
Tales of Orshoogdugui Gazar

Kaiser Daido, a boy who has mastered the blade and now has been chosen to be the vessel for a powerful god must reclaim the throne. He will fight through enemies a plenty, and then full on gods that will oppose him. But they don't want to oppose him, they want him to succeed. Fighting against the clock of his friend's death. Will he reign victorious? Or will his life crash during this endless journey?

Destrominator · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs


<Kaiser the god, and Kaiser Daido will be interchangeable during this chapter. So just a warning because after I read it myself, the first half can get a bit confusing.>

"Get back up!" In a flash of black and red lightning, Kaiser emerged from the crater left by the troll. With each step he took, the ground under him shook and crumbled. Then he grabbed the troll's leg and picked the damn thing up. He tosses it up and slams it down onto the ground. The troll roars but Kaiser elbows it in the throat and the ground is now cracking. With each blow, sparks of lightning came off of him. And the ground sunk deeper and deeper. Eventually, the troll died and Kaiser calmed down. He still has the sparks, but wasn't as powerful.

He picked Susan up and took her back to her shack. He went back and finished building the dams, then went to check up on Susan. When he got there, she was still asleep. He sat down next to her and sighed.

"Why'd you even help? I intruded on your home, and endangered you. Ha, guess you just wanted to help people." He said quietly.

He stared at her, there were cuts around her ear with blue serrations. He quickly stood up and ran back to the town. He barged into the library and looked down the health section. And then he found it, The Blue Plague. For hours he studied the disease, and slammed his fist on the table.

"Shit!" He blurted. Apparently it was untreatable, and the only thing they were able to do was weaken the sickness. And even if they did, it would emerge again, and kill the victim instantly. He rushed back to the shack to see Susan sitting up and staring out the window. She had tears in her eyes, she slowly panned to Kaiser.

"You saw, didn't you?" She asked.

"How'd you know?" He responded.

"The chair," She pointed to the fallen chair, " It fell, and it was somewhere else in the room. I woke up when you ran out."

"Ha, sorry if this is an intrusion, but how'd you get it?" Kaiser asked her.

"A few years ago, my parents died of the Blue Plague, and I guess I caught it when they died." She answered.

After a few weeks, the two got closer and closer. They told each other stories of their pasts and battles that they had fought. But then one day, Kaiser received a letter saying that he needed to go to the Death Tree of Southern Gazar. He stared at the letter intensely, and slammed it down on the table.

"I'll go with you." Susan told him.

"Yeah, but why should I?" Kaiser asked.

"Daido! We've been locked up in this shack for a month now! We need to go outside, it's unhealthy to just sit around doing nothing." She told him.

"Ah, ugh, fine. But you do need to take some of your medicine and stuff like that, ok?" He told her.

"Ok!" She replied excitedly.

As they sailed across the sea, a leviathan popped out from the ocean and nearly sunk their ship. It had a dark red shell on its body, and a soft pink underbelly. It had hundreds of legs on the side of its body. And large mandibles on its face that secreted a toxic venom.

"Fuck! Stay here!" Kaiser tells Susan as he jumps into the water. He then climbed up the back of the monster, all the way up to its head. Upon its head, he held on to a spine, and raised his fist. The clouds started to gather above him, and the sky darkened. Flashes of red were seen in the sky, and then a large bolt of red lightning came crashing down as he slammed his fist into the monster. The creature fell as it died, and crashed into the water with an amazing splash.

Back on land, when they had reached the tree, there were dozens of men and women already there. As they got closer and closer, the body of the god Kaiser was laying on the ground. But then, he rose from the dead and spread his arms.

"Heed my words, I, Kaiser have chosen one person amongst you all as my vessel." He then pointed to someone in the crowd, he pointed to Daido. Everyone stared at him, but then a bolt of lightning came crashing down on him. A giant colosseum emerged from the ground as Daido got even more powerful.

When the lightning finally stopped, Kaiser and Daido had merged into one being. A god of well renown, taking shelter within a rat from a village was blasphemy to the other gods. The others knew of his awakening, and soon were all getting ready for war. They knew that he would reclaim the throne. But to him, it wasn't if he could. It was if he could do it before the Blue Plague completely took over Susan. His power, his will, and his shere fucking commitment would be put to the test.

As the others stared at him, he started to look around the walls. Soon he found Susan sat on the edge of a balcony, being protected by extremely powerful magic. He had a sigh of relief, but was then interrupted by a woman kicking him in the face. His head cocked back, but no damage was done. He raised his hands, and got into a stance. He hopped around and soon the woman would attack again. This time she spun around and threw a roundhouse kick to his face. But he blocked and grabbed her leg, putting her into submission. But the god wasn't satisfied. A voice rang in his head, it said, "Kill, or be killed. That is how life is. You must kill, to survive. So kill her!"

Kaiser unsheathes his sword and stabs it into the woman's heart. He stands up and yanks the sword from her chest. He looks down in disgust, knowing that he would have to kill all of the other fighters. As the others charged him, he readied his sword. Swing after swing, cut after cut, blood splattered on him.

As he sliced someone down, another person jumped on his neck and put him a choke hold. As he squirmed around on the ground, he stood up and slammed the person down. A cracking noise could be heard, the person had broken their back from the impact. Kaiser stood up but was instantly barraged with knives. The man repeatedly cut and slashed at his body. Kaiser was able to block some of the attacks, but was waiting for the right moment. And then the man swung down. Kaiser shifts his position to swing upwards and parries the attack. This left the man stunned, allowing Kaiser to stab him.

More and more people continued to attack him, but then one person was left. A man in full armor, his sword was massive and his shield covered his entire body. Kaiser slowly walked towards him, and so did the knight. As they approached each other, the tension grew ever more. Until, the man thrusted his sword. Kaiser leans to the left, and dashes under the Knight's arm. His helmet had an opening under it, and so Kaiser thrust his sword upwards and stabbed the man through his brain. Kaiser lifted his sword up, along with the man whose body slowly slid off of the blade. Kaiser breathed heavily as he looked around. He walked up to Susan, and she descended as the colosseum crumbled down back into the earth.

"Congratulations, now become Lord!"