

In a world teeming with orcs, goblins, and mythical beings, Aleer, the radiant goddess of light, was born to Mysethis and Qidus atop the White Mountains. Living under the iron rule of the godking Aithios, the gods were forbidden from venturing beyond their realm or mingling with mortals. But as whispers of Athios's frailty and rumors of his impending defeat spread, the gods' loyalty wavered. Aithios had imprisoned his own wife and marked his son, Korra, for disobedience. The giants of the White Mountains yearned for freedom, longing to break free from their tyrant king. Amidst this unrest, Aleer discovered her extraordinary gift—an unmatched healing ability. Kept hidden by her parents, she was destined to fulfill a prophecy as the Healer. Will Aleer's powers bring hope and liberation to the gods, or will Aithios's iron grip extinguish their chances of escape forever?

Sunfyrre · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Frozen Chronicles

In the distant, misty past, when the world was young and the gods still walked among mortals, in the time of orcs and goblins , neandathals,men and skraelings ,cutting across the worlds where boundaries were yet unmarked.The earth bloomed in abundant fertility, world was ripe and unharvested.The spring fell of sparkling waters,petals from the water lilies sprouted and the roses bloomed, alligators lay in the bed of the lakes ,around the beds the mermaids and the nymphs played .The air was filled with the ethreal innocence ,birds sang to its glory ,the land was rich and uncharted, whereby the roads lay unpaved.

There was a deity of unparalleled beauty and radiance.

This was Aleer, the First-borns goddess of light, whose very presence could bring warmth to the coldest of hearts and joy to the most despairing of souls.

Aleer was born of Mysethis and Qidus ,they lived on the peak of the White Mountains with the rest of the First-borns.

The White Mountains measured over 55,000 feet in height.Cold and ice frosted at the top.

The gods never found themselves so special except among men. However, lived with strict adherence to the godking Athios .No god were allowed outside the White Mountain and neither to associate with men ,skraelings ,orcs ,goblins or even neandathals that wandered the rest of the space.

However ,their presence in the White Mountains was not unnoticed.Athios would cause magma shooting from the peak of the mountain with his golden staff, hence no one ever dared climb the mountains.

Athios decision to keep away from men was spurned by some gods but were met with the dreadest of the punishment for disobedience.Athios had jailed his wife and marked his son Korra for disobedience.His principles were never to be compromised by any god ,he was said to have ruled with iron fists .The gods of the White Mountains were giants compared with the men.They were averagely eight feet tall and for some others ten or eleven.Unlike the tribe of Nagara living at the foot of the mountain ,they have distinctively a fair skin and a thick blonde hair.

However ,not like the men assumed ,not all the gods were gifted with supernatural powers .

Fortunately ,when Aleer was born ,she was born with a gift and developed quite a few more as she grew. Mysethis said she didn't know she was pregnant with Aleer untill it was the eight month.Aleer's light glowed and her radiance is enough to lighten a room,she had a gift of healing ,non that has ever been witnessed in the entire White Mountain.Their was a prophecy of the coming of a Healer therefore Qidus and her mother Mysethis vowed to keep her powers secret until they were sure she is the Healer that was to come.

While Aleer grew up,she was made to wear a Mithtra on her forehead,the Mithra was made from a rare stone which bound her white hair and controlled her extreme glow.Aleer learned about all her abilities from Izeult during her days in the Rodoki classes.

The Rodoki classes were special trainings which the children of the gods learned to master their abilities by focusing on their inner energy.

Once ,Izeult stood gazing the at the worlds beyond the mountains from it's entrance and young Aleer approached .Aleer then was barely sixteen but she spoke with great confidence .

The air shimmered with ethereal energy as they gazed out at the world below.

Aleer's curious eyes reflected the flickering spark of light. "Izeult, I've been pondering something of great importance. Why must we, as gods, remain isolated on these peaks? Why can't we descend to the foot of the white mountains and explore the realms beneath?" Aleer queried.

Izeult smiled softly, her aged eyes filled with wisdom . She turned to Aleer and said "your inquisitive nature is a reflection of your radiant spirit. I admire your thirst for knowledge." She gestured toward a nearby stone bench and motioned for Aleer to sit beside her.

As they settled, Izeult began her explanation. "The white mountains serve as more than a physical barrier, my dear. They symbolize the divine realm we call home. They signify the separation between the mortal world and our ethereal domain. It is a delicate equilibrium that must be preserved."

Aleer's eyes widened with curiosity. "But why ? What harm could it cause if we were to venture down and interact with mortals? Could we not use our powers to guide and protect them?" Aleer asked again.

Izeult nodded, She stood up from the polished jade stone ,made swift and gentle move behind the inquisitive goddess understanding the young goddess's perspective. "You are right in believing that we possess great power and knowledge"Izeult said while caressing Aleer's white hair. "However, not all gods have mastered the art of channeling their inner energy and controlling their gifts. The temptation to misuse their abilities, even unintentionally, is ever-present." She added.

A gentle breeze rustled their robes, carrying Izeult's words into the vastness beyond. "If we were to descend, my dear Aleer, chaos and imbalance would be the result. Mortals, fragile as they are, would be overwhelmed. "It is in the prophecy" Izeult said before she left Aleer alone.

Many years came and many more passed but the words of Izeult remained unwavering in Aleer's mind. It rather grew louder in her head until she developed obsession for the  world beyond the Mountains.

She often visited the Fortress walls and gates to catch a glimpse of the vast but can only imagine what the foot of the Mountain could be.The White Mountains had been carved beautifully inside ,the walls inside were engraved with care by a godly architecture marking the walls beautifully with pieces of sculpts that appears live-like.The images on the walls depicts Athios as a conquero ,one with a goldbell and staff-like light-torch with a tongue of fire .The wide stairs looked like the arenas in Roma leading all the way up to the tip of mountain above it . However,that was  not the only way out of the mountain.The South gate stood locked and guarded by sentries armed with dragon-bane so also the Eastern gate. The gods dreaded the dragon-bane ,it is the only weapon to take away their immortality. The dragon-bane was made from carving a sharp edge off from bones of a dragon strapped on long stick to form a deadly spear.

Aleer continued to thirst for more knowledge until she met Korra in the Rodoki classes.Just like Aleer, Korra's energy remained unmatched .His thirst for deeper knowledge of the world beyond the White Mountains was immeasurable however he never let his feelings out nor make his desire to explore the rest of the world known to anybody.

Korra and Aleer met in the Rodoki class whilst Aleer could not hold her imaginations she asked Korra "What happened to your face?" Aleer asked while running her index finger from her forehead down to her lips.Korra felt uneasy to answer but then saw Aleer's eyes wondering for response and he said "My father". "Your father did this to you ?"Aleer asked with with disbelief as she whispered in a low tone before she was interrupted by Izeult who oncemore called her attention to focus on her meditation .

After the class Aleer still unsatisfied with Korra's answer spotted him brooding by viewside .She walked up to Korra who stood gazing the world beyond the walls. "Its beautiful ,isn't it ?" Aleer inquired "Yes, I mean yes. My mother told me that down the hills there are people who looked just exactly like us." I was told the same Aleer said .Where is your mother? Aleer sharply added.The question sent a sudden and shrivelling spark of fear down Korra's spine.This is because for over 12 years since when his mother was taken and locked up in the dark pit ,no one ever asked or answered questions pertaining the whereabouts of Algesele.Algesele is one of the most beautiful daughters of UNAI,She was known for her swift nature.She is otherwise known to Nagara as the golden-feet goddess because she left prints of gold dusts wherever she stepped.Athios had her locked in the Bethe-natib .The dungeon was located deep below the White Mountains.

Korra hated his father for this very decision however never mustered courage to speak of it .That alone about his father despised him. He ,severally tried to find the secret dungeon but all efforts seemed futile.

Once he tried to steal his way past his father's chamber to obtain Sikh.The Sikh contained all the a holographic painting depicting the entire chambers around the White Mountains from the krest, down to the foot of the White Mountains where tribe of Nagara lived and northern plain where the Kalinga tribe habited even towards Gotheb hills where goblins settled and far East from where the Orcs settled.The skraelings had no definite place but pitched tents randomely where they are comfortable.

Athios caught-up with Korra whilst he rummaged his vault . Athios had him bound to a stake while tore the flesh around his forehead down to his lips with the sharp edge of his staff.Thoughts of it never left Korra ,he had vowed to avenge his mother.