
Tales of my Ambition

Born from a low class family in the United States, Mitch spent his entire life working away the debts owed by his disabled parents, if there is free time, he would spend the remainder in the local libary in his hometown reading various books since his family can't afford him a proper education, nevertheless in the standards of their community, he is still considered an educated person even without having to go through schooling. . Unfortunately, he met his end at the age of twenty when he got himself involved in a scrap between a few street thugs which eventually got him killed, unable to fulfill his dream of having a simple and stable life for him and his family. . . . But fate may have other plans for him... . . "Welcome to Yarnia, Mitch..." . Reincarnated into another new world called Yarnia, watch Mitch as he goes on a long and arduous journey, gain allies and enemies at the same time, and battle foes who dares try to destroy his dreams... this.. is the entire story of Mitch and his ambitions

GLHANNS_PH · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Meet the village

Two months had already passed, and now Mitch is finally 5 months old.

In those 2 months, Mitch has spent his days doing the usual, like sleeping, eating, shitting, and doing his so-called 'crawling excercise'.

Currently, through the windows of Sedric's house, Sedric could be seen dressing Mitch up with a loose red tunic inside their bedroom.

Sedric meanwhile is also dressed in a dark green tunic, complete with a belt around his waist, and a short chausses, not to mention a pair of short leather boots.

After Sedric was finally done in dressing Mitch up, he picked Mitch up before carrying him towards the living room.

"It's about another time you feel the sunlight on your skin, son." the moment those words reach Mitch's ears, he was quickly delighted by the prospect of going outside once again.

'Yes, Finally!' Mitch thought to himself as they finally reached the living room.

Afterwards, they then began to make their way towards the door leading outside the house, before finally opening it.

Just as Mitch expected, they were immediately greeted at the sight of a small village center, their house being one of the houses at the center of the village.

The houses before them came in different shapes and sizes, some of them were bigger than their house, some of them were small.

In addition, there were wooden houses, brick houses, and at the same time a wooden-brick houses.

Many of the houses has thatch roofs, while remaining rest had wooden roofs.

Mitch then moved his gaze towards the people walking around the village, he quickly noticed that the people's attire were very familiar since they are similar to his father's.

Afterwards, Sedric began to make his way towards a destination unknown to Mitch.

The moment Sedric began to move away from their house, Mitch's eyes immediately widened in surprise as he finally realized something.

'A tour? he's taking me to a tour!' Mitch thought to himself in delight as his eyes moved from one thing to another.

And just like that, Sedric began to carry Mitch and make their way around the whole village.

As they walked through the dirt pathway of their village, since it's already afternoon, there's a lot of people hanging around outside of their houses, and because of that, whenever they passed through someone, that person would greet Sedric, and Sedric in turn, would greet them back.

Some of them Mitch is familiar of since they've already entered their house whenever his father invited them for dinner.

One of them is Rickard, the local blacksmith of their village, and his son Robert, who is still a small toddler like him, but the only difference is that Robert is 3 years more older than him, though Robert is older, Mitch has a soul of a grownup that contains knowledge worth of a thousand years

In addition, there are also other people like Alan, who is the village chief, his wife Helena, and their Twin children, Matthew and Matilda, who are now already at their early teens.

There is also a few others like Tin, sam, and Edkart, who are also fellow farmers like his father, Sedric.

Not only that, there is also Julie, the wife of Keneth, they earn their livelihood and profits through trading, you could say the partners are the only merchants in their village.

Not to mention Brian, the drunkard and 'the fool' of their village.

Unfortunately they didn't find Peter among the people of their village and just assumed he went somewhere else.

Mitch meanwhile, counted every houses he sees within his vicinity since he wanted to know how big his village is.

After Sedric was doing walking around the village for an entire half an hour with Mitch still in his arms, he then began to make his way through the path leading towards outside of their village.

And in that moment, Mitch finally concluded that there were a total of 46 houses in the entire village.

Apparently, their village is situated and built upon a small hill.

As they descended down the hill and move away from the village, Mitch took note of the surroundings of his village as he finally saw them for the first time.

There are three roads leading towards their village, the first one leads to the western area of the barony, with many roads that leads to multiple villages connecting to it.

The second one leads to the northern area, finally connecting it with the large main road that runs from the barony of Lithes, towards the upper baronies belonging in the entire county.

And finally, the road that leads to the eastern part of the barony, it splits up into two different roads, the first one with many roads leading towards villages connecting to it, while the last one leads to the main road that runs towards the south eastern border of the entire Merasian kingdom, and the border of the kingdom of Rabia.

In addition, surrounding their village were a seemingly never ending sea of fields of crops that stretched for hundreds of kilometers.

There are also a few houses in the distance, neither part of a single village, but still responsible on its own to provide taxes to their liege.

After walking for a few minutes, Sedric and Mitch were now a hundred meters away from their village.

'Where is he going?' Mitch though in curiosity as his father suddenly broke off from the dirt path and turned towards left.

Mitch turned towards the direction his father was going into and saw that his father was heading to a small grove of trees, pine trees specifically.

Since because the floras and faunas of this world is quite similar to the one from his past life.

The only difference is that other species that shouldn't have existed in earth from his past life, exist here, like the chimerian piercer, though not a scorpion, it has the head of a snake, crawls on four legs, and has a stinger at it's back.

During the time Mitch first saw one in the bedroom a few months ago, he made the loudest scream he could ever do in his toddler state, his voice reaching the neigboring houses outside.

Mitch could only chuckle in his mind and giggle in his toddler body whenever the thought crossed his mind again.

And as for the other unbelievable species that might exist here in this planet, Mitch heard his father speak about this so-called 'demihumans' during one of their conversations with Peter.

Though Mitch was very shocked when he heard this during that time, he was also excited at the prospect of seeing and meeting one.

What will they look like? are they friendly? or are they hostile? Are they sentient like humans? what are their cultures and traditions? Hundreds of thoughts and possibilities like this crossed Mitch's mind the moment his father spoke about them with Peter.

But since there is no full evidence that those species exist and Mitch hasn't seen one with his own eyes, he forcefully lowered his expectations about them existing so as to not get disappointed when the truth about them being not real, finally comes out.

Though his father faintly mentioned that those 'demi humans' exist in this place called the 'western continents.'

After a few more minutes of walking, the duo finally reached inside the grove of trees and began to trek their way inside.

After another minute of walking, Mitch finally noticed that his father was heading towards a small mound of dirt surrounded by stones in the distance.

'A mound of dirt?' Mitch thought to himself as began to think as to why his father was heading towards there.

But then, it finally clicked.

'It's a grave.' Mitch thought in slight surprise as they began to close in towards the mound.

After the grave was literally in front of them did Sedric finally stopped in his tracks.

'It's my mother...' Mitch finally came in the conclusion as to because Sedric has no other reason to visit a grave unless it was a grave of his love ones, and there is no other deceased person dearest to Sedric other than his dead wife who died months ago.

Sorrow then began to form in Mitch's heart as he thought again at the prospect of growing up, but without a mother to physically and emotionally love him.

Sedric meanwhile has tears already forming in his eyes as he eyed the grave in front of him with a heavy weight in his heart.

"I know you can't see me, but I also know you could hear me.... my beloved Talya, it's me your husband and I've come to visit you... your son is in my arms right now, and he's slowly growing into a strong and healthy boy." Sedric suddenly muttered, surprising Mitch for a second.

Blinking back his tears, Sedric continued.

"All I want to say... is that until now, I really still love... *sob* you." as Mitch watched his father slowly cry in grief, he began to think about his past life.

'This is what my parents in my past life felt when I suddenly disappeared.... I'll promise that in this new life of mine, I'm not going to let my father experience the pain my parents felt in my past life.' Mitch silently made a vow to himself.

And just like that, another purpose has been added to Mitch's new life.



