I had introduced when we met a few minutes in the Student council room a few minutes ago. I must have been slow in getting Rias-senpai to the council room. I apologize for my lack of competence" Saji as he gave Lucifer a deep bow. While the newly converted Devil gave his apology, the others were just confused.

"Meet you in the Student council room? I came straight here to meet my sister; I never went to the student council room" the Satan asked the Devil in question.

"So who is in the club room with Sona-kaichou and Tsubaki fuku kaichou" Saji asked in horror, resulting in everyone to look at each other in more confusion.

Student Council Room

"I must say Sona, you have great skill in this game, I daresay, you might give Ajuka a run for his money in a few years" the red head in front of him congratulated Sona while keeping up the flow of the game. By now it was clear to everyone still in the room that, the Satan in front of him would win this match easily. However, what most didn't know about was the repercussions for Sona if she lost this match.

'He is really good at chess. But no matter what! I cant lose if I want to keep my oath to my parents' Sona thought seriously as she tried her best to come up with strategies that could turn the tides in her favor.

'Ah there it is' She thought in relief as the red head in front of her moved his queen to take out her rook, hence closing down her idea of a counter attack, however in doing so he left his queen wide open for her bishop to take, which was on the other side of the board.

"It looks like even a Satan can make mistakes," Sona said confidently, now believing it is her chance to press on the advantage.

"Yes even they can" the man mused as he continued his attack, now not with the same intensity.

After claiming her opponent's queen, Sona pressed on and switched her tactics to counter offensive. Now believing the time for waiting and defending had gone.

"Tell me Sona have you ever heard of Garry Kasparov" the man in front of her asked curiously.

"The chess grand master?" Sona asked.

"The very same"

"What about him?" Sona asked, trying her best to hide the uneasiness from her voice. Confidence of the man in front of her was now giving her a scare.

"He was the original creator of the immortal queen sacrifice" the man in front of her smiled as he now brought in his rook to check Sona's queen and provide his pawns some support.

"That doesn't mean anything" Sona replied calmly; or as calm as she could be given the circumstance, while also moving her King to a safer position.

"You mustn't have studied Kasparov moves because I wouldn't have sacrificed my queen even in a drugged state" red head replied with supreme confidence as he checked Sona again. Causing her to move her King again. No matter what Sona did to maneuver her King out of dangerous situations, the situation wasn't changing. It almost felt like that her own pieces were limiting her Kings movement and allowing her opponents attack to run successfully.

"Well there you go that's a checkma.." much to Sona's relief, the very second her opponent was about to declare the checkmate, the door to the Student council opened. While everyone was distracted by the sudden entry in the student council office, the distraction gave her enough time to move both kings in a manner that would suggest a mutually agreed draw from both parties rather than a forced surrender.

"Sona-kaicho I brought Rias-sama along with Mao Lucifer and their queens" Saji announced much to the confusion of others still present in the room.

"Why would you say something like that when Mao Lucifer has been here in this room all this time. Saji, explain yoursel….." Sona ended her sentence in shock as she saw Rias along with Akeno Hjemma (Her queen), Grayfia Lucifage and Mao Sirzech Lucifer himself.

"Well they do say that you have a twin out there somewhere" Sirzech Lucifer (with Rias's entourage) mused as he walked into the room, standing in front of her sister. Just a precautionary measure should this confrontation escalate to a fight. Similarly, Grayfia Lucifage moved into the room near Sona and her peerage to protect them from the same fate should a fight start.

"Who knows, who knows" the now fake Lucifer said condescendingly. However, much to the confusion of Sona, the sarcasm from this person felt familiar. However, before she could say something, the man in front of her moved at breakneck speed and punched the Sirzech Lucifer, or at least tried to. The punch was caught by Sirzech Lucifer's massive hand. Actions of now believed imposter, made everyone to start creating magic circles to defend their Lord however, before anyone could do anything about it, Mao Lucifer was already on the case.

Now holding his attacker's fist in a tight grip, he looked deep into his house and then smiled.

"You have truly grown much powerful since the last time I saw you, but you still have a long way before you can challenge your old man, Marid" Sirzech Lucifer gave, now identified son, his famous carefree smile before throwing him up into the ceiling causing a massive impact crater to appear before Marid Gremory fell to the ground stunned.

"I suppose you are right, I still have a long way to go Dad" Marid Gremory replied while removing the illusioned charms he had placed on himself; to look more like his father. His frame condensed down to a six feet tall man with a lean body and short red hair. Not to forget his infamous lightening blue eyes, instead of the Gremory family's angelic blue eyes. His muscle mass didn't change that much since like his father he was primarily a wizard type fighter; wizard type fighter predominantly has a lean body figure rather than a bulking tank like frame which was more of a sign of a power type fighter.

However, before he could do anything else, his mother came from behind and grabbed and twisted his ear lobes causing him to cringe in pain.

"Oh, oh ouch, it hurts Ma," Marid shouted as he cringed in pain.

"Hurts or not, you deserve it and some more for leaving us without telling anyone of your plans," Grayfia replied coldly, adding her ice magic into the mix to punish her son. While Rias and Sona were shocked to learn about the imposter's identity among them, the others were amused to learn how Grayfia and Sirzech disciplined their children. It was hard for them to realize that despite both of them being considered the strongest among the Devils, they were still normal parents.

"Daaaaad" Marid screamed, asking his Dad for help.

"Nope, you are on your own on this one, kid," Sirzech Lucifer chuckled before taking a seat by the main desk. Marid looked around for someone to take pity on him and help him. Luckily for him, someone soon helped him. Sona snatched him from his mother's iron grip only to slap him very hard, much to the shock of everyone over there.

"I guess I deserved that too, 'Hey Sona!'" Marid said sheepishly while rubbing his face. Along with putting extra effort into not looking at an extremely furious Sona.

"You disappeared in thin air without letting anyone know, and then you show up out of nowhere to meet me and discuss some mission under the false pretense of being related to you," Sona said furiously as she marched towards Marid to give him another slap.

"Was I wrong?" Marid asked innocently. His reply only made him dodge a punch this time. Childishly he used his mother as human protection against the only woman in the world he ever feared. His actions earned a smirk from his father, who was one of the individuals that knew what was going on or what had been going on.

While both Sirzech and Grayfia were enjoying the light-hearted reunion, the others in the student council room were utterly gobsmacked by how their president was acting.

"Woah, we had a great chess match, didn't we?!?!" Marid said while moving out of another punch. His reply earned him a massive blush from Sona and a gasp from Rias and her queen.

"What?!?" Marid asked his aunt curiously.

"Did you win?" Rias asked him eagerly, wanting to know more about the game between her nephew and her best friend.

"I was going to... Hey, what happened to the game!" Marid exclaimed while looking at the chess table.

"Due to being our game being disturbed by the sudden arrival of Mao Lucifer and her queen and your own deception, this game is considered a draw from both sides," Sona said while regaining her stoic attitude she was known for having.

"That's cheating! I had almost woo…" Marid started to protest, but his reply was cut short by Sona.

"But you didn't, now it's a draw! Stop whining Marid!" Sona said while going back to her desk, doing her best to hide her blush and slow down her pumping heart.

'Thank Lucifer I moved the chess board out of the room before Mao Lucifer came in' Sona thought.

"You are such a sore loser, Sona" Marid teased back. Both of them act like they used to act while they were kids.

"While all of this is good and all, I believe you owe us an explanation of where you had disappeared to without telling anyone," Sirzech Lucifer asked his son.

"Well while I didn't tell anyone I was going to 'disappear', I believe you did know I was going to head out for a bit considering the fact you handed me a pouch full of evil pieces during the pillar meeting" Marid give his father a pointed look.

"Whatever do you mean?!?" Sirzech smirked back at his son.

"Well, I guess it is fair that you all want some answers, perhaps we can discuss this over dinner?" Marid asked his parents.

"Sure" Sirzech easily replied with Grayfia agreeing in his decision. Both parents looking forward to spending time with their son.

"Alright, see you then. I can't wait to meet Millicas!! He probably doesn't even remember me," Marid said.

"Well you can meet him there as well," Grayfia said with a smile.

"Wait, where is Millicas? He was just here with us," Rias wondered, looking around.

"He was, but we sent him back to the underworld with Souji before coming over here. I believe you will owe him a statement or an apology as well son, considering he was the one looking after you," Sirzech laughed.

"Oh, he will be pissed, considering how I escaped his legendary tracing ability." Marid laughed as well.

"How did you escape him exactly." Rias asked her nephew.

"I placed multiple illusions spells over me and then made multiple clones to send him off course. When the clone he was following teleported away, and naturally when he followed the clone, he ended up in the gutters of Mumbai, India" Marid laughed much to the surprise of Rias.

'He could have used illusion during our battle all those years ago?? His illusion magic must be very refined to juke Souji-san like that. If he had used those against me, I would have never stood a chance. Perhaps his overconfidence in beating me due to him being a son of One-sama caught up to him,' Rias thought to herself.

"Well, then you should just come with us so that you can meet Millicas and the rest of the family as well" Sirzech placed a comforting hand on his son s shoulder.

"What do you mean, rest of the family?" Marid asked cautiously.

"Well, you are going to Gremory manor after all" Sirzech smiled at his son's growing discomfort after hearing he would be facing his grandfather after all those years. It was no secret in the family that Marid and Lord Gremory didn't see eye to eye.

"Ahhh my stomach looks like I ate something bad. I will be back real quick," Marid said lamely before trying to teleport away. However, his plan was nulled when his mother grabbed him and disabled his teleportation circle.

"You won't get away that easily, Marid" Grayfia joined her husband in teasing their son about what was to come.

"Someone help me, Rias Sona, please," Marid pleaded, but to his dismay, his call for help landed on deaf ears.

"I am sorry Marid, I am busy at the moment since I have to look after the new incoming students," Sona said as she returned to her desk to resume her work which was disturbed by Marid's unannounced arrival.

"Same here, Marid. My peerage and I have a research paper due about the occult movement in the city this week. Looks like you are on your own," Rias said slyly before turning around and leaving the room.

"Traitors," Marid said weakly before being teleported away by his amused but relieved parents.

Lucifer Manor, Lilth

"Its good to be back, nothing has changed" Marid said aloud, fondly remembering all the time he was at his father's manor. The courtyard in the middle of the palace where he used to meditate and train with Sairaorg, the prestigious yet clean décor of the manor, and not to mention the incredible kitchen the manor had.

"It's good to have you back as well son" Sirzech said excitedly. Not only his son was back he was also looking forward to seeing Millicas reaction.

Soon they arrived at the Manors lounge. Unlike the rest of the manor, this room felt more like home and less like a Royal manor for the family. It was a room Marid redesigned when he was young. The cozy and warm room felt like a breath of fresh air for the family, a welcome change. So when Sirzechs and Grayfia found out about the room on their wedding anniversary as a gift from Marid to the couple, they were more than happy to keep the room as is. Ever since then, the lounge had become their family room where they all used to spend their time together.

"I am not going to lie to you guys, I am very glad that you guys didn't take me to the Gremory Manor to meet the others" Marid said as he took a seat on his favorite recliner chair. Something he used to sit on when he was younger.

"Oh we still are going over there tonight, we just wanted to talk to you before we head over there" Sirzech said as he and his wife shared a uncomfortable look.

"Son, I want you to tell me the truth, why did you leave the underworld for this long" Grayfia asked Marid wanting to get the truth. After all the couple had blamed themselves for Marid leaving unannounced.

"What do you mean, I told everyone about it, I wanted to go and train" Marid replied incredulously.

"That's one reason, we want the other reason Marid" Sirzech asked softly.

"What makes you think there is even another reason Dad" Marid crooked his eyebrow in their direction.

"Because with you there is always another reason" Grayfia replied with a smile.

"Son is it not liking this castle as a home? I knew the style of the castle isn't something you like. If you don't like it that much you can move the Gremory Manor. That's where Millicas and Grayfia live as well. I join them there on the weekend" Sirzech asked his eagerly. Wanting to get to the bottom of it.

"Well Dad, you kinda landed on a large part of why left in the first place. The House of Gremory itself" Marid sighed.

His reasoning caught both Sirzech and Grayfia off guard.

"I am sorry what?" Sirzech asked confused and a little offended.

"Dad what I am talking about, is that the House of Gremory was the only thing that was ever talked about, at least where I was concerned. Zeoticus wasn't grooming me and Rias to become better Devils, he was training us to become better tools for him and by extension the Great King faction since he thinks they are the best thing ever happened to the Devils. And when I didn't develop the power of destruction like you, Rias and I imagine now Millicas, he threw me to the side. Despite the fact fabled power of destruction we inherited from the Bael family through Gran and not his side of the family" Marid explained. His reply resulted in pained expression coming over the couple's face.

"So, when I realized what was going on? I decided to leave, not because I was upset, but to actually find myself, understand what I am and I want to become" Marid explained it to his family. Unlike Grayfia, who had her head down in shame for not realizing this sooner, Sirzech's on the other hand was looking at his son thoughtfully. For him something didn't add up. He was a Lucifer because of his power and wisdom. After all he had not only led the Anti-Satan faction to victory against the more experienced Old Satan Faction during the civil war, but also had kept peace in the underworld for numerous centuries.

"So did you find what you were looking for?" Sirzech asked his son after a long wait.

"Almost, but I know one thing for certain" Marid smiled fondly.

"What is that?" Grayfia asked her son curiously.

"That I am where I am supposed to be" Marid gave her mother the same carefree smile that could usually be found on Sirzechs face.

"That's good to hear" Sirzech smiled at his son. However, before he could say something a maid teleported in the lounge.

"Lord Lucifer, Miss Grayfia, Lord Marid. I apologize for the intrusion, but you have some guest" The maid bowed to her masters.

"Is it Millicas" Marid asked excitedly, looking forward to seeing his little brother.

Before the maid could respond the door to the lounge flung open, and the shadows of two individuals could be seen. One of them being a male with a terrific physique and other being a woman wearing a prestigious Devil gown. Both the individuals looked to be in their teens while wearing a face of unmatched fury. "Marid" one of the figures standing by the door said angrily. Trying his best to keep his power under control.

"Oh hey Sairaorg, Seekvaira" Marid welcomed his childhood friends nervously. After all of them were quite close and he essentially had ghosted them for the last few years. Before anyone could respond Sairaorg moved past everyone at terrific speed and punched his best friend into a wall. Marid was pretty sure he fractured his skull with that punch.

"Mao Lucifer and Grayfia Lucifage, if you don't mind we would like to reintroduce ourselves to Marid his closest and oldest friends" ever serious Agares heir said as she walked towards her downed foe.

"Well I guess that it is a respectable ask if you ask me, what do you think Grayfia" Sirzech laughed at his sons predicament. Grayfia nodding to her husband's comment.

"I guess I deserve that one" Marid walked out of the wall he was sent into. He could sense a huge sensation of Déjà vu.

"You deserve this some more, leaving everyone without saying another word" Sairaorg said angrily while throwing punch.

"I was going to contact you guys as soon as I was done talking to my parents. Now that I think about it how did you guys knew I was back in the underworld" Marid asked while trying his best to barrage of punches heading his way.

"Unlike someone I know, Sona is actually a good friend and told us off your arrival" Seekvaira said angrily as she threw a kick at Marids head. Caught off guard with the reply, the kick connected clean with his head, making him fly out of the door into the courtyard of the Lucifer Manor.

'I guess she is still pissed with my deception. I guess I just have to apologize more sincerely next time I see her' Marid smiled as he stood up to defend himself against two of his closest friends.

Hours later

"That could have gone better" Marid sighed as he put up an ice pack on his now blackened eye, sitting back into his favorite recliner.

"That it could have" Sirzech laughed at his sons state. Marid currently had one black eye and bruises all over his body due to the beating two of his best friends give him.

"Do you want me to call a healer Marid" Grayfia asked her eldest son softly. Despite the stoic attitude Grayfia was known for during her working days, the return of her son had eased her attitude.

"Nah, I deserve the beating Sairaorg and Seek gave me. For now I will let these injuries heal on their own" Marid cringed at the end due to the pain he felt throughout his body.

"Well while you recover, I am going to head to my office to complete last few paperwork for the pillar meeting tomorrow" Sirzech said as he stood up, a little upset he had to do paperwork rather than spend time with his family. But then again, he was the Lucifer and while that tittle had perks it definitely had some cons.

"Grayfia please call Millicas from the Gremory manor tonight, we can have feast over here, then return to the Manor the day after the pillar meeting" Sirzech told his queen before giving Marid a rather pointed look, "Pillar meeting you will attend Marid"

"Why do I have to, I don't even like politics?" Marid moaned, his disgust in politics coming in full effect.

"I mean the world should now that you have returned, A few years ago there were strong rumors started to fly around that you had been killed in an attack led by the Heaven. Do you have any idea how hard it was to control the nation from going into a war with Heaven" Sirzech told him.

"I mean they weren't too far from the truth" Marid said nonchalantly. Much to his surprise, or perhaps his thoughtlessness, there was an uproar from both of his parents.

"Why didn't you tell us" Sirzechs practically shouted at his son in fear and anger. If his body had been exorcised, he would cease to exist rather than go to hell.

"Because if the word had gotten out there was a genuine attack on the son of a Mao, then a war would have started. While there was an attack on me by the church and Heaven, it was just basic misunderstanding on their part, or complete incompetence and a genuine attempt to kill me from our side" Marid told his parents.

"As the Satan Lucifer, I will be the judge of that Marid, now tell me everything that had happened" Sirzech asked his son calmly. But everyone in the room he knew it was all a hoax, Sirzech was genuinely pissed off to the point he was struggling to reeling his power in. Cracking glasses all over the room were the room was the proof of that.

With a sigh Marid relayed the events that took place "Basically there was a stray Devil sighted in the outskirts of London, the Great King Faction somehow found out that I was out there somewhere so they told me take care of it before it causes another political incident. Not wanting to see another war start over a bloody stray Devil, I agreed and headed to London to take care of the stray. However, somehow the Church was informed that the son of the Lucifer was in the London trying to something Evil. And they thought it was the son of the original Lucifer rather than the son of current Lucifer" Marid explained much to his parents' shock.

"Needless to say, there was a whole pandemonium in Europe, they said sent a few exorcist and angels for the potential confrontation" Marid explained dismissively.

"I find it hard to believe Heaven would send a few Exorcist and Angels to take care of the son of the original lucifer" Grayfia crooked an eyebrow while Sirzech remained silent.

"They were just regular exorcist I promise!" Marid raised his hands in innocence but his parents weren't buying it.

"Marid" Grayfia warned him, not in the mood for games.

"They sent six winged angels and five exorcist, two of them Excalibur wielders" Marid surrendered, knowing he won't be able to deflect his parents questioning.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Grayfia screamed in outrage, almost ready to start another war.

"Like I said, it was all a misunderstanding. Once I whooped the two jumped up Excalibur wielders Gabriel was able to come in to ensure further violence was committed. She was able to identify me as your son rather than 'you know who' and was able to confirm and legalize my actions in Europe. She apologized for the misunderstanding, and I accepted that apology gracefully. Knowing any further action would kick start a war. Me and Gabriel agreed to keep the incident under wraps as long as I kill the stray and leave Europe without causing another incident and I agreed. So you see, no harm was done" Marid explained to his parents.

"For now, I am going to go confirm this incident with the Mao and Heaven, but Marid you need to be more careful with what you do. You may not like it but you are the son of a Lucifer and your actions carry a lot of weight. This information will not go onto the public but I will be have some words with Zekram Bael regarding this whole mess and why wasn't I informed of it" Sirzech scolded sternly before teleporting to his office.

"That was great" Marid said sarcastically.

"He is trying to look after you Marid but as you know his rank as the Lucifer has placed some restrictions on him by his extension on us" Grayfia told her son softly.

"I know I know" completely understanding political clusterfuck the underworld.

"So what are you going to do now?" Grayfia asked her son curiously.

"Well prepare for the feast first and foremost" Marid replied indecorously.

"We do have the servants you know" Grayfia replied.

"I know but that food wont be special though" Marid replied playfully before standing up from his seat and walking towards the kitchen.

"You need some help?" Grayfia asked.

"I wont say no to an extra pair of hands Ma" He smiled back at her mother before heading towards the kitchen with his mother right behind her.

Chapter End

Words:- 8186

Also I would like to add a few things, firstly, I know I wrote somethings in this chapter that might offend some people. These are not suppose spread or anything like that. I recently went through something and just wanted show case some of my finding in these situation. If you need something you gotta earn it and nobody is going to come help you. You have to be your own hero. I am not writing a character or story, I am writing myself. I am writing to ensure that not only people enjoy reading my stuff but also learn from it.

Secondly, I know I have shown most of the big five or rather the big eight as rather childish, or underdeveloped. This is deliberate since I want to show them as such. They are kids and I don't want my characters to turn into their usual (canon) self from the start of the series. Their character would likely be same after they have matured, but it will be a little different cause of Marid. For those confused about the reason why Marid is having such a difference on the members of the big eight, just remember that in the canon, all of the five strongest youth Devils grew up on their own apart from Rias and Sona who were childhood friends. Marid is not only a common friend to all of them but also a glue between all the youth Devils, apart from Zephyrdor and Diodora.

With this chapter done, next chapter would be veryyyyyyy interesting. Pillar meeting Mayhem!!!! Not to mention Marid meeting with Millicas!! Stay tune for some Khaos that is due next chapter!!!

Please write reviews and leave constructive criticism in the comments below. I read every single one of those.

I hope that made sense! Have fun and stay safe people!

Until next time

Dragon God Zalama!!